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hey guys welcome to Indy
learns how to
trade cryptocurrencies the
playlist and
series where I go through
and start
learning about how to
create and treat
cryptocurrencies I show you
exactly what
coins I buy I show you
exactly what kind
of trades I do and we're
starting off
this series is this episode
three or
four I think it's episode
three and
we're already lost the
overall trade on
- sixteen point ninety one
percent so
but I've learned a lot and
I'm gonna
take you through the
journey on what
I've learned and exactly
where I went
wrong I think but it's
always I want to
do the mistakes so you
don't have to do
it but again this is more
of a
chilled-out kind of program
where I can
say whatever I want and I'm
not gonna
edit it like super fast
like I do with
my other videos and also
I've changed
the name around from Andy
learns crypto
trading - Andy learns how
to create
trade crypto currencies so
maybe the
search engine on YouTube can
pick up on
people searching like how
to trade
crypto currencies and stuff
like that
and then they find my
channel and I can
get some more views like
that and if you
came through if you did
search how to
trade crypto currencies and
went to this
video that sounds awesome
but we're
gonna get right into it and
we did
Walton coin last time and
all of these
other ones we haven't been
talked about
I know you guys have been
commenting and
I'm again getting messages
a lot about
like what are you doing
right now and
how is things to do going
with you but
I'm we first of all gonna
take a look at
beat the CUSD because we
gotta take a
look at what happens with
because it's obviously the
dominatrix of
cryptocurrencies the
Bitcoin is that
it's a woman in latex that's
you sexually every single
night we we've
broken out of this wedge
and this was
what we thought was gonna
happen we
didn't really know if it
was going to go
to the down side or the up
side but we
got this insane spike right
here and
this came from people
getting fear from
so tether is the tether is
the the thing
that should always be at $1
so tether is
like pegged to the dollar
so every
tether should always be a
dollar but
we've got some FOMO around
this because
a lot of things happening
with the tag
with Heather right now and
one guy I
believe one guy went and
sold all of us
Heather into a Bitcoin and
that's why
the price of tether is
going down
Heather usually is stable
like you can
see but also that's why we
got this
insane spike I think he
sold about 500
million dollars worth of
tether but on
the side that but I like it
we're so nervous in this
market right
now I feel like we're
nervous and we've
been building this wedge
for a long time
and what happens when we go
down into
the middle point right here
is that we
either have like a huge
spike to the
upside or we have a huge
spike to the
downside and since this
happened I feel
like we can keep the
support level right
here and keep moving
upwards and that
would be the perfect situation
in this
market right now mainly
because if we
can break this wedge to the
upside that
means that we're moving in
where its direction and the
bear market
is over and that is what
I'm excited
about that is what I'm been
looking for
I was actually a little bit
about this wedge because I
was thinking
that we were going down
mainly because from the
last from the
last okay I can show you
right here the
last time that we had this
huge spike
back in 2014 it took us a
one and a half
years or it's yeah like one
and a half
years to hit the bottom
right here but
now we've only had about
half a year or
about a year so it's
happening faster
than the other time we had
it and this
can be a lot of different
because of this maybe
because the news
is more attracted to
Bitcoin because of
this huge spike in January
maybe a lot
of investors are taking a
bigger look
into Bitcoin a lot of new
starting around Bitcoin a
lot of people
looking at the tech and new
actually using blockchain to
make new
projects and the the
optimism in the
market is huge now compared
to what it
was back here because then
it was like
oh no the Bitcoin has gone
up no one
really cares and no one
really knows
what it is no one really
cares to
educate themselves on what
bitcoin was
but that didn't happen here
a lot of
people went into Bitcoin
and a lot of
people got educated or what
bitcoin was
in the blockchain so I
think we're I
think we might be out of
this bear
market and we're starting
to see some
momentum omentum upwards
and that just
gets me excited and on top
of that we
can see we can see the
we can see the stock market
is not doing
that well right now
the stock market is not
doing too well
as you can see we've had a
huge break up
to the downside on the
sp500 basically
the 500 top companies in
America I think
don't quote me on that
I'm gonna just I'm just
gonna check it
really quickly it's an
American stock
