The name of our village is Sonapur. It is in the district of Comilla. It is an old village. The village is at the eastern part of the district. A big canal flows from north to south. The canal divides the village into two. It is a large village. It is two miles long and one mile broad. Five thousand people live in this village. There is a high school, two primary schools. a post office and a Union Parishad Bhaban in our village. Most of the people are farmers. They grow paddy and jute. The Hindus and the Muslims live here side by side. There are teachers, doctors, and traders in the village. The village has good communication. A pucca road connects the village with the district town. The canal makes the water communication easy. We get all the things in the village market. The market sits twice in a week. The village is improving day by day. We live a happy life here. Ours is a good village.
The name of our village is Sonapur. It is in the district of Comilla. It is an old village. The village is at the eastern part of the district. A big canal flows from north to south. The canal divides the village into two. It is a large village. It is two miles long and one mile broad. Five thousand people live in this village. There is a high school, two primary schools. a post office and a Union Parishad Bhaban in our village. Most of the people are farmers. They grow paddy and jute. The Hindus and the Muslims live here side by side. There are teachers, doctors, and traders in the village. The village has good communication. A pucca road connects the village with the district town. The canal makes the water communication easy. We get all the things in the village market. The market sits twice in a week. The village is improving day by day. We live a happy life here. Ours is a good village.
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