Sunday, January 26, 2020
Marvel Supervillains That Are More Powerful Than Thanos......@@@@@@@@@@besteducationpage
Marvel Supervillains That Are More Powerful Than Thanos......@@@@@@@@@@besteducationpage
Marvel Supervillains That Are More Powerful Than Thanos......@@@@@@@@@@besteducationpage
- While Thanos is driven by his own moral,
albeit twisted, code, Galactus will have none of this nonsense. He was a mortal
man once, but he transformed into an almost all-powerful entity in a cataclysm
of universal scale.
- Mephisto is a seemingly
immortal demonic being that does all kinds of evil stuff. He’s based on the
notorious Mephistopheles from Goethe’s Faust and bears a great resemblance to
that demon.
- Dormammu is the ruler of
the Dark Dimension, a realm of his own. His ambitions have always lain in the
human world, however, so he makes for a great supervillain to combat the
- Speaking about forces
greater than Thanos himself, we should remember his one real love: Death. It’s
not really clear from the movie, but in the comic series, the Mad Titan does
what he does for the sake of Death.
- Abraxas is the natural
counterpart of Eternity, which is the creator of worlds, and he seeks to escape
his parent and guardian.
- There’s one more supervillain that holds a
grudge against Earth: Annihilus. An insectoid overlord of a realm called the
Negative Zone, Annihilus was originally angered by the Fantastic Four in the
comic series.
- Celestials are the
original masters of the Infinity Gems, so it only makes sense that one or 2 of
them would return to take back the gauntlet from Thanos.
- Lord Chaos just might
become interested in taking over the universe for himself. And despite being a
cosmic entity with seemingly infinite powers, he still has a brother who will
always oppose him!
hey there Marvel fans
anticipating the next
Avengers movie
aren't you well while the
plot with
Thanos is incredibly epic
it's only
natural to dwell on what's
coming next
to the MCU what are we
gonna see after
the end credits
another threat and another
villain even
more terrible than the mad
Titan perhaps
I suggest we look at what
the Marvel
Universe has to offer in
this regard I
bet you won't be
disappointed so who do
we start with I think with
one of the
most controversial Marvel
Galactus you see while
Thanos is driven
by his own moral albeit
twisted code
Galactus will have none of
this nonsense
he was a mortal man once
but he
transformed into an almost
entity in a cataclysm of a
scale Galactus is dubbed a
devourer for her good
reason he devours
entire planets to feed
himself if you're
a fan of the MCU you must
have seen his
presence in another movie
Fantastic Four
rise of the Silver Surfer
the Silver
Surfer is in fact his
Herald and errand
boy of sorts he seeks out
worlds for
Galactus to consume and
prepares their
inhabitants for Destruction
I know what
you might ask next wait if
Galactus made
an appearance in another
doesn't it mean he
shouldn't be present
in an Avengers movie
well since the Fantastic
Four franchise
has been relaunched you
can't help but
think that Marvel would at
consider making Galactus
the next uber
villain in the Avengers
universe to my
mind he makes perfect sense
however so
does the next guy on my
his name's Muffy stout if
you're not an
avid fan of comics you
might have missed
this character altogether
but hey the
MCU introduces new villains
all the time
so why not him but let's
start with the
basics Mephisto is a
seemingly immortal
demonic being that does all
kinds of
evil stuff he's based on
the notorious
mephistopheles from Goths
Faust and
bears a great resemblance
to that demon
if you remember Ghost Rider
with Nicolas
Cage the one who turned
Johnny Blaze
into a biker with a flaming
skull was
none other than buffy Stowe
that's only a tiny particle
of his real
powers and those are
immense he
possesses all kinds of
magical skills
shape shifts and can even
alter time
itself as a demon he
acquires even
greater power when he's in
his own realm
in the comics he's even
battled it out
on par with Galactus could
he be the
next Avengers ultimate foe
as likely as
anyone if you ask me but
let's not
forget about the villains
that have
already made their
appearance in the MCU
how about Dormammu for
example although
Doctor Strange stalemated
him in his
very own movie with the
help of only a
single infinity gem
Dormammu is still a
force to be reckoned with
as you may
remember Doctor Strange
didn't defeat
the mighty being he only
made him leave
Earth alone using the power
of the time
gem Dormammu is the ruler
of the Dark
Dimension a realm of his
own his
ambitions have always lain
in the human
world however so he makes a
supervillain to combat The
Avengers to
top it off in the comic
universe he
teamed up with Loki another
baddie to confuse yesu the
Avengers so
if he becomes the one to
confront the
team of superheroes after
Thanos I
wouldn't be surprised at
all will you
give me a thumbs up if you
agree still
speaking about forces
greater than
Thanos himself we should
remember his
one real love yes no not
the abstract
death that eventually comes
after all
things mortal but death
incarnate you
see in the
Marvel multiverse such
notions as love
hate eternity and well
death are all
