
Saturday, January 4, 2020

How To Get 10,000 Views PER DAY on Youtube (In 90 days - Start From Zero)

How To Get 10,000 Views PER DAY on Youtube (In 90 days - Start From Zero)
I can not guarantee that you will make money from this, or any of my other videos. I'm just showing you different websites and methods that has the potential of making money. Any link you see in the description or in the video is most likely an affiliate link. Meaning that if you sign up or buy through me, i will get a commission. This helps and supports this youtube channel, and keeps it going, thanks!
have you ever thought about creating
your own YouTube channel maybe start
making some money online with that
YouTube channel back about a year ago I
was a broadcast college kid I actually
live in my dorm still because all my
friends are here I like being here to
party and to be with my friends and my
college is actually right here so right
behind this big tree here it's a
beautiful day outside as you can see but
right behind this tree right here I
think you can see it a little bit
it's my college it's about 300 meters
away not far at all
and when I was in college I was super
broke and also I really didn't know if
the direction I was going in the college
I was going to was the right thing for
me I was a little bit skeptical should I
go with this is this what I want to do
with my the rest of my life and then I
found internet marketing and making
money online and I thought in 2019 I'm
gonna push so hard on YouTube and I'm
gonna get to a hundred thousand
subscribers that was the goal but I
didn't have any idea on how to make
videos I didn't know how to what I
shouldn't talk about or anything like
that and I also was afraid because I
didn't want to be on camera and I didn't
want to let my friends and family know
so I actually started by a pen name and
I called myself and the Emerson and I
remember this because if someone were to
search my name online like my old
friends or people and I was gonna be a
little bit weird if they saw my channel
so right here you can see the last 365
days on YouTube if we go through
lifetime right here I just want to show
you a few dates so October 2016 I was
like I'm gonna post one video to YouTube
and see if it's good or not
and then I didn't post for another half
a year until I made one more video and
it didn't really go that well I didn't
get really any views at all I was like
20 here I get like a hundred and stuff
and I was like okay this might work I
actually just posted two videos but
let's see if I can just post a few more
and then September 2017 I posted three
new videos and also I posted seven more
videos just to see if this is something
that's worth getting into or not and as
you can see it grew like crazy so one of
these videos one of these videos right
here the $60 per hour testing websites
this one got me insane amount of views
after a time so just gradually increase
and increased and increased and right
here I said it's January 2018 what
should I do with the year 2018 what
should I accomplish what should I set
myself out to and I thought hey you know
what I'm going to college right now and
I have exams coming up but I want to
just start this side hustle and just try
making videos on YouTube on the side
Walla still was going to school and just
see if I can get some traction and what
happened right here absolutely blew me
away so right here in January 2018 I
started publishing videos and as you can
see here is the videos that was
published and right here in February
17th I knew that something was going on
all of a sudden within two weeks I went
from getting 1,400 to getting about
10,000 views every single day like look
at this all of a sudden I was making so
much more money and this just kept going
and kept going and here I actually
stopped because I wanted to make my
youtube course which was to take off
academy which shows you exactly how I
did this exact thing and as you can see
the view started going getting lower and
lower and I was like ah I need to
make more videos and then I started
making more videos more videos more
videos and getting and taking this more
seriously and as you can see the more
videos you post the more views you get
and right here we got a spike where I
got like 60,000 views in a day 56,000
views and it was just absolutely crazy
this one video that went super viral and
I got a lot of views from it and I want
this video to be motivation for you guys
if you think about starting a YouTube
channel if you think about making money
with YouTube it's the place to be I
started on the side while going to
college not having that much time just
trying to post a video every other day
or maybe two times a week and just
getting myself into the mindset of hey
let's try this out let's try and make
some videos and even though the videos
were like I'm gonna show you a
video right now like for example the
first ones here so this is the first
video I ever posted online and we're
gonna watch it together alright and also
I have to tell you I used not my real
name because I was afraid of people
searching online I used and the Emerson
a pen name a different name that wasn't
mine that I was gonna start the YouTube
channel around because I was so afraid
of people seeing me and let's just take
a look right here hey guys Andy Emerson
here and today I'm gonna show you how
you can make money with knowledge I'm
sorry about the horrible title opus meme
but today I'm gonna show you how you can
make money with digital arbitrage and
what that basically means is being the
