I can not guarantee that
you will make money from this, or any of my other videos. I'm just showing you
different websites and methods that has the potential of making money. Any link
you see in the description or in the video is most likely an affiliate link.
Meaning that if you sign up or buy through me, i will get a commission. This
helps and supports this youtube channel, and keeps it going, thanks!
click Bank for beginners in
2019 I'm so
happy on this video if
you're looking to
make money from Clickbank
and you've
never made money online
before this is
for you if you just started
affiliate marketing and
you're learning
and you're processing how
to do
affiliate marketing this
video is gonna
be for you and also if you
already are
making money from affiliate
this is gonna help you a
lot as well if
you need to scale your
income even more
I'm gonna show you some
ninja tricks on
this video okay as you see
who is this
what is Clickbank why
Clickbank / other
affiliate networks when can
I start
making money how do you
make money from
Clickbank both paid and
free methods and
where do I start that's all
we're gonna
cover in this video but
first of all I
just want to say who am i
so I'm a full-time
affiliate marketing I
do this every single day I
don't use
Clickbank however so I
can't show you
like income proof from that
but I'm
showing you a screenshot
from another
affiliate network that you
works exactly
the same you use exactly the
same kind
of strategy on this other
network as you do on
Clickbank alright
and this is just to show
you that I know
exactly what I'm talking
about when it
comes to promoting
affiliate products
that I'm gonna show you in
this method
right here and in this
video so super
happy to have you here
let's just run
jump right into it I'm
gonna go very
quickly over first once and
then into
how to make money from
Clickbank because
that's what you all are
here for so what
is clink Bank for all that
don't know
this is an affiliate
network and this is
a list of affiliate
products that you
can sell so I'm on
Clickbank right now
and if we just go back one
we are on the
affiliate marketplace right
here and as
you can see they have
categories from
all over the place I think
they have
about 50,000 plus products
on this
website that you can
promote as an
affiliate and make 50% of
mission back this is gonna
depending on the product
maybe you make
30% maybe you make 50% or
even some
affiliate networks you can
get seventy
percent of the profits
yourself but
there's so many niches
there's so many
categories that we can go
into and start
promoting so if you're just
going to
education right here you
can see the
social learning community
DBZ practice
exam or medical students
just to give
you some ideas of what you
can sell so
again you make 50% of the
sales so if
you sell the product you
make 50% of the
commission and this is so
because most people can't
go out there
and make a product themself
it takes a
lot of work it takes a lot
of sales
skills you have to create
sales videos
you have to make a huge
page where you
sell the products and then
you have to
make the content inside the
course or
the product or whatever and
that is a
lot of work it's so much
work and that's
why affiliate marketing is
so good
because you can already
take a product
that's already created and
you can just
send people to it which I'm
gonna show
you later in the video you
send people
to that product and they
already have
all the sales materials all
the funnels
all the ways of making
people that come
to the site buyers so all
you need to do
is send traffic to that
offer to make
money and that's why it's
one of the
easiest ways to start
making money
online with affiliate
marketing okay so
what is Clickbank we
already went to
that why Clickbank / other
well Clickbank is the
largest affiliate
platform in the world as
you can see
here it sells digital and
products which you're gonna
come back to
a little bit later and it's
more legit
products okay some of these
networks will let anyone in
that will
let anyone promote whatever
product they
have whatever service they
have but with
Clickbank they really vet
all of the
product that comes in to
Clickbank to
show if they're legit if
they can
actually help people if
they're actually
good so there's this
huge product filtration
system on
Clickbank to make sure that
they don't
lose their own reputation
okay and as I
said fifty thousand plus
products they
are selling and over a
hundred and
ninety countries you can do
this from
anywhere in the world and
they have over
1.5 million affiliate
marketers on the
platform right now I think
this way high
right now
I found these stats from
2011 so it
might be a lot higher affiliate
marketing has really blown
up over the
last few years and a lot
more people are
doing it so I think it's a
lot more than
this broadly 2 million 3
million who
really knows so when can
you start
making money with affiliate
and this is a question I
get a lot like
all people want to just
join right now
