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hey guys today I'm gonna
show you the
best way to make money
online in 2019
and the best part is that
you have to
have no money hey guys
what's going on
my name is Andy FL and I'm
a full-time
affiliate marketer making a
living from
home and today I'm gonna
show you
arguably the best way to
make money
online in 2019 and like I
said the best
part is that you can do
this with
absolute zero money you can
get started
today with no money at all
and I'm gonna show you
exactly step by
step in this video how you
can do this
with no skills no
experience and you can
actually turn this into a
profitable business so you
can quit your
job and do this full-time
which is
really really exciting so I
am on JV
notify Pro right now and
what we're
gonna talk about is
something that's
called launch jacking and
I'm gonna go
into what this exactly
means in just a
second but basically on
this website
there are internet
marketing launches or
online business opportunity
which is basically new
products coming
out to the marketplace
about how to make
more money how to invest
stock market
trading business
opportunity and all
kinds of things like that
is launching
on this platform right here
so if we go
down here you can see like
on January
21st it's launching a new
product called
this one is like wealthy
agency which is
probably teaching them how
to make a
wealthy agency or some kind
of agency
today is the 26th which is
like the 11th
annual tapping World Summit
which is
like submit tickets so you
can sell
summit tickets like
conversion bot was
this probably a software
and what these
guys are posting here for
is to get
other people to promote
their launch and
basically do what's called
marketing basically get a
bunch of
people on your launch and
get them to
sell your product and build
that hype up
as much as you can
now we're gonna utilize
this huge hype
that's happening in this
kind of this
bubble to make you money
and you can do
this absolutely free but
here is a list
of names that you probably
never heard
of before
so who actually launches on
platforms well in November
Russell Brunson launched a
new product
called 10x secrets and
basically what he
did was that he posted on
JV notify Pro
and say hey I'm launching
this new
product if you're an
affiliate and if
you have a list of people
that like like
online business opportunity
kind of
things you can promote my
product and
I'm gonna give you 50% of
the Commission
so basically he had this
10x secret
masterclass this secret
slide bump these
closing secrets and funnel
hackathon and
all of this and you could
earn four hundred and
seventy five
dollars for just one sale
of this
affiliate product which is
a pretty good
deal right and you can even
see like
they have affiliate contest
where they
get like if you get ten
sales you can
get this microphone if you
get twenty
sales you can get this
gimbal selfie
stick pretty cool top ten
they'll fly them out to
this beach with
this ferati and just have a
good time
and they got a bunch of
affiliates on and it made a
ton of money
a different guy that has
done the exact
same thing is John crostini
you you
might know him millionaire
he launched
his product about four
months ago on JV
notice of notify pro to get
this on the
move and it's called super
system 2.0 where he
basically got a
bunch of affiliates on and
they released
it to the public now how
can you
actually make money with
this now I was
talking about the hype
that's building
up when you launch a new
product so we
should go in here like I
want to show
you the launch that's happening
here which is a huge launch
happening in
March 12th alright and this
is from Mark
Lang Nick Torsen and all
these probably
you've never heard about
but as you can
see it is a high ticket
you'll get
197 dollars for every sale
that you make
of this so if you go to the
JV invite
page you can see right here
announcing 1
or 2019 is biggest launches
over 1248
commissions plus over
100,000 in prices
plus the best ABCs in the
industry and
as you can see you can like
mark down
your calendars here the pre-launch
starts first live class
close up
midnight exact days on
where you should
schedule your your email so
you can send
out emails to your list and
get them
hyped so right here you see
like 5th of
March 7th of March 912 and
all of this
is to build this massive
hype fest of
people like I'm getting
spammed by all
these different people
about this
product which is called
quit 95 Academy
now here is where you're
gonna make
money alright what you're
gonna do and
this is absolutely 100%
free you're
gonna utilize this hype to
make you
money and the way you do
this is that
you make a youtube video
and as you can
see it's about 20 days
until the actual
launch but people have
already started
making reviews of this
product right
here like this and quit 95
review review review and it
hasn't even
launched yet and also if we
go to a
