
I can not guarantee that
you will make money from this, or any of my other videos. I'm just showing you
different websites and methods that has the potential of making money. Any link
you see in the description or in the video is most likely an affiliate link.
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hey guys and EFL here and
today i wanted
to talk about what i've
written on this
new product that i'm gonna
be releasing
and i wanted this video to
be about how
to create your own product
and also how
to optimize your sales
funnel to get a
lot more conversions than
you're already
having so if you have a
product right
now or you're thinking of
making a
product this video is gonna
be for you
and also if you're
interested in
creating your own product
and learning
how sales funnels work this
is gonna be
for you as well so to
accurately explain
all of this I need to first
tell you why
I actually created this and
why this
will it's gonna help me in
my vision of
making sales and making
money online and
what we need to do is we
need to take a
step back and we really
need to see
where is our potential
customer entering
our world so for me that's
gonna be my
youtube video so as you can
see the
first one is gonna be my
youtube videos
and I know that most of my
videos get the most views
suggested videos so I get
about I think
it's about 60% of my views
are going
from suggesting or coming
from suggested
videos and that means that
most people
are gonna enter through
this right here
from a suggested video and
they're gonna
be taken to my video right
here so as
you can see I have the
video right here
and in this video I'll
probably teach
you something interesting
or something
that you want to learn
about and then if
people are more interested
learning more about that
subject they can click the
link in the
description down below and
they're gonna
be taken to this opt-in
page right here
this opt-in page should
essentially give
something of value away to
the customer
that's coming in so say for
example this
video was about how to make
money online
with affiliate marketing I
can give them
away something a little
short guide or
PDF about how to do a fluid
and as you can see
right here we have this
little arrow
that's gonna be split into
four and why
is that well the reason
that it split
into four is that from for
all the
people I click the link
this page right
here is called the capture
page and
you're never gonna know
which capture
capture page actually
converts the best
unless you test it and I
thinking right
here is its track
everything you need to
track everything
so you need to know how
many people came
in here and how many people
went to the
next page with all the way
down here
this is called an action so
how many
click through this page and
then got
taken out to this next page
and here you
can actually find a
percentage so let's say
that we have
four different pages right
here you will
know exactly which one
converts the best
out of these four and it's
important to split test and
track every
single click that comes
through this
page right here because
after you get
there email you now have a
contact with them so you
can actually
contact them via email and
that's very
powerful and next we're
gonna take them
to a loop we're gonna take
them to a
bridge video and here is
where you
explain exactly why what
they signed up
for who you are what
they're gonna learn
from you where the
direction of and
what's gonna happen are you
gonna send
them a bunch more emails
about affiliate
marketing you're gonna say
all of that
in that this video down
below and then
you want to have some call
to action
about I just sent you let's
say five
different emails that you
can use
starting to make affiliate
or starting
to make affiliate
commissions right now
but if you actually want to
learn and if
you want to implement all
of these
emails that you just got so
this lead
magnet should be like five
converting affiliate emails
and here you
say if you want to learn
how you can
actually improve these five
emails and
also get like thirty more
emails you can
go to this page right here
and you can
buy my product so you say
to them
basically that if they want
more infant
about this they can go to
the next page
and they can see your sales
page and the
hair is where you're gonna
sell them
something and this should
be maybe a
course affiliate marketing
something like that and
this right here
is where I haven't really
found what I
want to do yet and I'm
still in the
thinking stage about what
do I actually
want to accomplish and if
you watch my
video two days ago I said
that my real
goal of 2019 is to get a
thousand people
to make a hundred dollars
per day so
that is what this product
should be
about but I also said that
I want to get
a bunch of people to make
their first
affiliate sale online and
then what's
gonna happen is that some
people might
actually pick up on this
some people might actually
not pick up
on this and what we're
gonna do is we're
gonna send them a five-day
building email follow-up
series and this
is basically to tell your
story tell
your backstory tell you
tell what you've
been struggling with tell
them what
problems you had when you
first started
with affiliate marketing
and all of that
to build trust and build a
so the customers can
actually relate to
you so if you come in here
I have a
story about how I quit
college and how I
now make a full-time living
and then all
of these emails are gonna
explain that
into in further detail so
you get to
know me and you get to
trust me and now
that you have this five-day
email series
you're gonna start pitching
your product
again because now they know
like and
trust you and now they know
that you can
bring value to their life
that you can
actually be the guy that
helps them move
forward with their business
or with
making money online and
what happens
after they buy is that
you're gonna give
them information products
or something
like that so that could for
example be
ten videos on how to make
your first
sale and then what you want
to have is
all the way down here
hope you can see this what
you want to
have is up cells so you
want to have
basically an upgrade to
their product so
here in this front end
product they're
gonna get step-by-step
video showing you
exactly how you can make
your first sale
and then there can be an
upsell for
maybe seventeen dollars
where they're
gonna get let's say seven
campaigns so they can just
take all of
these seven done-for-you
campaigns they
can use that and it's gonna
be a lot
easier for them so
basically upgrading
their package and then you
can have
another upgrade that's
basically let's
say twenty nine dollars and
this could
be a membership site so you
can have a
private Facebook group
where you can
interact with your
