I can not guarantee that
you will make money from this, or any of my other videos. I'm just showing you
different websites and methods that has the potential of making money. Any link
you see in the description or in the video is most likely an affiliate link.
Meaning that if you sign up or buy through me, i will get a commission. This
helps and supports this youtube channel, and keeps it going, thanks!
do you want to make four
thousand two
hundred and seventy eight
dollars and
twelve cents in one week
online that is
six hundred and eleven
dollars per day
what would an extra six
hundred and
eleven dollars per day do
for you maybe
you can go on a vacation
maybe get
yourself a nice fat whip or
maybe you
can even buy a new laptop
or phone well
in this video I'm gonna
show you exactly
how I made four thousand
two hundred and
seventy eight dollars and
twelve cents
in one week online and I'm
going to show
you how you can do this as
well and by
the end of this video you
will be the
one saying to me how easy
this is and
you'll run and tell all
your friends
about your new life as an
hotshot I'll show you
everything with
100% transparency and
honesty and if you
stay all the way to the end
I am going
to give you a 30-day
challenge so you
can get started today hey
guys what's
going on it's an EFL and
today i have a
very special video for you
guys and i'm
very excited for this video
because i'm
going to show you how i
made how much
was it four thousand two
hundred and
seventy five dollars and
twelve cents i
think it was that and in
this video i'm
going to leave nothing
behind if you've
seen other videos like this
online where
they're like oh you can
make a hundred
dollars but this video is
gonna be a lot
better than all of those
fucking shitty
ass videos i'm going to
show you exactly
behind the scenes of my
business i'm
gonna be completely
completely honest and open
about how
much I earn and you can see
how I
actually earn that as well
I'm gonna
break everything down to
the simplest
level and this will work
for both very
new beginners that never
has made like
any money online but also
for the
veterans out there that has
made a bit
of money online you can
take a look
behind the scenes and
you'll learn some
really really cool things
as well so
like I said my name is Andy
FL I'm a
full time entrepreneur
making a living
online and
right now I'm gonna show
you how much I
made in one week online all
right so
this is from my stripe
account and this
is products that I sell to
my audience
on YouTube and also to my
email lists
and as you can see right
here we can
just take a look for the
dates that
we're doing is from the 1st
to the 7th
that is one week right here
and today is
the 8th of March right here
as you can
see 8th March 4:00 p.m.
4:30 p.m. I
haven't made a sale today
but which is
very unusual but again from
the first so
you can see all of these
right here this
is daily Commission's
coming in right
here and as you can see
from March 1st
until 7th and in 7 days I
made 1500
euros so that is from my
own product
sales and also as an
affiliate I was
selling a product that was
called fiber
licious which taught more
about how to
make money from Fiverr and
I got like I
actually like I made one
video and that
video has been going on for
like two
weeks or three weeks where
I just got a
ton of sales from that and
I really
enjoyed the product and I
really enjoyed
the message so I'm having
to see all the
people joining but as you
can see from
the last week from the 1st
to the 7th I
made around six hundred and
or almost like 57 and also
I was selling
this product called build
roll and it
has like you can see all
Commission's right here
that's come in I
took the liberty to go
through like a
calculator and add them all
up to you
guys and what it was was
seven hundred
and twenty eight dollars
and 78 cents
and then the last one is
from my YouTube
so I couldn't really see
exactly from
the first like right here
from the first
to the seventh because the
stat haven't
uploaded yet so you can see
one two
three four five six it
should be seven
right here so I actually
went back one
day just to have like seven
so it's kind
of like seven days the the
week and I
was lying around 1386
dollars right here
and I added these all up in
this little
document right here as you
can see
warrior + 650 stripe the
euros was one
one thousand five hundred
and that
counted out to almost about
hundred dollars YouTube
1300 about like
thirteen fourteen hundred
and this does
not take into account other
sources that I have I am
probably making
around to three hundred
dollars from
other affiliate stuff that
I'm doing in
products I'm selling so I'm
not taking
that and including this in
this video I
could go into like every
single website
and like fifty dollars here
dollars there but it's
around like two
to three hundred dollars
extra but I'm
not including that in this
total so in
one week I was making four
thousand two
hundred and seventy eight
dollars in
twelve cents and that is a
daily income
of six hundred and eleven
dollars and
sixteen cents and you know
this income
has changed my life it has
changed my life and I started
about like
three years ago I started
in this and
make money online kind of
journey and
what really made it for me
was that I
started traveling and
backpacking the
world for like four months
and I did so
many cool things I I
learned to scuba
dive in Thailand I bought
my own
motorcycle in Vietnam I met
the craziest
people that I've ever met
before and
they were so cool and so
awesome but
then I had to go back after
four months
