I can not guarantee that
you will make money from this, or any of my other videos. I'm just showing you
different websites and methods that has the potential of making money. Any link
you see in the description or in the video is most likely an affiliate link.
Meaning that if you sign up or buy through me, i will get a commission. This
helps and supports this youtube channel, and keeps it going, thanks!
n this video I'm going to
show you
exactly what I would do if
I lost
everything and had to start
from scratch
and needed money fast how
much money are
you making right now 876
dollars and
today there's three very
common myths
about making money online
the first one
being that it takes a lot
of money the
second one that it takes a
lot of time
and the third that you have
to come up
with some crazy new idea
that no one has
never done before and those
are just
plain and simply stupid
first of all the
method I'm gonna show you
today is gonna
cost me forty five dollars
that's it
forty five dollars
the second thing is time
and this is
gonna probably take me
about two hours
in the beginning and after
a while I can
probably get it down to one
hour to half
an hour of plain and simple
work and the
third one is that you have
to come up
with some crazy new idea
that no one has
ever heard of before and
this is my
favorite one because when I
started I thought that I
needed to
create this amazing app and
the app was
for teenagers that wanted
to challenge
each other so there would
be like a huge
list of challenges that
they could do
and then they can send like
on Facebook
or Twitter and to send the
challenge to
people and I thought it was
a great idea
and I called it challenge
accepted for
me you are not 18 anymore
if you need
everything on that list you
would die
that was a challenge
accepted and I
thought it was a cool idea
I never went
through with it but then
later I learned
that if it's never done
it's a 99% chance that
you're gonna fail
what you rather want to do
is let other
people do they intuitive
and you crazy
stuff and then you want to
become a
market follower for example
when Apple
launched their new iPhone
with a touch
they beat the odds of the
99% failure
rule and they made a
huge success and what did
all the other
phone companies do well
they became a
market followers following
what is
actually working and I
don't know about
you but I think Samsung and
Huawei is
making quite a bit of money
being a
market follower so we're
not gonna
reinvent the wheel here
we're not gonna
do some crazy new thing in
we're just gonna do
something that
actually works we need to
figure out
what actually works so with
this you
don't need a lot of time
you don't need
a lot of money and also you
don't have
to do some crazy inventive
things that
you've never done before it
crazy oh my
god this secret little
niche so this is
the strategy I would use if
I were to
start completely from
I'm just wondering how long
I can sit
here and you guys keep
watching so
that's the video guys thank
you for now
I'm just kidding
the strategy I actually
would do is
called launch jacking and
what it
basically is there are tons
of new
affiliate products
launching on warrior
plus jvzoo Clickbank all
the time and
what you do is that when
these launch
you make a video review and
rank that
video review on YouTube and
before you
go I don't want to be on
camera I don't
I'm so afraid of my skin
fucking shitty
looking face you don't have
to wear you
don't have to be on camera
at all all
you have to do is have like
a headphone
with this thing on it a
microphone that you can
talk into if you
don't have that you can sit
with your
phone like this and talk
and the other
tool that you need is a
free tool to
just capture your screen
it's completely
free anyone can download it
anyone can
use it even if you have it
like a shitty
shitty computer so I just
wanted to show
you guys what this is like
so when a
product launches a lot of
these guys are
posting a video review of
the product
when it launches alright so
right here
in YouTube I searched Wego
which is a product that
launched a month
ago and what happens when
that launches
is that a lot of people
will make a
review video on YouTube
about it and now
my friend Jonas Lindgren
it's a very
good friend of mine as well
as Arakaki
they do this on every
single launch okay
so if we just go to Jonas
channel right here you can
see what he
does is that every week he
just looks at
what product launched and
then he asks
the vendor for a review
copy and this is
basically access to the
back end of the
product so you can actually
take a
deeper look and then he
makes a review
about it
he says what's good about
the product
what's not good about the
product and he
has been doing this for a
long long long
time I think he's been
doing he's
probably I think he has
like 600 videos
right now and he makes
quite a bit of
I actually I want to see if
I can call
him right now and talk to
hey Jonas how's it going my
man there
you go I'm making a video
about launch
jacking in ranking video
reviews how
much money are you making
right now with
doing these reviews pretty
decent money
actually I'll show you last
couple of
days I can switch my camera
hundred seventy six dollars
and today
$250 that's crazy because
it's a super
simple way of building your
list so a
lot of it is from that list
this as well
but yeah well shaggy works
very very
well that's awesome and how
long did you
take you to like see your
Commission or make any
money it was
pretty much instant like I
started doing
this back in 2015 in
October or November
and I think I got my first
sale on the
very first video that I
uploaded and I
think that's the first Pro
or like in
the first three or four
days I think I
made like 200 bucks so you
absolutely make money
really quickly you
seem lost Jackie that's
it's like the perfect way
for beginners
suppressing seeing some
results for sure
and and how much time do
you usually
spend on making the reviews
the actual
review itself is usually
around 10 to 12
minutes and I don't really
do any like
really recordings if
something isn't
perfect I'm just gonna keep
anyway what takes a little
bit of time
perhaps is coming up and
doing this is
but I mean you can go to
like you can
get PLR stuff and things
like that but
overall I'd say from start
to finish
probably 45 minutes or so
Wow per video
and a vide you can then
make you
hundreds of dollars so yeah
it's not a
lot of work involved either
yeah and
would you say for someone
that is
working like a nine-to-five
job that
this would be perfect like
kind of a
side gig yeah for sure me
you can turn
this into a full-time
income but maybe
like an extra I'd say that
extra a
thousand to two thousand
dollars per
month it's not very hard at
all is to
actually take action on it
so yeah
absolutely make some very
nice extra
money from this that's
crazy and and why
do you think this is one of
the I oh I
would say that probably
this is one or
maybe the best way to get
started for
