
Friday, January 10, 2020

11 Psychological Facts That Reveal Secrets of Human Mind---- make money online

11 Psychological Facts That Reveal Secrets of Human Mind---- make money online

there are a lot of things in this world
that are hard to understand but the
human brain has to be the most
incomprehensible like why do you forget

some things and remember others
how come rejection feels like physical
pain don't worry I'll get there but
first how about this surprising
psychological TED bit if there's a
calorie chart in a fast food or any
other restaurant people tend to order
less healthy and higher calorie food it
goes a little something like this when
you walk into a restaurant you're
probably starving your body is saying
feed me right now and who are you to
argue but then you notice a handy-dandy
calorie chart hanging on the wall it
tells you that a big greasy burger with
extra cheese has 710 calories as for a
large serving of Caesar salad it
contains about 500 and that's when your
hunger speaks instead of you a look the
difference is just 200 calories does it
really matter and at that moment you're
too preoccupied with the prospect of
getting food to think about the future
consequences not all people read those
calorie charts though so they don't even
know that the healthy salad they chose
can actually contain as many calories as
a cheeseburger just can't win can we you
might believe that in case of an
emergency you'll be more likely to get
help if there are a lot of people around
unfortunately that's just not the case
in reality if something happens to you
in a crowd of people you might become
victim to the bystander effect it's been
proven multiple times that the more
people witness an emergency the fewer
chance is one of them will help the
reason for this phenomenon is that
people don't like taking responsibility
for the situation when there are others
around that can do it
have you ever complained about poor
product choices at the grocery store
well even those options that you do have
might be too many for you when you have
too many alternatives your brain freezes
and fails to make a final decision
shoppers in one grocery store
unknowingly participated in an
experiment researches set up two booths
with the selection of products on one
table there are six kinds of jam while
the other was covered with 24 different
jars of the sweet treat and if you are
sure that the second booth had more
visitors think again the first table
with fewer options got 60% of the
shoppers and 31%
those who approach this table bought one
of the jams as for the remaining 40
percent of shoppers who stopped at the
table with all that variety only 3%
bought a jar as you can see less really
is more so if you want to sell something
try to fight the urge to bombard your
customers with dozens of options and if
you're a consumer pick one from a
maximum of four alternatives who doesn't
like to think that they make conscious
and rational decisions based on factual
analysis unfortunately nothing is that
simple almost all your choices are made
through unconscious mental processing
hey but what about that new smartphone I
recently bought before purchasing it I
compared the prices all the functions I
really did my homework I know I feel
yeah but your subconscious was still
probably running the show for example
you might have seen an ad about the
product and it's stuck in your memory
but don't worry even though your
subconscious makes most of your
decisions it doesn't mean they're bad or
wrong your brain analyzes 11 million
pieces of data every second so your
decision-making is in good hands
trust me if brains had hands well you
know what I'm saying
actually on that note you should trust
your subconscious more it tends to make
decisions much faster than you do again
let's go back to that smartphone example
say you're at the store and the
salesperson has talked you into buying
this one super awesome model the one
thing that's left is to pay for your
purchase but that's where the problems
begin you start feeling increasingly
uncomfortable and on chore what's
happening well it's right about now when
your subconscious has already jumped
into the driver's seat it's already
decided even faster than you that it
doesn't like the choice you've been
if the negative emotion you feel is very
intense it might be better to trust your
it almost never lets you down with one
people cannot multitask you probably
think that you can because that's a very
popular belief but the truth is that you
can just switch from one task to another
really fast thus you're a hundred
percent sure that your multitasking as
for that one exception well if you're
engaged in some physical mundane task
you've done a million times before you
can simultaneously busy yourself with a
mental one that's why you can easily do
the dishes and think about work all walk
and talk on the phone
emotional pain activates the same
regions of your brain as physical pain
does this means that if your co-workers
forget to invite you to a party you'll
feel as if they have physically hit you
it turns out that during the process of
evolution your body decided to save its
resources and take the economical route
the result you have a single neural
system to feel and detect both physical
and emotional pain oh my heart your
memories aren't set in stone you tend to
reconstruct them every time you think of
a particular memory imagine that a
memory is a short video clip that starts
somewhere in your brain each time you
return to this memory certain nerve
pathways fire new but these memories can
change as a result of new events that
happen in your life for example you had
an amazing beachside vacation with your
partner your memories of this time will
be warm romantic and cozy but then you
break up and this time your mind will
add some new details to the previously
perfect picture perhaps your partners
seem cold and distant even if at the
time it wasn't true and the whole memory
would evoke totally different emotions
you don't exactly read text the way you
might think you do despite what some
researchers used to believe in the past
the brain doesn't focus on word shapes
it pays attention to letter shapes and
sequences first you recognize the
letters in a word and then proceed to
figure out the word as a whole even if
they're not in the right order
interestingly enough you use your
peripherals to read not only letters in
front of you but also fifteen more
letters that are ahead in other words
your brain anticipates the following
words if you find it a bit harder to
read text written all in caps which is
something a lot of people say they find
more difficult the reason is that you
aren't used to this type of writing as
soon as you practice though you'll get
used to the style and it'll become as
easy as reading texts in lowercase
letters but don't forget the nowadays
riding in all uppercase letters can be
seen as shouting so be careful if you
decide to conduct a few experiments
involving your friends and family hey
can you read this whoa take it easy man
the next fact that might burst your
bubble a little but it's a truth of life
you're a very poor predictor it turns
out that people tend to overestimate
their potential reactions to different
future events this is true both about
negative and positive things that might
people can't correctly estimate how bad
they feel if they lost their job they
also can't predict how happy they'd be
if they won the lottery if you think
about a potential unfortunate event you
believe that you'd be devastated for a
much longer time than you will be if
that event really happens and the same
goes vice-versa
you overestimate the level of happiness
you feel if something great happens be
careful if you go shopping in a bad mood
when you're tired or if you feel scared
in this case
logos and brands will have the biggest
effect on you the thing is that when
people are stressed they aren't likely
to try anything new they tend to stick
to familiar products they've at least
seen in commercials on TV when you're
exhausted and worried you opt for
familiarity and fall into the brand trap
so just get your groceries when you're
feeling happy and not hungry that's a
dangerous game - which psych fact
impressed you the most let me know down
in the comments remember to give this
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