the money was up so I
didn't have any
money so I could travel
anymore and he
was so sad when I came back
home right
here to Norway which I live
like I was
feeling like everyone was
like prison
everyone was working a
nine-to-five no
one was having like
it was so structured and so
boring and
and all of this stuff so
from that point
when I came home right here
I said I am
going to make money online
because I
want to travel the world
and make money
from my laptop so I've made
a decision
that I was going to make
this happen but
I failed a lot I started
one business it
failed I started a business
that failed
I started another business
that also
failed and after two years
of failing I
was like the dream I'm not
gonna make
the dream and I can't go
out there and
travel again which was
super sad and my
mom was like pushing me to
go to college
and I was like the
entrepreneur dream I
need to like the
entrepreneur dream but
I was like it's not working
any like all
the stuff that I'm doing
it's not
working in this is two
years after I
traveled so I was like okay
let's go to
college with study and
maybe maybe
there's a small chance that
I can
finally make it and make
entrepreneur dream the
digital lifestyle
so while I was in college I
was doing
this on the side and when I
moved to
college I was actually
working on the on
a separate business or
separate the
YouTube channel that was
called buckless
free which is like a top
ten travel
channel where I was like
top ten things
to do in Bangkok top ten
things to doing
New York for free and all
of that stuff
and he was making actually
getting it
like a lot of views like I
was getting a
ton of views and it's still
views today but as making
no money I was
making no money at all and
one day we're
in class in this like big
huge class
we'd like the step you've
probably seen
a college like classroom
before and we
had this real estate day
and this real
estate day was basically I
was in
college to study real
estate because in
Norway you have to go three
years to
study real estate and sell
real estate
so I was doing that and we
had this real
estate day where all of
these real
estate agents was coming in
to our
school to teach us and to
does and so they all had
their little
lectures but one in
particular struck me
hard it was to real estate
agents that
has just finished college
so they're
just out of college and now
trying to get clients and
to sell real
estate and they said that
they have been
trying for four months and
only getting
like two three sales that
is so bad and
every day they would spend
all eight
hours of the work day
calling people on
the phone cold calling
people for four
months did not seem like
something I
would like to do so that
just shocked me
so much and then I got home
and I
started playing some rocket
league with
one my buddies and he went
to like one
of the best schools in
Norway for like
an economy and they had
this lecture
about which jobs will not
exist anymore
in 20 years and it was like
nurses are
always gonna have jobs and
they went
through the list and one of
the highest
most highly likely to be
extinct or not
extinct but have a very
small percent of
people left was real estate
and from
that point on I was like
there's no
going back I need to make
this money
online I do not want to
become a real
estate agent and in a few
years I'm not
gonna have a job anymore
and I really
really want to go back to
again so I learned from all
my mistakes
that I have done the Travel
Channel that
I made they failed because
I was not
selling any products and
also I was not
building an email list and
then I
created this channel that
watching right here and I
made sure that
from the beginning I'm
gonna build an
email list and I'm gonna
sell affiliate
products and since I had
made so many
failures about making money
online I
thought a channel around
making money
online where I can teach
people stuff
seemed like a good idea
like I have
learned so many things and
I don't want
people to get in the same
situation that
that I was in and I was
starting to post
videos on this new YouTube
channel so
now I've just started from
scratch again
and I'm not seeing any
results I'm
posting like every other
day every three
days and I'm not seeing any
results but
the problem was that in the
first like
two three months of this
channel I was
just posting shit garbage
videos that
wasn't really using a good
strategy to
gain views on YouTube but
then after
that I started looking into
actually converts on
YouTube and what
actually get views and that
actually can
go a little bit of viral
and I started
every video was gonna be a
video like
that from one week to
another I was like
shooting up and ten Xing my
views I was
getting 10 times more views
than I was
getting and it went from
like getting a
thousand views per day to
getting like
10,000 views per day I'm
gonna show you
I'm gonna show you this as
you can see
right here I was like
posting these
shitty shitty ass videos or
they like
the videos were good but it
was just
teaching I was like a
boring teacher
just hey you should not do
this you
should not do this and then
I started
learning about viral videos
something I call piggyback
videos and I
started posting and
literally from one
week to another I got this
huge Mount
Everest of views and not
only that it
just continued moving on
and I was
continuing to get views and
the best
part was that I was selling
products and
I was building my email
list and from
that I was making $100 per
day to like
$200 per day and this was
huge for me
you just imagine having a
channel that's going like
