I can not guarantee that
you will make money from this, or any of my other videos. I'm just showing you
different websites and methods that has the potential of making money. Any link
you see in the description or in
the video is most likely an affiliate link.
Meaning that if you sign up or buy through me, i will get a commission. This
helps and supports this youtube channel, and keeps it going, thanks!
hey guys today we have an
amazing guest
on she's the founder of
econ profits
calm she has helped many
big million
dollar companies sell more
online and if she is making
over two
million dollars per month
on Amazon
Tammy do kow how it's an
absolute pret
pleasure having you on is
crazy how are you today
I'm doing well thank you so
much for
having me it's such a
pleasure to be
here yeah and right now
you're in Vegas
right what's happening in
Vegas yeah so
we are here at an econ
leader event a
group I work with and we
have a really
cool community of people
that are trying
to grow their businesses
online in
e-commerce and so I come
and help sort
of on the Amazon fronts all
right that's
awesome and how it like
from the path of
making zero dollars on
Amazon and to
making two million dollars
per month
like how did you start with
Amazon you
know it's a funny story
because I kind
of went you know in a
direction than most people
do so I've
been in e-commerce almost
20 years it
sounds really weird to say
that but
because of my interesting
life choices I
ended up working for
Starwood Hotels a
long time ago even when
ecommerce I
didn't even know what it
was they said
we want you to be the
director I said I don't
know what that
here's a book some SOPs and
figure it
out because I had that
amazing start in
my career I you know I just
continued to
work for a lot of Fortune
Brands and
eventually it led to you
know working
with huge agencies brands
and awesome
you know brands you would
household name products so
I did
everything from social
media and then to
Amazon so it was really a
really cool
path to be able to actually
meet with
Amazon execs all the time
travel to
Amazon really get to know
them inside
and out and it didn't even
occur to me
until about four years ago
that maybe I
should build my own
that's what Matt started
but yeah I did
have a little bit of a you
know inside
track there to get me
started and you
know get over some of those
humps that
sometimes we we endure as
but that's why I'm so
passionate about
helping others you know
yeah that's
perfect and like when you
started four
years ago and Amazon what
was like the
change that you had in
mindset so even
though it works through
with some
fortune companies over the
years I've
also always been an
entrepreneur on the
side I've always had a side
something going on and so
I've always
had that entrepreneurial
mindset I had a
real estate license when I
was like in
my teens so you know I
loved going to
motivational you know
mindset speakers
like Tony Robbins and all
that kind of
thing early on and so I
knew it's
something that I always
wanted to
achieve and grow and leave
a legacy and
you know help people I just
had this
incredible desire to help
people so that
it was a path to to do that
to help
others instead of just
fortune brands it
was a path to help you know
the little
guy and you know I've gone
through a lot
of transitions and
wonderful life
choices that I've made
having to get to
some hurdles in so you know
that's what
drives me also just helping
other people
that might be in tight
positions and
need another avenue if
you're in a
transitional time of your
life you know
I think ecommerce and
Amazon is like the
the best way it's really
one of the the
best ways to start a
business without a
whole lot of capital
depending on your
business model so to me
it's it can
really be helpful to a lot
of people and
so the story is that it was
just a
family member that said you
know she had
gotten a new dog and the
dog was eating
the rug like literally
eating a hole in
the rug every day she
approached me and
she said you know you are
on the
internet all day long your
whole life
could you just please find
me a dog toy
that this pissed
will not chew and will
avoid the carpet
and that's the first thing
that I did
and I couldn't find
anything so it led
us to find the best thing
we could find
and then make it better until
it was so
good that this dog didn't
eat the carpet
anymore and that's how that
started so
that was our first unique
product that I
launched and then that led
to a pet
brand and then the next
product we
launched actually within a
year and a
half became again another
solutions-based product
became an asking
on TV product all through
amazon you
know became an Amazon
Choice product and
then as seen on TV found it
Harrington from Shark Tank
reached out
and said hey we want to up
this product
so that was the journey you
know in the
beginning it all started
from a dog
eating a rug that's very
funny and you
have one person just
needing that
product like crazy anything
that is so
annoying in your life and
you can't
figure out a solution
just add it until you
figure it out
because you know that other
people have
that problem too you've
probably saved a
