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hey guys what's up it's
Andy FL and
today I'm gonna show you
how temmie is
making two million dollars
per month
from her Amazon stores all
so Tammy Duke oh we had a
yesterday if you haven't
watched that I
highly recommend that you
do but she is
an absolute Amazon expert
all right she
is making two million
dollars per month
just from Amazon
that's huge numbers insane
numbers and
she's actually helped big
contact Tammy to learn how
they can sell
better on Amazon as well
and other
e-commerce stores like that
so she is
really good at selling
online products
and what I'm doing right
now is I'm
taking a look inside the
product that
she has where she shows you
everything and I'm gonna
find out is it
good is it bad is it a scam
is the
information just gonna give
you a
headache are you gonna
watch seven hours
of content and just bore
yourself to
death I hate products that
are super
boring and it's not gonna
give you some
step-by-step strategies so
we're gonna
take inside look inside the
product and
see what it's like so right
now I'm on
the Ehsan system alright
and right here
this is Barry that will
tell you what
exactly you're gonna get
also on the
bottom right here I need to
unfortunately blur out what
this tool is
called but you'll get
access to one of
the tools that they use on
an everyday
basis on top of that you're
gonna get an
other tool that will find
the hottest
products on Etsy and
explore your market
niche so a lot of the
process of finding
products on Amazon is
actually figuring
out what you're gonna sell
and what
you're gonna make money
with on Amazon
and this search tool
combined with this
tool right here is gonna
help you a lot
for that and also we have
the course
modules as you can see on
this side
right here we have three
videos as the
welcome to Ehsan 2.0 so
they first
launched Ehsan 1.0
a little while ago but now
updated Amazon to 2.0
because it's
always changing Amazon is
never staying
the same the online game is
changing all the time so
he/she had to
create a new product so she
can update
all the information but
right here we're
gonna take a little bit of
a look inside
this video in a just a few
minutes but
also as you can see we have
the archive
from Ehsan 1.0 you can see
all the
videos from the last course
that she
produced and also we have
started on Amazon Amazon
private label
products case study and
this is actually
where she found a hot
winning product in
the dog niche and converted
that into an
Amazon store and she sews
step-by-step through exact
the process
she did like starting from
scratch and
all the way through until
private level
customer service feedback
and reviews so
the whole launch of a new
product on an
Amazon store it's
absolutely amazing to
see Tammy which is a top
for a performer
making millions of dollars
per month go
through the steps and
actually show you
how she does this because
this girl is
so different from all the
other Amazon
affiliates or Amazon FBA or
whatever because she is
actually out
there doing this on a
regular basis and
I don't really know anyone
else that is
making this much money from
Amazon so
she is the absolute expert
right here
module 3 we have Amazon
sellers in depth
so it's gonna go into more
of how to
sell an Amazon and then
it's Amazon
optimization and
advertising so you can
actually start advertising
your Amazon
store to get even more
sales and start
scaling fast and they go
through this in
this training and I want to
say that I
was very pleasantly
surprised about Mike
right here we're on the
video with her
so this creates kind of a
between the two where they
can really
talk to each other and
figure each other
out give each other tips
and mike is
also very good
that ecommerce and it's so
much nicer to
go through a course with
two people
instead of one usually
courses have just
one person teaching you the
strategy but right here
they have two
and this gives this a group
and you feel like you're in
on the
conversation and you can
understand it
so much better
like for example mike is a
really like
energic and he's really
entertaining and
he just makes the video
super super
entertaining compared to
other courses
that are just boring is
gonna give you a
headache but a little bit
of scribbling
and writing and it's just
not good
alright but this product is
super good
and what I like the best is
that they're
using this type of video
player so you
can actually go in here and
click the
speed 21.5 because the
reality is that
you're going to watch a lot
of different
videos you're going to
watch a lot of
different videos you're
gonna probably
spend a few hours going
through all of
this training and you don't
want to do
this at a snail's speed you
want to go
fast through it maybe go to
1.5 or one
or even two times the speed
so you can
get all that information in
right off
the bat let's go back
another step and
then the last one scaling
your business
on Amazon and Beyond and
here they talk
about how you can actually
hire a
virtual team so you don't
have to do
this yourself this is gonna
come a
little bit down the line
but as you can
see they have everything
covered from a
to set on how you can do
this it's very
very nice to see a very in
detail course
by a highly expert in this
field the
other thing that I love so
much about
this is that they have the
bonuses and
inside of the bonus module
they actually
have retail arbitrage and
arbitrage is basically
finding products
offline so you go to a
store let's say
Walmart Target or whatever
and you find
products that's on sale so
let's say
that a box of cereal is on
sale it's
like 50% off
and let's just say that it
cost $2 from
Walmart what you can then
do is take up
your app on your phone you
you install
an app and you scan the
barcode and this
app is gonna give you all
the results
for that exact same cereal
box on Amazon
and you can see what price
it is on
Amazon and let's say you
buy for $2 on
Walmart what you can sell
for let's say
$6 and this is something
that a lot of
people are doing out there
a lot of