market index based on the
capitalization of 500 large
having common stock listed
on the and
ysg and the Nasdaq but
basically it's
usually what people put
their savings in
you can you can put this in
a retirement
fund for example a lot of
people use the
S&P; 500 for retirement
as well as the
401k can be another option
but but again
we're seeing huge huge
downside for the
stock market at the moment
which is huge
it's huge for crypto
because let's say
this let's say you're an
investor or say you're an
investor and we're seeing a
downtrend in
the stock market let's say
that we're
getting this that the stock
market is
going down like this and
not for a year
but for let's say two years
and we don't
see any gains we don't see
happening in the stock
market on the
contrary let's say that
does this let's say that it
goes let's
say that it doesn't really
go like it
doesn't go like crazy like
this but
let's say just in two years
it just goes
steadily like this what is
a investor
gonna think is he either
gonna try and
invest in the stock market
that a that
is in a bear market or
should he try and
get some returns on the
because we see this steady
uptrend that is happening
right now I
think that if we get a
stock crash we
can see a lot of money
enter the market
which is exactly what we
need and now
we're seeing this huge
crash in stocks
and that can absolutely be
a great thing
for crypto right now but
let's take a
look at my trades so a lot
of these
trades didn't work out but
completely fine I've set
these stops
because that's what I need
to do when I
always when I try to trade
I always set
a stop that if it goes down
I need to
stop it so I don't end up
like losing
50% 60% but I'm cut down
like 14% 16%
17% that's what I that's
what I aim for
when I don't make the trade
but also we
have a few contesters that
also is to
the upside we have a basic
token we have QM we have
Tron and Virg
the my some of my least
favorite coins
kudamon Tron not really I
don't really
care about the technology I
only care
about the trade because
they're huge
momentum players so
basically when it
starts moving it starts
moving fast and
that's we're gonna see
khuddam don't
really care about the
project either the
only thing I'm looking out
for khuddam
is the huge upside
potential that
khuddam can do because Kim
was one of
the players that lost most
of it gains
like I think from all-time
we're about like
ninety-seven percent
from the last all-time
highs I can
actually check that yeah
look at that 96
percent from its last time
all-time high
so that is a huge player
for me and I
think I can get a lot of
money out of
that but let's take a look
into the
trade what have I learned
from losing
sixteen or seventeen
percent of all the
starting capital that I put
in not too
much and I've blacked out
this because I
don't want you to see
exactly how much
I'm trading but again to
take a look at
the Bitcoin I think we're
in an
optimistic thing right now
the only
thing that we need is for
so this is the
moving averages right so 50
is the red a
100 is the yellow and the
200 moving
average is the green what
we're looking
at right now is for these
to change
places we want to read to
be on top we
want to yellow to be in the
middle and
then we want the green to
be in at the
bottom and that's what that
that's what
happening when we go back
in time and
this is a bull market
basically meaning
it's an uptrend and this is
where you're
gonna see insane returns so
we need to
have a shift exactly like
this we have
we need to have a shift
where we change
the spots around where we
get the red
line on top and and the
green one at the
bottom so that's basically
what we're
looking at right now and
that's what a
lot of investors are
looking for as well
a lot of investors don't
really want to
start trading before we
have a bull
market and an uptrend in
the market
basically when we start
closing above
the 200 line so that's what
most people
are looking for at the
moment because
yes it's still possible
that we can go
lower definitely possible
that we can go
lower if we see some
momentum downwards
we can definitely start
testing the
6,000 once again and then
if 6,000
doesn't really move we
might be looking
at 3,600 or even 2000 right
here as well
I don't think we're gonna
go this
down but we don't really
have much
support other than like
these spots
right here maybe this one
so that's
what's up now let's take a
look at the
trades let's see what
lessons I've
learned from this let me
take your
failures so I can learn
from them
instead of you having to do
the trades
and fail you can just learn
from me
instead so we're gonna take
a look at
bat first of all so basic
token we actually bought it
right here
at we actually bought it
right here and
we bought it at the price
of 23 around
this point right here we
bought it
perfect time to get in
perfect time I
could almost not get a
better price than
this and we have been