middleman let's say we have so as you
can see me with a man button
talking into the camera and this is I
think this is only I think that I made
two videos of me being on camera in the
beginning it was this one and also this
one and after that I was like I'm not
going on camera again like this is so
weird talking into a camera so I started
not doing camera videos but just talking
into a microphone while filming my
screen and showing people on the screen
like drawing and all of that but as you
can see like I didn't get much views at
all like here it these views came later
when I started getting subscribers so
the these ones were getting like maybe
26 views 26th views right here and here
I started posting consistently you know
I started posting videos I started
posting interesting stuff that I found
and I was interested in and I was like
I'm gonna try teaching that on my
youtube channel and these didn't get any
views like these very super super super
bad and
then I posted one video that changed the
entire course of my youtube channel this
video right here it started my youtube
channel off on the right foot and also
this has been my most watched and most
popular video for ever like it's never
not been in my number one video it is
right now with a half of four hundred
and six thousand views and after that I
just kept posting you know and it's like
every tenth video every tenth video I
posted it would go like semi viral with
10,000 or 20,000 maybe even going up to
a hundred thousand like some of them so
one two three four five really bad
videos not getting a lot of use and then
one that has a hundred thousand views
and then it's like again one two three
four this one 18k 144 K and then 30 K
and then 20 K right here and then it's
like ah we're gonna go down a little bit
we're gonna not see some results and
then it's a hundred and eighteen K and
then there's a hundred and thirty one K
& 50 1k and then I just kept posting
consistently and I started getting
results I was just hammering videos out
even if they were bad I was like I'm
gonna publish a video every single day
or every other day and I'm gonna make it
happen now right here is like 200 K and
you never know which video was gonna
take off and which video is not gonna
take off so you just keep posting every
single day trying to make value and
bring value to the world in some kind of
way and if a video goes and people
are like ah this video is that
doesn't matter because 1 out of 10 is
gonna take off and you're gonna get
extreme success so I just wanted this
video to be kind of a if you're thinking
about doing YouTube and the New Year's
is just around the corner 2019 is
I know I've set myself my goals for 2019
what's gonna be your goals are you gonna
start doing YouTube or are you just
gonna sit there and think of doing
YouTube because I know that this has
completely changed my life just getting
that one thought that I'm gonna make a
hundred thousand subscribers this year I
haven't reached it yet
like 71,000 but still I'm making a
full-time living from home I can't
really complain much about how my life
is and I just want to be a voice that
says if you put yourself into one year
of consistent action one year of
consistent action if that's posting one
video per week on the side that's good
just try and set yourself a goal if you
have money problems if you're struggling
with making ends meet
if you have a shitty nine-to-five job if
you're in college and you're thinking
hey this is not for me I don't want
to be this I don't want to go to school
for four years to learn something crazy
boring that isn't really gonna benefit
me other than get me a nine-to-five job
that is gonna suck waking up every
single morning just lumping yourself
having the alarm clock how bad is an
alarm clock waking up so early
driving to work and if you want to take
yourself out of that and actually start
a YouTube channel I have the
step-by-step guide in the description
down below
it's my premium course to take up
Academy that shows you exactly what I've
done to make this happen and I don't
want this to come off at say LCS at all
I just know that if you want to do it
the steps are there I have every single
piece of knowledge that I know about
YouTube compiled into this course and I
know exactly what you need to do is to
start from scratch to get these viral
videos and this is what I've been honing
in on I've been I've been thinking about
like how can you make these viral videos
what makes these go viral and I teach
you that inside the course like for
example I've analyzed the out of
this video that got four hundred and six
thousand subscribers why did it go viral
why did it get so many views how did it
happen so fast because this was the
video that took me off and literally
right here as you can see December 2017
it just my channel had no views at all
and no subscribers at all and all of a
sudden within two months it just blew
up like crazy how does that happen well
I'm gonna show you exactly how it
happened in the description down below
you can check out my premium course tube
takeoff Academy it also shows you all of
these other videos that went to superb
our got me a lot of traffic I mean a lot
of sales and that's gonna be today's
video 20:19 think about it is this the
year that you're gonna start doing
YouTube and start doing YouTube
consistently or are you just gonna
continue watching Facebook browsing
Netflix not really moving your life in
the right direction that's gonna be me
thank you so much for watching I'll see
you tomorrow


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