I can not guarantee that
you will make money from this, or any of my other videos. I'm just showing you
different websites and methods that has the potential of making money. Any link
you see in the description or in the video is most likely an affiliate link.
Meaning that if you sign up or buy through me, i will get a commission. This
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three simple steps to get
rich in 2019
by the end of this video
you'll learn
the exact three-step
process that every
rich guy has used to become
rich now if
you use this in your life
and apply it
in your life I promise you
that you will
become rich as well no
matter where
you're from no matter your
age no matter
what you're doing no matter
if you have
a teeny tiny little dick or
if you have
a huge elephant fucking
water hose it
doesn't matter as long as
you follow
these three simple steps
and I use the
word simple because this is
not gonna be
easy if you think getting
rich is gonna
be easy you're stupid and
you should
leave this video right now
if you think
that you don't have to do
any work or
anything like that
leave this video right now
to my channel I don't want
your hair but
if you actually want to get
rich and you
actually want to work
continue watching
this video right now
because by the end
you're gonna learn exactly
three-step process you can
use to get
rich are you ready hey guys
what's going
on it's a BF o and I
dropped out of
college and now I'm a
affiliate marketer making a
living from
home and in this video I'm
gonna show
you the three simple steps
that can make
you rich and people have
used this to
get rich all the time and
you can use
this in your life as well
and get rich
in 2019 now this is not
gonna be easy as
I said in the beginning
this is gonna
actually take hard work so
if you stay
to the end of this video
I'm gonna give
you a very simple blueprint
that you can
follow step by step you can
follow this
blueprint and get rich in
2019 and this
sounds this sounds like
something that's
way too good to be true but
trust me
you'll understand when we
go into this
process right now so step
number one is
going to be set yourself a
goal now I
know that you're tired of
hearing about
this oh you need to set
yourself a goal
because probably you've
seen some New
Year's resolution videos
and all of the
New Year's resolution
videos be like
set a goal set a goal set a
goal my goal
of 2019 is to help a
thousand people
reach $100 per day that is
my goal of
2019 but set yourself a
goal and set
yourself a target if you
have a loaded
gun and you have no target
really no way there's
really no use of
shooting if you are playing
soccer and
there's no goal to shoot
the ball into
why the hell you're playing
if you're
playing league League of
Legends and
there's no Nexus to kill
what fuck you
do it why are you playing
if there's no
goal so that is what you
need in your
life as well you need a
goal so right
now what's your goal like
what are you
aiming at by the end of
this year and
most people don't have a
goal they just
wander around and let
everything inflict
them and they don't make
their own rules
and they don't make their
own goals
instead most people just
get other
people's goals like for
example your job
I imagine your boss has a
goal of
reaching something where
you're just a
part of his plan or other people
use plan and that's not
really gonna
make a rich at all so right
now you need
to set yourself a goal and
I'm gonna
help you with this with a
tiny little
template that we're gonna
come back to
in just a second so if
you've heard
about the book Think and
Grow Rich by
Napoleon Hill and most
people call this
the self-development Bible
because it
literally teaches you how
to think
yourself to becoming a rich
and the
thing that he teaches in
this and the
number one lesson you can
take away from
this book is actually set
yourself a
goal and then read that
goal every
single morning when you
wake up and
every single night when you
go to bed by
doing that you're gonna get
so much
results and you're gonna
get so much
further ahead then you're
already at
right now and a lot of
people have done
this and he has so many
examples of
people have actually done
throughout this book and
it's absolutely
amazing what you can do but
you cannot
write I will become rich
in 2019 that doesn't work
that's not a
goal your goal has to be
smart and I'm
not talking about stupid
goals is
specific measurable
achievable realistic
and time-bound
so let's take I am going to
get rich in
2019 all right
so for you what is getting
rich well
let's say that getting rich
for you
might be $100,000 this year
or maybe
it's a million this year
maybe it's ten million this
year it all
depends on you and what
actually you
want to do so you have to
think of this
right now what is your goal
if you
haven't made a single
dollar online I
think that making a hundred
dollars per
day with the end of the
year within the
end of the year is gonna be
a very
realistic goal and that is
that you can set for
yourself so this is
going to be the the
template that you
can use for setting
yourself these goals
and it's gonna be popping
up on the
screen right now and you
screenshot this all right
I'll easily
make blank by selling plank
to blank
within blank all right you
see that I'll
easily make blank by
selling blank to
blank within blank or a date
and for
example my goal when it
comes to
