I can not guarantee that
you will make money from this, or any of my other videos. I'm just showing you
different websites and methods that has the potential of making money. Any link
you see in the description or in the video is most likely an affiliate link.
Meaning that if you sign up or buy through me, i will get a commission. This
helps and supports this youtube channel, and keeps it going, thanks!
I want to get some cool
stuff that I can
put behind me like the
planned and also
how like this whiteboard
right here but
and it's I'm renting this
place so I
can't hang anything on the
walls so if
you guys have any idea of
how it can
make drop it in comments
that will up
but if you own this video
you probably
want to learn how to make
money with
Facebook and you don't
really care about
this plant or these like
this chair
right here but yesterday
actually found
a very very cool way of
making money
that I've never ever heard
of before and
this is something you can
do from your
home you don't have to have
experience or anything like
that I'm
gonna tell you exactly how
I would make
money with this myself and
in this video
I'm gonna show how you can
do this he
has what's up it's Andy FL
and if you
don't know me I'm a college
dropout that
is now making a full time
living with
affiliate marketing and in
today's video
let me show you how to make
money with
Facebook and yesterday I
was on
Clickbank and I was
searching for some
affiliate products to sell
what is going
on no internet access and
while I was
researching I was just
like.he clicking
on the search button and
then you can
sort by gravity and it's
basically a way
of telling how well the
product actually
sells and something that
has been around
for a long time it's the
red tea detox
it sells like wildfire fat
belly flakes
fat belly fix fat decimator
system but
then i found this product
right here
numerologist dot-com so
basically this
product is the fourth best
product on
Clickbank it has a gravity
of a hundred
and sixty which is insane
and it's in
the spirituality New Age
and altered
alternative beliefs and
it's numerology
I really don't really even
know what
numerology is so the
Wikipedia and check
like what is it all about
numerology is
any belief in the divine or
relationship between a
number and one or
more coinciding events it's
also the
study of the numerical
value of the
letters in Words names and
ideas it's
often associated with the
alongside astrology and
divinatory arts the
divinatory arts and
for me like this feels like
kind of a
subsection of astrology
where you have
like for example like
I'm the scorpion if I'm
born on the
November 8th and like these
tell you
something about yourself
and it's kind
of like the same
psychological trick you
know like it tells them
about themselves
like psychics for example
tell them
stuff about you where they
use like
these general statements
that they find
that it's like you always
feel like
you're a good person but
people don't
see it like that's a very
like general
statement that most people
really I do
feel like that and doing
that like
having like saying
something general
it's called something I
can't remember
what it is but it's
basically what
drives horoscopes and and
stuff like
that so it's very like
similar ask that
so what I was thinking was
that we take
a look on this page right
here right now
because this is for you
this is not for
me like I'm just walking
you through the
exact process that I would
if I were to
sell this product right
here on face
book and make a ton of
money so
basically if you want to
sell this
product you just click on
promote and
you get your own affiliate
link when
someone buys through that
affiliate link
you will make money and
that's basically
what it's all about
now as you can see when you
send your
link out they'll be taken
to this page
right here and this is like
where you
can sign it or when you can
get your
free personalized
numerology report oh
and let me do my birthday
right here and
November 8th 1994
and as you can see you
let's try and do
this together hi Andy
thanks for requesting a free
reading here at
numerologist calm over
the next few minutes I'm
going to give
you a quick yet deeply
analysis of your unique
numerology chart
based on your given name
and date of
birth Andy
there are five elements
that form the
core of your chart and that
massively impact your life
they are the
life paths birthday number
soul urge
expression and personality
number as you
can see it is that we the
same kind of
thing that astrology and
this horoscope
things does like oh this
will reveal so
much it's like a palm
reading like this
is your life line and this
is the line
right here so like palm
reading and and
all of this stuff is like
just about
themselves like general
around themselves now how
can we sell
this so we know that people
horoscopes like numerology
as well are
probably palm reading they
kind of the
similar thing as psychics
you know the
glass orb or ball glass
ball where you
can see your life and cards
and all that
stuff they're probably
gonna be pretty
interested in this offer
and it says
that right here it appeals
to personal
development new-age
self-help Law of
Attraction and more and
what we're gonna
do right here let's see
here so what I
did is I went to face book
right here
and this is how you're gonna
sell it now
when it comes to selling