moving upward
steadily it look is looking
very very
nice and then I sold a
little bit of my
position right here as I
was planning
because you always need to
set some
stops for way you want to
sell and also
where you want to sell if
you're getting
profit the only thing that
I'm a little
bit bummed out about is
that I should
have pushed this a little
bit up so the
next time I'm doing this
kind of stop
I'm definitely looking to
have it in the
candle wicks of the support
right here
because we don't really see
stopping at
this point right here
but rather up here but
again if we see
on the right side I made
30% of that
I sold 33% of my investment
and I made a
little bit of profit which
is perfect
the next stop is right here
and the next
stop is right here and then
getting a stop right here
as well I
think I'm gonna close this
down because
I want more bat in my
portfolio and I
don't want to trade it and
since I
entered down on this like
position right here I'm not
gonna sell
much I'm actually a little
bit sad that
I sold 33% of my investment
right here
but again we're trying to
trade we're
trying to get that
money quick and we're swing
traders so
and I need to continue
learning from
that so let's take a look
at the losers
and some of them are so sad
it's so sad
to see these ones go Iota I
don't know
why I traded this one I
have no idea why
traded and take a look at
this so we
entered into the market at
the 27th at
this price right here and
right here we
can see that where we just
got shorted
out on this candle wick
right here super
sad to see like all the
other other car
and candle wicks are not
this low just
this one so it's sad to see
we're going
down and but it's not that
big of a deal
the takeaway from this
however is I did
a bad trade I did I
definitely did a bad
trade and I've actually
made some rules
so I don't want you to look
at anything
other than rules to buy
these are the
rules that I've set for
myself when I
buy and for people that are
Pro crypto
investors or anything like
let me just pull it out
procreate or
investors are probably
gonna laugh right
now but this is what I've
come up with
over analyzing these coins
and analyzing
my trades so the RSI should
always be
low never above 40 so if we
can see
right here the RSI is down
here it's a
very commonly used
indicator and the 40
line is right here and
buying above this
line as you can see is from
here to here
and we should have bought
when it was
below 40 or even below 30 and
out of the RSI we should
have bought
here or we should have
bought right here
as well and we're gonna
take a look at
some other candidates as
well and why
think we're gonna continue
upwards right here so it's
sad to see
but I've learned by my
mistakes like
take a look at this it's
not some it's
not a good trade at all
selling under
the 50 ma right here we are
we were
touching the 50 MA and the
reason I
wanted to do this trade was
because I
wanted the 50 ma to become
a support so
we can continue like
surfing on top of
the 50 ma above the 50 ma
but we didn't
and it was it was stupid of
me to think
that and we move lower I
capped out at
to stop and happens
let's take a look at the
third one MACD
is super low and also the
blue line so
the blue line right here is
to the left
or under the orange lines
and also not
too many red spikes so the
different on every trading
platform I'm
using trading view right
now but
basically you want to buy
when the blue
line is below the orange
line because
that means the MACD
crossing is from so
when the blue line crosses
the orange
line as I asked I've been
explained it's
either a bullish or bearish
sign so
basically when the orange
line crosses
over here it's the it's a
bullish sign I
can show you this and more
like right
here when the orange line
is under the
blue line it just keeps
moving upwards
usually what happens when
the blue line
is under the orange line is
that it's
moving downwards and right
here you can
see a great selling
opportunity should
have bought right here
should have
bought maybe right here
when the artist
I was under 40
but again didn't do that
it's so similar
let's see bottom of major
trend lines
that's with Bitcoin I'm
just gonna
explain this right now
because I want to
get these rules out of the
way bottom of
a trend line basically
these trend lines
right here by right here by
right here
by right here and don't buy
at the top
of a major trend line
alright so that's
basically what that means
let's take a
look at Neal and you can
see this is
exactly the same with Neal
although this is like the
thing ever look at this we
have this
wick right here that
basically cut me
out like that look at this
it cut me out
like the tiniest percent
right here if
it didn't go below this I
would still be
in the trade but I got cut
out like at
the last like the last
point that it was
possible to get cut out so
happens this trade is
exactly like the