monetary goals of my 2019
it's gonna be
I'll easily make a million
dollars by
selling my thousand dollars
marketing training plus
consulting to a
thousand thirty-five year
old men by
December 31st 2019 so this
is specific
this is something that I
can look at its
measurable its achievable
and it's all
good this is a real goal
that I want to
have now 35 year old men
well it's not
gonna be just 35 year old
men but when I
have that goal in mind I'm
thinking of
someone that has been in a
job for a
little while probably out
of college has
bring working a job for a
little while
and now he just hates his
life he can't
stand going to work
every single day is a pain
when the
alarm clock just keeps busy
he's like
fuck this shit I don't know
how I can
live my life doing this and
like maybe
he's like even contemplated
suicide and
he's so on the brink of
just this shit
this is so bad
those are the people that I
want to
target and people that I
want to show a
different way of actually
living because
I hate nine-to-five jobs i
when I worked
a job couldn't stand it
like how is that
a way to live your life but
beside the point
this is my goal all right
and you might
not have the the middle
part down by
selling something to
someone or your
target market but what I
want you to do
right now I'm gonna have
this on the
screen now as well I'll
easily make
blank by December 31st 2019
all right
screenshot this right now
and put
yourself in some numbers
right there
I'm gonna I'm gonna wait
fucking massive
bottle right here all right
you have
your number but you know
what are you
gonna make by the end of
the year
perfect so now that we've
found your
goal that you're gonna make
let's say
that you're gonna make
$100,000 by the
end of the year then we
need to do step
number two reverse-engineer
that goal
and reverse engineering
basically means
I have a goal and what are
the steps
that I can do to make that
goal possible
and some people call this a
plan you
need a plan to reach your
goal so your
plan is your house did you
ask yourself
the question right here so
your plan is
to make $100,000 by the end
of the year
December 31st 2019 and then
you ask
yourself the question how
how am I gonna
make this money and here
I'll put up on
the screen right now and
this is gonna
be some of the ways that
you can
make $100,000 this year
online and its
affiliate marketing YouTube
freelancing Shopify drop
shipping amazon
FBA print-on-demand Kindle
and Instagram so there are
a few more
but I think these are the
most legit
that you can get into so
now pick one
just pick one of them like
what do you
want to do which one of
these are you
going to make money with so
I am
obviously very biased
towards affiliate
marketing and YouTube I
think it's
absolutely the fastest in
the best way
of making money online and
it's also the
cheapest way to make money
compared to well affiliate
marketing you
only need two tools you
need a website
and hosting which cost like
dollars per month and then
you need
email marketing software
which is like
15 dollars per month
compared to Shopify
experts say in shop fight
that you have
to spend one to two
thousand dollars on
Facebook ads to see if your
convert or not and I don't
know about
you but I don't have two
dollars laying around
especially not in
the beginning I didn't have
two thousand
dollars I could test on
Facebook Ads to
see if my Shopify store
converted or not
so you have to keep that in
mind but
pick one I don't care if
you go with the
Filip marketing or anything
I just want
you to succeed in 2019 and
I want you to
get rich so which one is
gonna be it's
gonna be affiliate
marketing YouTube
consulting freelancing
Shopify drop
shipping amazon FBA
Kindle publishing or
Instagram you have
to pick one okay you got it
awesome alright if you got
it and you
picked one of them perfect
if you did
affiliate marketing this
could be your
goal so I'll easily make
$100,000 by
selling affiliate products
to the weight
loss niche within December
31st 2019 if
we want to go even more
specific it can
be I'll easily make a
hundred thousand
dollars by selling $100
weight loss
affiliate marketing product
mm 40 year
old women that needs to
lose weight
within December 31st 2019 that's
a very
very specific goal and
that's what you
need you need a smart goal
and not
I'll get rich in 2019
Microsoft had a
goal of we will have a
computer in every
single home in the world
now it's like
1.5 in every home in
America it's crazy
or if you go with like
services I'll easily make
$100,000 by
selling consulting services
to software
developers within December
31st 2019
so now you've refined
exactly what you
want to do and I highly
suggest that you
stop the video right now
and write this
down what do you want to do
if you don't
know I can't help you you
need to define
your goal and set yourself
what are you
actually want to achieve if
you don't
have that there's no real
way of me
helping you or anyone else
helping you
well of course we can find
your goal and
find your passion and what
you want to
do not that you have to
start a passion
business but again you need
to define
this so now you define your
hopefully and I highly
encourage that
you do that and this is a
you're gonna say to
yourself every
single morning and every
single night
I'll easily make $100,000
by selling
$100 weight-loss affiliate
product to one thousand
forty year old
woman that needs to lose
weight within
