I can not guarantee that
you will make money from this, or any of my other videos. I'm just showing you
different websites and methods that has the potential of making money. Any link
you see in the description or in
the video is most likely an affiliate link.
Meaning that if you sign up or buy through me, i will get a commission. This
helps and supports this youtube channel, and keeps it going, thanks!
if you really want to make
money online
this is what you need oh
that's hot hey
guys what's going on my
name is Daniel
fella I make a full time
living online
and I'm gonna show you some
proof right
now is it's so funny that I
made like
four hundred ninety nine
point ninety
eight dollars we can't break
that five
hundred dollar limit but
this is all
through affiliate marketing
affiliate marketing is the
absolute best
way to start making money
online because
you don't have to pay for
like a lot of
software's you don't have
to pay for
inventory and stock up like
in your
garage or something like
it's very very simple to
start you can
start with like a website
and that email
capture page but today I'm
gonna show
you a method where you can
make $100 per
day just from Instagram and
this is
gonna be a little bit of a
method that I'm showing you
guys before
because I want to help you
guys grasp
the entire paid advertising
okay since a lot of you
want to go with
Facebook traffic you want
to go with
YouTube traffic you want to
go with
Instagram Twitter Pinterest
that's all free and free
traffic is good
however there's a huge
between creating social
media profiles
and actually having paid
work for you so if you can
make a funnel
that you can just funnel
and hate
traffic and you spend $1
and you make $2
back within a month or
within two months
that is a game-changer and
that's what I
want to talk to you about
today and I
have my little whiteboard
so you can get
the best information right
here today a
lot of people want to go
with free
traffic strategies and I
completely get
that if you're completely
broke if you
don't have any money
whatsoever that's a
good strategy to go with
however if you
have money and if you want
to start fast
and if you want to go like
from a zero
to a thousand dollars per
day very
quickly that is where paid
hi Singh comes in Facebook
Ads Bing ads
Google advertising
Instagram ads or
swipe up ads or stuff like
that and you
spend $1 to get that
customer and you
know through the end of
your funnel
you're gonna make $2 $3 $4
where you can
literally print money on
demand you just
have to set this funnel up
and you have
to drive a massive amount
of paid
traffic and that is what
I'm gonna go
into today all right to
start off with
I'm going to show you an
into the
Instagram account that has
like 3.5
million followers it's
called a
millionaire mentor a lot of
people know
this account for it's like
quotes and stuff like that
but what I
want to talk to you about
today is
utilizing these Instagram
accounts or
what we call it influencer
marketing to
drive traffic to one of our
funnels so
we can get that spend $1
with influence
or marketing because
marketing is very very
cheap right now
because a lot of people are
not on that
train yet and people try
using Facebook
ads but they're getting
more and more
expensive they're trying to
use Google
Ads or Bing ads but it's
getting way way
way more expensive and if
you listen to
Gary Vee for example he
influencer marketing is
still very very
undervalued and we'll show
you how you
can do this in a little bit
but just
look at this post right
here so we're on
millionaire mentor as I
said discover
the number one secret of
apps the experience product
and get your clients hooked
click the
link in my bio millionaire
discovered in one boy
secrets blah blah
blah and as you can see
right here they
have the link in the bio
and when we go
through here they have a
funnel and what
we call a funnel which is
basically a
funnel that's exactly like
this so you
get awareness consideration
then they
purchase and then it's
loyal and
advocacy but we don't have
to take that
into consideration just
right now but
right now we're in the
awareness part
and what they
want us to do is to get
instant access
to this book right here and
this product
right here this ebook is
called lead
magnet which is basically
you give away
something for free so you
will get the
email of the customers
coming in and
that has two very very
interesting ideas
that I'm gonna talk about
one going to
the white board they also
have a survey
that you need to fill out
welcome to the
Google pocalypse a world of
a hundred
thirty trillion web pages
where 500
hours of video is uploaded
to YouTube Oh
what's my video not on now
you can see
my beautiful face so now
we're into the
funnel we're into the start
