I can not guarantee that
you will make money from this, or any of my other videos. I'm just showing you
different websites and methods that has the potential of making money. Any link
you see in the description or in the video is most likely an affiliate link.
Meaning that if you sign up or buy through me, i will get a commission. This
helps and supports this youtube channel, and keeps it going, thanks!
you wanna know the best way to make
money online in 2019 well
in this video
I'm gonna show you how to
get started
for free anywhere in the
world you can
watch over my shoulder as I
create this
from completely scratch and
how to turn
this into passive income
making you
money while you sleep
and you might think that
this sounds way
too good to be true but
this is not a
pyramid scheme this is not
some guy in
the Lamborghinis telling
you how to make
money online this is how it
works and if you stay all
the way to the
end I'm going to give you
everything I
use in this video for free
so make sure
you stay all the way to the
end but
before that if you like
videos about
making my online online
business and
entrepreneurship subscribe
to this
channel and take the
notification belt
to get notified when I
release a new
video also if you want my
number one
recommendation to make
money online
there is a link down in the
now let's get into today's
video hey
guys what's going on is
Andy FL and
today I'm gonna show you
the best way to
make money online in 2019
this has been
a proven strategy from way
since the
internet started and now
it's just
getting bigger and bigger
but it's
getting a lot harder and it
used to be
very very simple but now we
have to do a
little bit kind of like
ninja strategies
to get this to work and
know that this
is not an MLM like
multi-level marketing
this is not ecommerce
Shopify stuff and
this is not Amazon FBA I
don't think
that any of those platforms
are good for
beginners to make money
online like for
example Shopify you have to
spend tons
of money on ads to actually
make them
work and beginners don't
regularly have
two thousand one thousand
two thousand
dollars laying around to
spend on ads
also Amazon FBA you have to
get like a
manufacturer from China and
inventory like fly
inventory into the
Amazon FBA anyway is a huge
hassle now
the method that I'm gonna
do today is
called affiliate marketing
so I'm gonna
show you in this video
step-by-step how
I would do this
was that I was literally
boring myself
to death one Saturday night
literally yesterday I was
thinking about
a good video to make and I
thought you
know let's show them
everything so
Amazon is a search engine
for buyers and
when you look at buyers you
can usually
find opportunity for where
you can make
a lot of money and the best
niches to
going to is basically a
woman or
high-income and males women
just buy
like crazy I don't know why
they just
buy a lot more than regular
men and high
ticket or high-income here
males they
also buy but they usually
buy higher
ticket items so keep that
in mind but I
was thinking what business
should I go
into if I were to go into
like Fitness
for example so that is what
I'm gonna
break down in this video
how I would create a
fitness business
right now and I am NOT like
some guy
that just is spewing like I
actually make money online
as you can
see today I made one
hundred and
sixty-two dollars from just
one product
and as you can see it's
just I make
money online alright yeah I
just have to
put this in there because
people like
he's just teaching show me
the proof man
so just gotta get this out
of the way so
step number one is finding
a niche I'm
not gonna go super in-depth
about it but
you want to do it three
levels down so
if you want to do fitness
you want to
break it down even more
Fitness woman
woman over 440 woman over
40 with kids
like that's even four
levels deep I
guess so you really want to
go as deep
as you can and not go
general just go
going Fitness is too much
you want to niche it down
and find a
very specific need in the
market so what
I did was I went in here I
went to
Fitness woman books and I
just wondered
like what are people
talking about when
it comes to fitness for
women and I was
trying to find a book on
like fitness
for women or 40 that is
actually moms so
I basically went into into
the weight
for women and the top best
sellers and I
found this book right here
and the
reason that we want to find
a book like
this is to get information
about what
they're thinking about like
what is a
woman that's what I want to
lose weight
that is a mom what is she
thinking about
and what kind of pains and
problems does
that person have so we can
either we can
solve their problems we can
talk about
the mistakes that people do
and all that
stuff and here you can find
some very
interesting buyer insights
on this
market alone do you
struggle to lose
weight or to fall and stay
asleep at
night that's probably
something that
women over 40 has problems
with when
they're over weights do you
lethargic and depressed do
