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hey guys how's it going I'm
here with
Stefan CNC o here today and
we're gonna
talk about his new product
blog e that's
coming out and I'm just
watching the the
headline of the product
right here says
watch as we turn five
dollar blog post
that we don't write into
three to one
thousand dollars plus over
and over
again using 100% free
traffic it's great
to have you as Stefan how
are you doing
I'm doing great happy to be
on here and
thanks for having me
yeah so that's like quite a
statement to turn five
dollars into one
thousand dollars plus can
you tell us a
little bit more about
what's happening
absolutely so basically we
take blog
posts that we don't have to
write and
basically these blog posts
could be in
any hot niche out there and
we take them
and we basically monetize
them in a
certain way then we put
them through our
own free traffic system and
when it goes
through our free traffic
basically on
the other end it starts building
in a
chrome passive income so
we've had posts
that have gone on to you
know posts that
we don't have to write that
we spent
five dollars as little as
five dollars
to outsource that going on
to make three
hundred five hundred a
thousand dollars
plus and then they just
keep going they
keep growing slowly so you
can actually
create as many of these
blog posts as
you want start generating
free traffic
to them and then start
building passive
income on the other end so
it's very
very powerful it's something
that is
like I said passive income
which I think
everyone wants these days
no one wants
to be trading time for
money it's just
you know and it's basically
what we're
doing so we're we're
excited to kind of
bring this product to help
other people
that definitely want to
start creating
that that passive income
for themselves
exactly and the passive
income lets you
like enables you to do so
many things
like you don't have to go
to a
nine-to-five you don't have
to literally
sit every single day eight
hours per day
just figuring out how to
get clients how
to write those Facebook ads
and all that
stuff and the best thing
that I like
about it is that it's free
traffic so it
basically means that anyone
can start
you don't have to pay
thousands and
thousands of dollars like
the e-commerce
stores that we all see it
the Facebook
or the Amazon FBA or drop
shipping or
anything like that that's
really nice
but like we're talking
about a product
like scald Bloggie so I bet
it's around
blogs website creation do
you have to
have like a lot of
technical knowledge
to start that's a great
just a comment first on the
traffic as
you know paid traffic
prices aren't
getting any cheaper and
they're getting
way more competitive so I
think it's
important people people to
have a free
traffic strategy that works
for them so
that's something that we
have on Arsenal
that we're happy to share
so you're
totally right I mean free
traffic is
just so important these
days and it's
something that if you know
how to drive
free traffic you're already
at an
advantage so as far as the
actual name
Bloggie so basically yes
you have to
have a blog or some sort of
we'll show you how to set
it up in as
little as twenty to thirty
minutes to
get started so it's not
like it's a ton
of effort to get started
but like it's
something that you kind of
can slowly
build with time but
basically the way
that I equated is that your
blog is like
a tree trunk and each blog
post is like
a branch of the tree so you
could keep
sprouting more branches to
bring it and
bring in more people into
the trunk of
the tree and that's where
they could
kind of keep circulating
your little
ecosystem that you're
building and you
have like more passive
income being
created each blog post is
like a money
page and then not only can
you make
money from that page but it
people into you a whole
ecosystem so you
can make money their blog
posts as well
so it's very very powerful
and basically
yeah you do need a blog or
a website but
it's pretty simple we make
it really
simple and straightforward
and you know
just like you know there
are no
push-button solution
everything requires
a little bit of work up
front but as far
as I've seen this is
probably the the
easiest in terms of initial
setup and
turning it into something
more long-term
yeah and I really like the
thing that
you're saying about other
like like a
branches on a tree that
you're just
setting up and then you can
basically as I understood
that you
forget about it and then it
keeps just
driving traffic down to the
trunk of the
tree where you're gonna
make a lot of
money and it's kind of like
this Iko Iko
system that is perfect like
a money
making that machine that
goes on
autopilot which a lot of a
lot of
courses don't teach a lot
of methods
don't teach where you have
to like
constantly be on the grind
but here you
can really just
sit back do a lot of work
in in the
beginning and then just see
that passive
income and that reoccurring
income come
in which is really really
nice but like
we're we've seen a lot of
products and that comes out
out on the
daily on a monthly you know
we why is
yours different and anyone
else that's a
great question I mean as we
were talking
about earlier you know
there's so many
products out there that
over to over
promise and under deliver
and there's so
many purporting to be some
sort of
push-button solution as
much as we would
all want a one-click
solution we won't
have rain knows it doesn't
exist I think
what makes our product
special is that
myself and my partner Greg
were actually
out in the trenches doing
this method
working this method we we
have case
study proof that we include
inside the
course showing that we
actually do this
it's something that could
be applied for
any niche it's not some
loophole or some
fly-by-night method this is
a real way
of getting traffic that
could be applied
to just about any business
and what we
show how to make money from
the blog
post the way that we show
how to do it I
haven't seen any other
course cover that