people going through and
going into
stores buying very cheap
items and then
sending it into Amazon and
sell it on
Amazon a lot of people have
quit their
job with this method and
the best thing
is that it's super easy to
get your
first sale ok so what
happens usually in
people's head when they get
the first
sale is that they will
start believing
they will start believing
that this is
actually possible I can
actually do this
at first guy got my first
sale and now
it's just gonna keep
growing and growing
and in your mind that's so
so powerful
so I love that they have
included this
as a bonus so you can sell
your own
items on Amazon and it's
just a golden
opportunity for those that
have never
made money online has never
anything before even never
made a single
dollar online and this is a
way for you
to start believing that you
can make
money online and you can
grow this into
a multi-million dollar
business per
month like Tami it's
absolutely crazy
they also have great
support right here
I've talked to the vendor
I've also
talked to Tammy as you know
from last
day's interview they have
like a
facebook updates here they
want you to
buy a full replay of the
mastermind so
this is like four extreme
high level
Amazon sellers all right I
would say
that I would advise you to
not go into
this in especially in the
beginning but
after you've started
posting on Amazon
and getting some sales you
can go into
this mastermind and upgrade
more if there's something
that you can
find inside of this course
okay so that
is basically what a the
Ehsan system is
and I'm just gonna go into
this video
right here just to show you
what it's
like when you come inside
of the course
but we really think that
whether you are
a brand new beginner Amazon
or if you
bear with us for a while
you want to
take your business to the
next level
there is something here for
you there's
something for everybody
so attending why don't you
start by
talking about why Amazon is
than other e-commerce
Amazon is quite a
powerhouse you know
everyone knows the name
Amazon now and I
think the reason is because
55% of
sellers actually start
their shopping
experience when they're
trying to find
something on Amazon right
on Amazon so
that's a huge number that
was just
published you know
following last year's
behaviors and it's so yeah
I mean number
said oh we got fifty five
percent of
online shoppers are
starting to search
on Amazon that means that
would be like
if you had a store on Main
Street and
everybody from your town if
they want to
buy anything came into your
store be
like what should I get
where should I
buy this you don't even
sell it so you
can imagine there is just
an incredible
amount of potential buyers
that's huge I
would say number two is
that you know
you don't have to build
funnels from
scratch with this you kind
of have
almost a built-in funnel
although we are
going to show you later on
a lot of
tricks of how to both
inside and outside
of Amazon drive traffic to
your list
because that is really one
of the big
key key factors that
separates people
who succeed from the people
who just you
know have a store up and
don't do
anything so number one
you've got people
you got eyeballs number two
funnels a moat you say
number three it's
a really big one here that
we always
find your numbers in
traffic I mean
fifty five search here but
you have 300
million people on with
credit cards on
file at Amazon 50 million
of those are
Prime members that means
that they
expect to get their product
within two
days so it's the
accessibility that
Amazon provides when they
order from our
stores they're not sure if
it's gonna
come in seven days or
thirteen days you
know but on Amazon that can
that accessibility within a
couple of
days and that's super
so just to recap I mean
real quick
you've got built in traffic
you've got
built in funnels and you've
got built in
power fulfillment right I
mean Amazon
people know and they expect
that Amazon
is there for them they
trust if there's
I mean how hard it is to
build trust on
a website outside if you're
doing any
kind of website you gotta
go that
trusting with Amazon it is
already built
in so with that we
understand why Amazon
might be different other
so I just wanted to include
this in the
video Amazon is an
absolutely amazing
opportunity where you don't
have to make
your own website and send
traffic to it
you don't have to crave
funnels yourself
Amazon is gonna take care
of all of that
and as you saw at Tammy said
there's three million
people on this
website searching every
single day on
Amazon to buy products and
that's where
you come in to sell them
products okay
and there's a lot more that
goes into
this I just wanted to show
you how nice
and entertaining this is to
watch because I always get
headaches of
watching really boring
training for a
long time throughout an
entire course
and you want to be excited
you want to
get excited because you
want to be
excited and you want to
have someone
help you along the way
that's not gonna
bore you to death just
think about your
most boring teacher just
standing there
like it's gonna learn to is
gonna learn
that this is not like that
this is your
your favorite teacher
they're telling
stories they're funny they're
interesting and they're
also gonna help
you make an Amazon store so
if this was
interesting to you I have a
link down
below I think it's really
great I don't
see anything that's missing
in this
course if they go through
from a to set and you're
getting get the
entire course you're going
to get the
tool the two tools that
they use on a
daily basis to find new
products and
also to find like keywords
that's a huge part of this
training the
link to this product is in
description down below the
check out
page you can also go bolon
and watch the
free training that they put
that shows you exactly the
process they go through
when doing
Amazon so the two links are
in the
description down below if
you want to
check this out that is me
thank you so
much for watching and I'll
see you in
the next video
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