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hey guys today I'm gonna do
an in-depth
review of get response I'll
show you all
importantly I'm gonna show
you why get
response is different than
all the other
autoresponders and why I've
moved away
from a weber to go to get
because I used to have a
weaver I've
also tried MailChimp in the
past and I'm
gonna tell you why I like
get response
more than these other
platforms and also
I'm gonna show you how you
can get a
30-day free trial to get
response so you
can try it out yourself
also if you stay all the
way to the end
I'm gonna give you my 5 top
email marketing swipes and
also I'm
gonna give you a template
that I use to
write emails very very
quickly so I've
been using get response for
the last two
years I believe and I'd
like it a lot I
have a list of 15,000
subscribers right
now I removed about 7,000
yesterday and
I get about a thousand
leads per week
just to show you that I use
this on a
regular basis but I think
we need to
start with the price so how
much is
actually get response and
how can you
start as cheap as possible
so I'll have
a link to this page in the
down below and right here
you can sign
up for free so if you click
sign up for
free you're gonna get a 30
days no
credit card required a
trial that you
can try out and see if this
is for you
or not I'm gonna go through
all the
tools as well but I think
the price is
what drives most people on
a buying
decision of these get
response of these
marketing tools that we
have and get
response has a $15 per
month for a
thousand subscribers so if
you have
below a thousand
subscribers you're not
gonna pay a whole lot and
also the
prices are cheaper when you
go up to the
higher levels so I just
pulled up a
price chart right here and
as you can
see from a Weber the
pricing is gonna be
for 2.5 k contacts you're
gonna pay
about twenty nine dollars
per month and
get response you're going
to pay a $20
per month and for active
campaign you're
gonna pay $39 per
and also when we move up
the levels you
can see for 25k contacts
you're gonna
pay 150 right here $100
about and 179 on
half these campaigns so get
it's definitely one of the
options out there you can
probably get
something that's a little
bit more cheap
but then you're gonna lose
out on a lot
of the cool tools that get
response has
also for this different
packages I'm
gonna show you what you can
unlock when
you go to the pro the max
and the
enterprise level that you
will not have
available in the email but
this is the
price that I'm at I've been
using this
for a long time and I don't
struggle I don't find that
I need more
than just the first package
that they
have so let me let's log in
once more so
now we're on the inside and
I just want
to show you how it works
so basically we have
contacts email
marketing automation
landing pages so
you can create your own
landing page you
can do webinars forms and
surveys and
CRM CRM is not gonna be available
to you
in the first package and
also if we go
into automation there is
gonna be a lot
of things that are going to
be not
available like abandoned
cart web event
tracking automation
segmentation and
scoring and what I like and
what drew me
to get response that I
didn't have the
possibility to do in a
weber for example
was the way to create
workflows and what
this is all about is
basically you have
workflows so you can easily
automate the
entire process if you want
to send to
email on opens if you want
someone that
went through the cart to
get a specific
tag you can do that and
also they've
been working on a lot of
new templates
for example Black Friday
flash sale
Black Friday early bird
sale and a lot
of new templates that you
straight-up just use and we
can see here
if we go to for example
popularity we
can see list cleaning if
you have an
unactive email list you can
use this to
win back your customers or
you can clean
them from your list very
easily and I'm
just gonna use this as an
example to
show you what you can do
inside here and
why it's so important to
have this in
your autoresponder tool so
for example
let's say that we assign
people a tag
okay they're on our list
and we have a
tag right here that's
called never Auto
open so they've never recipes
our auto response so we can
set up an
automation for example I
have a 14 day
automation if they don't
open any of my
emails through that 14 day
period this
is what I do so so if they
don't open
they will get this tag
never open and
once they get this I will
send them a
message and this message is
called get
out brother and this
message basically
says you haven't opened my
last 14
emails if you want to sign
out you can
do so or if you want to
sign in you can
do so as well so now we can
pick when
this autoresponder or this
link and then we take a
link from a
specific message and then
get out
brother if they click this
link we will
assign them a new tag and
this tag is
gonna be pulling them back
to our email
follow-up sequence that we
get all the
people - if they don't do
that we can
send them another message
and I have one
that's called get out
brother - but I
can't pull it up in this
one and when
any newsletter is click or
whenever any
automation specific message
and then we
selected Tammy - right here
if they
click this within one day
after some
time one day they have to
click it if
they do they'll get
assigned the
follow-up tag one or if
they don't
they'll be removed from my
account and
that is how easy you can
set up
something like this to
clean your list
on a regular basis because
this is gonna
help your deliverability
overall but
this is just one of the
things that you
can do and get response
they also have
all these other conditions
that you can
use so for example when
anyone is
subscribed to a new list
you can send
them a message you can add
custom fields
you can move to another
workflow you can
do a lot of different
things right here
and this has helped me a
lot in of
automating the process so I
don't have
to send these out
all right but that's just
one of the
tools that get response has
that I like
a lot also hold on all of
these are
upgradeable so you can have
a landing
page visited so you can
track that and
then you can score people
so if they
open one email you'll give
them five
points and if they open
another email
they get five points and
you can see
which of the leads are most
active and