you endure
irregular and other
digestive problems
do you want to feel better
and happier
to maximize your health and
longevity so
now we know what this
market is
interested in because I
think at least
that this girl has actually
done her
research about what this
market actually
wants so now we have in
identify the
market we've picked a niche
woman over
40 that is moms that want
to lose weight
and we found a bunch of
problems that
this market has now what we
have to do
next is to find an
affiliate product so
basically you have a market
and then we
have a product and what I
do to find a
product is basically I
don't want to
make my own product I want
to promote
affiliate products so you
get basically
50% of the Commission for
the product
that you're promoting and I
just found
this new product that I've
never seen
and the Venus factor to
this beast is
back new for 2019
more millionaires have been
made from
this product than any other
in history
time to claim your share
and if you just
click on this button right
here you will
get an affiliate link you
can just
account nickname and the
amorous always
Maya feel it link and then
you get an
affiliate link right here
and if anyone
goes through this link and
buys you will
make 50% of the sale and
that in this
instance is
the initial sale yeah $52
yeah fifty
three dollars and sixty
five cents and
if you click here you can
see the sales
page and I actually want to
go in here
with you and and and we can
just very
quickly watch this video
although they may believe
it to their
very core these women have
experienced a miracle nor
have the over
1 million 172,000 other
women just like
them who have been suddenly
into a state of shock ah
pure bliss and
even newfound spiritual
however as you can imagine
it must feel
otherworldly God ordained
and even
divine when everything you thought
possible about the female
body is turned
upside dead when everything
you knew is
turned upside down but
again this
affiliate product is more
around women if we can find
a product
that's women or moms or
anything like
that's even better but
again we can't be
really picky with the
products that we
find but the more specific
the more it's
gonna sell but now we have
found an
affiliate product and now
we need to
make an affiliate funnel
and what a
funnel is is basically we
get people
from all across this place
we need to
find people that are women
over 40 that
wants to lose weight and we
need to
funnel them down and make
them buy a
product and I'm gonna show
you exactly
step by step how to do this
right now so
I went into what I use on a
basis that saw click
funnels this is a
paid product you can do
this for free
with other software's out
there but I
created a company or a
website kind of
that I called skinny mommy
I wanted it
to be called skinny and sexy
because that was so much
more funny but
it just looked very stupid
and I
actually went into like a
free logo
designer and I just
designed this logo
right here very quickly it
looks like
this you can just go into
any just
Google free logo designer and
you can
make this logo yourself it
literally two seconds I use
this free
logo design org and you can
just pick
between all of these
templates very very
simple to do and
essentially what we
want the
Paige to do is that we want
to give away
something for free in
return of their
email address and what I'm
gonna give
away for free is the
dieting and weight
loss plan right here and
this is a PLR
book and you can find these
very simply
if you just go to a PLR
documentary so
now I'm on the PLR store
calm and as you
can see all of these are
for the weight
loss and what PLR means is
basically you
can buy this and you can
slap your own
name on it you can give it
away for free
you can do all sorts of
things with it
it's private label rights
so you can
basically now you have the
rights to
publish this as it's your
own so you can
see all of these products
it literally
cost you $6 or something
like that and
you get this ebook for free
very simple
to do and something very
nice that you
can give away I also write
a wrote like
this headline what a 42
year old mother
of three did to lose ten
pounds in less
than three weeks without
going to the
gym and the way you write a
like this is basically how
to do what
they want without what they
hate so for
example how to lose ten
pounds in three
weeks and also very
specifically about
the niche that we want like
a mother of
three and without going to
the gym they
probably don't want to go
to the gym
this sounds very enticing
if I would
change anything I would
like have this
be ten pounds in three
weeks dieting
plan or something like that
change out
the headlines but this
worked perfectly
fine and when they sign up
their email
and name basically when
they click free
download we will send them
directly to
the sales page of this
product and since
we have their email we're
gonna start
sending them emails so as
you can see
this page right here is the
giveaway page where you