last one I bought way too
high on the
other side the MACD was
under the first
of all the MACD is super
high on this
line as you can see we
should also think
when the MACD is lower it's
also a good
sign to buy and also when
we have this
MACD crossing right here I
should have
bought at this point and
not at this
point right here winner
Mike yeah
basically I did all of the
rules wrong
even take a look at this
even it's above
$15 sighs so yeah that's
that's what
yeah I don't know what much
more to say
about Neil XRP
so this one was really fun
and I liked
and it's it's actually
looking super
nice the ripple right now
because now
we've so my initial thought
with this
one was when ripple starts
there so as I
said before XR PE and
ripple is this
momentum builder this super
builder so once ripple
starts moving it
starts moving fast and it
happens within
a month it can go like
super and
exponential right so that's
what I
wanted to try when we saw
this huge
uptrend right here and this
breakout I wanted to try
trading it
because I was thinking hey
maybe we can
get enough volume to start
spikes like this again that
happen but what I learned
was that I
should when taking risky
investments you
should always have the stop
look at this
stop right here I bought
right here and
then I had a stop way too
low super low
why why did I put it this
low like I
should have I shouldn't
look at this
look at this all right
we had it right here right
what if I put
my stop right here that's
the difference
that's a 10% different as
you can see we
lost 17.5% right here so
take a look at
that let's see if I saw if
I had my stop
right here a risky move 10%
loss not a
big deal however 17% that
was just
it was a dumb dumb mistake
by me and I
paid the consequences and
I'm learning
from it and I'm always
getting better
and always you have to take
and analyze
these trades to get better
at trading
you know so um the other
thing that is
really really cool so when
we take a
step back and take a look
at so what I
said with the moving
average is changing
around it's actually super
nice like
ripple is setting up a super
pattern right here which is
bullish because right now
we have seen
that it peaked crit like
it tried going down but it
found support
on the 200-day and that's
what you want
you want support on the
200-day because
that means a trend reversal
we want that
trend reversal to happen
and also when
we tried tapping up from
that 200 moving
average we went down we
couldn't find
support on the 200-day and
then we found
support on the 100 moving
average and
we're moving higher closing
above the
200 moving 200-day moving
average so
that's a super bullish sign
and also
we're setting up for a MACD
right here also a good sign
everything is looking super
nice I
wouldn't get in right now
because I
don't when I when I do a
trade I'm
stepping away from that
particular trade
and coin because I don't
want to get
burned once more so again
if I were to
trade this right now I
would set the
narrowest stop I could ever
do like I
would set the most narrow
stop ever so
if you were to lose you're
only losing
like 5% or 10% like let's
take a look
like how much is this yeah
okay so a 14%
so maybe like even tighter
but yeah just
make sure you sell if it
goes down guys
and again if we take a look
at the rules
it's that sown there is
it's as super
nerdy or do you guys like
that having
rules to buy I like it a
lot it's like
you have to follow this
before you buy
so basically all the rules
are followed
right here almost right
here we had and
also I always look at the
the the last
support so usually what happens
support and resistance is
that it finds
the same resistance in the
same support
that means at these levels
right here it
has already gotten support
before like
for example look at this
let's say that
we this hasn't happened yet
we can see
that if that it found
support right here
or sorry when it moves
upward and it's
not breaking through that
means that
resistance and it's called
resistance and this one's
once more it's
trying to move upwards and
then we're
getting resistance it's
moving downwards
again and then we're moving
up again and
then we find resistance
right here and
then we find the bear
market that's been
happening but what happens
is that
usually resistance becomes
support so as
we can see right here
resistance and
right here a support that's
all the art all there is to
it and once
we found the support a it's
more likely
that we're gonna land
amongst those that
support line once again so
that's just
human psychology right
there and that
happened once more if you
see we moved
up and down in a little bit
right here and then we
found support
here for a period of time
until we broke
down again broke down again
broke down
and then we found the
resistance once
more and that became the
next support
and then we got a break out
again so you
also want to look at the
prior time