okay and then
in one week it's like as
you might
imagine I was freaking
happy and from
there it just grew and grew
and I got
better at writing emails I
got better at
finding good products and I
just I was I was honing my
craft and it
has evolved to what is now
the absent
like what I think is the
absolute best
way to make money online
what I highly
encourage anyone of you to
do and please
learn from my mistakes and
take this
video in watch it all the
way to the end
because you're gonna learn
exactly how
you can do this you don't
have to do
YouTube you can't either do
or blogging or like
creating an SEO
website but we're gonna
talk a lot about
YouTube because I have the
most like
expertise in YouTube and
that's what I
can teach you the most but
principles apply to other
platforms as
well alright guys I turn my
camera off
for this part right here
because I I
just get too horny when I
talk about
this stuff I get super
horny and my face
looks super weird when I
talk about it
so I can just turn my
camera off for a
second and by the end of
this section
right here I hope that you
also gonna be
horny about what you
learned and all of
a sudden you can't watch
porn anymore
you can just watch
stupidest fucking
joke so what I'm gonna
explain now is
that it's a three-step
process that
almost all businesses do there's
slight variation in offline
online businesses but the
still apply to every kind
of business
and I'm gonna tell you all
of this right
now step number one find an
itch step
number two find an
affiliate product so
in the beginning you
usually want to
find an affiliate product
because you
don't have a product
yourself and step
number three is gonna be
content so
we're gonna be producing
content and
like I said you don't have
to go into
YouTube what I have right
here is like a
blog podcast YouTube and
we're gonna
talk a lot more about this
but first
before I bore you to death
and you're
thinking ah this is gonna
be so boring
and you're thinking like oh
I'm not in
school I'm watching a
YouTube video I
need to be entertained so
what I'm gonna
do now is show you some
examples oh my
god so I'm gonna show you
exactly what
this is all about so step
number one
niche seller to affiliate
product or
step number three
examples right here don't
sell affiliate
products okay but I recommend
beginners sell affiliate
because you don't want to
create your
own product for a few
different resource
many reasons you don't want
to sell your
own product but we're gonna
get into
that later so so the first
one I want to
go into is RSD now RSD is a
business or
a kind of like a franchise
thing where
they help people that can't
get girls if
you're bad at getting girls
like this
dude right here or if
you're like in
super in the friend zone
like this dude
right here rst can help you
get better
with girls get better with
pickup and
become kind of like a
ladies man and all
sorts of things like that
so they target
those kind of people that
have that need
you know I want to get
better with girl
I don't want to get more
confident I
want to all of this stuff
and the
product that they have I'm
going to show
you two different products
right here is
one of them is called so
basically it's
called a real social
dynamics and they
have a few different
coaches max is one
of the coaches and Jaffe is
one of the
coaches and they have a few
others as
well and we can take a look
at the
product right here so now
we're in niche
was a lonely guys that want
to get girls
products I'm gonna go into
right now and
this product is called the
natural and
it will help basically help
you become a
natural and it's just a
sales page with
hey I was just super bad
guy and now
I've been through all of
this stuff and
really now I get girls I
can just look
at a girl and she sleeps
with me and
you're like huh I don't I I
I'm in the
friend zone all the time so
I want to
learn from you mister
and so it's like $500 six
$700 and $900
and you get all of this
stuff right here
we're gonna talk a little
bit about like
the stack and a good sales
page in this
video as well but I don't
want to
overwhelm you where you go
like oh this
is so hard because it's not
hard to guys
so this is basically the
product he will
help guys become more
natural and that's
basically what this product
is all about
now the second one is a
product by Jeff
II and what he has done is
that he has
created the program and I
have actually
been through this course
myself and what
it's all about is basically
how you can
get girls with online
dating so he goes
through a lot of different
ways that you
can go to tinder you can go
to like
plenty of fish you can go
to all of
these things and I really
enjoyed it I
actually had a lot of
success with it
because he was actually
giving away like
the text that he was
sending what you
said say first and what you
should say
after you've said that and
all of this
stuff and he has been like
through he
has tested on thousands and
thousands of
women just super cool and
the product is
good and helping a lot of
people and if
we go down here see product
products yet
product is right here as
you can see
they have all of these
products right
here awesome good stuff
they have a
product so niche guys that
can't get
girls product how to get
girls first by
being natural they have
like a lot of
different programs and and
then how do
they promote these courses
well they go
to youtube and they make
youtube videos
so RSD they have all these
kinds of guys
i don't know if i can just
filter by
channel i can see like RSD
Jeffy tyler
judy Madison loop Derek all
of these
