I can not guarantee that
you will make money from this, or any of my other videos. I'm just showing you
different websites and methods that has the potential of making money. Any link
you see in the description or in the video is most likely an affiliate link.
Meaning that if you sign up or buy through me, i will get a commission. This
helps and supports this youtube channel, and keeps it going, thanks!
this is the story of how I
went from
being a broke college kid
to making a
full time living online
from affiliate
marketing hey guys what's
going on it's
Andy a fella
today I'm telling you my
origin story
how I came to be the person
I am and
making a full time living
online with
affiliate marketing and
this is the best
story I have I believe
because it tells
you everything that
happened from me
being a broke college kid
to actually
making a full time living
online and
that's probably what you
want to make as
well and maybe you're broke
right now
maybe you don't have a lot
of things and
you want to be successful a
online entrepreneur well
this story is
gonna tell you exactly how
I had it and
maybe it's gonna give you
inspiration and some
motivation to
actually go out there and
do this
yourself but if you're new
to this
channel my name is Andy FL
subscribe and
also take that notification
bell for
more videos about different
ways you can
make money online but let's
get into the
story so the story happens
really when I
was in the Army I read the
book 4-hour
workweek by Tim Ferriss
it's a very
popular book and a lot of
people get
inspiration from that book
to start
their own business but I
saved up all
the money I got from the
army and then I
went backpacking for four
months in
Southeast Asia and this was
huge for me
because I used to be like
the most shy
person ever in the army i
couldn't really make that
many more new
friends and i felt like i
if i go solo
backpacking i'm gonna step
so much
outside of my comfort zone
and what I
wanted to learn was how to
be like
attractive how to pick up
girls how to
become a better person and
really to
find myself find my own stories
found like Who am I and
that's what that
was why I wanted to travel
but I can
like I had never traveled
alone and I was not really
good talking
to people wise there's a
site right over in there
and my mom was like are you
going to
travel alone by yourself in
the big
world out there you're
gonna get
yourself killed but I went
anyway and
when I was at the airport I
had this
huge lump in my stomach
like is this
gonna be alright my mom and
dad were
with me and I was like
freaking out like
I had this like I do I need
to shit do I
need to puke I don't know
like this
feels so weird and I went
on the plane
and it was a long flight
from Norway to
Bangkok and in Thailand and
when I came
there I stayed at a hotel
like right in
the hooker street where are
all the lady
boys are where all the
prostitutes are
like they were even like I
got like
handed a menu of like
select which girl
you want to yeah so it was
really weird
coming to Bangkok like that
and also I
stayed like at a hotel like
for five
days and I got super lonely
I got super
lonely I walked around
Bangkok and I was
like alright yeah this is
cool but it's
this really traveling and I
thought like
gosh after five days I was
like have I
done a big mistake and then
I started
reading online and I
started for others
to do backpackers and they
said like who
needs to stay at a hostel
like a hostel
with like dorms with a bunk
beds in the
rooms so that was what I
did and when I
stayed at my first hostel
in Bangkok
everything changed so I was
up at the
room with all these bunk
beds all around
and I was sitting in this
door I'm
completely alone and I was
browsing my
phone and watching some
YouTube videos
and one of the guys said
hey what's up
man and I was like someone
talking to me
and I was like yeah I'm all
good I'm
good yeah where you're from
man and I
was like I'm from Norway
and he was like
what the fuck are you from
Norway I'm
from Norway too and he was
like really
cool and he has been
traveling for four
months and all of this and
I'm sitting
there and like oh Jesus
Christ he's been
experienced and I'll asked
him all of
these questions about
backpacking solo
and all of
and he said like you need
to go
downstairs and and talk to
people that's
how you do it
so I want you to leave
right here right
now and we're gonna go
downstairs and
I'm gonna introduce you to
the entire
like the people were
sitting around in
like a circle and I was
like hey I hate
new people I don't want to
do this and
that and so many things
popping up in my
head but I'd say it fuck it
like if I'm
gonna travel I need to make
friends I
need to meet people and we
downstairs and they were
sitting in this
lounge area with like a
couch and some
chairs around this table
and there was
like a bar right behind
there and he
said like hey guys this is
Andy he's new
he's never traveled before
and all of
them were like so
incredible like these
were people that were super
cool super
funny and super interested
and all of
that and they were just
really really
cool people that absolutely
loved life
and loved adventures loved
experiences and they were
like a
different kind of human and
it sounds
weird and that night just
changed everything for me
when I thought
like these are incredible
people I've
