I can not guarantee that
you will make money from this, or any of my other videos. I'm just showing you
different websites and methods that has the potential of making money. Any link
you see in the description or in the video is most likely an affiliate link.
Meaning that if you sign up or buy through me, i will get a commission.
helps and supports this youtube channel, and keeps it going, thanks!
if you want to know how to
turn five
dollars into $1,000 over
and over and
over again continue
watching this video
because I'm going to review
a product of
my friend Stephan see anzio
that just
came out that you're gonna
be very very
excited to see so the
product I'm
reviewing today is called
it just came out we're
gonna take a look
at the sales page and then
we're gonna
take a look at actually
inside the
product itself and I'm
gonna show you
the bonuses that you get
when you buy
Bloggie as well so first of
all let's
read the headline watch as
we turn five
dollar blog post that we
don't write
into 300 to 1000 plus over
and over
again using 100% free
traffic so I know
Stefan I just went on an
interview with
them yesterday
but the video goes out
tomorrow so stay
tuned for the interview as
well tomorrow
but I know that he's making
this kind of
money Stephan and Greg
Kononenko and
they're both very expert
marketers and
they have been doing this
for a long
time and said that that all
the income
earnings are 100% real from
100% free
traffic like you can see
right here and
this is actually more of a
case study of
how they actually did this
themselves so
they basically have filmed
I think it's
about 25 videos I'm gonna
show you that
inside women go inside but
basically having a case
study to show
how they earn their money
and you get
two of those both from
Stephan and Greg
which is really really cool
but let's
take another look fresh
case study
earned thousands per blog
post rapid
free traffic training
included income is
passive at one set up no
experience needed complete
videos 100% newbie friendly
easy to set
pick any niche you like and
the price
right now is about $13 I
think they're
gonna bump out the price
after the
launch so I can tell you
that all of
this is legit I like that
they're not
really just just click one
button and
your money will appear in
your bank
account which a lot of
products actually
do and you'll find a lot of
like that
but these actually have
real strategies
real free traffic methods
and actually I
bought one of his product
before I can't
remember what the name of
the product
was but when I bought that
I liked I
bought a lot of products
but when I
bought that something fired
up inside of
me that said wow this
method seems so
it sounds so reasonable it
sounds like
something I can do for the
long term and
the best thing is that it's
100% free
traffic and you can set up
one post like
they've say it like they
pay five
dollars for one post so if
you don't
like writing yourself if
you don't like
sitting on your computer
all day writing
content you can just pay
someone $5 and
then turn that blog post
into many many
hundreds of dollars which
they've done
over and over again it's so
cool and
that's what I learned in
that training
as well and this is just an
method of exactly what I
learned back in
the day and that was one of
strategies that got me a
lot of traffic
to my then travel blog
where I actually
was able to get some
consistent income
coming in but as many of
you guys know I
left that travel blog and
now it's
sitting at around I think
around 100 200
unique visitors per day
which is alright
but I'm not making that
much off of that
travel blog anymore
but I know that the free
traffic methods
100% worked so as you can
see imagine
what you could do with ten
of these and
as you can see he's just
spent five
dollars and they get this
in return
which is insane and it's
passive income
once you set it up you can
just forget
it and I like what he said
in the
interview that is basically
you set up
all these branches of the
tree and
everything is funneling
them down into
the branch the entire
business and it's
kind of like a beautiful
ecosystem so
every part that you make
every action
that you take every step
you take what I
mean is every time you put
work into
your business it's going to
help that
ecosystem everything is
integrated with
each other
and this is the this is why
I love this
business model so much
because you can
get so much out of the work
you can do
this as a part-time student
you can turn
this into your full-time
gig for those
that don't have a lot of
time or for
those that do have a lot of
time they
can just really push and
hustle hard on
this so I think the sales
page is
looking nice you can see
some of the
proof right here and I know
that this
proof is legit like this is
probably a
sales page that tells a
story and all of
that you've probably seen
all of this
before introducing Bloggie
