I can not guarantee that
you will make money from this, or any of my other videos. I'm just showing you
different websites and methods that has the potential of making money. Any link
you see in the description or in the video is most likely an affiliate link.
Meaning that if you sign up or buy through me, i will get a commission. This
helps and supports this youtube channel, and keeps it going, thanks!
so many people want to make
money on
YouTube but they don't want
to show
like I do or maybe you are
or you're gonna be
embarrassed if your
friends or family finds out
and that
makes is just so much
easier to make
youtube videos without
showing your face
so in this video I'm gonna
show you
seven different YouTube
channels that
actually doesn't show their
face and
these channels have been
able to quit
their job and make a
full-time living
from home hey guys what's
going on
insane yep Belen today
we're taking a
look at seven different
YouTube channels
that don't show their face
and actually
some of these don't even
talk into the
microphone they just have
like text and
a soundtrack in the
background but we're
gonna get into the first
one right now
and the first one is
schemee recipes and
this channel right here is
based around
skinny recipes and how you
can get more
skinny and weight loss and
all of this
so as you can see it is she
has a lot of
videos and these videos get
a lot of
views as well and I'm just
gonna show
you what's inside so hot
chocolate the
recipe for example we can
go in here
just a simple three almost
four minute
video and as you can see
chocolates I
mean who doesn't like
chocolate who
doesn't like chocolate
right and today
I'm sharing and as you see
it's just
some photos it's just super
easy and
then she goes into video
and she just
takes all these recipes
puts them
together while she's
talking over the
video and literally all her
videos are
like these just ducking
into the
microphone while doing a
recipe super
simple to do so if you're
into cooking
and all that you can do
this right here
next channel we're gonna
take a look at
is called five minute
crafts and this is
something that's so unheard
of I guess
and they have so many
videos and they
get so so many views and as
you can see
they post like three videos
per day
so as you can see like three
videos here
one two three every single
day they're
posting three videos and
these do not
have any voice they do not
have any text
or anything they just have
these life
hacks or DIY crafts and
this market
right here of DIY are do to
like crafts has been
blowing up and a
lot of people are making a
ton of money
off of these videos here on
YouTube and
I just want to show you
very simply how
it is let's go into
something 17 hacks
for perfect lips
who doesn't want perfect
least oh
it's supposed to be
faceless haha whoops
let's go back let's find
one without
face for example this
welcome to a 38
amazing glue gun ideas we
can go into
this one and what you'll
find in most of
these DIY hacks they're
just using glue
guns to do everything
oh that's the best iPhone
case I
want to do this as well oh
no you have
hair in the sink clogged
shower no
problem this DIY hack and
this glue gun
is gonna help you fix your
problems so
easy look at that no
problem your sink
is free of hair forever
okay with this
DIY hack so this is another
channel that
so many youtubers are doing
and it's so
simple because you just
have a camera
that's pointing down and
you can just do
a lot of glue gun stuff and
just watch
some of the other videos
it's basically
glue this to this and
you're done and
also this is 5-minute craft
girly and
they also have like
five-minute class
family finally if I'm in
crafts kids and
men and it's just a so so
many people
are watching these videos
it's like
crazy the next one we're
gonna take a
look at is called
improvement pill and
this is when I favorites
for sure this
guy is absolutely amazing
at self-help
and basically getting
better getting
more success getting more
confident in
all of this
and what he does is
something that a lot
of people actually have a
lot of success
with and this is whiteboard
videos and I'm also gonna
show you
another one but let's just
go in here
three reasons why learning
how to read
body language is so
improvement pill here
welcome to lesson
5 of the befriend course in
our previous
lesson we talked about the
concept of
value and how you can
increase your
overall worth I suggest you
watch that
video if you haven't
already you so here
he goes and he makes these
animation videos and this
is something
that's called dude movie
the tool right
here is easily create
videos like this
you have a software called
doodly and
they basically it basically
makes the
videos for you really enjoy
about and like this to talk
about things
that they find really fun
and things that they
consider to be
really really up and it's
gonna take you
a little bit of time to
research these topics and
actually come
up with what you should
make a video
about but once you have
written down the
script and you read that
into a
microphone it's just
putting it all into
this tool right here and
just making it
out and making a video
about it and a