and make money really
really quickly but
I'm gonna tell you when so
some people
and I know a few on their
first day on
joining Clickbank they have
made their
first sale okay now I don't
want to make
you believe that you'll go
on this
platform and start making
money right
away okay
some people have joined and
within the
first month they have
gotten a sale
which is really really cool
some people
has been able to make their
first dollar
or their first Commission
within the
first month alright and
this is if you
work really really hard and
you really
really want it you can
definitely start
making your first
Commission with the
strategy I'm about to show
you in this
video within the first
month now the
mill ground or the
recommended time that
you put into this to see
your first
dollar online and this is
average from all the people
that have
been on training from all
the people
I've talked to that have
other courses
usually it's gonna take you
about three
to six months to set this
up and once
you've done all the work
this is more
like a passive income
strategy okay so I
just want you to know that
if you want
to set in on
this journey if you want to
settle in on
starting affiliate
marketing and making
money online as a beginner
you really
have to schedule out three
to six months
of the time that you want
to put into
this okay I know that you
don't want to
hear this because you
probably want to
hear just push this button
and money
will come out of the sky
out of the
blue like some miracle
but that's not how things
work if you
want to become a five-star
chef a
Michelin star chef you have
to put in
hours and hours and hours
of work if you
want to become the best
player in the world you
have to put time
effort and a lot of blood
sweat and
tears into what you want
nothing here in
life comes easy
so Clickbank and making
money online
doesn't come easy takes
work it takes
time but it's so worth it
when the
reward is being able to
work from home
being able to work just
from a laptop
with internet connection
you can travel
the world you can spend
more time with
your kids it's all here for
you with
affiliate marketing and I
want you to be
realistic with yourself
when you move
into this okay so let's go
into how you
actually make money from
Clickbank well
there's a few different
strategies I'm
going to go into one
specific strategy
that I like the most and
that I've seen
a lot of students have
success with as
well okay so how you make
money from
Clickbank well there's
first gonna be a
paid strategy where you can
use Facebook
Ads Bing ads YouTube ads to
traffic to these offers and
what you do
here is for example on
Facebook you have
very targeted traffic that
you can send
so if we go for example
back to
Clickbank let's go back and
find a
little bit of a bigger and
nicer niche
so if we go into health and
fitness for
example which is the most
popular niche
on Clickbank you can go in
and sort by
gravity and gravity is
basically a
that measures the success
of how other
affiliates are promoting
this service so
that means that if the
higher the
gravity is the more
affiliates are
having success with
promoting this
software product course or
products and you only want
to look at
gravity that's above 20 and
up okay it's
very important if it's
below 20 it means
that it's not really
selling the that
well the market is maybe
saturated or
it's gonna cost you a lot
more when it
comes to paid advertising
to get that
money back but let's for example
phat decimator system by
wes virgin well
phat the decimator it's
probably a
weight loss program it says
right here
diets and weight loss is in
the health
and fitness gravity which
is way more
than we need and the
average sale if you
promote this you will make
twenty eight
dollars and fifty one cents
and the best
thing is that average
rebuild total is
$18 and 78 cents and this
means that
it's a monthly subscription
so people
sign up and you get
recurring income
coming in month after month
if they
decide to stay on this fad
system and keep renewing
subscription and this is so
good you
want those recurring and
you really want
that recurring income
coming in right
because you only have to
make one sale
and then you see money
month after month
come in and this joins and
gets bigger
and bigger and bigger and
this is kind
of like the passive income
strategy so
you don't just make one
sale but you
make more and more sales
when more
people join and over the
long term well
let's for example say that
we're gonna
promote this fad decimator
system what
we do is we can promote it
on clickbank
right here you have the
promote button
you paste your account
nickname my name
is andy Emmer so is my
Clickbank and
here we have generated our
hop link so
this basically is your
affiliate link
right here
and if you send people
through this link
you will make money that's
easy as that
if they buy your product
they will make
money but the problem with
this is that
it's a little bit of an
ugly link I
would say it looks really
sketchy and
weird so what we're gonna