so they have
module one case studies
overview and
research a blog post set up
research and monetization
traffic and making money
advance strategies and I'm
gonna show
you what's inside right
here I have a
first you can see some of
testimonials of people that
actually do
this and that they're
actually gotten
results and I know a lot of
people have
so if we go into the blog
e-course so
this we're now inside of
the course
right here you can see that
they have a
lot of videos right here
telling you
exactly what you have to do
so seven
minutes right here six
two point three minutes
four and as you
can see this is all you
need to know so
Stefan's case study I loved
these two
videos Greg's case study
right here as
well so they basically show
you exactly
what they've done to get
that earning so
you can kind of get some
ideas of what
you want to do yourself and
then in the
other modules and this
module as well
they teach you exactly step
by step what
you can do to get that
money on your own
so it started off with some
why blogging overview of
the system a
niche research this is
where you get
your niche and I'm gonna
just gonna
quickly go through this
domain and
hosting a wordpress so they
set up a
domain blog layouts how you
should lay
out your page because it's
very very
important that you have a
page and a blog that people
want to be on and they show
you that as
well legal pages so you
need to set up
your Terms of Service your
stuff like that blog style
plugins and
branding to make it a lot
easier for you
really nice we can see a
video number
one on module three content
with bus
sumo so we can really take
some research
and look at what are the
five best blog
posts to post right now on
your niche or
the ten or twenty or thirty
or forty and
then you can spend five
dollars for
every one of those get that
content out
on your blog and then start
getting free
traffic to that site which
is really
nice they also have another
research idea with keyword
finder and
keyword so haha and I
really heard of this before
keyword I never heard of
however it truly is
something that's way
better than the content
research ideas
that I've done in the past
so I really
like that they're having
this never seen
this before
content creation options
initial posts
and setting up the content
deciding monetization so
how you can how
you actually make money
from the blog
module number four
publishing your first
blog post analytics set up
to analyze
Pinterest initial steps and
then they
have a lot of Pinterest
training so that
is the free traffic that
you're gonna
get and Pinterest is one of
the best
ones that I started with
you can check
out if you go to bucket
list freak on
Pinterest I think I have
over like
10,000 followers 13,000
followers I
haven't looked in a while
but that was
how I actually got a lot of
traffic to
my travel blog and they're
gonna show
you exactly what to do
right here these
guys are extremely good at
Pinterest and
getting free traffic from
Pinterest and
it's kind of only the it's
the I think
it's the second best free
traffic method
because YouTube is
obviously the best
one and then you have
Facebook but
Facebook is getting sold
it's so tired
like the free traffic
methods from
Facebook you have to put a
lot of time
and work into actually
getting that free
traffic and then they have
which is like the thing
that nobody
really does nobody really
utilize pinch
to his greatest fullest potential
because it's a search
engine just like
Google and YouTube and they
show you in
this course right here how
you can
utilize Pinterest to the
best of your
ability to get that free
traffic and
also as you can see
stepping through all
that you need to know like
you need to do know how to
set up all
this is inside of here and
I show you a
little bit of how to build
an email list
as well it's just very
crucial and then
developing a long-term plan
so they
don't leave you there with
all the
information that you have
they actually
show you like what what
next after
you've done this what
should you focus
on next which I love that
products have
inside because it shows
that they care
about you it shows that
you're not
really getting just a tiny
product that's really like
it shows
that they're actually
trying to help you
and I know that these guys
are the
marketers that want to help
you get
success online so that's
Bloggie and they also have
some up so
this is the front and offer
they also
have some upsells as well
which I'm
going to tell you about
right now so
these are basically things
that you can
buy on top of your order
you can
definitely start making
money online
with just the front and
offer but if you
want to upgrade things to
get a little
bit faster results or to
make them done
for you so they have a few
done for your
packages right here I'm
gonna just go
into them right here so for
the front
end offer we just talked
about OTO
number one it's a case