lot of people are having
success with
whiteboard animation videos
because it's
so much more interactive
and so much
more is happening on the
screen and this
is not for just like
improvement and
self-help and all this you
can do this
for any kind of content
that you want so
if you're interested in
anything else
that you can actually teach
a whiteboard
animation video it's gonna
help you so
much and they get so much
watch time
it's absolutely incredible
these whiteboard animation
because it really gives
them a sense
that you don't want to work
and you put
a lot of time and effort
into this this
video and you actually want
to give
content and great value out
to your
viewers and that's what the
they have of these
whiteboard animation
videos while in reality
they're pretty
simple to make and you just
make it in
this doodly animation
software and they
also have other animation
software's out
there as well I don't know
which one is
the best but I know that
this one does
the job and you also get
like all these
characters you can have a
lot of
characters in the videos
and also like
objects and yeah you'll get
characters 20 different
poses each so
that's a lot and you're
only twenty
different background scenes
and also
hundreds of props and
assets covering
every topic and niche you
can imagine
and I'm going to show you
channel right here that is
more based
around how guys can pick up
girls and
how guys can get the girl
and how to
become more confident a
little bit
different than the last
channel but
again this is about
self-improvement and
how to get girls and all of
this and you
can see that these videos
get gets a ton
of views the thumbnails are
really cool
and the videos here are
much easier to
create then
the last one that we saw if
you just go
here and I can show you
like they don't
have that much text and it
doesn't take that long to
make these
videos compared to the last
one that we
talked about so as you can
see on the
screen there's not that
much happening
and when you watch these
videos it's
basically just showing you
the concept
and then while he's talking
over it I'm
just gonna aggressive
hostile male in
fact basic psychology tells
us that
overly aggressive hostile
males are
actually the weakest overly
males so if you want to
make a channel
round how to pick up girls
and how to
become more attractive to
girls you can
make a channel like this
now you might
think like how can I make
this a youtube
channel I don't even know
how to pick up
girls maybe you're not even
good at
picking up girls the thing
is that you
don't have to become an
expert you just
have to start reading and
start learning
about stuff that you're
interested in and when you
find some
really really good pieces
of information
you can just take that
write it out in
your own word in your own
wording and in
your own style and you can
make a video
around that and it's
basically more of
documenting what you learn
so it's
basically you learn
something and then
you share it with your
YouTube channel
exactly like you would
share it to your
friends and that's why it's
so good and
the next time we're gonna
take a look at
is called food wishes now
probably if you search any
recipe online
you probably ended up on
food witch's he
has over 2.6 million
subscribers and
this is John Chef John her
pretty cool
guy and he I feel like he's
made so many
videos but in every single
video he's
just talking while he's
making the
recipe hello this is chef
john from food
wishes comm with loaded
twice baked
sweet potatoes sweep of oil
for those in
and again he just films
what he's does
and it's really that simple
there's not
really that much going into
it again
cooking channels is really
really nice
to do without showing your
face and then
I wanted to show you this
specifically because it's
Indian and and
this works in any language
and I think
that there's so much to
gain for for
example the
spanish-speaking people the
French and the Germans and
country you're in just type
into Google
things that you want to
make a youtube
channel around and see are
there people
actually getting views in
my language
about this subject probably
most of the
time it will definitely be
but the thing
is that most people have
started YouTube
channels around the English
language and
that leaves so so much
opportunity for
other countries too that
that are not
really that much on YouTube
to pick up
and get a huge viewer base
on YouTube
because it's basically the
first one to
take the niche and to take
the audience
that will become the
fastest-growing so
you can just see here I
don't even know
what this is about but I
found it but
it's about workout fitness
and health
and all it is it's just
basically these
pictures and stock videos
and while he's
talking over is he talking
about their
ROI Jesus Christ I didn't
know I was
gonna make video about what
the hell
this video is just about
steroids all
right so I just wanted to
show you a
channel that's from a
different country
and also it's just images
stock videos
and you can find these on
you can find a lot of
pictures like this
so if we go into workout
you can find a
lot of different pictures
that you can
