
Sunday, January 26, 2020

That's How Your Childhood Affects Your Relationship.........@@@@@@@besteducationpage

- Grown-up pleasers have difficulties saying no, establishing clear personal boundaries, and expressing their true feelings. In romantic relationships, they give their all to their partners, once again, doing everything they possibly can to make them happy.
- Avoiders are highly logical. They enjoy their space and almost never get emotional. Even more so, they feel really uncomfortable when someone else shows strong emotions. The main problem in their relationships is the absence of emotional connection.
- Vacillators strive to find the stable love they never received in their childhood and make one crucial mistake while doing it: They idealize their partner. Every time a vacillator falls in love, they jump into the relationship right away, thinking they’ve found their perfect soul mate.
- Controllers view the world from 2 perspectives: They're either in control themselves or they're being controlled by others. They don't like stepping out of their comfort zone or expressing their emotions and vulnerability. The only feeling that isn't weak is anger, so they prefer to use it as a weapon to remain in power.
- In their adult life, victims become very adaptable and prefer to go with the flow. They can be described as introverted, shy, and self-conscious. Of course, all this doesn't help them in their romantic love at all. They have no idea what life is like without abuse and violence, so they tend to go for domineering, controlling, and even cruel partners.
have you ever wondered why your romantic
relationships don't work out
psychologists believe the main reason
lies in your childhood since that's the
time when we form one of the five
unhealthy love styles so on to your
childhood and how it's connected to your
love life in their book how we love
discover your love style enhance your
marriage marriage and family therapists
Milan and Kay yerkovich discuss how your
childhood experiences create certain
love patterns that hold you back from
building a loving and committed
relationship more specifically they name
five main love styles that you can
develop thanks to your early years so
let's see what they're all about
number one the pleaser were you often
described as a good kid when you were
little do you feel anxious and upset
when the people around you are angry
with you
do you hate conflict if you gave three
positive answers your most probably a
pleaser pleasers usually grow up with
either extremely overprotective or very
critical parents this kind of unhealthy
environment makes them want to do
everything they can to make their
parents happy
but while everybody else is content the
pleasers themselves only get more and
more anxious since they don't receive
even half of the comfort they give to
their parents as a result grown-up
pleasers have difficulty saying no
establishing clear personal boundaries
and expressing their true feelings in
romantic relationships they give their
all to their partners once again doing
everything they possibly can to make
them happy so when their partner wants
to spend some quality time alone or with
friends pleasers get extremely depressed
and anxious thinking they're not enough
this can lead to misunderstandings and
conflicts that pleasers simply can't
handle they find it really difficult to
vocalize and address the problem
so they almost
never express it they just apologize
right away so the argument can be over
the main thing pleasers have to work on
if they want to have a healthy
relationship is expressing their
feelings freely and embracing their
imperfections stop setting unrealistic
expectations for yourself
there are always two people in a
relationship and your feelings and
opinions deserve to be heard as well
number two the avoider imagine living in
a family where the parents encourage
independence and teach you to take care
of yourself from a very early age seems
like a fine idea right not always this
is exactly the type of family that the
next love style comes from the avoider
avoiders parents focused way more on
making their kids self-sufficient than
showing them love and affection
just like pleasers the avoiders rarely
received any type of comfort from their
parents and never talked to them about
their own personal concerns insecurities
and issues this experience taught them
to suppress their feelings which slowly
found its way into their adult life
avoiders are highly logical they enjoy
their space and almost never get
emotional even more so they feel really
uncomfortable when someone else shows
strong emotions that's why the main
problem in their relationships is the
absence of emotional connection as they
find it hard to really bond with their
partner preferring to avoid issues
instead of talking openly about them if
you're an avoider and you strive for
understanding in a committed
relationship you have to learn how to
open up and express your emotions first
I know you hate to be vulnerable but
it's an important part of building a
strong emotional connection with your
partner try taking small steps in
opening up to your friends and lover a
bit more every day
it'll be awkward and hard at first but
after taking some time you'll have no
problem with it number three the Vasa
later the main problem of a Vasa leaders
childhood that strongly affects their
adult love life is they're unpredictable
parents this type of person realizes
from a very young age that they're not
at the top of their parents list of
priorities and what can possibly be more
damaging to a child Vasa leaders are
used to waiting for their parents to
show them love support and affection but
when their mom and dad finally do that
the Vasa leaders have become too angry
to receive it this childhood environment
creates a deep fear of abandonment and
hyper sensitivity to any signs of
connection that highly influenced Vasa
leaders romantic relationship they
strive to find the stable love they
never received in their childhood and
make one crucial mistake while doing it
they idealize their partner every time a
Vasa later falls in love they jump into
the relationship right away thinking
they found their perfect soul mate but
true love can't always be perfect and
when they realize that their
relationship is far from flawless Vasa
leaders become disappointed and doubtful
this leads to immature and unreasonable
fights and usually ends with separation
so here's a little message to all the
Vasa leaders out there take time to
actually know another person and don't
paint a perfect picture of them right
away relationships are hard and it takes
time and effort to make them work but if
you manage to get through tough and
turbulent times you'll get the stable
and beautiful love you've always wanted
number four the controller for pretty
much every controller you meet their
childhood is rather painful to remember
they were brought up in chaotic homes
with parents who not only never offered
them any protection but were also the
main source of their stress this
unfortunate experience teaches
controllers to toughen up and take care
of themselves in their future
it seems like a great lesson to learn
but in the controllers case it's way
more unhealthy than it seems
controllers view the world from two
perspectives they're either in control
themselves or they're being controlled
by others they don't like stepping out
of their comfort zone or expressing
their emotions and vulnerability the
only feeling that isn't weak is anger so
they prefer to use it as a weapon to
remain in power
that's why controllers prefer to
fiercely fight back and most of the
arguments they have with their partners
they tend to avoid compromises and
strongly disagree with their partner for
as long as it takes to make them give in
and agree even though this type sounds
harsh these people are actually some of
the most sensitive you can meet
controllers just don't want to put
themselves in a position where they can
get hurt therefore they use power and
control as a shield against
disappointment sadness and pain to build
a loving and strong relationship they
need to learn how to let go and trust
others to be vulnerable around them if
you're a controller don't immediately
jump to an angry response being honest
with your partner about how you feel
won't make you lose control it'll help
you lay the foundation for an amazing
support system you never knew you needed
number five the victim chaotic
households can create not only
controllers but people of another type
victims victims often grow up with
abusive angry and violent parents and
learn to cope with this by being as
invisible and quiet as possible a lot of
victims children create their own
fantasy and imaginary worlds in their
heads to get away from the horror that
happens at home these children can
tolerate the Intolerable which rarely
ends well for their mental health most
of the time such dramatic experiences
lead to serious depression and anxiety
in their adult life victims become very
adaptable and prefer to go with the flow
they can be described as introverted shy
and self-conscious
of course all this doesn't help them in
the romantic love life at all they have
no idea what life is like without abuse
and violence so they tend to go for
domineering controlling and even cruel
partners and since they learn to
tolerate anything bad that comes their
way from a very young age they find it
extremely difficult to stand up for
themselves and leave to find their happy
ever after with a good person
victims have to sort out their own
personal problems before committing to a
relationship fall in love with yourself
and do not accept any negativity or
disrespect coming your way if you're not
on your own side nobody else will be
leave the pain in the past and start
building a joyful future for yourself so
which one of these love styles is yours
tell us in the comments section below
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