lot of rugs throughout the
years legacy
yeah exactly but I wanted
to go into
like how do you actually
make money on
Amazon for all the people
that know
don't know you know there's
a lot of
different approaches and so
you know and
that's one thing that I
think separates
me from a lot of the other
Amazon people
out there because I really
want to shine
a light on what Amazon
actually is
Amazon is actually a search
engine guys
you know we have to think
of it more
than just a place to go by
my widgets
right it is a search engine
it's called
a nine it has autocomplete
it tells us
exactly what consumers are
searching for
right now up to the last
second it's the
third largest search engine
after Google
and YouTube right
2.6 billion visitors a
month and they
automate you know they do
all the
advertising for you so the
more I like
to think of it like this
the more hooks
we put in the water you
know that Amazon
fishing pond the more free
traffic we're
gonna bring to our products
or services
whatever it is that we're
promoting and
so I like to shine a light
on all the
different ways that we can
gain access
to that little fishing pond
that big
fishing pond and one of the
ways I would
say for for newbies the way
that I coach
people to just get started
get your feet
wet is through the Amazon
Program I know it's been
around since
1999 or something they've
they weren't
the first they were
actually the first
affiliate program out there
before gee
yeah it was pretty cool and
so they
offered a way for other
people to refer
people to their products so
if you think
about a blog like BuzzFeed
right or you
know there's there's so
many right now
but all they do is put list
of hey the
10 best Christmas gifts
this year that
you know the top 5 Father's
Day gifts
their whole business model
is affiliate
links to Amazon yeah and
that's how they
make money that's how they
get paid and
there are over I think 800
affiliates that are associates
Amazon now driving traffic
to that
platform so they are a big
part of why
so many people do come to
that platform
and it's a great way to get
started I
mean you build a link you
put it
somewhere in your blog on
whatever hey I mean this
new smoothie I
use this awesome bullet I
love it I'm
gonna get it for Christmas
you know link
and that thing lives
forever and you
could paint on that forever
very you can start making
channels and post links in
description as well like that's
I see a
lot of people posting links
to their
camera what PC they use
what graphics
card that you saw so many
niches as well
and so many things you can
go into it's
absolutely crazy and like
for Americans
especially they use Amazon
everything like they buy
everything on
Amazon there's no other
absolutely it's a hundred
million Prime
members now in the US which
definitely over fifty
percent of the
households so it's it's
rare that you're
not you know using Amazon
in a lot of
households and you're
really reaching
people even beyond the
internet now with
all the Alexa skills which
is a whole
nother portal that I talk
about in a new
business opportunity for
Amazon but you
know one thing I want to
get back to if
you're really thinking
about selling
products then and you don't
have a
product in mind then you
know the retail
arbitrage methods are still
out there
and it's a great way that's
true get
started you know it just
gives you
immediate confidence that
platform is so
powerful that just having a
product on
there you know you're gonna
sell it and
it will if you've never
made a sale
online Amazon is a great
place to start
I I love to you know
encourage people to
just take that first step
because it
gives you so much
confidence and the the
you know the tenacity to
and the
empowerment to just music
personal bite you know so
for those and
for those that don't know
what is retail
arbitrage on Amazon
oh sure so when you buy
something at a
low price and then you sell
it at a
higher price that's called
arbitrage so
think about eBay right so
that was so
popular for years
we could sell whatever's in
our garage
or wedding guess we never
opened you
know our children's clothes
but the
difference on doing it on
Amazon then
eBay is you know Amazon is
really more
about new products so that
really expecting more new
unless you're in like the
type niche you know that's
different but
on Amazon you know you can
go to stores
TJ Maxx or even Walmart or
whatever buy
closeout deals and you know
send them
into Amazon warehouses
which makes them
prime you know and then
you're tapping
into that huge prime
loyalty membership
network and your chances of
getting your
for sale at that pointer
are really
great you know yeah I've
seen a couple
of pictures online with
people with like
a lot of cereal boxes too
stacked on top
of each other because there
were on sale
and they cost like a lot
more than it
was on Amazon so they took
arbitrage and made a few
dollars off of
that and it's so nice to
see all those
super beginners that don't
think they
can start making money
online actually
go out there and start
making their
first dollar because that's
a huge leap
for a lot of people and
that want to
make money online right now
you have a
free webinar and I actually