so it's definitely unique
based on real proof and
again this is
definitely something that
newbies could
do we were newbies when we
started and
we break everything down so
that even a
newbie could get started on
the right
foot because you know I
think sometimes
people who are new will buy
a course
that ends up being total
crap doesn't
work and then they get very
this actually happened to
me in the
beginning a few years ago
and now it's
like I now that I know what
works you
know if I had if I had a
product that
got me started on the right
foot in the
beginning it would have
really allowed
me to not waste a long time
discouraged or feeling like
I saw
you know so it just I think
anyone who's new this is
one of the best
ways to get started is
having a product
that's based on real sound
proof from
someone that actually wants
to help you
so I think um you know just
in terms of
making it unique I think
that's pretty
much everything yeah yeah
because we all
know that there are a lot
of marketers
out there that definitely
don't want
your best interest or have
your best
interest in mind at all you
just want to
squeeze that wallet dry and
then give
you something that's very
very bad that
doesn't really work and
it's a rehashed
method that everyone has
created a
product around so it's nice
to see
are you doing some some
good product
creation as well and I I
remember I
bought one of your old
products I can't
I can't remember what it
was called but
I remember when I started
using that
method it was around
Pinterest I saw a
lot of growth from
Pinterest and it was
actually one of the first
like real nice
income streams that I got
and I got a
lot of traffic to my blog
and was just
like a travel blog so I
know that you're
publishing some of the
great courses
because I've bought a lot
of bad courses
but let's say that if
someone ends up
buying at the product right
now how long
would it take to maybe see
their first
Commission or then getting
them into
like $100 per day okay so
well first of
all I'm glad that one of my
courses worked well for you
as far as
how much money you can make
it's it's so
tough to give an income
prediction but
what I can say is you can
start seeing
traffic the same very same
day and
depending on how you
monetize that means
it's definitely possible if
monetizing with ads which
is one of the
ways that we show it's very
possible to
start seeing profit the
first day that
being said depending on how
monetizing it you know we
we show a
bunch of different ways we
show the
easiest ways but I mean
some people
might be doing econ or
marketing or you know ads
it's very
difficult to give an exact
timeframe but
this is something that if
you focus on
it you'll definitely be
able to drive
traffic and make money 100%
something that is a very
foundation because you know
if you look
at anyone who's like really
online most people have a
blog have some
sort of centralized hub
where you know
everything stems from so
you're at the
very least setting up on
the right foot
to have your business
structured in a
way that you have your your
home base
and we show you how to
start building
those branches so this is
something that
can turn into a something
down the road
like a lot a lot of money I
mean those
bloggers out there there's
you know make
well over six figures a
month seven
figures a month so the
sky's the limit
in terms of how much you
can make
it's just a matter of
getting started on
the right foot and focusing
on the right
traffic methods and that's
that's what
we really teach here now you
can scale
as high as you want but you
know their
traffic is gonna start
coming in pretty
quickly so yeah okay
yeah that's that's perfect
so you
actually have free traffic
methods but
then you also have paid
strategies as
well all right actually we
actually teach any paid
strategies in
this course but you know
definitely something that
you could
scale up down the road if
you want to
but what we really like
about this
course is that it's totally
free traffic
and basically anyone who
doesn't have a
big budget to spend on ads
can get
started and still start
getting results
so it's it's very awesome
although all the money that
you saw from
like on my sales page all
the income
proof was generated with
100% free
traffic so I'm sure that'll
be really
awesome for people to to
feel like they
don't feel like I'll crap I
need to go
spend money on traffic yeah
I know a lot
of people start like that
and and they
get shocked when they've
bought a course
and then they or like an
course and then they find
out they got
to spend even more money
like three
thousand dollars to start
out drops it
shipping story to test on
ads and stuff
like that
it can be very very
discouraging and
especially for people that
don't have
money which a lot of people
in our space
don't they're looking for
ways to make
money so probably they
don't have that
much money can start off
really cheaply
and actually for free with
three free
traffic strategies I want
to talk about
Bloggie so what do people
actually get
when they buy okay
absolutely so they
get twenty five videos
across five
modules some of those
videos are case
studies so you can actually
see us
applying the blogging
method and the
results that we're getting
the niches
are websites we don't hold
anything back
we actually show people
everything and
we show them exactly how we
go in and
turn these five-dollar blog
posts and
now here's another thing
you can
actually if you do want to
write posts
yourself you can the reason
we say turn
five dollars into three
hundred five
hundred thousand plus is
because most
people don't want to write
blog posts
right it's a lot of work to
sit down and
actually write content I
don't love
doing it one of my websites
is entirely
content that I outsource
that I didn't
have to write and that I did
around five dollars per
article for so
we show people how to go in
and get
these blog posts that they
can either
write themselves which
means that they
don't pay anything or that
they spend
five dollars to actually