that's been happening
because as you can
see right here we no one
really knew
what was gonna happen
between here like
there's no real movement
right here
there's no real indicators
that you can
follow it's only like yeah
like this is
only the move like maybe
this you can
see that they tried getting
a little bit
support on the top right
here couldn't
really hold it and going
downwards again
and then finding support
right here so
that's also something else
to take in
mind but now I'm just
wandering around
and also how long have you
been doing
this are we on thirty
minutes right now
ha Jesus guys it's gonna be
a long one
but I'm having fun I'm back
at my
parents place right now I'm
going to
Portugal on an insane event
happening I'm gonna meet a
lot of my
friends that I've been
talking to online
that I haven't been talking
to face to
face or over Skype so it's
gonna be an
amazing is in Portugal and
the weather
is so nice they're like
right around
here it's getting so damn
cold and I
can't stand the cold if you
want to move
away I'm a Norwegian and I
live in
Norway which is super cold
in the winter
sorry I'm getting off on
tangent let's
go further
all right so once again I
wanted to say
that as well
when we find support I
should actually
add that to my list
so we could have taken a
look at the
last support right here we
can also take
a look at the RSI RSI being
super low
below 40 which is something
we always
like and also we can see
that the blue
line is a little bit under
the orange
line right here and then
we've got
getting a crossing I don't
really know
how much that really does I
also know
the news that was happening
was that we
had a big convention or
whatever is called on the
3rd of October
that was they were
launching a new new
information about the
ripple network
partnerships and stuff like
that and a
lot of people thought it
was going to be
super hype and it didn't
really carry
the momentum that we wanted
to at that
conference so yeah but
again ripple is
looking nice I'm gonna move
through these things I have
no idea how
long this is gonna be now
we're at
khuddam I bought in right
here as you
can see right at the price
right here on
the 27th right here on the
27th super
good price I like the price
that I got
but again I could have been
smart and
just being patient and get
the better
science right here get a
good price but
also the reason I didn't
buy right here
was because we needed to
get that price
strength confirmation like
we really
needed to see a trend
reversal right
here because like humans
just been going
like look at how much as
tanks right
here it's just a straight
line in lying
downwards and it hasn't
really been
doing much else but then we
saw the
price moving upwards and we
found that
plateau right here on the
50-day moving
average and that's why I
wanted to go
into this because look at
this guy's
okay look at this right now
this is
six hundred and thirty
three percent
increase is what we have to
gain like
that's how much we can gain
from this
crypto like a lot of them
have 200% 300%
gain but this one has six
percent gain and that's
what we're
looking for we're looking
for those big
gainers and that's what
we're doing
right now we've had a
nice-looking bump
right here as well we're
gonna see if we
can hold above the 50-day I
also have a
MACD crossing which is nice
we can see
the RSI is getting a little
bit high
however that's what we need
right now
for khuddam is it would
have been
amazing if gudem starts
going high right
now I've not set any stop
stops or sell
orders because I don't
really want to
sell much of this in the
near future I
want to hold on to it
because we can get
such high gains and I don't
think we're
gonna see much momentum
over the next
couple of months like I
don't think you
think we're gonna have like
this huge
spike all of a sudden
that's gonna
happen I think we're gonna
moving sideways for for a
while and then
maybe get a little bit of
upwards but I'm not
thinking a huge
change it's gonna happen
right now but
it's it's looking nice this
trade i'm
i'm super hyped i hope that
we can hold
this price but again i've
set my stop so
if shake goes down I'm not
afraid to
sell because it's very very
you'll learn how to set
those stops
because most of my other
Kryptos I wish
I could show you has lost
like 50 60 70
percent I think my my
number one is salt
with 89 percent lost that's
insane you
don't want that you don't
want that to
happen you want to lose 14
17 16 14
percent and then you want
your winners
to gain you an insane
amount of money
that's what I'm looking for
so every
time I lose 14 percent I
gained 30 or
every time I lose 14
percent I gain 50
percent on the winners so
that's the
strategy I'm going with and
I've always
like I'm going to be
I'm not gonna get the
emotion to get
into foam or stuff like
that always need
to follow the rules hey
guys I need to
fire I'll follow the rules