wanted to
know like why did you
create this
webinar so this is a really
story because I spend most
of my days on
you know besides we
outsource a lot of
our Amazon business now but
you know I'm
still doing retail
arbitrage all the
time because I love it
you know I'll go like I'll
go to the
store one Saturday morning
I'm like oh
you know I'll just it's a
great night
and it just feels good I
think it's
something with women to you
like we're
never spending money we're
only saving
money when we exactly what
I was gonna
say was I spend most of my
day really
figuring out all the
different ways to
promote our products and
services on
Amazon and one way that I
was digging
into recently it was called
the digital
services platform and this
had been you
know a light had been
shined on this
little portal I'll call it
you know
about a year ago and we
could we could
upload almost any digital
product to
Amazon like you know a PDF
there's Kindle but
you know we were I was
trying to get
courses on there like in
like that and so many
people were
interested in that so I was
trying to
figure that out
and what happened was one
day thousands
and thousands and thousands
of digital
services products just
became delisted
and I also noticed and this
is about a
month and a half ago six
weeks ago and
what I also noticed was
that there were
a lot of differences in the
there were category changes
all kinds of
things happen in one day
and you know no
one at Amazon would really
say what was
going on but I knew there
was definitely
there must have been a huge
change in
coding this is probably
going on for you
know um months and months
and months
before they actually
changed over and
when that happened I think
you know it
really caught a lot of
people off-guard
you know people's Kindle
accounts we're
getting shut down randomly
I mean all
kinds of chaos so I thought
okay well if
they're closing some
portals they must
have opened support so then
I really
started digging around and
it took me
about three days until I
uncovered it
and it was this one little
portal that
allows us to upload videos
and link into
our products to promote our
products and
when I found that I was so
because that portal which
led to a video
that would land on what's
called Amazon
video shorts it's like a
whole video
shorts category that in the
past that
had only been available to
brands we
would have to pay thirty
five thousand
dollars go to Amazon
Studios shoot these
videos and then they would
put them in
the video short section you
know but the
little guy could never do
that so
suddenly this opened up for
the little
oh my god that's like the
golden ticket
from Charlie and shockula
Factory right
so I was so excited I get a
excited about it was a but
but yeah so
everyone needs to know this
so that's
that's the that's why you
created the
product right because you
you found this
new portal and and how to
utilize it to
make more sales it was the
biggest win
for the little guy that
I've ever seen
you know in the past so now
level the
playing field and video is
so important
you know as a youtuber oh
right like 80% of marketing
marketing is gonna be video
by next year
video is huge
Amazon's all-in on video I
mean they
have been launching portals
over the
last year like they
actually have
amazon.com /watch and shop
it's almost
like a QVC type o world
where they've
got like ladies talking
about baby cups
and and then there's right
for sale and
they are all in on videos
so I think
that's why they really
wanted to you
know up you know love with
a playing
field and and and now they
partnered with YouTube so
and there was
always this kind of crazy
little you
know competition going on
but there is
actually a way through this
new portal
that you can take like your
channel and
II would be perfect and you
can stream
it to fire TV through this
portal which
is credible yeah so and I
just imagine
because I've never seen
this video proud
platform before but I just
imagine a lot
of entertaining video kind
infomercial zall most well
actually the
video shorts area let's
call it was
launched a few years ago
and and what it
was meant to do was to help
the consumer
make a better buying
decision because
you're not touching and
feeling the
product you're not you
don't have a
sales person there that's
educating you
about why to buy this
vacuum versus that
vacuum or why this baby cup
is better
for this kind of child than
kind of child and yes we
can say that in
all of our enhanced brand
content detail
pages and you know things
like that but
we've never really been
able to explain
that with video without
dropping and
load of cash you know and
having Amazon
do that and so they really
do like
educational videos but now
this portal
when you upload a video it
will ask you
what kind of video is it
isn't an
unboxing video is it a
product review is
it an other so I as the
founder of my
dog brand can go on and say
you know
what there's we love you
know giving
back and with you today
we're here at a
rescue center and you know
just helping
the consumer to say well I
want to do
business with that brand
they give back
so so there's I think six
or seven
different categories that
you can