customers where you
can actually help them out
more and you
can have like live videos
you can have
every single week you can
answer the
group's questions on the
live video and
this can be an upgrade that
they also
would want and then you can
have another
upgrade and another upgrade
right here
and this can be like a
higher ticket so
say for example ninety
seven dollars
you're gonna give them all
of the tools
and the training that
you've made
yourself and you're just
gonna give them
all of your most valuable
stuff and just
give that all away to them
and this is
gonna be for more of the
higher actually
action takers that want to
start and
want to start fast and all
of that and
then you can have other
upsells and and
stuff like that but how it
works is that
you want to have a very
specific offer
and then you want to give
them more and
more value the more that
they pay and
for example in the back end
like all the
way down here you can give
a one-on-one
coaching with people for a
much higher
price like say four ninety
seven so five
hundred dollars you can get
coaching you want to have
step-by-step value ladder
that people
can walk through so if you
they want
just a tiny bit information
and they
want to do all of it
themselves you can
get this right here
but if they want like
campaigns or a Facebook
group mastermind
kind of deal where they
actually get
follow-up training and and
their questions they can
join that or if
they actually want to get
all of the
things that you and
has worked for you they can
get that as
well as an upgrade and then
if they're
not satisfied with that
they can even
get one on one coaching
with you to get
the most value and that's
where a lot of
people fail I feel like
where they have
one product and here they
try selling
something that doesn't
really resonate
with the exact course that
selling so you might give
away let's say
that this product is about
making your
first sale and the OTO
number one is
gonna be how to build a
store like if
you want to know how to
build a store
just buy this and what's
gonna happen is
that most people will find
that they'll
feel cheated like this
method right here
should work all by itself
but if they
want more help and faster
that's really what you give
here because
you can't really give away
all the pages
you've done yourself or you
can't really
give away a Facebook group
we're all like every
question is gonna
be answered with just four
people that
enjoin the 997 because it's
not too it's
not enough money for four
especially for
me if I want to spend my
time actually
teaching study is teaching
something I know that they
have to be
willing to give away money
to get that
in return and they need to
see value in
that and I get it in return
so if I give
away a one-on-one coaching
to all the
997 that would be stupid
because my time
is worth a lot more than
that so I need
to have an incentive for me
to do and to
help out personally and you
need us
incentive to actually get
that and get
that specific thing that
you find
valuable for some people
they don't want
to have a Facebook group
where they can
get help for some people
they just want
it done for you solution
but for some
others the community and
the Facebook
group is gonna be the most
important and
that's what resonates with
them so they
would want to pick up on
that and
actually want that so it's
really just
to see where can you bring
value to
people what can you
actually give them
and what can you help them
with to reach
their next level
and read
the next milestone so for
example the
back end can be one-on-one
coaching like
coaching calls for example
but what can
actually give more value
than that that
you can get a higher price
for like say
let's say for $5,000 I
would go into
your videos your YouTube
videos I would
review your channel I would
review every
single thing you do and I
will tell you
do more of this do less of
that and I
would give you all the
pages I will copy
the pages I would make
every single
level change for you and
write your
emails write all of it and
all of that
but this is gonna take me a
lot of time
and it's gonna take me a
lot of actual
brainpower and and focus to
be able to
do that and I can't serve
people that
has only paid me 997
dollars on how to
do that I can actually only
do that when
it comes to people that
actually has
gone through the course and
they don't
even have to have bought
anything of the
upgrades or all that but
let's say that
they actually found success
with the
training and what they had
to do inside
the training and now they
need to get
help and they're willing to
pay $5,000
for that for me to go into
the the
business and actually help
them so you
got to think about it like
a value
ladder like how what is the
thing that you can do to
give value to
people and then how can you
upgrade that
value with more value and
it's just a
value ladder like that and
I also have
another thing right here
which is the
emails and when it comes to
these emails
is basically once they sign
up if they
go all the way through here
and they
don't buy you can continue
emails to them getting them
to buy the
product and you can do that
just every single day
you're gonna teach
them something new new and
cool about
whatever they sign up for
so if this is
email marketing you can
send them a lot
of cool email marketing
videos and
helpful training and all of
that and at
the end of every video you
say basically
you should definitely buy
my first sale
online course or email
marketing course
or affiliate marketing
course if you
want to do that and then
the next day
you send them more content
more content
more content and what's
happen is that you'll pull
towards here and they will
enter your
funnel and there will enter
this the
upsells and they can get
higher coaching
and they can really
experience all of
the value ladder there's
also this one
thing that I really care
about a lot and
this is sends click and EP
C's equal
money and that basically
means how many
emails you send plus how
many clicks you
get to your offer and how
much earnings
per click that offer has
will equal how
much money you're making so
this is
basically the formula that
you want to
follow when it comes to all
of these
when it comes to all of
that and track
everything and all of that
so that is
basically gonna be the
video about how
to make your own product
and how how to
think through the steps on
what you can
actually give to people
what people will
actually find valuable and
that's gonna
be the video so if you like
this video
give it a like and also if
you're new to
this channel subscribe to
this channel
because I post more videos
like this but
that is gonna be today's
video thank you
so much for watching and
I'll see you
and next one
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