any affiliate
product is basically having
a great
offer which is a product
and then
putting it in front of the
right people
so now we found the offer
and the offer
is selling like hotcakes
this is like
flying off the shelves now
I need to
find people that actually
want this
offer so or we need to put
it in front
of them at least so what I
did was I
searched the psychic
readings and as you
can see right here these
groups are
active like 10 posted a
tempos add a
tempos a 10 tempos today so
many psych
people that want this
service and want
this product so we can
basically join
all of these groups and I'm
gonna show
you the message I would
send because you
have to be a veteran very
specific in
the message you send to not
end up in
spam and do not get kicked
out of the
group and and all of this
but also I
like tried searching for
what is it harm
reading what about
numerology so in
short you find a ton of
groups you just
find a ton of a ton of
groups around
like astrology horoscopes
psychic reading card
reading magic ball
mystery reading stuff and
then you write
a message like this but to
really I I
don't want to give you the
fish I want
to teach you how to fish
because then
you'll live forever and you
can take
this skill set that you
learn from this
video and apply it to any
product out there so I want
to teach you
something very very
interesting right
the way you sell something
is that you
need to tell a story the
story is what
is meant to be like the
package you give
away to sell something so
you don't
really sell with logic you
sell with
emotion and for example
movies they are
so brilliant in actually
making people
feel emotion and when they
feel emotion
it's very easy to just tap
the switch
over say you can give them
something for
free or sell them something
and they'll
be willing to give money to
you just
because of that emotional
story if you
just say something like hey
in this
numerology report you're
gonna get this
you're gonna get this you're
gonna get
this and you're gonna get
this they
won't really care because
that's logical
you sell with logic you
sell with
emotion and they justify
the sale with
logic and it's very
important that you
learn storytelling when it
comes to
selling so what you can do
this is like
a ninja trick right here
kind of have to be like
within the
the boundaries of morality
and ethically
do this right what I did
was I went to
amazon.com and I want to
find stories
about numerology so like
people that has
changed their life through
numerology so
I can have an understanding
about like
okay this person has had
this amazing
experience with numerology
and it was
through our affiliate
products and we
can get them to get a free
report from
our numerology report and
then they will
buy the product and that's
like a
general gist of this
because you need
that story because that's
what a what's
gonna sell it so I went
down here and I
found not too much like I
didn't spend
too much time reading all
of this but I
saw this one right here and
it's very
important to look at ten
people find
this helpful because
usually it means
that it resonates with the
market so a
lot of people can see
themselves in the
same shoes as they were in
and they're
like oh I feel the exact
same thing and
I'm gonna click and I found
this helpful
that's why amazon.com is
amazing at this
and looking at the reviews
and this girl
says what an amazing book
I'm completely
new to numerology and this
just blew me
away I was able to analyze
20 different
people's birth carts and
ruling numbers
to which all were dead on
points with
amazing accuracy this is
one this one is
no joke much better than
anything I've
read online about
numerology this is the
real deal buy it you won't
regret it so
obviously I was able to analyze
peoples birth Carsen ruling
which all were dead on
point accuracy so
that means that that is
something in the
numerology space that's
something they
do I don't know what it is
but a lot of
people resonated with that
exact thing
so we're gonna write it
down so
essentially what you want
to do is just
go through a lot of these
and I've been
through a bunch of these
reviews right
now and just find stories
find things
that you think that other
people will
resonate with
and that market you because
that's what
you really got to do you
got to learn
about the people you're
trying to sell
to and then craft a story
to be able to
sell that affiliate product
now just
taking this one like a good
review about
this book I could probably
write a story
around it that will sell
this product
and it basically is you
have a back
story you have conflict and
then you
have solution so you have a
back story
and that's basically the
structure of
any good story and also at
the end you
have a call to action to get
a free
numerology report so
basically let's
just come up with an
example of a story
right now so the back story
can be hey I
I've been into astronomy
and palm
reading and all of these
other things
for a very long time for
two years and
it has been very great I've
learning a lot about myself
and growing
in in all of this and then
we go into
conflict but the problem I
found is that
a lot of the things are so
on accurate
like a few months ago it
told me this
would happen in my life but
it didn't
and I got super bummed out
because I was
obtrude believe earnest and
then like
yesterday I found out about