studies pack that
contains a case studies
bundle showing
your customers over the
shoulder some of
our best sites and traffic
results from
the Bloggie method
customers can copy
and paste these I get ideas
to get
results faster OTO 2 is a
pack that contains 10
done for you niche research
for 10
mitches then for your ad
copy for 10
niches don't for your odd
targeting for
10 niches and recommended
products for 10 which is a
massive niche
list list of copyright free
access to over 500,000 images
so this is
more of a done-for-you
if you have a troubles
picking your
niche if you have troubles
coming up
with the ad copy ad
targeting and you
really just want they're
done for you
campaign so you can just
plug and play
right in this is a package
that you
should definitely go with
OTO number
three is 100% profit
funnels allows your
customers to become
affiliates at 100%
Commission's on two of our
converting funnels and $97
five of our
high converting funnels or
ten of our
high converting funnels so
you can see
the price point here as
well depending
on what you want to do so
geo number
four is a done-for-you
belong your
customers will get fully
set up blog
which is optimized for
traffic sales
profit I think I saw this
one and he
talked about it in the
interview you can
pause the video and read
this right now
but basically auto number
four is just
everything done for you
like exactly
like the entire method just
done for you
and then also you get like
one year I
think they changed this to
two years of
coaching from them so if
you get the the
OTO number four you're
basically gonna
get everything done for you
and once you
get that package and start
doing things
on your own you can contact
both a
Stefan and Greg and they
will literally
just coach you just for
free after you
bought that so it's really
really nice
you can see that the
pricing structure
right now when I publish
this video at
10 a.m. on the 24th the
price will be
about $13 and in three days
it will go
up to a 17 dollars so if
you're waiting
to get in on this you
really shouldn't
be waiting too long because
it will get
more expensive and you get
all of this
for just $13 which is one
of the best
products I've seen in
months so that's
basically the product I'm
also gonna
show you some of the
bonuses that I give
away to people that take
action and join
this today so if you click
the link in
the description you'll be
taken to this
page and it should be this
video right
here but you just have to
click this
button to get started right
time until all bonuses are
gone is about
one day in 14 hours so
really get in on
this before that time runs
out so you
can get some of these
bonuses as well
simple 50 day Clickbank
method this is a
really really simple
Clickbank method
that I haven't seen a lot
of people
teach and I want to give
that away to
you guys so you can get
even more
profits like that I also
have another
bonus number 2 which I have
bonus number
one and one right here but
easy 500 a
day free visitors method
and this is one
of the traffic methods that
I know one
of my friends actually got
himself out
from the from the rat race
I guess just
doing this method and it's
how many people don't know
about this
strategy because it's such
an amazing
powerful strategy that is
like it's
right under your nose and
most people
don't even realize that
they can do this
bonus number for a simple
40 a day
Instagram hack so if you
want to make
money from Instagram and
grow your
Instagram you can get this
right here as
well and then I'll add it
on some so
these are my bonuses bonus
that I've
created but also we have
some bonuses
right here 10k a month
online case study
reveals all exactly how to
make 10k a
month bonus number 5 how I
made 2,000 in
20 minutes with Facebook
groups so this
is one of Brandon mates
where he
actually shows you how he
made $2,000 in
just 20 minutes really nice
and then
list building on steroids
so I found
that inside of this product
right here
they only have a little bit
information about email
list and here
building an email list so I
wanted to
add this as well to your
product so you
can actually get some real
real good
email list strategies so
you get even
more training on that
because I always
like giving bonuses that
compliment the
product that I'm selling so
you can get
in all of this right now
just click the
button right below this
video there
should be a link the first
link in the
description and go get this
right now
before the time runs out so
you can get
all the bone
as well and also if you buy
from this
just add me on Facebook and
we can have
a conversation or a chat
right there as
well if you need some more
help from me
personally I'm happy to do
that if you
buy this product so that is
going to be
the video click the link in
description right now and
join blogging
I promise at this stage
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