you can segment based
around that you
can also have a pipeline
this is more
for e-commerce businesses
and also you
can have like purchases
abandoned cart
visited URL you can track
all of that to
make it as easy as possible
for you to
make it very easy with you
to connect
with your customers and so
forth and
they also have some stuff
right here
that is gonna be unlockable
if you go
through those other
packages alright and
this is one of those things
that you
have to see for yourself is
this is
gonna help you or is it not
gonna help
you you have to pick that
yourself and also let's go
back and
let's take a look at the
email marketing
and what you can do so
right here you
have newsletters which is
basically your
broadcast emails and these
can be sent
whenever you want you have
autoresponders which is
emails and here
you can see that you can
send an email
out every single day so you
basically follow up with
them and this
is a follow up sequence so
let's say
that someone joins your
list and you
send them seven emails
throughout that
time every single day and
this makes it
very easy to track and you
can also move
these around very easily so
if you want
to split test a lot of
different stuff
you can do that and I have
to say that
the autoresponder is the
one that I use
the most because I want to
be Lacey I
want to do as minimum work
as I can so I
just want to have a really
follow-up sequence and I
don't send as
much newsletters and I'm
just gonna show
you really quickly how you
make these
and I'm gonna show you how
it really
so I can do this right here
one I'm gonna send it on
day eight it's
gonna be in the list
YouTube subs and
you can send a message with
the delay of
or exactly at and this is
something that
all other autoresponders
doesn't have as
well and this is time
travel or deliver
at the recipents local time
so you can
pick whatever time you want
them to get
the message in their
specific time and
this is very important this
is something
other autoresponders don't
have which is
so important they have
found that
sending an email around 11
o'clock a.m.
their time and this is
gonna be a lot
better than just sending a
broadcast and
you might end up sending an
email to
someone across the country
or across the
world that doesn't even
like they're
asleep they're asleep so
you can't
really send them messages
and this is
gonna help you a lot with
that I use
this a lot at 11:00 a.m.
because it's a
really nice send time so we
can go here
we can create a new email
or you can
choose a message that
you're already
done you have to assign it
a name so
we're gonna go test one
again and this
is your subject line and
then we can go
to the next step and right
here you see
all the different templates
that you can
use to write your emails
now some of you
gonna want to use these
emails if you're
a big company or whatnot
but also you
can start from scratch
right here and
this is what I like to do I
use a blank
template so I just click
here use a
blank template and right
here you can
use these basic blocks so
here you can
write your email you can
also add an
image block to be under
here you can use
whatever picture you want
and then you
can do more text under that
and what I
like is that they have my
snippets so
they can they have my
snipers right here
so I can just put my
sign-off right here
so any FL PS be sure to not
important updates subscribe
here and
then I have my Instagram
and Facebook
and this is basically my
signature and
it's very easy to create a
compelling and nice
looking email just like
that there's
just a few dragon drops
using these
blocks right here very very
simple and
then you can click next
step and what
you'll do here is that
you'll add this
to your autoresponder if
you are sending
a newsletter or a broadcast
email you
can just send that out
right here you
can just click on the
button that says
send broadcast now and then
it's gonna
send it right away so if we
click Save
and publish right here and
we're going
to see that it is right
here alright and
the way to create even
faster emails if
you want to create an
sequence fast is that you
click on reuse
right here and as you can
see we'll have
the autoresponder name test
1 and 1 and
I always like you doing
this because
that means it's gonna be -
and then it's
gonna be 2 plus 1 and then
it's gonna be
3 plus 1 and I always know
which day and
what are responder name I
can use and
right here instead of going
through all
of the hassle of going to
find a new
template you can just click
Edit message
and you'll get instantly
taken to this
page right here you can
change your
subject line you can change
your test
message and then you can
change your
subject line you can click
the next step
and instead of going
through all the
templates instead of going
through all
the hassle of finding a
template you can
go directly into this and
create a new
message based around the
last message
that you had so now you can
change out
the picture you can use
this right here
and I'm just gonna say
different and I'm gonna
click the next
step and right here we see
test 2 on day
9 and they're still on
YouTube sub
exactly at 11:00 a.m. and
then save and
publish and just like that
you have created a new
that you've added to your
sequence and
this is way way faster than
a lot of
other autoresponders and
make you do it
another tool that you're
going to use a
lot is the statistics tab
right here
because it's very important
to track
your email see how many
opens see how
clicks you again and on
this side right
here you'll see newsletter
RSS you can
actually use an RSS feed to
email I
haven't used this myself
you should get
the free trial and check it
out for
yourself if you have a blog
or something
like that you can click on
autoresponders and then you
have action
based and time based the
action based is
basically more of the
automation stuff
and the workflows that we
talked about
earlier in this video click
on YouTube
screw subscribers and I'm
gonna adjust
the time here a little bit
I don't know
I think it's alright
so so you can see the total
and unique
clicks I always like using
unique we're
gonna get a lower click
open and
click-through rates but
that's just fine
and then you can see right
here your
opens and click-through
rates all right
so right here you can see
80% 32% 32%
and then you can see the
rates the better way of