I've never heard about
numerology before
and I just found out about
it and it was
able to give me 20
different people's
birth carts and ruling numbers
to which
all were dead on point with
accuracy and it told me
stuff that I've
never understood about
myself but was
absolutely so true it was
amazing and I can't believe
I didn't
know about numerology until
today now if
you want me to like give
you like the
test that I did yesterday
you're getting
comment down below free
reading or free
numerology report in the
comments down
below and I'll send that
over to you
like that is that the story
captivates emotion like I
could know I
could learn more about the
and learn more about like
their pains
and their problems and what
actually want but I think
like they just
want to learn things about
like oh it told me stuff
that I never
thought I would ever find
out ever
before and and that's like
the way you
sell it and that's the post
you post to
Facebook and when you post
that to
Facebook you say comment
down below like
free report or something
like that
because if they comment
down below
Facebook Likes engagement
and if there's
a lot of engagement on that
post in for
example a group it will get
higher up in the rankings
on people's
so you basically get more
instead of saying hey DM me
if you want
to get this report
no one will comment and
then no one will
actually read that so what
I would
basically do is take that
script and
post it to a ton of
Facebook groups so
now we found an offer we've
found people
that we can market to we've
found sales
material the story that
you're gonna
sell this and now it's just
about the
numbers the numbers like
how many of
these stories can you get
out how many
people can you contact and
tell this
story to to make sure that
they buy the
product or get the free
reports so I
would say like maybe in
about let's say
you get I would say in this
niche I
don't really know this
niche but let's
go back and I'll show you
the the clicks
right here so here they
have an earn
estimated earning of one
dollar and
thirty three cents so for
every click
they got one dollar and
thirty three
cents now this was not for
because usually the clicks
are a lot
higher with these affiliate
they have lists they buy
traffic and
they do all of this stuff
but while you
have the Facebook groups
that traffic is
gonna be higher converting
than these
actual numbers right here
so what I
would shoot for is probably
a dollar or
two for each message that
you get in
each click through your
affiliate link
so that means for one click
probably gonna make one to
two dollars
and let's say 1.5 and for
10 people
that's ten dollars for a
hundred that's
a hundred and fifty dollars
so that's
kind of the numbers you
whether you want
to stretch yourself to you
know so for
about a hundred people
you're gonna make
one hundred and fifty
dollars and like
getting a hundred messages
from these
are it's not hard to get
per day did you
see how many people were in
these groups
and how active they were
like 45k
members on this post 22k
members on this
post now you can actually
make a lot
more money with this and
the way that
you would do that is the
people that
comment below like free
reports you add
them as friends on a new
account so now you add all
the people
that says info or free and
you ask them
to become your friend now
what you do
here is that you start
adding friends
that are actually
interested in like
psychic reading and
neurology and all of
this other stuff and then
you go back to
the marketplace once again
and you find
other like spirituality and
a new age
and that alternative belief
products and that means
that you now
have a friends list of
people that were
very interested in like
numerology now
you can sell them like a
psychic hand
reading thing or you can
sell them
astrology thing or you can
sell them
something like spiritual
new-age self-help kind of
product and that is when
you build your
list of friends up like
that and this is
a very very good way to
make money a lot
of my friends are doing
this exact
strategy where they just
add friends
start interested in the
specific niche
and they sell to them a
bunch and I
actually teach this in more
detail in my
course down below you can
check it out
the first link in the
description should
take you to my number one
to make money online where I'll
you a lot more about this
exact specific
strategy so that is going
to be today's
video so first find the
market or find
that's the numerology
report find a
market that is the humor
ology astrology
people that want to know
things about
themself and then find a
sales message
which is basically a story
that's the
general sales message and
then you start
posting that link every
single day and
you start posting and
getting your link
out there and start
hustling and start
grinding and start getting it
on because
that's what you need to do
it to become
successful if you try this
for one week
and it doesn't work it's
because you've
tried one week all right so
that is
gonna be today's video
thank you so much
for watching if you like
this video
comment down below what you
think of
this strategy how can you
improve this
what do you find difficult
with this
strategy I want to know
your thoughts in
the comments down below so
thank you so
much for watching and I'll
see you in
the next video
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