It's just a matter of time before people start
hating on you and the more popular you get, the more hate you're going to get
from your online marketing. Here's how to deal with hate on social media.
Hey everyone, I'm Neil Patel and today I'm gonna share with you how to deal with negative social media comments.
You're gonna get them. Again, it's just a question of when. The more popular you get, the more hate you're gonna get and it happens with everyone, it happens with me, it happens with the Tim Ferrisses of the world, the Gary Vaynerchucks of the world, it's never ending.
#1: Don't delete the negative comments
If they're saying something that's just really bad like vulgar, of course, delete them but if they're just hating on you and they disagree with you, don't delete it, that's not right.
#2: You can respond
If you have a good counterargument, respond to it and you know what? You can prove your case and make your points.
#3: Just let it be and don't fuel the fire, in which just ignore it and that's what I usually do
Yes, when someone says something and I truly disagree and I know they're wrong, and I believe saying a comment and responding will help teach other people, I do respond but when I know someone's just gonna continually hate on me what I do is is I just ignore it and when you do ignore it, most people just end up leaving you alone after a while and they don't keep coming back.
That's how you deal with it and sadly you can't get rid of negative comments, you're always gonna have them but it's okay, it's a part of life.
Hey everyone, I'm Neil Patel and today I'm gonna share with you how to deal with negative social media comments.
You're gonna get them. Again, it's just a question of when. The more popular you get, the more hate you're gonna get and it happens with everyone, it happens with me, it happens with the Tim Ferrisses of the world, the Gary Vaynerchucks of the world, it's never ending.
#1: Don't delete the negative comments
If they're saying something that's just really bad like vulgar, of course, delete them but if they're just hating on you and they disagree with you, don't delete it, that's not right.
#2: You can respond
If you have a good counterargument, respond to it and you know what? You can prove your case and make your points.
#3: Just let it be and don't fuel the fire, in which just ignore it and that's what I usually do
Yes, when someone says something and I truly disagree and I know they're wrong, and I believe saying a comment and responding will help teach other people, I do respond but when I know someone's just gonna continually hate on me what I do is is I just ignore it and when you do ignore it, most people just end up leaving you alone after a while and they don't keep coming back.
That's how you deal with it and sadly you can't get rid of negative comments, you're always gonna have them but it's okay, it's a part of life.
- I don't care who you are
it's just a matter of time
before people start hating on you
and the more popular you get,
the more hate you're gonna get.
Hey everyone, I'm Neil Patel
and today I'm gonna share with you
how to deal with negative social media comments.
(lively music)
You're gonna get them.
Again, it's just a question of when.
The more popular you get,
the more hate you're gonna get
and it happens with everyone,
it happens with me, it happens with the Tim
of the world, the Gary Vaynerchucks of the world,
it's never ending.
So, here's the first thing that you should do,
don't delete the negative comments.
If they're saying something that's just really bad
like vulgar, of course, delete them
but if they're just hating on you
and they disagree with you,
don't delete it, that's not right.
Number two, you can respond.
If you have a good counterargument,
respond to it and you know what?
You can prove your case
and make your points.
Number three, if you're unable to do that
or if you feel that they're just not gonna stop
and you still feel you're right,
just let it be and don't fuel the fire,
in which just ignore it
and that's what I usually do.
Yes, when someone says something
and I truly disagree and I know they're wrong,
and I believe saying a comment and responding
will help teach other people, I do respond
but when I know someone's just gonna continually
hate on me
what I do is is I just ignore it
and when you do ignore it,
most people just end up leaving you alone
after a while and they don't keep coming back.
That's how you deal with it
and sadly you can't get rid of negative comments,
you're always gonna have them but it's okay,
it's a part of life.
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