click-through rates is
going up here and
you click and here you can
see the exact
number of clicks and the
percentage that
you got from this all right
this is very
valuable information that
you want to
take in and really look at
to get your
business to a higher level
and I
remember when I used a
statistics they have these
very weird
graphs that makes it a lot
harder to
actually watch these stats
so this was
actually a big point for me
when I
changed over to get
response that they
had really nice tracking
and really nice
statistics and analytics
pages the next
best thing with get response
is their
landing pages so usually
when you start
email marketing you're
going to capture
leads and some people use
builder all
some use leadpages some use
funnels or thrive themes or
optimized press profit
builder whatever
you have however you can
create your
landing pages with this I
don't use
these landing pages myself
I'm using
click funnels but if you
need it you
have it and that's very
very nice and
you can integrate these
with your
WordPress website so you
have your own
domain name as well and I
like using the
very simple
that doesn't have as much
flashy stuff
around it basically just an
opt-in page
so for example something
like this could
be very nice you can enter
your landing
page named test1 or test-1
we can use
this template and as you
can see this is
a drag-and-drop builder
it's very simple
to drag stuff around and
make it look
pretty right here I'm just
gonna change
the text too
and just like that we
changed it and
here you can change
whatever you want as
well I think it looks good we're
gonna go to the next step
and then you
can check out the mobile
versions as
well to see if your pages
convert on
mobile as well and we're
just gonna
continue without doing that
and just
like that we have our
landing page we
have the landing page URL
that is gonna
be our email that we sign
up with so my
email is andy emerson go
and then great
comm or you can connect
your own domain
to your page and make it
have just your
URL okay and then we choose
our list
that we want them to be we
confirmed opt-in if they
want to double
opt-in or not and we can
add them to the
cycle message one and that
is all we
have to do just publish
that and you
have your landing page just
like that
and when someone enters
their name and
their email address they'll
be taken
directly into your email
just like that and a
landing page
builder is something that
most other
autoresponders don't have
and this makes
you able to not spend a lot
of money on
click funnels build roll or
other opt-in software there
is out there
so you can just use get
response if you
don't want to use get
response landing
pages you can easily
integrate your get
response account into most
other capture
page builders and also you
can insert a
code for example right here
we can use
this webform we can copy
form code and
this is something you can
paste directly
into your email capture
if you're using another
builder so
there's two different ways
that you can
use other tools with get
response they
also added a feature called
webinars I
haven't been using a get
response for
webinars ever before so I
can't really
talk much about that but
you can
generate more leads and
keep your
customers engaged putting
on webinars
for them and also CRM is
something they
have which is more based around
if you
want to have a pipeline and
you want to
follow them through the
exact process of
buying you can use this but
you're gonna
need to upgrade to the pro
or Macs to
get this available for you
so that's
really all there is for get
it's a very nice software
I'm super
happy that I joined get
response I
haven't had any problems
with them
whatsoever and for me the
key difference
is the automation compared
to a Weber's
the email marketing
autoresponders look
super nice when they're in
this grid
view right here so I can
just change
them around flog them
around just like
this and the reuse thing
it's super
powerful for creating a lot
of different
emails very quickly also in
beginning of the video I
said I was
going to give you five high
emails that has been
working for me in
my business and it's
definitely gonna
help you or give you some
about emails that you can
send to create
that conversion rate also I
want to give
you a template that's super
super simple
so you can write high
converting emails
very quickly so I'm a guy
that just
don't want to write emails
I'm not
really good at writing
emails I don't
really have time to write
emails so I
found this template that is
gonna help
you immensely if you have
the same
struggle as I do with
coming up with
email subject we're writing
the email
and using the same wording
that actually
converged and makes them
click the email
it's very important someone
give me give
you all of that all you
have to do is go
down in the description
down below there
should be a link and just
opt-in on that
page and I'll send you that
after you sign up
also if you
sign up for the free trial
and you want
to continue staying on for
that free
trial just send me a
message and be at
Andy Huff Elcom say that
you purchased
this and I'm gonna give you
30 more
emails that you can use in
your get
response account to get you
better leads
and get more sales just
like that all
right that is going to be
today's video
join a get response right
now try it out
for free see if you like it
and I'll see
you in the next videoTop Paid Keyword : earn cash online, google make money from home, earn money online without investment by clicking ads, free earn money website, online money making jobs, earn money online without investment by typing, online work for money, best online earning sites, make money online with google, online earning websites, money making websites, online earning websites for students, invest online and earn money, best online money making, online money income, view ads and earn money without investment, earn money online by clicking, online money income site, money earning sites, online earning sites, best website to earn money, free money earning sites, money earning websites, get money online, online earning tips, online earning without investment, earn money online without investment for students, earn money by clicking ads, earn money online without investment, online earn money website,
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