never met people like this
they're so open they're so
they're so they want to
live they want
to experience stuff and
ever since that
day I was staying at every
single hostel
I could so I've traveled
from hostel to
hostel meeting so many new
people so
many new experiences so
many different
things I I learned how to
surf in Bali I
bought my own motorcycle in
Vietnam I
partied my ass off in
Thailand in these
islands and I met so many
new people so
many new experiences but
then I had to
go back home and that was
like the
toughest thing for me
it was like out of a movie
like it was
raining when I came home it
was raining
it was cold it was windy
and it was just
like grey outside and I
realized that in
Norway right here all the
people were
just stuck they were just
really just
caught up in their own
thing not really
talking to anyone not
really having any
new experiences that we're
all stuck it
was like a prisoner's just
living for
the weekend
and they were not happy
there were quite
sad like all of them were
sad like my
mom and dad were sad my
brothers were
sad all my friends that I
had here from
before we're all sad like
it was a
completely brain shift for
me and that's
when I realized I need to
make money
online I need to be able to
work on my
laptop online so I can go
back to
traveling again and that
was my
motivation and that's what
everything for me once I
found out that
the the contrast from all
beautiful amazing
adventurous people and
people living here having
horrible lives
or at least that's what I
think and not
doing anything just living
for the
weekend and not
experiencing anything so
that's what started me on
my journey and
at this time I'm 21 years
old I live in
my parents basement where
I'm literally
just sitting in my morning
robe not
doing anything just having
vacation I
guess by myself in my room
not doing
anything and then I was
like I need to
change shit around and then
I started
like searching on YouTube
like how do I
make money online and I
searching Google and then I
found a
smart passive income a blog
that it's
really good and then I
found project
life mastery a YouTube
channel Stefan
pool in their house or
something like
I haven't watched him for a
while but I
found these guys and I was
like oh my
god this making money
online thing
sounds easy I think it's it
looks easy
and and I bought at the
time he was
selling a Kindle mastery
Kindle money
mastery was the course that
he was
selling and it showed
basically how you
can publish ebooks on
Amazon and you can
make passive income like
that just
produce one ebook get
others to write it
and publish it to Amazon
and you get
passive money coming in I
was like
this is the shit like this
is what I'm
gonna do and four months go
by and I
don't like I've published
four books and
they made like a little bit
money but it
wasn't really a huge
success and then
like I was sitting in my
room and my dad
said to me like one time I
was like
you've been sitting in your
room for six
months it's time that you
get a get a
job you need to get a job
and I was like
oh my god I can't get it I
fucking hate
jobs I can't do this
so I actually managed to
get a sales job
at a company where we sold
food crates
and I was literally walking
and this was the worst part
of the year
this was where it was like
snowing it
was cold outside and it was
dark so in
Norway it's like at four
o'clock like it
starts so we started our
work like five
o'clock so I'm walking
there in the cold
the freezing cold like
Norwegian winters
are not fun okay and I was
there and I was literally
walking in the
freezing cold knocking on
people's doors
and they were like I don't
want to talk
to anyone right now and it
absolutely horrible and I
literally just
quit Kindle publishing and
I did this
full-time and what was
horrible and I did that for
about six
months and I actually
became quite good
at selling those food
crates and if you
don't know what food crates
are it's
basically like blue apron
you get a
bunch of recipes and also
the food in
the box and you can just
make those
meals that was what I was
selling and I
got really good at it and I
became the best in that
company to sell
these food crates and I was
like yeah
and they wanted me to
actually sell
Internet on the phone to
businesses and
I was like yes I can get
out of this
cold and freezing in the
rain and all it
was amazing and I was like
thinking yeah
this is gonna be the shit
I'm gonna get
really good at selling
Internet on the
phone but the thing was
that I was the
guinea pig I was the first
one that
they've ever gotten to sell
Internet on
the phone in this company
and I was
literally not making any
money at all I
did it for two months and I
you think I got like two
sales like
people don't want to change
internet if it's not broken
don't fix it
that's like kind of the
mentality and
like for two months I like
I'm gonna
quit I need to quit and I
was like alone
in my office with my boss
like in semi
being here and it was just
horrible so I quit that job
the day that I quit my friend
calls me
up and he says like hey I
am quitting my
job at this pizza place and
I'm a pizza
delivery boy
and do you want they asked
me if I know
someone that can take over
and I was
like do you have a job
right now and I
was like I literally quit
my job today
and it was like this
weirdest weirdest
coincidence and I then a
few weeks later