guys Julian is also a coach
and all of
these guys or they have
built I would
say the largest how to get
products or franchise in
the world
because of youtube so if we
go here you
all of these videos right
here getting
200,000 views you can see
them making a
bunch of different videos I
want to go
to our SD max I think as
his own channel
and essentially what they
make videos
about is their niche lonely
guys that
can't get girls how to be a
player how
to be a playboy how to be a
fucking confident boy and
that's what
they make videos about so
all of their
stuff is around basically
their niche
and their target customer
okay and the
way that this business has
grown so fast
is because they make
content so content
marketing has been showing
time and time
again that gives businesses
the highest
return on investment so you
can go and
pay for Facebook ads or
Google ads but
content marketing is giving
like almost
all businesses the highest
return on
investment if you do it like
I say in
this video and we're gonna
go into what
great content is in just a
little second
but just realize this that
this is for
almost all businesses
online so I'm
gonna show you another
example which is
keynote body he basically
the niche
right here is people don't
want to lose
weight people that want to
get shredded
and also people that do
fasting and then the
product is that he
has this little quiz which
is super cool
and basically just go here
I'm 20s I
have low levels of body fat
I'm skinny fat I have no
clue how much
muscle and all of this year
and you can
pick one of these and if
you click on
skin fat you can click on
any of these
and then he has a specific
program for
every kind of things so if
you go in
here you have this one Greek
god you
have a hair Greek god
transformation you
can go here and then you
have like this
new one Kino body
he has all kinds of
products for all
different people and it's
because he's
trying to tackle the weight
loss market
and the way you tackle the
weight loss
market is that you find out
are you
trying to get shredded are
you trying to
get a bald bodybuilder are
you trying to
lose weight are you trying
to do this
and then you go very
specifically into
what the customer wants
but again niche product and
then you
have content so what you
think he's
making content around
well people I want to lose
weight people
I want to lose weight man
come on strength standards
I loved these
ones right here so why
you'll never get
a six
get six pack abs and as you
can see why
will why did he does he
make a video
like this because his niche
is thinking
about this constantly the
niche I want
to lose weight because I
want a six-pack
and then this guy like you
will never
get a six-pack like I need
to watch it
now because I'm curious and
I I need to
see and at the end of the
video of
course at the end of the
video of course
he has the the physique
quiz that you
can click right here and
then you will
come to this page right
here and he'll
make money does this make
sense does
this make sense to you guys
I really
hope that this makes sense
because this
is like the most basic of a
strategy and if you want to
make money
online and if you want to
make four
thousand two hundred and
seventy eight
dollars you need to know
this stuff
alright so we're gonna
build your
business right now we're
gonna build
your business you and me
we're gonna go
through this together and
we are going
to make your business
alright and we
gonna go through all the
steps and in
your head you're going to
make a few
decisions and you're like I
want to do
this or I want to do that
and and don't
over complicate it it's not
that hard
just follow through the
motions and go
with me and maybe at the end
of this you
will have a great idea of
how you can
actually make a ton of
money online so
first of all step number
one is the
niche and niches is like
there's so many
niches out there and I want
to talk
about specifically health
and relationships those are
the most
like important niches all
other niches
and health wealth and
relationship is
basically hobbies usually
hobbies and
things you're interested in
like bikes
geeks food and drink brain
hacking books
cars boats gambling
survival outdoors
and all of the stuff that
doesn't go in
here is basically a hobby
hobbies I want to give you
this at the
end as well
like I want you to take
this so you can
go through it yourself you
just need an
internet explorer you can
use this right
here it's online but as you
can see we
can go in here and we can
go categorize
it a little bit shorter
right here so
health you can have like
health problems
and disorders you have acne
cold sores
and you can make an entire
around cold sores it's a
very possible
acne blood pressure
constipation oh and
even you can go like deeper
into some of
these like blood pressure
blood sugar
Blount control control
blood sugar and
and all that stuff going to
sport you
can go to all the different
kinds of
sports again this is a
little bit hobby
improve health not too much
there diets
click diet is probably one
of the
biggest industries and I
want to tell
you the biggest mistake
that you can
make right now is that you
go into for
example you go into
workouts and then
you go into all of these
you want to be
the expert in all of these
like you want
to be the yoga instructor
and also the
cardio guy and cardio for
moms and then
building muscle that does
not work you
have to be very specific
about what you
should be an expert in a
keto body the
the guy that we just
checked out he was
intermitted fasting that
was his thing
and he was a little bit
like losing