rules to buy like a like a
little nerd
so yeah that's cute um I'm
super excited
about that I hope we can
get some good
momentum going with queue
demand we can
see some huge gains right
next one we got Tron Tron
is actually
super exciting as well
because it's one
of the the ones that has
been going well
for me I bought around here
again look
at this look at this bad
trading style
you should we should have
again like we
can say this about Tron
again but take a
look at the previous price
action again
we found the huge
resistance right here
and obviously we're gonna
but do we
gonna find support on it
that's what
happens and again we get
that price
range confirmation also
we're moving
above the 50-day moving
average you're
finding support on the
50-day moving
average and then we're
finding a
resistance on the 100 day
moving average
which is not that good we
should be
closing above and then
surfing the 100
day moving average so I'm
don't really
think that we're going to
see much
happening at this one as
well we're
gonna see this getting
pushed down by
the 100-day maybe we get
across of the
50 and 100 and we can see
some move up
but nothing really is gonna
happen right
here I think yeah but again
I should
have just been patient and
not going
shopping spree look at this
look at this
right here
27 27 27 27 it was just
because I was
sitting down on my computer
and say oh
I'm gonna go shopping today
and then I
bought a ton of coins and I
really look at I didn't
really have any
rules I didn't have any
rules asset
and what is Warren Buffett
said that the
stock market is just about
moving money
from the on patient to the
patient so
gotta be patient and also
the MACD is
like super high right now
but that
doesn't really matter maybe
can we can
see some some gains but
again Tron
hopefully we can get some
good gains on
Tron yeah the last one Virg
Virg is also
looking nice I haven't
really seen much
of a gain I bought it
around 27th so
right around this time
right here and we
haven't really been moving
up or down we
found a resistance around a
hundred day
and we're seeing a little
bit of a sign
going downwards but again
look at the
trade right here so if I
were to follow
my rules I would never buy
above 50
right here I should always
buy when RSI
is below 40 and look at the
price that's
the perfect price right
here look at
that and also we have the
blue line
under the orange line
should just follow
my system and do my rules
so that's basically what
I've learned I
think that's gonna be it
overall trade
now we're we're at minus
sixteen point
nine ninety one percent
yeah that it's
not much else to say other
than that I'm
getting excited by this
market because I
love trading I love sitting
here at like
right now and just looking
at the market
and seeing what's happening
in and how I
can play this market and
really get the
goods trades because it
feels so good it
feels so good when you're
right and it
feels so good when you're
trading and
you find the perfect bottom
like you
find the best trades like
for example
with bot
like a look at this trade I
really go any lower I
couldn't have gone
any lower that's what's so
crazy about
I bought right here bought
at two three
nine four two three nine
four right
there that's insane so yeah
it's it's
nice when things work out
also it sucks to get all of
these taking
in - but it is what it is I
I don't
really care much about it
because that's
what you need to do you
need to set up a
system and then you need to
follow that
system and when the system
is in favor
to you you're gonna lose a
couple of
times but also when you're
trading a
hundred or a thousand or
ten thousand
times when you follow the
system you
will come out victorious
victorious so
that's what I'm gonna leave
you off with
I love you guys
what'd you think about the
market right
now did you stay if you
stayed do all
the way to the end you're a
you're awesome dude you're
awesome so I
want to know what is your
thoughts on
the market right now what
you think is
gonna happen let's take it
off at the
Bitcoin right now because
best bitcoin
is always the momentum
player or always
the king the dominatrix
the women and woman in
black late it
takes us whipping you and
whipping all
of the altcoins around like
BDSM kind of deal don't
know what I'm
also tell me what you think
about the
market right now do you
think we're in
turn for a really
nice-looking up trend
right now in a bear market
bull market I
mean or are we going to
continue moving
lower I think we've found
our bottom
right here at 6,500 between
six thousand
and six times five hundred
is where
we're at right now
we've built like a massive
base right
here which is gonna be a
nice looking
support for the
future so yeah that's gonna
be me thank
you so much for watching if
you want to
watch more of Andy learns
how to trade
cryptocurrencies just click
the playlist
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