do is we're
going to go to bit dot Lee
and paste
your link right here and
just like that
we have gotten a nice link
and I'm just
gonna pull this over here
and we see
Clickbank for beginners
we're gonna post
that link in here and also
we're gonna
do more with this notepad
in the future
all right so right here we
let's go back
to the mind map right here
so you have
paid methods well what will
decimator what kind of
people want to
watch that or buy that well
people that
are looking to lose weight
people that
are on diets and the
general health
niche so what you would do
with Facebook
ads Bing ads or YouTube ads
is that you
will find the keywords that
people that
are fat and also want to
lose weight
you're gonna target those
keywords but
for example we'll say the
keyword how to
lose weight or easy way to
lose weight
best weight loss program
best diet and
you'll find all these
keywords that
people are searching for
and if they're
searching for that you're
gonna pay to
get your advertisement up
on the site
you're probably seen an
advertisement on
Google before and you'll
pay to have
that post right there and
people will
click the link that will
join or they
will go to this bitly link
and they will
be taken to your Clickbank
product fat
decimator system and if
they buy you
will make a commission for
that which is
the way that paid
advertising works and
then we are going to go
into the free
methods which I think you
guys are very
interested in we have
Facebook Instagram
Pinterest we also have like
Twitter and
stuff like that but what I
want to go
into is blog and YouTube
okay because
these are gonna be exactly
the same so
if I just
next to another note let's
put an arrow
just into this alright the
first of all
how do you make money from
that's what we're gonna go
into right
now and free strategies you
don't have
to pay anything to make
money with this
free strategy that I'm
about to show you
okay well basically for a
blog you're
gonna pay some money for the
hosting and
put your blog online but
that's just
like six seven dollars per
month so
that's gonna be super cheap
and also
with YouTube it's 100% free
okay but
it's gonna be the same
strategy okay so
first of all we need to
find our niche
now we've already gone into
the health
and fitness niche we know
that the
gravity is really good and
we know that
these items are selling but
again if you
don't like health and
fitness and you
don't want to make a
business around
health and fitness you can
obviously go
into other things like
self-help for
example home-and-garden
cooking food and wine
emarketing employment
fiction games
there's so many things that
you can go
into for example self-help
also have a
lot of other products for
example his
secret a secret obsession
how to get her
ex back this like this one
the number
one ex back product
relationship magic
manifestation miracle a lot
of different
products that you can
promote like this
so we have chosen the
health and fitness
nough so k but what we're
gonna do then
is how do we actually make
money in the
health and fitness niche
well what I do
and what I always do when I
do some new
niches and stuff like that
is I go in
and I go into the health
fitness I sort
by gravity and what I'll do
right now is
I'm going to copy and paste
each and
every one of these systems
into a Word
document or I use Evernote
but whatever
works for you just write
them down it's
very important that you do
so but right
here I've written down ten
weight loss products okay
so as you can
see fat decimator unlock
your hip
flexors the red tea detox
and this is
to be a little bit
different flat belly
fix lean belly break new
unique weight
loss method to the
underground fat loss
manual the big diabetes lie
in the
two-week diet and back to
life okay and
why did we write down all
of these
products right here well
the number one
way and the most efficient
way of making
your first dollar online is
going to be
making either a review post
on your blog
or a review video okay and
these are two
of the most important
things that you
can make in order to see
that first
Commission come in and why
is that okay
so what we're gonna do is
for example
let's go I'm gonna just go
to the next
product right here because
I know that
this one is really nice and
I know that
this affiliate program is
on fire you
get an average sale of 88
and then they
have a total rebuild of two
hundred and
twenty-nine dollars
super-good organifi is a
huge brand and
they make a lot of money
okay so I'm
gonna put this on my list
as well but
what you'll see is that if
we say
organifi review and we
search that into
for example google you will
see so many
reviews on this on google
for example
organifi reggie's review
green review
green ders to review green
news to
review and also you will
have videos
right here so I'm gonna go
into YouTube
and search organifi review
and as you
can see these videos get so
many views
you can see this guy has 93
this one has 17,000 this
one has 15,000
33,000 and the best part
and the one