December 31st 2019 every
single morning
and every single night like
in the back
of the day like anything a
girl Grow
Rich they had like steal
and sell steal
and be this biggest steel
in the world and goals like
that but
since it's an online game
it's very easy
to do that yeah you don't
have to start
a restaurant
where you're not gonna get
profitable in
three years you can start
it online and
anyone can really do it it
just has to
do with the mindset and
not having a working
mentality or a
fixed mindset actually
having growth
mentality and one thing
this not
thinking that it comes easy
but you
actually want this and you
need this in
your life now I said that
step number
two was going to be reverse
your goal so now we've
really found our
goal all right make
$100,000 by selling
a hundred dollar weight
loss affiliate
marketing products to one
thousand forty
year old woman that needs
to lose weight
within December 31st 2019
now you have
to ask yourself or two very
questions comes up like how
do I sell a
hundred dollar affiliate
weight-loss program and
secondly how can
I reach a thousand forty
year old woman
that needs to lose weight
women women further your
own women so a
hundred dollar weight loss
program is
very simple it is Google
weight loss
affiliate program or go to
Clickbank or
any affiliate network and
you're gonna
find it the second thing is
like the
border year old women that
needs to lose
weight well then you have
to go into the
brain of a four year old
woman and say
she needs to lose weight
what are some
search terms that she might
search into
YouTube or into Google well
how to lose
weight fast as a woman for
the year old
woman how to lose I don't
really know
that much about health and
weight loss
when women but you have to
figure out
exactly what they're searching
exactly what their problems
are and see
what they're searching into
Google and
once you find that it's
very simple to
target those people because
now we need
to make content around what
those people
actually are searching for
so you see
that we take our goal and
then we find
exactly what we need to do
and it's to
find what they're searching
for online
and then making content for
them and at
the end at the end of the
content we're
gonna sell them $100
affiliate marketing
program about weight loss
that's how
we're gonna do it so now
we've reverse
engineer our entire goal so
we do in our business and
in our life is
going to revolve around
goal and more importantly
it's gonna
revolve around that plan so
the plan can
really be make one piece of
every day that a 40 year
old woman needs
that needs to lose weight
are searching
for and sell them $100
product at the
end now you can also give
something away
for free that's a free gift
that you
give away at the end maybe
a weight loss
program maybe something
about losing
weight and you can get
their email and
then you can continue
building that
relationship this is what I
you do if you do affiliate
marketing but
again now you have a plan
making one
piece of content every
single day that a
40 year old woman that
needs to lose
weight needs to see and
then sell your
product at the end that's
the goal now
it's it's so easy wasn't so
hard it
wasn't that hard was it
it's just asking
yourself that a few
questions backwards
to see what you really have
to do and if
you're doing consulting
it's to get on
20 calls per day with
developers and sell them a
dollar consulting or
something like that
it's not that hard so now
we've got a
plan a beautiful plan that
we can
execute on but that's not
enough maybe
you wanted to lose weight
yourself and
you said yourself this new
resolution is gonna be I'm
gonna go to
the gym and I'm gonna will
lose the
weight and then you go to
the gym and in
February you're not at the
gym anymore
and that's gonna be step
number three
take action so now we've
found our goal
we reverse engineer our
goal and we have
a plan so we have a goal
and a plan and
now we need to take action
on that and
this is the hardest part
for most
because most people are so
with their life if you have
a job right
now or if you go into
college or if
you're doing anything you
have habits
and when you have habits
it's so easy to
just get back into your old
routine and
get back to all of the
stuff that you're
doing regularly and the
hard part is
breaking out of that habit
maybe you can break out of
it once or
twice like going to the gym
once or
twice in January but and
when February
comes around it's not a
habit you
haven't done it enough to
where it
becomes a habit now there's
a million
ways to motivate yourself
self-discipline and
everything like that
but there's one that's most
powerful out
of all the self-discipline
and the
motivation and all of this
and that is
negative motivation we are
not driven by
by a golden nugget that's
hanging over
us like this we're driven
by losing
say for example I give you
a car I give
you a Ferrari a fat like
fucking nice
Ferrari that you can drive
around in and
I say if you don't sell a
thousand of my
products per month you're
gonna lose
that Ferrari or I can say
to you you're
gonna get a Ferrari if you
sell a
thousand of my products per
month now
who do you think is gonna
work harder by
and this is fact this is
not something
that I come up with it's
fact that the
one that is losing the
Ferrari is gonna
work so much harder and
that's why you
need negative motivation in
your life