giveaway this
ebook for their email
address and when
they enter their email
their lead taken
to this page right here
which is a sales
page now after they've
given us their
email address we're gonna
first in the
first email we're gonna
give them the
free giveaway and say hey
so much I know you're a 40
year old mom
that won the wants to lose
weight and I
want to give you this 40
year old mom
weight-loss guide that you
you can get
right here and then you
tell them over
the next couple of days I'm
gonna give
you some of very very
valuable tips and
some mistakes that I've
done and you
basically want to spice
enough to deal
like now you join my email
list and over
the next couple of days
you're gonna get
this and value value value
like you're
gonna get the step-by-step
blueprint the
40 day my loss plan and
over the next
couple of days you're gonna
son send
them very valuable
information weight
loss guide you're gonna
sell them this
and that and the way that
you make these
emails is that you can
actually go
online and what I did was
that I
searched for I think it was
weight loss
email swipes and this is
basically email
swipes that you can get
online that is
about health and fitness so
you can send
out these emails right here
and you can
plug your own affiliate
link in and some
affiliate products have
this already
inside of them and you can
just copy and
paste those but as you can
see here
these are very good hey
guys I just saw
these three quick tips by
Rob polos
about how to lose belly fat
in just 15
the subject is basically
the 15 minute
miracle to beat the gym
crowd my wife
Kalin I never liked the
idea of spending
hours at the gym we knew
we're too busy
for that so you can see why
we're so
ecstatic to learn that
there is a faster
fat loss a way to get
faster fat loss
from spending only 15
minutes two to
three times a week how can
this be and
then you have your
affiliate link and as
you can see it just goes
into more
detail and as you can see
it shows all
these tricks like trick
number one stuff
yourself with these to kill
stop doing these exercises
and this is
basically email number one
and you can
just copy and paste your
Clickbank idea
or your Clickbank link
right into here
and you have email swipe
number two
right here and as you guys
if we just go down here you
have emails
left a swipe after email
swipe and you
can just copy and paste
this into your
own emails now you might be
like how can I send out
these emails I
use a product called get
response it's a
very nice platform and as
you can see
it's a marketing automation
platform and
starts from $15 a month and
you can also
create the landing page
that was just
talking about in this page
right here
you can also create that
with get
response you get all this
with just $15
per month but you can also
get something
else for completely free
that's called
MailChimp and you get I
think it's a
thousand email leads for
completely free
and then you have to pay
after you get
those ten or after you get
thousand leads so now what
happens is
that you don't have one
opportunity to
buy they have multiple
opportunities to
buy and they say that on
average it
takes a person seven days
before they
buy something so having one
time and
usually people in the past
they usually
just sent them directly to
this sales
page right here from
wherever they
wanted to drive traffic
from but that
does not work anymore
we have to build that email
list and
every single day you're
trying to send
people back to this product
here once
more and you're giving them
a bunch of
value giving them a bunch
of tips and
tricks to help them lose
weight while
also selling to them and
that's a key
right there you have to
give away value
and you have to give away
tips and
strategies and all of this
stuff before
you start selling because
they will
start trusting you they'll
start liking
you to start actually
connecting with
you when you give them
value tell your
stories tell your personal
things about
your weight loss journey
and all that
stuff and then when they
trust you they
can buy one of your
products one of your
affiliate products and all
of that now
you might have the question
how do we
get traffic to this how do
we actually
get people to go into this
page right
here and get our free thing
you can do
this all sorts of ways
but what I recommend is
that you go into
the weight loss for moms
over 40 that
has like three kids and you
make the
perfect blog you make the
Instagram account you make the
YouTube channel based
around that
specific niche so we
already found on
the Amazon a page that we
have problems
with struggle losing weight
and fall
asleep at night we can make
a video
around that do you feel a
target and
depressed we can make a
video about that
and other kinds of health
and weight
loss tips so I found two
examples right
here that are really cool
this first one
is the best weight loss for
women over
40 and this girl is
basically doing the
exact thing that we're
doing right now
tired of not losing weight