thing that you have to get
out of this
video right now is that
this is a buyer
keyword okay think about
the customer
the customer has already
seen organifi
before and now they say to
I'm gonna see what other
people think about organifi
so I'm gonna
search into Google organifi
review and
the customer right now
already has their
credit card out okay
they're ready to
buy they just need to get
other people's
feedback and see if it's
good or not and
they're gonna buy and this
is very
important to realize because
this is a
buy your keyword people
that search for
this term are buyers if you
make a video
around how to lose weight
for free or
how to lose weight easily
but if you
make a video around 10 best
weight loss
programs that is more of a
buyer related
keyword and they're gonna
search for
that when they want to buy
stuff so it's
very important to realize
these freaky
words and these buyer
keywords because
buyer keywords are so much
more powerful
and that's why you want to
write reviews
so the customer comes is
she already has
her credit card out and a
sees this
video right here and what
they'll do is
that they'll go down in the
down below they'll go here
and say okay
check out the full organifi
review here
or you can check out the
performance life hacks
guide we're gonna
go into organifi and right
as i thought
this is a straight
affiliate link
straight to organifi green
juice you can
buy it right now there this
page is the
sign to make people buy
this product and
this is a sales page
basically a sales
page where people are gonna
skim over
the headlines that usually
that's what
happens on these sales
pages they just
came through the headlines
and they read
a little bit that in that
is interesting
to them and then they buy
and green
juice right here there
should be a
button to buy green juice
just right
here they can buy one
bottle three
bottles or even six bottles
right here
and when they click buy now
this guy is
gonna make money as easy
and as simple
as that now you might be
thinking how
can i make a review i
haven't even
bought the product i don't
even know if
it's good or
well I'm gonna show you a
little tip
right here okay so fat
doesn't matter
system let's go into that
one and I'm
gonna show you what I would
do the back
again fat decimator system
we're gonna
click this button right
here we're gonna
this is just my Chrome
extension and
right here you'll see the
sales page of
this product usually you
can get a good
indicator of how good the
product is by
just watching the sales
video right here
but the little trick that
I'm gonna show
you is that you can
actually buy this
product so what you're
gonna do is that
you're gonna find this list
you're gonna
see okay which five am I
gonna do a
review about and you can
actually buy
this product right here and
always these program has a
60 day or a
thirty day money-back
so what you want to do is
you want to
buy this just for thirty
seven dollars
you're gonna go through the
program and
see what is good what is
bad make a pros
and cons list is this
product missing
something is it really as
good as people
tell you is it really as
good and as it
looks well you're gonna
start writing
notes about this okay and
once you've
done that you're going to
make a
PowerPoint presentation
about what you
found you're gonna film
your screen
doing a PowerPoint
presentation on this
product if you have Google
Docs you can
just use the Google slides
we're gonna
do this we're gonna say
complete fat
decimator system review and
then you
just go through the pros and
cons what
you think about the product
what you
don't like about the
products and just
be honest and give a
truthful review of
what you actually think and
also you can
show them what's inside of
the product
so you can show the course
modules you
can show the steps you can
everything they're going to
get once
they buy because you bought
the fat
decimated system and to
show that you've
actually gone through it
you can show
them inside of the sales
page and this
is gonna help you
get people to buy in the
link in the
description of your YouTube
video this
is a very easy way to make
some money
online okay now let's go
back here so
we've found our niche it's
gonna be in
the health and weight loss
we're going
to find 20 products and
then we're gonna
filter it down to ten
product reviews
right here so we're gonna
make ten
product reviews around ten
products because when it
comes to
YouTube you have to make a
lot of videos
and these are gonna be
buyer keyword
related they're gonna be
indexed in the
search engine so when
people buy for
example a fat decimator
review you're
gonna get that search
traffic and it's
gonna take some time before
these videos
rank but what you have to
do is that you
have to make reviews and
you have to
make as many reviews as you
can around
different health products
different ways
to lose weight and all of
that now also
on this YouTube channel for
example or
on this blog you're going
to make ten
interest videos ten
interest videos that
