
Sunday, January 26, 2020

7 Unique Animals That Might Live Forever......@@@@@@@@@@besteducationpage

7 Unique Animals That Might Live Forever......@@@@@@@@@@besteducationpage

- If a roach loses its head, it’ll not only survive the injury that’s fatal for most creatures, but even thrive! For some time, at least.
- Roaches breathe through tiny holes, or spiracles, in each of their body parts, and that’s not controlled by the brain either. So when a cockroach is beheaded, its body can still react to simple things, breathe, and even run on its own.
- Fruit flies can also live without their head, but that pretty much doesn’t even faze them at all! A headless fruit fly can survive for several days seemingly without even noticing!
- In 2016, Jill Fleming, a student at the University of Massachusetts, found a toad in the woods that was virtually headless. It’s unclear what happened to the poor little guy, but it didn’t seem to mind its unique situation.
-  Whatever took the toad’s head off hadn’t touched the brain stem, which is responsible for many simple reactions.
- If some kind soul would take such a creature home and perhaps tube-feed it, it just might survive for years! That’s exactly what happened to one chicken in 1945.
-  Snakes retain their biting reflex for up to an hour after their head is severed from the body. And while a live snake would only release a small part of its venom and run away, leaving you a chance at survival, a beheaded one would give you all it has left in its venom sacs.
- A Japanese dish called “odori don,” or “dancing squid,” relies entirely on the effects of the soy sauce. A squid is served on your plate without any signs of life. However, when you pour soy sauce over its body, it starts squirming right before your eyes!
- The Immortal Jellyfish start their lives as tiny larvae, which then produce a colony of polyps attached to the ocean floor. When this colony grows, it gradually becomes a fully developed jellyfish.
so consider these goals zombies the IRS
you know things that continue to be even
after their demise isn't this stuff
supposed to be reserved for scary books
and movies well it was the master of the
genre himself Stephen King who said we
make up Horrors to help us cope with the
real ones I don't know if he was talking
about the following zombies of the
animal world but I definitely say they
count as real-life Horrors if you're not
onboard with what I'm talking about then
I've got one word for you
cockroaches yeah that's one word have
you ever tried ridding your house of
these pesky little creepers if so then
you'll understand when I say that it's
nearly impossible to eradicate all of
them and that's because they're
unbelievably tough I mean it's enough to
remind you that these little critters
have been around for 300 million years
yep they crawl the earth when dinosaurs
still ruled it and I'll bet they
terrorized the dinos households too and
when a terrible Cataclysm wiped out the
great reptiles and well most of the life
on this planet
roaches somehow managed to survive these
pests can develop protection against
almost anything we humans throw at them
since they're omnivorous
that means they can eat anything at all
be it stale and moldy bread rotten
cheese or even glue they adapt very well
and wiping out an infestation of these
insects can be a real battle however one
thing that's probably the most
unsettling about cockroaches is that
they can easily do without their head
that's right if a roach loses its head
it'll not only survive the injury that's
fatal for most creatures but even thrive
well for some time at least so how's
that even possible the answer lies in
the cockroaches body structure you see a
doesn't control the insects bodily
functions as much as a dozen humans or
other animals for example it doesn't
send so many nerve impulses which allows
both the head and body to exist
separately for some time
roaches breathe through tiny holes or
spiracles in each of their body parts
and that's not controlled by the brain
either so when a cockroach is beheaded
its body can still react to simple
things breathe and even run on its own
it gains much less information that it
would with the brain present but it can
still survive for about two weeks until
it's it comes to dehydration roaches
need their head to feed and drink so
when they lose this ability they only
live for as long as they have enough
food in their belly to last you can
almost pity them you know almost you may
not share that sentiment with the next
resilient creature on my list
fruit flies can also live without their
head but that pretty much doesn't even
faze them at all a headless fruit fly
can survive for several days seemingly
without even noticing it can fly upright
crawl and even try to mate with other
flies I think that's where the old
saying I lost my head over her came from
a headless fruit fly however is almost
never a success because female flies
seem to prefer suitors with well their
head intact hey wouldn't you such a
crazy thing happens because fruit flies
in fact have an additional brain hidden
inside their body I want one of those
and even without eyes to see flies
navigate the air well enough
thanks to their sensory organs so
basically they don't even need their
head apart from feeding
okay I get that creepy crawlies might
somehow be immune to losing a hat I mean
they're just so far from us from a
biological point of view but what about
animals surely nothing that we can
imagine as a proper member of the animal