but what is negative
motivation so an
example of this can be if I
want to make
30 videos per month on
YouTube I can
give $10,000 to my friend
and that money
hurts you know that money
hurts really
bad $10,000 I don't want to
lose $10,000
and I can give it to my
friend and if I
don't make 30 videos this
month he's
gonna donate it to a
charity that I
don't believe in and that I
hate so he's
gonna donate money to
something I
fucking hate or I could
take naked
photos of myself in my
boxer with my fat
fucking belly and if I
don't post 30
videos per month he's gonna
post those
to Facebook that's negative
and that would make me get
a fire under
my ass and say I'm gonna do
with this
and when I first started in
making money
online the negative
motivation that
drove me was I actually
bought a course
I bought a very expensive
course at the
time it was very expensive
for me and
that made me realize that I
bought this
course now and I'm not
gonna lose this
money I'm gonna use this
course and I'm
gonna get money by what the
course has
said to me and that's what
I did
I followed the course step
by step and
did exactly what the course
showed me
and I got success but it
was in part or
mostly the reason because I
didn't want
to lose that money I spent
a lot of
money on that course and I
think I
couldn't afford it like it
was a lot of
money at the time for me
and this is for
you as well like the best
piece of
advice that I can give you
is to
actually buy a course
because that's
gonna give you a really
like fire under
your ass if it cost $1,000
or $2,000 for
a course you're not gonna
waste that but
if it costs if it's free
you're not
gonna do shit about it so
now think
about this for yourself I
know that
there's some of you that
don't have that
much money and there are
some that
actually have money think
about how much
money are you willing to
give away to
spend on a course that will
hurt if you lost it if it
really hurts
if you when you loose it I
would highly
suggest buying that course
but if you
buy a course and it doesn't
hurt you're
not gonna do anything about
it and
that's the sad truth
but I've been in this
business and and
and to make money online
and business
opportunity kind of niche
for a long
time now and I know that if
you buy a
twelve dollar car course
and you're
making a full-time living
from like a
nine-to-five job you're not
gonna do
anything about it and it's
sad I know
it's very sad but that's
the motivation
that you have you know your
is worth 12 dollars but if
you spend
$10,000 on a course
I bet that you're not gonna
think the
same on that course then
you would on a
twelve dollar course and
that's the
motivation you want and also
getting a
step-by-step course it's
actually gonna
teach you although there
are very very a
lot of bad courses I buy a
lot of
courses because I want to
see what other
people are giving away or
giving out to
see if how can how can I
actually better
and help my students more
and this is
something I did recently
where I bought
like two thousand three
thousand dollars
worth of courses just to
see how I can
improve my skills of
teaching and
actually how to get results
for my
students and some these
courses are just
so bad like I it's free
stuff like I
think I've given away
there's one course
in particular I think I've
given away
more free that is actually
in a thousand
dollar course it's crazy
and that's not
good like if if you can
find all the
course information for free
that's so bad because if
you've been
inside any of my courses
you know that
it's completely different
from what I
give out for free like it's
day and
now pull up the goal pull
up the plan
and then ask yourself the
question who
can help me reach that goal
and how much
money is gonna hurt if I
lost it today
so you need to have
because if you don't you're
not you're
gonna be like all the
people that go to
the gym in January and in
there's no one in the gym
anymore so
that is the three steps to
getting rich
in 2019 have a goal have a
plan and also
take action and it doesn't
matter what
you want to go in with but
if you have
these three and if you've
followed every
step that I taught you on
this video
right now I promise that
you will get
rich in 2019 if you take
action on what
you're doing now I have a
few spots open
for my thousand dollars
marketing training plus
consulting where
is designed to get you from
zero to a hundred dollars
per day fast
and you're gonna be working
very very
closely to me so I'm only
opening this
up to a handful of people
and you can
apply down below to see and
the reason I
only want to have a handful
of people is
that it's gonna take a lot
of my time
and I value my time a lot
so I don't
want to have this open to
all people and
also because I don't want
to be working
with people that I don't
fit with you
have to fill up an
application and then
we have to have a
conversation in order
for us to see if we're a
good fit like I
want to I want to help
people that are
similar as me and have like
this word
get a canned really wants
to change
their life in 2019 and if
you're one of
those perfect go in the
description down
below and apply right now
and that's
gonna be the video thank
you so much for
watching I really hope that
2019 is the
year that you quit your job
and make a
full-time living from home
but that's
gonna be the video thank
you so much for
watching peace
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