my free 30
day weight loss challenge
for women over
40 accountability nutrition
workouts and more and she
is crushing it
she actually has a plan or
a guide a
weight loss program right
here as you
can see that he/she sells
her own
product but this doesn't
matter you can
sell affiliate products
first and then
you can make your own
product later but
she has a complete
eight-week weight
loss transformation program
and she has
this starting at 20 and March
24th so I
know that she's making I
feel like she's
making money if she
actually does this
right now and she's doing
it right now
and the price of this is
basically right
here 197 so she only needs
a couple of
cells of this per day to be
free but it all started
with finding the
specific niche basically
her niche is
people over 40 that
wouldn't lose weight
and she has made a bunch of
blog posts
around the specific topic
that we're
talking about the second
thing like for
example all of this stuff
right here
it's always nice to see
what other
people are doing on their
blogs and such
and also we can go into for
Instagram so I searched for
weight loss
for women over 40
you can't really see this
because I have
the night mode 880 people
per month
search for this exact
search term right
here and people have
actually made
YouTube channels around it
and this was
like the first I found I
could go more
in depth and really really
just go hard
into finding like a very specific
but again this girl is
talking about
probably age 42 and as you
can see she
isn't in the weight loss
niche and
basically what she does is
that she is
talking about weight loss
she is talking
about the mistakes that she
had when she
lost weight she's talking
about the
misconceptions the tips the
all of this stuff right
here for the
specific niche that we're
targeting so
it's very important that
you do so and
you know who you're talking
to the next
strategy is for example
Pinterest I have
been doing Pinterest a
bunch like
probably two years ago and
I made this
in the make money online
niche I let's
see how many followers I
have about
9,000 followers right here
and you can
see that I get around 922
visitors very simple to do
I did this
with a software that I
basically just
pushed go and it and it
works and I
haven't been using the
software's lately
this is like two years ago
I also did
this in the travel niche
and as you can
see I get about seventy
nine thousand
visitors on this page right
here I have
about six thousand five
followers once again and I
basically posted the blog
posts that I
posted on my website to
this platform
right here again a very
simple way to
get traffic traffic to your
opt-in page
the next method though is
to do
Instagram and again the
best way to do
this is to go into like
Fitness mom you
can go into right here mom
fitness as
well it's a little bit
fewer posts but
mom fitness journey just think
what would a 42 year old
mom watch on
Instagram so mom fitness
journey sounds
like a very like okay moms
could maybe
do that and what we're
gonna do is
basically go into this
we're gonna do is
we're gonna go in here and
commenting on these
weight-loss journey
things and essentially what
you do is
that you go through the
comments and you
see which ones are moms I
want to lose
weight and then you follow
them and when
you follow when you follow
them usually
one in three will follow
your back and
especially when you do this
in people
that have commented it's
gonna get way
higher conversions because
people go into like their
profile and
they find that like all
their followers
so if you go in here and they
follow all
these but you don't want to
do that you
want to go into actually
the people that
commented on the posts so
for example
this one can be a perfect
way that you
can do this find the people
like comment
and add them as friends and
then start
posting things about forty
moms I want to lose weight
on your
Instagram the next one and
you can
easily get a ton of signups
to this page
right here so I would say
that you can
easily get ten signups per
day doing the
Pinterest strategy you can
easily get
ten signups per day with
the Instagram
strategy and with YouTube
and a blog
there's really no limit to
how far you
can go personally I'm
getting a couple
of hundred signups to my
often per day
personally I'm getting a
couple of
hundred them personally I'm
getting a
couple hundred of signups
per day so
it's getting like a lot and
the next way
that you can get traffic
more traffic is
going into Facebook groups
you find
Facebook groups for people
that are over
forty once again that one
lose weight
and then you comment you
interact with
people in the group and
when people ask
questions in the group you
answer with
the link to your opt-in
page where they
can sign up to your opt-in
page the next
method is like forums you
can go into
forums you can find
free giveaway section
usually most
forums have like a
marketplace and in
the marketplace they have a
giveaway section and then
you can give