kingdom can live without a head if you
think so then let me tell you all about
the toad no not that weird guy in
homeroom like any in phibian toads are
ruled by their brain which makes
decisions for them and memorizes stuff
but there was an interesting case that
left the scientific world speechless for
a long time before it was explained in
2016 Jill Fleming a student at the
University of Massachusetts found a toad
in the woods that was virtually headless
it's unclear what happened to the poor
little guy but it didn't seem to mind
its unique situation in fact it was
hopping around merrily enough and even
croaked a little bit with what was left
of his mouth
Fleming shared a video of her discovery
on Twitter and it went viral the story
even finding its way to National
Geographic how is it still alive you ask
well Flemming herself offered a pretty
plausible explanation that was later
backed by a lot of scientists whatever
took the toads head off hadn't touched
the brain stem which is responsible for
many simple reactions if the stem is
okay the animal can live on its
instincts and reflexes which aren't
controlled by other parts of the brain
so if there's not too much blood loss
the head isn't necessary for it to keep
going sadly however the headless animal
won't be able to feed and this
unfortunate condition also makes it very
vulnerable to predatory attacks although
if some kind soul would take such a
creature home and perhaps tube feed it
it might just survive for years that's
exactly what happened to one chicken in
1945 I'll spare you the gory details but
basically the bird survived what
otherwise would have made the
Gide dinner that night chop chop again
given that a chicken's body isn't
entirely controlled by the brain itself
this one who gained widespread fame as
miracle Mike the headless chicken went
on to live for another year and a half
without its head the brain stem and
coronary artery were unharmed in the
process of beheading so the bird managed
to survive and it looks like the farmer
had a change of heart because the family
decided to keep it alive through liquid
feeding well cases of toads and chickens
living after losing their heads are both
sad and terrifying these animals are
totally harmless otherwise however
there's one creature that can even
attack you after it's been severed in
half and it's a snake now snakes aren't
inherently hostile beings they'd rather
slither away from you to avoid trouble
versus attacking first but if you're
stepping on their territory they will
defend themselves and it just so happens
that they see your yard is their turf so
what do you do when you find a venomous
snake in your backyard right back away
slowly and don't mess with it but there
are some let's say less informed
individuals who will take a shovel and
attack the serpent aiming to cut its
head off but not only is this rather
cruel it also doesn't do a person much
good because if they make the mistake of
picking the head up with their bare
hands it will bite surprise in fact
snakes retain their biting reflex for up
to an hour after their head is severed
from the body and well a live snake
would only release a small part of its
venom and run away leaving you a chance
at survival a beheaded one would give
you all it has left in its venom sacs
and that's an awful lot so whatever
you're up to never ever touch the head
of a snake
whether it's attached or not unless
you're just a complete bozo and then
you're on your own
all I've told about is creatures that
keep on living without their heads but
are there ones that can be called real
zombies of the animal world in fact
there is one and it'll dance for you on
your plate if you can stand it a
Japanese dish called Odori dot or
dancing squid relies entirely on the
effects of the soy sauce a squid is
served on your plate without any signs
of life and make no mistake it's not
alive however when you pour soy sauce
over its body it starts squirming right
before your eyes
the thing responsible for this is the
special structure of the squids nerves
they react with the sodium in the soy
sauce making the muscles contract this
is what causes the squid to dance before
you eat it
hey would you be able to munch on it
afterwards let me know in the comments
the ability to live after you shouldn't
have survived is amazing I'll be it a
little creepy but can you believe
there's a creature that's virtually
immortal you heard me right
it can live for as long as it wants this
creature is a jellyfish called Tora
topsis too horny also known as the
immortal jellyfish generally these fish
start their lives as tiny larvae which
then produce a colony of polyps attached
to the ocean floor
when this colony grows it gradually
becomes a fully developed jellyfish the
immortal jellyfish is the same in this
regard with one important difference if
it's stressed out it can revert itself
to the polyp stage after sometime it
goes back to its adult form and
theoretically this process can go on
indefinitely it's basically like you
were me going back and forth between
being a kid and an adult
imagine going back to your childhood
years at will
the good old days I can only Envy this
jelly as long as I don't have to go
through middle school again
well rightsiders here's a tricky
question for you what would you do if
you could live forever share your
thoughts in the comments below don't
forget to give this video a like if you
found it interesting
share it with your friends and click
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