weight and also get
shredded but those
two markets really go in
together but
trying to niche down
is more important so right
now I want
you to do this for me you
will say in
your head I want to go into
and then
blank I want to go into
blank I am
interested in blank are you
in knitting perfect you can
make some
make money around that are
interested in taking
photography are you
interested in boats are
interested in
food and drink are you
interested in do
a DIY and home improvement
like all of
this stuff you have so much
can't prevents you can make
a business
run travel religion you got
so many
things you can do man and
this gets me
so horny this is my
neighbors are gonna
think I'm fucking crazy but
just take an
interest you don't have to
be an expert
right now they actually say
that if you
read three books on one
subject you will
become better than 99% of
all of
humanity on that subject so
you can
become an expert you just
right now you
just have to find something
interested in
alright now I really hope
that you want
to do this with me and what
I want you
to do right now in your
head think of
something you're interested
in what are
you interested in I'm gonna
go through
all these right now and
play some music
and you can get some ideas
1.3 million
survivors and he is all
about how to
study better the better
student it's not
crazy relationships you
have it's great
moments got exciting
freshened ever seen
chocolate can't you better
have it holds
pregnant moms who do pretty
much must be
held between vitals are all
this stuff
you may go this again thing
you do is
expose you to business
their cars you
know all this access
batteries leaning
electronics parking
several record okay I was
if your car
Connecticut mister on books
brain hockey
and the tropics making
believe you are
like his entire fucking
goddamn baking
she's making recipes like
Bowie to what
is important right not
don't be on the
baking energies and there's
sweets you want
computers like -
technically you do
inside house can weekend
coming out
sorry they longer
composting deck plans
goblin landscaping chicken
oh my god
Jake Jake you complain to
my few kids
guys but it isn't safe
surfing so you're
probably the rest surfing
that's like
dog that just like and see
me you camper
man traveled oh they didn't
have you how
do you like it is another
crazy ones but
again most people do why
can you pick
one please you don't
alright perfect
you're now found your niche
you're gonna help scuba
dive instructors
make more money you're
gonna be a
whiskey connoisseur you're
gonna help
people that wanna be sky
instructors be sky diving
because you've picked your
niche alright
it's very important and
after we've
found our niche we need to
find an
affiliate product or you
can sell any
kind of product and
basically affiliate
products I'm not gonna go
too much into
Clickbank is a very good
source for
getting affiliate products
so you go in
here and as we can see
let's see
health we're going into
health and we're
going into let's do like
workout weight
loss something like that
you can going
to Clickbank and then you
can go here
and by the way if you've
heard about
Clickbank before and you're
like hey
didn't work in my country I
can't do
this because of this this
and this do
this health affiliate
programs Google it
Google it it like there's
products out there that you
can promote
so don't come to me and say
Clickbank doesn't work in
my country
I've heard it before health
and fitness
we can go in here and if
you go here you
can go and search by
gravity and as you
can see you're out like
flat belly fix
you can sell this product
lean belly
breakthrough you can sell
this product
fat decimator system you
can sell this
product and all of these
products are
good alright all you have
to look for is
gravity gravity basically
means that a
lot of people are promoting
it and
they're getting sales if
one guy is
making a ton of sales the
gravity would
not behind it's a lot of
people aren't
promoting it and getting
success with it
alright so now we've found
an affiliate
product you can now sell
this product
like it's your own and
every time you
sell one of these you are
going to make
like $29 pretty
decent average sales $38
and all you
have to do is make these
sales now we're
gonna go into the most fun
part for like
I think this is the most
fun part
because now you have
actually picked
your niche and you've
picked an
affiliate product so you
have now done
the groundwork
alright many people start
right here
they start backwards don't
do that
start with your niche who
are you gonna
help and then find an a
product a
product that is gonna solve
you need to solve their
problems like I
can't get girls because I'm
in the
friend zone
well the affiliate product
that you
should you should find this
the friend
zone destroyer you can you
will never
get in the friend zone
again after you
watch this product or gone
through this
product all right then we
go into
content and you can do
content for blogs
podcasts YouTube and what
you're gonna
do is I like to call it
misconceptions and mistakes
also we're
gonna go into viral content
because I
think if our concept is
super important
so what you're gonna do is
that you're
gonna create videos about
myths that's
in the niche that you have
you're gonna
talk about the
misconceptions that are
in your market and you're
gonna talk
about these mistakes that
you have done
as a person in lessons you
can pull away
from that also we're going
to do viral
content and I'm gonna tell
you a very
good sales tactic right now
all right
you're gonna learn sales