categorize your video in
when you upload
it and then you actually
attach it to a
product so if you don't
have a product
on Amazon then you would
just choose a
product that you're talking
about right
like and have your
associates link money
really so you don't really
have to have
so you don't have to have
products on
Amazon in order to make
these videos I
don't you can just go right
into Amazon
and start selling products
link to any
product and you know here's
the beauty
part of it but I think the
real trick
that I teach people is and
I found this
kind of out by accident as
well but you
know many years ago I
started tagging
and naming my images in a
way so I could
catalog them I was putting
keywords in
there and then I started
putting my
Amazon Associates link in
there because
I started seeing them on
Google because
Amazon is the largest
advertiser on
Google they spent 17
billion dollars on
Google ads last year so any
images that
I was uploading to Amazon I
would see
suddenly I would see pop up
on Google
Images and I I don't do
anything on
Google it's all Amazon so
would like
when you click on an image
and then you
you go over to the right
and it says
visit and you click that
little button
it will take you to Amazon
well even if
it's not my product
and I have my Amazon
Associates link in
the info of the image or
the video I'm
going to get paid by Amazon
everything that customer
buys in the
next 24 hours and it was
yeah that's
crazy as well like that the
part is that they don't
even have to buy
the product it has like a
sticky cookie
that stays for 24 hours so
whatever they
buy within that 24 hour
space you get
paid yeah it's amazing so I
you know
this is a really funny
story that I love
to tell because we had our
dog brand
website and we only had one
kind of dog
toy it was a tug toy you
know how some
dogs they have to have just
toys or they like the
squeaky toy or you
know but ours was a ton toy
right so I
knew that if a consumer was
there and
they didn't have the tug
toy type of dog
they would probably be the
stuffing type of dog right
on my same
website right next to my
tug toy product
I listed an Amazon
Associates you know
image with my competitor
product and so
when people would click on
there people
are crazy about their dogs
they would
they would flow through to
Amazon and
not only buy that product
but twelve
products that's crazy yeah
yeah dog
lovers are just a huge like
they buy
it's insane though I want
to talk a
little bit of more about
the trains so
you're giving away a free
training or
webinar and and the link
isn't down in
the description as well for
the lunches
so they can see but what
you actually go
through in that training so
training I I really went
overboard I
think it's we ended up
going for like
three days on it and so
it's a lot of
hours you you
we started with showing you
the video
portal and how to do that
and but a big
piece of that is how to
become an Amazon
Associates right because I
want you to
put that link and all your
images and
videos and I also go
through how to
really figure out what the
looking for so I go through
how to find
the right sir
terms you know in fact
that's that's
something that you know
I've built a lot
of a lot of my success is
always based
on that everything we do
starts with
what the consumer searching
for not with
some dumb product that I think
sell it's always with
consumer searching
for right
so I teach people how to
figure that out
and then reverse engineer
because for
example I was working on a
product that
you know it's called diaper
genie right
a diaper pail and that was
our keyword
but you know it's through
sponsored ads
and things like that that I
found out
that other people were
searching for it
and in saying nappy been
right because
in the UK it's called nappy
men and yeah
you mean in America with
all the you
know transplants we had a
lot of people
searching for that so when
we started
adding those search terms
then you know
our scale our sales just
ten times right
we doing we keep
downloading that
because what I I'm gonna
call a thing
something and you're
probably gonna use
a different term and said
one of our one
of our pet products
actually is kind of
a weird thing because it's
a different
thing so we again like
created it and so
there's about seven every
time I show it
to someone they call it a
thing yeah you have to have
like that
title will have to be like
different words but I
really go through
that because that's really
to selling online I mean
you can use
that you're on Shopify or
Shopping or social or
wherever you are
so we start with that I
start with
giving you an associates
helping you
open an associates account
how that works getting your
links naming and taking
your images and
videos I go through how to
make videos
different video platforms
that you know
we there's all these pre
shot video
clips that we merge
together and you can
make a video in ten minutes
or one on
your iPhone or you know
things like that
to help people because that
seems to be
a big stumbling block isn't
oh yeah I think people
don't want to be
even camera people don't
want to talk
into a microphone or
super easy yes yes but but
there are