personified and Thanos kind
of worships
his ladylove yes it's a she
it's not
really clear from the movie
but in the
comic series the mad Titan
does what he
does for the sake of death
so should we
be surprised if there
happens to be a
plot twist that includes
this humanized
force of nature who knows
maybe when the
Avengers finally deal with
Thanos his
mistress will decide to
avenge him
pun intended sorry this
could raise the
stakes enough for the next
grand battle
of the universe but what if
we got to an
even higher level of power
something so
incredibly mighty you can't
even fathom
its hugeness that would be
awesome in a
sense that even the
Avengers and
guardians of the galaxy
combined would
probably not be able to
fight such a foe
without some extra help and
that flow is
a praxis to get my meaning
consider this
he's basically the
embodiment of
destruction or if you
prefer destruction
itself remember how I told
you that
eternity is also a
human-like being well
Abraxas has grown inside
him he's the
natural counterpart of
eternity which is
the creator of worlds and
he seeks to
escape his parent and
guardian once upon
a time he actually managed
to do so why
do I say he's on a whole
new level of
power at the very least
because he
defeated Galactus like it
was nothing
another universe is
Galactus but
Galactus all the same and
something to ponder on if
such a guy
decides to attack our poor
earth or our
poor universe for that
matter not even
the Avengers will have a
chance against
him a terrifying prospect
indeed there's
one more supervillain that
holds a
grudge against earth
Annihilus an insectoid
overlord of a
realm called the negative
zone a
nihilist was originally
angered by the
Fantastic Four in the
comics series
after they escaped his
wrath he seeks
nothing else but to destroy
earth although he can't go
out of the
negative zone of his own
will eventually
though he finds a way out
and gathers an
enormous fleet of
battleships to conquer
the whole universe see the
rise of
ambition you bet
do you think a giant armada
of insectoid
aliens is just what the
next Avengers
movie needs share your
opinion in the
comments now to the
tastiest part of the
show all the guys I told
you about
earlier are cool and all
but they have
two drawbacks that make
them less likely
candidates for super
villains in the
upcoming Avengers movies
first they have
rather dubious connections
with the
current MCU state second they
are no
match for the ones I'm
going to tell you
about in a moment
so who are these powerful
enemies of the
universe for one there are
these are cosmic entities
whose origins
are not exactly known in
the Marvel
Cinematic Universe we've
seen one of
them in guardians of the
galaxy vol 2
remember ego the Living
Planet that's
him Celestials are the
original Masters
of the infinity gems so it
only makes
sense that one or two of
them would
return to take the gauntlet
from Thanos
if they managed to do so
that would be
one huge twist you could
only wonder
what a creature far more
powerful than
Thanos without the gauntlet
could do
with one still I somehow
doubt that the
infinity gems assembled
will take a
large part in the upcoming
movies that
brings us to the last but
not in anyway
least character to assume
the role of
uber villain lord chaos if
this name
doesn't ring a bell I don't
blame you as
it hasn't yet appeared in
any of the MCU
movies but I strongly
believe that it
should you see when Thanos
snapped his
fingers and destroyed half
the universe
he basically crippled the
natural course
of events and that couldn't
have gone
unnoticed by the big guys
in the Marvel
mythos those big guys are
two brothers
Lord chaos and master order
representing the quality
their name
suggests when the scale is
tipped by
Thanos his actions Lord
chaos just might
become interested in taking
over the
universe for himself and
despite being a
cosmic entity with
seemingly infinite
powers he still has a brother
who will
always oppose him doesn't
that make for
a cool collaboration if the
team up with master order
to stop the
evil force of Lord chaos
sounds like an
epic battle to me so there
you go bright
siders I think I've covered
most of the
possible villains to face
the Avengers
in movie 5 do you have any
of your own share them in
the comments
below don't forget to like
this video if
you agree with my theory
share with your
Marvel fan friends and hit
the subscribe
button to always stay on
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Marvel Supervillains That Are More Powerful Than Thanos......@@@@@@@@@@besteducationpage#
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I am the person who knows how to enjoy my life as it is the best gift everyone is given. I never give up and have an optimistic approach to all situations that can occur on my way. I appreciate traditional values and still believe in real friendship and sympathy to others. I am sure our world depends on us, I mean the way we treat each other. Well, everything in our hands and love is not an exception. I am here and ready to change my life, to complete it I Belive that Nothing is Impossible if we try enough. I didn't like to follow i liked being followed.
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