and you're
gonna get good at sells
when you create
content what I do on YouTube
is that I
basically make viral
content so I can
build my email list and my
email list is
basically I have like a 90
day follow-up
series that is just going
automatically so I don't
have to do
anything and I'll make
money passively
which is super cool and I
make viral
content on YouTube and then
I start
sending them emails every
single day for
90 days and I continually
grow that to
get more and more passive
income anda
what I'm talking about in
my emails that
actually sell because you
have to sell
you can't do some weird
some people don't know how
to sell and I
need to teach you alright
you're gonna
tell them how about the
myths the
misconception and the
mistakes because
you don't really want to
solve their
problems with free content
you want to
make more problems all
right that that's
a huge like I can't believe
this is
something I if you get that
you you will
become very wealthy you
need to make
more problems with your
email and with
your YouTube and solve it
with your
this is crucial right here
that's all
that RSD the how to how to
pick up girls
guys like the rsd guys they
don't give
away that much for free
like the
difference between their
their free
stuff and they're paid
stuff is like
huge because they're not
talking about
like strategies they're not
like at
first you say this and then
you say that
and then you say this and
then you walk
and then you go like this
they don't say
that they say that inside
their products
because this makes sales
when you talk
about this stuff and
especially when you
do it in emails because
when you use
this strategy you get a ton
of use and
most of my videos are viral
content I
get a ton of views and then
I talk about
the myths misconceptions
and mistakes
that I have made that that
is in the
market that is making them
like oh shit
I don't know if this is
right or this is
wrong or and it just makes
sales okay
and this is probably the
best way that
you can make money online
so YouTube I
do viral content and then I
close them
on sales with my emails and
the way that
you make any kind of
content on YouTube
podcasts or blogs is that
once again you
look at your niche and just
imagine your
niche it's like a bubble
and you want to
see what is this bubble
watching online
what are they reading what
is the they
doing on podcasts and what
I did with
YouTube was that basically
I know that
my niche is like people
that want to
make money online people
that want to be
successful and what I did
is I looked at
all the best channels
around how to make
money online and being
successful I saw
which video gets views and
then I made
videos around that because
the market
has told you what they're
interested in
like it's so simple and
that was the way
that I got like this crazy
big spike is
that I started to look at
my niche like
what are they interested in
and I made
stuff that they were
interested in so in
this video I've been
teaching you a lot
of stuff a lot of great
things about how
you can start your own
online business
but this is just the
surface and and
obviously I can't teach all
that I know
in just a thirty minute
video so I just
wonder is it okay for me to
show you
this this is tube takeoff
Academy my
premium You Tube course and
this is
gonna be for you if you
wanted to start
from absolute scratch and
make money on
YouTube fast it doesn't
matter if you're
a student or a stay-at-home
mom the only
requirement for you to join
this is that
you're able to speak
English if you
don't even have to be on
you can talk into a
microphone like I'm
doing right now and you
might think that
you can't get started with
this because
you don't have a channel
idea or you
don't know how to make
videos or you
don't have a product to
sell well here
is why that is a big
mistake holding you
back from your success
inside a tube
takeoff Academy we have a
four week
masterclass and week one
I'm going to
show you how to build a
foundation fast the step by
step back
and stels funnel you need
to create
before you even think about
your first video week
number two how to
generate views and
subscribers like the
pros discover how to create
videos that attract
targeted viewers and
convert them into paying
customers even
without showing your face
week number
three how to crush your
competition and
milk YouTube for viral
traffic exactly
which videos you have to
create to
completely take off on
YouTube and how
to optimize your channel
for maximum
growth and week number four
how to make
serious money from small
YouTube channel
how to turn every video
into a
money-making machine that
runs 24/7 to
make you money while you
sleep also I'm
going to train you and show
you all the
tools that you need like
recording video editing and
in fact I'm
gonna give you all the
pages and the
back front back and funnel
that I use
right now to make passive
income with
YouTube and you'll be able
to just copy
my profitable funnel with
one click and
when you have all these
tools you'll be
able to make videos very
fast and easy
and you'll be able to
create viral
videos that gets you money
coming in on
autopilot while you sleep
and you don't
have to spend months trying
to crack the
YouTube code on your own or
work for
months trying to create a
back and
funnel that makes you money
when I was
figuring this stuff out I
hit a big
roadblock I didn't know how
to make
viral videos for myself
that made money
on autopilot back then I
had to spend a
lot of time studying trying
to find the
perfect viral video formula
and so much
money and time creating a