so I didn't get at the job
right away
but like two weeks later I
got the job
and I now I'm a pizza
delivery boy
not this job I realized
that I
absolutely hate having a
boss and the
reason is when I worked at
that place it
was like my boss was the
shittiest boss ever and I
can remember
this so vividly and I hate
this and it
was when I was walking
towards the pizza
place you can see it from
far away and
you can see it like 200
meters away from
it and and once I turned
the corner and
can see it I like this big
huge ball of
pain just sat there in my
stomach and I
it was kind of like the way
that I felt
when I was flying to to
Thailand where
like I don't know if I'm
gonna shit or
if I'm gonna puke because
if my boss is
working the same shift
that's me I'm
gonna literally start
shaking and hoping
he wouldn't scream at me
like that's
what it did because he was
always he was
like this boss that would
stand over
your neck and just to
breathe down your
neck and he would look at
everything you
did and if you didn't do it
perfectly he
would fucking be so mad and
I like I
didn't want to be screamed
at so I like
got super like when he was
around those
like Oh
shit I'm a doing stuff wrong
and and it
literally got me got in my
head and was
it was horrible
and that's when I learned
that I can't
get a job but at this point
I had
started a new YouTube
channel that was
called bucket list freak
and this is
about like top 10 things to
do in
Bangkok top 10 things to do
in Las Vegas
top 10 things to do in here
and here and
this happened kind of like
in the middle
of my sales job I started
publishing a
few videos and then I kind
of forgot
about it and when I was
like halfway
into the the pizza-delivery
job I was
like oh my god this is
actually getting
fused like hi all of a
sudden I've
gotten view some buckle is
freaking I
was like oh shit I got some
as well and like people are
wanting to watch this stuff
and I was
like alright I'm gonna keep
and that was like two
months into the
piece of live every job and
I started
publishing more started
publishing more
started publishing more and
it actually
got a bunch of views I was
getting a ton
of views but I didn't
really make any
money like I really make
any money from
it like I got a ton of
views but I
didn't make any money from
the Adsense
so I wasn't like now it's
like eight
months of doing this Pizza
Delivery job
I've started Kindle
publishing it and it
failed I've done bucket
list freak and
it got a ton of views but I
didn't make
any money so I was like
this dream of
actually going back to
traveling again
it's not gonna be working
so this is two
years after I I left - or
after I
travelled and like my mom
was like
pushing me to go to college
and I didn't
really want to go to
college because I
didn't want a job I wanted
to make money
online and what really
happened was that
I'm not gonna be a pizza
delivery boy
the rest of my life so I
might as well
like my mom told me to go
to college so
that's what I'm gonna do
I'm gonna go to
college and I'm gonna get a
degree in
real estate that was the
plan like I
wanted to become a real
estate agent so
now I'm in college and
college is
awesome I love college it
was kind of
like going back to
traveling again where
you got like
to meet so many new people
you got
parties every week and you
get so many
new experiences so much new
fun and
after about like two months
of going to
college and becoming a real
estate agent
because you have to go
three years in
college in Norway to become
a real
estate agent and after two
months we had
this real estate meetup
kind of thing
where a bunch of real
estate agents and
companies come to our
school to talk
about real estate and I
remember so
vividly we're sitting there
in class
like this big huge like
classroom and
we're sitting there and
watching down on
them and and a bunch of
people are
having like this talk about
why their
business is best stuff you
need to know
about real estate stuff all
of this
stuff and then to one girl
and one guy
comes out and they've just
finished a
real estate school or
whatever you call
it but the girl told us
that she has
been calling people on the
phone for
four months before she got
one sale or
because before he closed
one deal to
sell a house for months of
constant cold
calling people to get one
sale and I was
like Jesus Christ that's a
lot of work
for one sale and I had like
this huge
fear this is two months
into my real
estate degree and I'm like
I need to
make money online I need to
make money
online that's when I really
going hard into buckle is
freak again
starting publishing started
scripts started really
going hard and
what I did was basically I
bought a
travel website for $1,200
and that was
like all the money I had at
a time and I
bought that website because
I could take
all the Articles it had
like 160
articles on that travel
website and I
could take all those
articles and I
could just make them into
videos because
it was it was like top 10
things to
doing this top 10 things to
doing that
and I could just take all
those articles
and post it into my YouTube
channel and
I didn't have to write
another word
again because that was the
worst part
but I started publishing
I started publishing videos
I started
going hard and I started
going every
single day was like hard
working and my one of my
videos at the
time just really just