create and then
how to turn that into three
hundred five
hundred a thousand plus
each with
passive income I'm
sorry with free traffic
then you create
passive income this phrase
is just in my
head yeah so mom so
basically that's the
general theme we show
exactly how to do
it where to get everything
you break it
down so that you've got a
total newbie
can get going with us and
focus on
building their business the
right way
yeah that's perfect so so
the front end
offer you also have ot OS
right to to
upgrade basically do you
want fries with
that doing some barbecue
sauce on the
side can you tell us about
the old tools
as well absolutely so the
first OTO and
of course like you said
these are
optional upgrades so you
don't have to
buy these to make the main
method work
they're simply there for people
that are
maybe a little bit more
serious or want
to go a little quicker so
the first one
is case studies right these
are awesome
these are additional case
studies that
we've created that we've
earned money
with so you can actually we
call them
copy-paste case studies
because we show
you everything that we've
done and
basically there's nothing
stopping you
from just going and copying
them from
yourself so that's the
first one is
called to copy and paste
case studies
and it's just showing you
more ways that
we've made money and what
you know
exactly how we did it the
second one is
a done-for-you pack this
basically is a
huge time saver that's
gonna give you
different components that
are gonna help
you build out your Bloggie
system faster
so as opposed to having to
me and you
know you learn how to do
everything in
the front end and then in
the second
optional upgrade we build a
lot of the
pieces for you and give
them to you the
third one is actually 100%
funnels so
with 100% funnels it
basically means
that you're gonna get some
of our top
performing funnels and
you're gonna be
able to run traffic to them
and profit
100% Commission's through
those funds so
basically that's something
that you know
we've made a lot of money
with these
funds so we're happy to pass
them along
to other people and it
saves them the
time of having to create
their own
products you know set up
marketing pages
and just like what we were
talking about
before deal with customers
deal with
PayPal deal with like
payment processors
so please so basically like
we allow
people to profit through
these funnels
that's the third optional
upgrade and
they can actually use the
Bloggie method
to do that if they want
they can
actually use these as
products that they
promote with the blogging
method the
fourth and last optional
upgrade which
is our creme de la creme
it's basically
we're gonna build your blog
for you
we're gonna give you your
first ten
so optimized heavily
researched written
by a native
english-speaking person one
of our writers is gonna write
articles totally SEO
research your first
10 blog posts which are
your first 10
money pages we're gonna
build your
Pinterest account because
that's one of
the main traffic circles we
teach in
this course and basically
we're gonna be
setting up everything for
you and we're
also gonna give you two
years of
coaching with us so you're
gonna have
everything that you could
possibly need
to get started and make
money with blog
II without having to do any
of the work
really yourself I mean once
we hand
everything to you there's
little bits
and pieces but we're doing
the bulk of
the set of work and we're
gonna coach
you for two years so we had
a lot of
demand for that actually a
lot of people
were like can you just
build our blog
for us so we said okay we'll
create an
offer to allow Wow for
certain people
that want that yeah that
sounds perfect
that sounds like the like
the best
package to get I guess to
get everything
done for you but great
funnels great
offers you get everything
done for you
if you upgrade to those ot
O's and it
sounds like a great it
sounds like a
great starter kit and I've
looked at the
product as well and I know
that this is
one of the better products
that's come
out in the in the last few
months so I'm
really happy to be
promoting it if
anyone wants to get in on
this there
should be a link to check
out my review
of Bloggie Stephan is has
has been
amazing to have you on here
is there
anything else that you want
to add to
here at the end well first
thanks thanks
for having me on I'm really
excited to
be on I genuinely want to
help people so
I hope that people find a
lot of value
in this course we do have a
bunch of
bonuses that we're
including during the
initial launch period that
you'll find
on the sales page so those
will all be
included has added value
when you grab
Bloggie so that's it for
now for me but
you know I'm really excited
and happy to
talk about it and you know
I'm proud of
this product that we're
releasing that
sounds awesome
Thank You Man take care
thanks so much
for having me on so that
was my awesome
interview with Stephan
really great to
have in on this interview
and he said a
lot of great stuff
about the product so in the
link in the
description you can go to
this page
right here to see review of
the product
so I basically show you the
sales pages
so show you what's inside
of the course
also on this page you can
see all the
bonuses that you're going
to get when
you buy Bloggie bonus
number one simple
50 of a Clickbank I tell
you about all
those bonuses in this video
right here
at the end so if you want
to check that
out go ahead it's about 14
or I think
it's gonna be about 12
hours from I
release this interview
until the bonuses
are gone so if you want
these bonuses
and if you want to lock in
the early
bird price of Stefan scores
just go
ahead and buy it right now
to lock in on
this amazing course and
these amazing
bonuses so click the first
link in the
description go to this page
click the
get started now button and
all you have
to do is click this button
right here
and you can get instant
access to the
course and also the bonuses
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