back and
funnel that actually got me
paid but I
don't know about you but
it's bad to
recreate the wheel I've
already got the
proven formula and I am
just going to
give you this in this
package does that
sound cool so you'll be
able to get the
entire four week master
class with all
the four weeks of lessons
and you get my
tools and training and the
backhand funnel on top of
this I've
included two thousand two
hundred and
eighty-five dollars worth
bonuses that
I'm gonna show you right
now is a bonus
number one it's gonna be a
list of a
hundred and thirty-two
YouTube niches in 2019 with
a value of
one hundred and ninety
seven and this is
where you start which of
the 132
profitable YouTube niches
do you want to
make your channel around
literally you
can put a blindfold on just
put your
finger out and point out
one of them and
make a successful business
free bonus
number two is gonna be 25
proven niche
YouTube channels you can
ethically copy
and model this has a value
of one
hundred and ninety seven
reinventing the
wheel is a bad eye
get inspired by these 25
proven niche
YouTube channels and has
you can see we
have all of these YouTube
channels right
here that you can just model
and see
what works and how can I do
the same and
free bonus number three
it's gonna be
the ultimate affiliate
program list that
has a value of 497 now
making money fast
is important to our
students don't have
your own product to sell no
these 208 affiliate
programs will make
it easy for you to monetize
your YouTube
channel so you have all
this lists right
here you can see all these
affiliate programs that you
can join
just right off the bat
because we have
problems with people
finding that like
they couldn't find a
product to sell so
I just made like this
entire list of
products this is very easy
bonus number
four is gonna be seven
scripts and template with a
value of 897
and the most important
metric on YouTube
is watch time and with
these seven
fill-in-the-blank video
scripts based on
expert copywriting and
sales principles
you will get anyone on your
video hooked
and dragged to the end of
your video and
as you can see hey it's
your name if
you're looking for a
solution to their
big problem i'm about to
reveal some
ways to solve their big
problem it's
very good to grab attention
and get them
cooked to the end bonus
number five is a
four week step-by-step action
plan with
a value of 497 let me hold
your hand
every step of the way and
you basically
have like checkboxes so
every box you
check your closer and
closer to getting
success with YouTube so
just your entire
job is to check off these
boxes right
so now you're gonna get
tube takeoff
Academy's four-week master
class my
profitable backhand funnel
and the
exclusive bonuses all with
a total value
of three thousand seven
hundred and
seventy nine dollars now
when you invest
today you're also going to
get access to
tube takeoff tribe the
Facebook group
where you'll be able to
connect with
like-minded people just
like yourself
that want to start doing
YouTube and
make money online and also
here is where
you get Dyer
direct contact with me and
you can ask
any questions you have when
I started
making money online I had
to go through
all of this by myself and
it was super
hard because I didn't have
anyone I
could ask questions to or
other people
around me that we're in the
same boat as
me to motivate me in the
beginning but
you don't have to do this
all by
yourself because I'm giving
you access
to this group right now as
a special
bonus and this is gonna
make it faster
and easier for you because
my goal of
2019 is to help a thousand
people reach
100 dollars per day and
quit their job
and if you're in the tube
takeoff tribe
you are my number one
priority now as
you can see tube takeoff
four-week master class my
backhand funnel to take up
with the
tribe group and all of the
exclusive bonuses this
package totals up
to four thousand four
hundred and
sixty-seven dollars now
obviously I'm
not gonna charge you four
thousand four
hundred and sixty seven but
if I did
charge you four thousand
four hundred
ninety seven and all this
product did
was to get you to a hundred
dollars per
day with YouTube would it
be worth four
thousand four hundred
ninety seven and
if all to take off did was
to get you a
profitable back and funnel
where you can
make money while you sleep
would it be worth for
thousands of
dollars and if all this did
was to give
you one viral video where
it got like a
hundred thousand views
would it be worth
four thousand dollars and
if all this
did was to get you a
YouTube channel
with ten thousand
subscribers would it
be worth it now I had two
choices when I
made this offer either I
could charge a
very high price and help a
handful of
people but I decided that
because of my
goal of 2019 is of helping
1,000 people
reach $100 per day I needed
to help as
many people as possible and
let the tube
takeoff tribe grow together
immunity so if you had a
YouTube channel right now
with the
10,000 subscribers making
you money
while you sleep would it be
worth it to
you how much would you pay
to have that
one successful YouTube
channel as you
can see from this video I
was making
four thousand dollars in
one week so you
can probably see why I
charged people
thousands of dollars for
similar results
from me because it's not a
cost it's an
investment so you already
seen how it's
worth four thousand four
hundred sixty
seven dollars but because
of my goal and
because it's 2019 I am
going to give you
a very special deal and
hopefully in
you can quit your job today
you'll get