basically means while
you're reviewing
products around different
ways to lose
weight right well what
other search
terms are people that are
interested in
losing weight looking for
well how to
lose weight fast can be one
of your
videos the best diet of
2019 the easiest
way to lose 10 pounds in
seven days or
whatever but as you can see
these are
other videos that are more
of attention
grabbers towards your
channel and you
can just do the same you
can just do the
same do a PowerPoint
presentation while
you're talking into a
microphone like
this I know a lot of people
start off
with saying or using their
phone to just
record the audio most
phones actually
have good enough video so
you can just
read and talk like this
while you're
filming your screen and
your PowerPoint
presentation super simple
to do the
other thing that you can do
and if
want results really really
fast this is
what you can do so in this
space and in
this affiliate marketing
space there are
new products launching
every single day
every single week well what
you can do
is go to munch I so I'm on
munch I right
now and as you can see
there are
checking out Clickbank
right now so
we're on Clickbank and we
can see that
parallel profits is one
that is dropping
on January 29th now this
product is
$2,500 so it's a little bit
there's another product
launching on the
10th of December called
crypto blueprint
so say instead of picking
the health and
weight loss niche you can
now pick the
crypto space all right and
what you need
to do if you're in this
crypto space is
that you have to make on the
launch date
okay on the 10th of
December you're
gonna buy the product and
make a review
right on that date okay
this is very
very important and why is
that because
there's probably none other
that has
made a crypto blueprint
review that
means that you're gonna be
the first
that makes a review around
this and that
means for all the people
that search and
see crypto blueprint
they're gonna come
to your video and they're
gonna buy
through your video okay
compared to for
example organifi which has
been around
for a long time and a lot
of people has
made a reviews around it
you can now
start from scratch from a
complete new
buyer keyword which is
gonna be crypto
blueprint review a complete
new buyer
keyword into YouTube that
you can make
money fast from okay so
it's very
important to look at this
on munch I I
use this munch I - all the
time to check
for launches in other
affiliate networks
as well because I'm in the
marketing how to make money
online how
to get your first dollar
affiliate marketing traffic
or all of that and these
are all
products that my audio
and people that are
interested in making
money online it's gonna be
around okay but these are
affiliate networks then
click Thanks so
I don't want to go into this
in this
video okay so now we've
found if you
find a niche find a niche
and stick to
that niche if it's health
and weight
loss if it's education if
it's around
like studying for the final
exam if it's
around crypto if it's
around making
money online all different
kinds of
niches what you want to do
is find 20
products on Clickbank that
has a gravity
above I said the 30 right
here but you
can definitely try making
money with
gravity below 30 as well
but not below
20 okay it's very important
below 20
it's gonna be a little bit
bad product
and then out of those 20
products you're
gonna find 10 product
reviews that you
want to do a review on
you're gonna open
your PowerPoint you're
gonna you're
gonna buy the product
you're gonna
review and see what is this
all about
and then you're gonna make
a PowerPoint
and make a video around
that filming
your screen talking into
your phone just
like this so I like a lot
of fat doesn't
mater because it comes with
step-by-step plan you get
this template
that you can follow it also
has all the
workout routines that you
can do and all
of that right so that is
what you have
to do and when you make
this blog or
youtube channel you can
also make
interest content that
brings more people
to your YouTube channel and
gets more
people in like that so you
can gain more
subscribers and build an
YouTube channel around
health and weight
loss if that is your niche
and so you
can do some keyword
research and all of
that now if this has been
interesting to
you and if you like to know
more about
how to do Clickbank and how
I do it
personally you can check
out my number
one recommendation to make
money online
in the description down
below that it's
gonna show you more of a
guide on how you can do
this starting
from absolute zero okay
so that is going to be
today's video
hopefully some of you can
start making
money with this I know a
lot of people
are making money with this
strategy this is a very
good way for to
make money from Clickbank
as a complete
beginner in 2019 so guys
going to be
today's video thank you so
much for
watching don't forget to
subscribe if
you're new I love you and
I'll see you
in the next video
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