super affiliate system 2.0
this is the
product that John Chris Ani
launched you
can see that bunch of
people have made
reviews of super affiliate
system by
John crostini should you really
buy it a
super affiliate system
review and all of
these reviews and what is
it essentially
they haven't even bought
the product
they're just reviewing the
sales page so
I'm going to show you this
guy right
here digital millionaire so
basically he
is going into the sales
page he's going
into the product and seeing
what is it
actually all about what's
the pros the
cons and all of this and he
hasn't even
bought the product the same
happens you
can see right here as well
like 10x
secrets the product that
launched with
russell brunson all of this
stuff right
here you can see that
people are ranking
these videos make
a review of the actual
product that's
launching and once again
you can see
digital millionaire this
guy right here
is making a review of this product
here now why is he actually
doing that
well this is where the fun
comes in so
this is called launch
jacking and I'm
gonna explain exactly
what's happening
so as I was talking about
on JV notify
Pro they are getting the
hype up their
mailing out to their email
list and
making YouTube videos
they're doing all
this stuff to hype this
product up as
much as possible but some
people are
going to be skeptical and
they want to
watch a video review so
then what
happens is that a bunch of
people will
go to YouTube and they get
mailed like
daily about this new
product with 9 to 5
Academy and they're getting
emails of
like quit nine to five
Academy quit nine
to five Academy ha ha and
what they want
to do is that they actually
want to go
and go to Google or YouTube
and search a
95 Academy review and they
want to watch
someone walk through the
sales page walk
through what's gone what
they're gonna
get what they should be
expecting when
they go inside the course
and they just
want to get all the
information and
listen to a trusted source
so that's
basically launch jacking
there's a
product that launches and
it builds so
much hype but you're
basically taking
that hype and you're
pulling people out
to go to your YouTube video
and to get
the sale from the hype that's
accumulating and a good way
to do this
is actually to give away a
bunch of
bonuses you say like a
super affiliate
system review you walk
through like for
example what this guy is
doing he's
walking through like oh
this webinar
here's what you're gonna get
basically right here like
10x secrets he
just walks through the
product right
here and he says like hey
I'm gonna take
a look at the sales page
and then I'm
gonna see what I can find
out about
what's actually inside the
course and
basically just talked
openly and
honestly about what he
thinks about the
product the pros the cons
and what you
should be expecting when
you go inside
the course and also he has
something that's very
special right here
which is
he has added his own bonus
package on
top of the actual product
so for every
one that goes out of this
hyper bubble
they're gonna get more
value and more
prices and bonuses and and
all of these
cool stuff when they buy
from this guy
instead of buying from
someone that has
mailed him or if he's on a
list and that
is where this becomes
really fun because
you will now convert a
bunch of these
people that is really hyped
about this
product to go to your
affiliate link
right here and then you
will make money
or he makes money whenever
someone buys
from his link and not from
all the hype
builders links so as you
can see sign up
to the 10x master class
right here I
just bought amazing I opted
in using
your link looking forward
to this been a
clickfunnels member already
so I have to
check this out just join
gone through
most of the training above
its armor so
far thanks for recommending
so he
already has like three
buyers right here
in the comments but I
promise you that
of 4,000 people a bunch of
people bought
this right here and I
promise you that
from this exact video right
here he has
made like a thousand
dollars two
thousand three thousand it
does like you
can make a lot of money
with this
depending on what they buy
but again like it's a
minimum of at
least a hundred dollars so
if you are
thinking about doing this I
highly recommend it and if
watching this video right
now there's a
few days until this quit
ninety five
Academy try doing it try
actually making
a review just go here go to
this page go
to the JV invite invite
page and then
just go through the sales
page go
through the sales material
what do you
think about it the pros and
cons and I
actually teach a bunch more
about this
exact strategy in my number
recommendation down below
if you want to
check that out as well but
that's gonna
be today strategy this is
the best way
to make money online in
2019 thank you
so much for watching and
I'll see
you in the next video
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