this for the low price of
297 so the
real question is are you
going to be
continuing to watch videos
on YouTube
with all these different
ways to make
money online or is 2019 the
year you
stop messing around and
take your money
problems into your own
hands and
actually make a change as
you can see
from this ridiculous price
you're going
to get the to take up
four-week master class my
back and funnel the tube
takeoff tribe
group and the five
exclusive bonuses so
remember that this sale
happens today
and all you have to do to
get instant
access to this is click the
down below you get taken to
this page
right here click it get
instant access
right here enter your details
on the
next page and you will join
inside the
tube takeoff tribe and you
will get my
own personal help on
starting your own
online journey and as you
can see as
well you can add to private
coaching calls so I don't
really do
private coaching calls a
lot because it
takes a lot of my time and
it's not
really worth my time
because it cost
like $97 and I basically
get this daily
without doing anything but
basically all
of the students that has
bought this
coaching call with me has
gotten so much
out of it so I lowered the
price of this
for just $97.00 because I
want to talk
to you I really want to
find like where
are your struggling and how
can we do
this as easy as possible
and we're gonna
go through all of the steps
finding a
niche finding your product
and creating
content and we're gonna do
that together
on these private one-on-one
calls and each one of the
calls is one
hour so you can take this
box right here
if you want that as well
and I want as
many people as possible to
join this
because this is the way
that I was able
to quit college and make a
living online as you know
I've been
through many many struggles
and like it
has been super hard for me I
tried all
different ways of making my
online and I
didn't get success until I
started with
YouTube and especially the
way that I do
YouTube with the the viral
content and
the myths misconceptions
and mistakes so
my plan is for you to fully
everything and go from
being like a
complete the beginner
that's never made
a youtube video ever before
I'm gonna
show you how simple it is
and how you
can do the exact same thing
that I did
quit your job maybe you're
working a job
right now maybe you're in college
you're a stay-at-home mom
and you're
like I want to get a piece
of this right
here and I see so many
people fail on
YouTube because it
basically takes
forever to make these viral
videos if
you don't know how how to
do them and
you have to figure out
exactly what to
say how to hook them how to
get watch
time and all of this stuff
that you're
gonna learn from to take
off Academy and
like how much is your time
worth and you
might think that this is
not an
investment but think about
like if
you're thinking about doing
YouTube and
you make 10 videos let's
say that every
video is taking you five
hours I don't
know how long it takes for
you let's say
that you value your own
time at $15 per
hour that's basically five
hours ten
videos that's 50 times
fifteen at $750 worth of
your time going
right into the sink because
time doing videos that is
not gonna get
you any success is waste of
and I can't believe how
many bad videos
I made at the beginning that
just left
me broke not getting any
views and not
getting any viral traffic
and when I
changed around doing my
strategy selling
products building an email
list and
creating viral videos that
was when
stuff started to happen and
I completely
blew up click in the
description down
below right now I can't
wait for you to
join to take off tribe we
already have
like this amazing and you
can see all
these people are super cool
we got one
de la Nia it actually got
recognized by
Nathan Lucas in one of his
videos who he
was shouting it out he was
shouting her
out in his videos we got
Marc furnace
that actually since he
implementing my strategies
with selling
affiliate products he made
$68 signal
almost $69 and then a
little bit before
that he is now like at
3,000 subscribers
as you can see and he has
really been
crushing it because he's
been following
the exact advice that I
have been giving
to him and we had like this
challenge right here
with all these people going
through the
course and going through
the challenges
and all of them are
crushing it they're
starting to post awesome
videos just by
following the course and
following what
I teach them so people are
success with this people
are getting
recognized and these are
people that has
been struggling has been
buying like
Shopify courses I've been
buying all of
these other things but now
finally starting to get
success because
they're starting with
YouTube and it's
know like Institute it's
not weird
because you know video was
the future
how when is the last time
you read
something for the majority
of people
it's a long time ago maybe
a little bit
of news here and there but
and that people unlike a
reading blogs
or people really just want
just directly plugged into
their brain
and YouTube is the best way
to do that
click the link in the
description right
now get instant access to
tube takeoff
Academy and click here go
and place your
order the one-on-one private
calls but thank you so much
for watching
can't wait for you to join
the tube
takeoff tribe and you can
ask me
questions I really want to
get to know
you better but that's gonna
be the video
thank you so much for
watching and I'll
see you inside the tube
takeoff tribe
well that was rhyming
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