like complete beginners and
why is that
I would say because this
whole lesson
makes so much sense like
when you when
you do a review like this
like you do go
on Jack product namely the
target or the
traffic that you're going
to get your
videos it's going to be so
because these are people
that have
previously received an
email about this
product and they're like
okay I kind of
wanna buy this but I just
need a little
bit more information first
and they're
going to go to Google or
YouTube they're
going to type in a product
name with you
and they're going to find
you a video
and your job then in the
video is just
to show people the members
basically like explaining
what the
product is about so it
doesn't really
take a whole lot to push
people what
it's like over the edge to
actually get
them to take action so the
going to convert very well
like this for
me the one that I made like
a hundred
and seventy-six dollars for
not this one
is converting at roughly
61% right now
like it's crazy so 61% of
people that
click on my affiliate link
end up buying
something that's crazy but
yeah it does
convert really well because
traffic is
so warm and they know what
they're like
they know that you're
interested they
just need like a little
push basic huh
and you you're not getting
thousands and thousands of
use either
that's crazy
yeah awesome is it it's
great talking to
you man I'm gonna keep you
going on with
your day and our
I'm gonna wrap up this
video and also
there's my good friend Eric
he's from Slovakia he
doesn't speak
perfect English but he
still makes a lot
of money with this exact
strategy and he
just started a few months
ago about
eight months ago and he's
now making
quite a bit of money I I
actually want
to see if I can call Eric as
well hey
Eric how's it going my man
yes I'm awesome I'm just
making a video
about doing video reviews
on YouTube and
I just wondered like how
quick did you
get your first Commission
managed to get
like one sale I really
don't know why
but there was one but first
which was
many encouraging
that's insane yeah that's
really cool
for two minute video and
and how much
are you how long have you
been a month
and how much money are you
making right
now well it depends on the
day sometimes
it's like 100 dollars per
day sometimes
like 1,000 dollars per day
but sometimes
it's like nothing at all so
it depends
of the average month so so
how much
money would you say that
you make per
day or per month with this
just a
strategy $3,000 to anywhere
five to six
thousand dollars which also
depends on
the contest prices because
they really
add up and if you stand in
the reviews
you start making more money
just from
these contest prizes which
are the juicy
yeah yeah exactly and how
much time does
it take would you say everyday
to do
this well I think the
startup is the
hardest if you're doing it
for the first
time it's going to take you
reach but I
think if you do it just
once or twice
the time is going to go
down really big
time because the first
review is going
to take you at least what
like one hour
to two hours but right now
I'm doing
like two reviews in a half
an hour so
it's like 15 minutes but
you just really
need to get used to it and
you need to
acknowledge that the first
review is
going to be bad the second
is going to
be better and the more you
committed to
better will come and it's
really not a
ton time-consuming thing so
creating a
bonus page for me takes
like 10 to 15
creating a review takes
like 15 minutes
so yes you can get it all
down to like
half an hour per day yeah
promotion if there's
multiple products
it's like half an hour per
each but
usually it's like 30 to 40
minutes per
day so it's really that
that would make
like any guy that works
from home and
already has a job can do
this yeah I
mean if you can dedicate a
first hour
two hours to eat then it's
going to be
really easy because next
time you are
not doing it for the first
time and the
second review going to make
is going to
be like 100 times easier
than the first
time because you know really
what you're
doing and I think the
biggest obstacle
is the first review if you
have the
first ring you only got the
next ones
are going to be so much
easier so yeah
let's get the first one
John you need to
know it's not going to be
the best one
to baby you see yeah all
yeah that's awesome yeah
always great
talking to you man I'm
gonna leave you
with your girlfriend for
now all right
so this is the method I
would start if I
would start from complete
zero and the
reason is that it doesn't
take a lot of
time it doesn't take a lot
of money and
also it's a proven
that works and I've proven
this to you
that a lot of people are
doing this and
they're making a ton of
money doing it
so if you want more
information about
this you can go into the
down below and click the
first link in
the description and buy a
product that
shows you step-by-step how
to do this
and you have to buy before
the timer
runs to zero but also in
video I'm gonna show you
exactly step by
step what you have to do in
order to
make this happen for
yourself I will
leave no rocks unturned
I will need leave no stones
unturned is
that how you say it
basically I'm gonna
show you everything I'm
gonna show you
every step of the way that
you have to
do every step you have to
take in order
to make this happen for
yourself so look
for a video from me in your
box on YouTube tomorrow so
me and Jonas
talked a little bit
off-camera and he
said that one of the
concerns that a lot
of people come to him with
is that isn't
launch jacking gonna be
saturated well
the reality is that most
people that buy
a course about launch
jacking it's like
people buying a gym
membership when they
have like these New Year's
you know a lot of people go
into it and
they start in January the
gym is full
packed with a lot of people
I'm gonna
lose so much weight and
then in February
you see that half of them
have just left
and then in March you see
that all of
the people have left and
then it's all
just back to normal so the
reality is
that a lot of people buy
these products
but literally 99% of the
people buying a
course will never ever do
anything or
maybe even they post one
video or two
videos and then they're
like oh I didn't
make any sales I didn't
make any money
I'm not gonna do it anymore
so you have to be the guy
that sets your
New Year's resolution and
you say I'm
gonna stick with this in
the long term
I'm gonna continue making
videos I'm
gonna continue making
myself better I'm
gonna spend an hour per day
just trying
to make videos like this
are you gonna
be a guy that just post a
few videos and
never goes even through the
course we're
are gonna be the guy that
publishing videos so that's
gonna be the
video if you have any
questions did you
see that as fucking spit
like the snake
if you have
any comments or questions
drop them down
below and I'll answer them
that's gonna be the video
thank you so
much for watching and I'll
see you
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