use in your videos like
that or you
go into like a video
Blanc's and this is
like a subscription so you
have to
actually pay to do this but
you can have
like I think it's just $8
per month or
you need 16 dollars per
month and you
get all of these videos so
like word god
you can go in here and you
can find like
a ton of different stock
videos around
workout and you can just
plop these
right into your video while
talking over it and a lot
of people are
making money on YouTube
doing this exact
method right here just
plopping stock
videos into into here and
there's just
so many there's so many so
you don't
have to show your face and
the next
channel I actually wanted
to show my own
because my channel is very
simple to
even without showing my
face I don't
have my face in the
thumbnail right here
and also I had him on
camera right now
but in the beginning I
didn't show my
face and I only talked into
microphone and what I did
was that I
found different ways to
make money
online and I just reviewed
them so for
example I searched how to
make money
online and I found these
save the
student org and right here
it's like no
risk it but matching online
surveys and
I just went in here and I
said like this
one I'm gonna make a video
about this
one I'm gonna make a video
about this
one this one this one I
made a video
about a bunch of these Kumi
I have made
a video about plus 500
eToro I made a
video about and all of
these things here
I've made a video about so
what I did
and I'm gonna show you
exactly what I
did right here is that I
just went into
these every single day and
I say hey
today I found a way that
you can make X
money online and I'm gonna
show it to
you today so right here is
just me going
into usertesting.com and I
just went
into like what is it how
can you make
money with it what you have
to do and
it's basically just
reviewing different
websites and I didn't I
don't show my
face and a bunch of people
are making
money around this my friend
Tyler Pratt
right here is making videos
about this
and if you're thinking
about I don't
want to have my face in a
our patent is a perfect
example of that
like he has all the DS
thumbnails right
here super good
there's also another guy
that just
popped up that's called big
mark and he
is making the exact same
similar content
like this and it just gets
a ton of use
that's the thing it just
gets a ton of
views and again if you go
down here like
his thumbnails are on point
look at
these thumbnails are so
good and they're
so nice and you can make
this without
showing your face and this
is probably
the easiest one if you
don't have any
skills if you don't have
anything you
can make a channel around
this and
there's so many people
popping up trying
to copy what I'm doing
tower Pat is
doing in big markets doing
and yeah it's
just because it's so easy
to do the last
one we're gonna take a look
at is Evan
Carmichael and this guy is
taking very
successful people and then
he has like
lessons about them so one
of the series
that he has is a 10 rules so
this is ten
rules about Will Smith's
and tendrils of
Grant Cardone and and all
of these
wealthy people and what
essentially the
videos are and these get a
ton of views
by the way he has his face
in the video
now I don't think he did in
beginning but essentially
what this this
is is that he has lessons
on the left
and then he has some old
recordings of
other speeches or things
that they've
said in the past so for
example right
here it's from one of his
speeches with
Bill Gates and other like
here and then
he takes a one lesson out
of this and he
just clips it together to
show the most
valuable information from
these right
here so it's very simple to
do and it's
gonna take a lot of time to
watch through these highly
people will draw lessons in
and then cut
them together and final
lesson but again
this niche of highly
successful people
and rules is huge like look
at these
views right here 3 million
3 million
like as Steve Jobs has 5.4
million so
that are these seven videos
that you can
create without showing your
super simple but tell me in
the comments
down below do you have a
passion or you
have some kind of interests
that you
want to make a youtube
channel around
but you don't want to show
your face
drop that down in the
comment down below
also right now I'm having a
70% discount
off on tube takeoff Academy
for a new
year's resolution sale that
I'm having
and I'm gonna give a bunch
of bonuses
away and also I'm gonna
give you more of
these faceless channels
that is very
simple to copy and
replicate and make
your own and I'm actually
gonna give you
a bunch that's a lot easier
to do then
than all of these a lot
simpler to do
you can just use like a
presentation and get a ton
of use like
that just go to tube
takeoff calm or
click the link in the
description down
below to get this discount
and also
these amazing bonuses
that's only gonna
be available until the 30th
of December
because I want 2019 to
become the year
that you quit your job and
make a
full-time living from YouTube
so that is
gonna be today's video
thank you so much
for watching and I'll see
you in this
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