away your free giveaway in
that forum
and get signups like that
and easily
you'll be able to get like
50 signups
per day - this right here
using the
strategies that I've taught
you in this
video right here this is no
like you can literally go
out and do
this right now and get 50
signups per
day and many tools like
automation tool very simple
you have
like slack social you have
Instagram all these
automation tools
that you can use so let's
say that you
get 50 per day and per
month that's
about 1,500 so if you get
1,500 right
here so you get 1,500 right
here and on
this page right here 10
people buy and
you will make what is it
$56 what's the
affiliate program program
that we had
$56 times 10 you will make
500 $60 right
here for just the opt-ins
but then again you have the
that's coming out and you
can convert an
other 10% or so probably
about 15 cells
and the thing is that when
you build
your email list you can
send them
messages like forever until
unsubscribe from your list
so you just
keep building that
relationship keep
sending them cool stuff and
and keep
selling them stuff and they
will keep
buying from you I know
people that have
a two-year autoresponder
sequence where
basically these emails go
automatically for two years
and they
don't have to do anything
and money
keeps going in passively
every single
month and this is what I do
as well
15 more let's see what's
that again 15
56 is 8 8 $40 right here
and as you can
see we're making a whopping
560 $1400
per month just from this
strategy alone
and this is just the very
beginning of
this as you can see from
these emails
here you can start selling
higher ticket
products and selling higher
product it's way easier
than selling
these low ticket items and
you basically
your first seven days it's
gonna talk
about this product right here
the next
seven days it's gonna talk
about another
product next seven days
it's gonna talk
about another product and
that's how we
keep going and the customer
keeps buying
because you build that
relationship and
you actually help them with
the products
that you sell and what you
want to do is
that you want to track
every single
email that you send out so
every single
email you send out you
track and once
you know which email sells
really well
you will move those emails
to the
beginning of your email
sequence and you
will always optimize the
email sequence
after you have gotten a
bunch of traffic
with free methods I would
suggest that
you buy traffic with for
Facebook Ads Bing ads
regular Google ads
or YouTube ads and what you
want to do
is that you want to track
basically the
entire funnel right here so
you want to
give away something for
free right here
you send basically Facebook
ads right
here and you want to track
how much this
customer is worth for you
within the
next 30 days and you want
to find
something that's called the
point and the break-even
point is
basically if you spend $1
to get a sign
up right here and you know
that within
30 days you can get that $1
back that
basically means that you
could spend
$1,000 on leads and you
will break-even
in 30 days and anything
after that is
just pure profit and you
want to find
your double
income or basically double
your money
and if double your money is
sixty days
you can literally spend a
$1 on Facebook
ads every single day and
you know that
in 60 days you will make
your money back
or double your money so
then it's
literally you're printing
money you're
spending as much money as
you can on ads
because you know that in 60
days I will
double my money coming in
and this is
what real businesses does
this is how
affiliate marketing works
in the big
grand scheme this is not
some pyramid
scheme this is not a
Shopify Amazon FBA
or legendary marketer this
how a bunch of people are
making money
online and if you want to
do this and if
you want me to guide you
through this exact strategy
I have a
product in the description
down below
that you can go get you can
do all this stuff by
yourself but it's
gonna take quite a bit of
bit of
figuring out like what you
should write
and all this stuff so I
highly recommend
you check out my product in
description down below and
also if you
want this entire page right
here also if
you want the emails that I
was sending
out or that I was showing
you I will
leave a link to that in the
down below you don't have
to give me
your email or anything like
that I'm
just gonna give you all of
this stuff
and if you have
you can instantly just get
this page
right here so it's very
simple for you
so that is gonna be today's
video this
is affiliate marketing how
you can do
affiliate marketing if you
want to go
more in depth like I said
join my team
join me in the description
down below
and I'll see you the next
how to make money online,
how to make money online for beginners,
how to make money online for free,
make money online with google,
legitimate ways to make money online,
how to make money online without paying anything,
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