people just won't so I go
through that
too and I understand that
so I go
through you know you don't
have to be on
video you can you know like
on my dog
thing I show a bunch of
dogs tearing
apart this huge stuff dog
toy or stuff
you know and then I say you
know dogs
will be dogs but here's a
solution you
know I don't even show the
product I
just put my my product name
and the link
in like Oh 20% off and that's
yeah so we go through that
and then and
then just for good measure
I kind of
went into a LexA a little
bit in that
opportunity because I think
pretty cool oh yeah and I
science a
whole different beast I
guess yeah yeah
that's a whole nother long
but think of it like you
know Apple
iTunes store opened in 2008
and there
were 5,000 apps back then
Alexa skills
you know are kind of the
apps that make
Alexa enabled devices smart
those smart
speakers and now we've got
50 50 million
people have Alexa naval
devices now and
I'm sure it will skyrocket
even more
after you know this holiday
season so
people are starting to
build these apps
or skills and no last year
there were
there were 10,000 last
summer skills
available on the App Store
and 40,000 in
May there's over a hundred
thousand now
so it's another great
opportunity for
people to start you know
looking into
you because this is where
we are going
it's conversational selling
you know so
I just wanted people to be
aware of that
if that's something that
trips their
trigger like oh man I could
really do
that you know you know like
when the
mobile phone apps came
around and put 11
and that was the big thing
yes exactly
people's wheels turn in
like you know
that's something you're
into then now is
your chance you know oh
and I think voice is gonna
be huge
that's well like tapping
with your
tongue is gonna be dead in
about five
years I guess everyone is
gonna just
talk like that into the
microphone it's
just getting so good I
think so and you
know what's funny is that
you know I
never knew the more I dig
into this the
more I know that how much I
don't know I
guess but Alexa has or
Amazon has
partnered with Yelp and
partnered with
yext and all these things
that work in
the background of you know
when I'm
talking voice when I'm
something voice with my
iPhone it's
gonna be a different
browser than I
enable I might get
different results
than if I'm typing right um
on a
different browser versus
you invoice on
a you know a non iPhone
like an Android
phone something like that
right so
there's so many different
search engines
and they're all voice
enabled a lot of
them are you know voice
enabled so the
voice enabled search is
much different
than the you know the
normal text-based
search and so the
conversational selling
piece of it you know now
our search
terms are changing you know
that's very true if we
tight grain so
all our search terms now
we're gonna
have to really use sites
like well
YouTube right it's perfect
because how
to do a thing you know I I
would say
that and or you know sites
like answer
the public I love that site
answer the
public calm so that curates
all the
different questions that
people are
asking around a specific
search term and
it's sort of conversational
so we can
use you know databases like
that now to
power our search terms yeah
it's gonna
change like a lot when you
said that the
search is different for
typing than
voice I was like oh my god
I need to
change my youtube keywords
around in the
future maybe you know yeah
a lot of
different ways to target
but the free training that
you that you
get if you go down in the
down below and Tammy's
gonna show you
everything we talked about
today if you
want to go into Amazon
yourself and
check this out I highly
highly recommend
Amazon is such a great
platform and the
third best search or the
third most used
search engine in the world
and just
around products you can't
find an
article on Amazon you can
just buy
products there so it's
amazing to have you on for
all the
people that want to join
there's a link
in the description down
below Tammy is
there anything else you
want to say to
the others before we go
well thanks
again for having me on and
I would just
encourage everyone to you
know take dip
your toe in the water I'm
kind of portal
that is interesting for you
you know
what the other thing is if
you have a
local business for example
or your
consultant or something
like that and
you're saying well I don't
want to sell
anything online
you know Amazon is offering
a way for
local businesses to be
found and booked
and referred on there on
the website
juice there's I'm sure
whatever you're
doing there's a portal for
you and it's
free traffic guys it's free
traffic so
any business really any business
grow with the power of
Amazon and you
know I really my hope is
that you start
thinking of it in a
different way than
we do with our consumer
hats on really
think about how we can grow
businesses with it you know
even if it's
just throwing some
associate links out
there and getting some
passive income
and you know paying your
car payment
every month why not you
know so I just
want everyone to feel
empowered get a
little bit of confidence by
getting your
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