popped it was like
going crazy like its ton of
views and at
this point this video has
this one video has 400,000
views do you
know how much money I made
off of
400,000 views $69 literally
$69 for
400,000 views and that's
when I realized
that Adsense it's not a
sustainable way
to make money on YouTube
because that's
just YouTube's money and
you don't
really have control of it
in any way so
I figured that all right
you know what
I'm gonna quit doing this
buckle is
freaking YouTube channel
and because I
have done so many different
online like Kindle
publishing and doing
all these other methods of
making my own
line I felt like I was
really like
interested in making money
online and
the the my goal was really
to let anyone
be able to make money
online but like my
family and my friends and I
could show
them the different ways to
make money
online and that's really
what I like
drove me and with that
being said I
started a new YouTube
channel that was
around making my online and
ways to make my own line
and all of my
experience that I have that
I had before
him I taught all of the
stuff that I
learned from from the past
and it didn't
really get any views in the
but after a while I started
looking at
my videos and I saw like
I'm not making
the kind of viral videos so
I started
making viral videos and in
a few months
time like one of my videos
just popped
up like crazy got a ton of
views out of
nowhere all of a sudden I
went from like
getting a thousand views
per day to
getting like 10,000 views
per day it's
literally crazy I can show
you a picture
right now just look at this
I was
struggling for months
trying to get
views on this channel and
then I started
posting viral videos and
a few months time literally
from one
week to another
I went from getting like
1,400 use to
9,000 views 10,000 almost
on this day here I actually
10,000 and it's absolutely
crazy and I
found that this is what I'm
gonna do and
the best part is that once
I got views
and I had and I did
affiliate marketing
in the background I got so
much more
money it's crazy how much
more money I
was making and that is when
I could
literally just rely on this
as my
business while I was still
in college as
well and it was just
absolutely insane
that affiliate marketing
was the way
that I can make money that
I needed
something to sell I needed
to sell
something in order to make
money and I
needed an audience of
people that were
willing to buy that product
for a price
and epochal is free you got
a ton of
views I didn't really sell
anything I
was relying on absence but
with making
money online a lot of
people have
problems with making money
online and I
could sell affiliate
products that
helped them actually get
out from where
they were to actually make
money online
and that was the best thing
actually helping people
make money
online it's the best
feeling ever
because I've been there
like working a
nine-to-five job knocking
on people's
doors and all of this and
it's so good
to just be able to help
people make
money online and the best
part is that
in a few months time I'm
going to go
back to traveling again and
that's just
the best feeling because
I've been
waiting so long and failing
so much
until right now I'm at the
point where I
can or I can I could leave
right now if
I wanted to but I have a
few things that
I want to do before I
actually leave and
go traveling again so
that's gonna
happen in a few months time
and it's so
good so that's basically
the story of
how I went from college and
to getting a
full time living online
with affiliate
and if you want to do the
same I do have
a course that you can buy
in the
scription down below it's
an affiliate
Academy and it teaches you
step by step exactly how
you can do this
so you don't have to do all
of the big
mistakes that I've done
throughout my
entire journey I wish I
just started
with this like right from
the get-go and
maybe I didn't really have
to go to
college or I could just
gotten the job
and then worked and made it
but yeah well everything
happens for a
reason and if it was if it
were to be
just as easy as work six
months and then
I would get super happy and
and and live
my life to the fullest I
don't think I
would appreciate it as much
that I do
right now because I've
changed and the way that I
view business
and money has completely
changed me and
I can help people now and I
can live the
life that I want to so if
you want to do
that as well go in the
description down
below and join my team and
join my crew
and I'm happy to help you
out as well
but that is going to be
today's video
I'm gonna try and tell more
stories like
this as well because I like
stories and I want to
become a better
storyteller so tell me what
you think in
the description now below
have you had
any of these experiences
yourself how
are you stuck in some
problems right now
where you feel like you can
kind of plop
yourself into my story and
see like okay
what do I need to do now in
order to get
that success because I'm
here to help
you I'm here to help you
succeed and to
help you grow and to make
2019 the year
you quit your job or quit
college and
make a full-time living
online with
affiliate marketing so
that's gonna be
today's video thank you so
much for
watching go into the
description down
below and check it out
and I'll see you in the
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