of the
funnel like you can see
right here we're
in the awareness part and
then they're
trying to get us down and
down and down
this funnel to where we buy
a product
and this can happen in many
ways the way that this
these guys are
doing it is they watch step
on wanna
watch the video and then
get reminded
with a new video so it
looks like they
have a video sequence
funnel with
multiple videos to get that
awareness to
get that trust to get them
to like and
know you and then consider
buying and at
the end usually there is a
sale and they
will make money but you
don't have to
make it as confusing as
this with
multiple multiple videos
right here you
can see like this is a 37
minute 38
minute video you don't have
to do that
but let's just take a look
at the sales
page discovered the number
one secret of
best-selling apps and games
to design
super sticky product that
sell like
crazy deliver massive
results and hook
clients on buying from you
over and over
again a really nice-looking
headline are
really captivating and
really like
curiosity oh my god how can
I do this
but again this is a video
funnel we're not gonna use
the video
sequence funnel because
it's very very
in-depth and you have to
have this
you're not gonna make a 38
minute long
video alright but we're not
gonna use
this funnel I just wanted
to show you
that you can actually pay
influencers right here and
then get an
right here get the link in
the bio and
then start sending them
through your
funnel and as you can see
right here
three thousand four hundred
comments it
looks like they're doing
pretty well and
they can literally print
money on demand
what they're doing right
here is they're
paying one dollar and
through the end of
this funnel hopefully gets
two dollars
back three dollars back
four dollars we
don't even know some people
can even get
like ten twenty dollars
back because
they have like a huge
software that you
have to pay a monthly fee
to get and all
sorts of things like that
but let's go
into the PowerPoint or not
the the
whiteboard right here I'm
gonna draw you
a rocketship Oh
so what we're talking about
right here
is one traffic - we're
talking about the
funnel and then number
three we're
talking about the offer the
product so
the traffic we're sending
and then in
this instant is Instagram
and what we're
doing is contacting
influencers and what
you want to do is that you
don't really
want to go into millionaire
mentor that
has like 3.5 million
followers you want
to find Instagram accounts
that has
between 20 and 50,000
followers because
they're not getting
bombarded with can
you give me a shout out can
you give me
a link in a bio and they
don't know how
well priced they are so
usually you can
get some lower deals on
those Instagram
accounts where millionaire
mentor has
probably had hundreds of
people come to
him and say hey can I get a
link in a
bio and I'm gonna post this
picture and
they know exactly how much
money they
can squeeze out of people
however when
it comes to an Instagram
account that
has between 20 and 50 K
they're usually gonna pay
between thirty to forty
depending on what post or
depending on
what Instagram account they
have so
that's pretty cheap if you
can get a lot
of clicks to your offer
into your funnel
but as always you have to
track it you
have to track your sales
what you have
to do is that you have to
try out five
different people and see
okay which one
is doing the best
which one is not converting
as well and
then you pick okay let's
say this one
was not good this one was
not good this
one was okay this one was
okay and then
we have two contestants
going through to
the next level to compete
and buy more
clicks buy more shoutouts
and stuff like
that but how can you make a
funnel how
can you make an offer you
don't want to
make a product I know a lot
of people go
like ah when they talk
about making a
product because they don't
wanna so many
pages you have to create so
many videos
you have to create so much
material you have to create
in order to
get this offer going so
what we're gonna
do is we're gonna bunch
these guys
together and I'm gonna show
you exactly
what I mean right now so
what we're
gonna do is that we're
going to go and
do affiliate marketing and
everyone on
this YouTube channel know
affiliate marketing if you
don't know
what it is it's basically
another person's product
and you get a
50% Commission of that and
they have
created all the sales
material all the
videos inside all the
courses and ebooks
and whatever and what we're
gonna do
today is we're going to go
into health
and fitness we're gonna
click this right
here we're gonna sort by
gravity and
then we have this product
right here
which is called the 2 week
diet alright
so this is the product that
we're going
to promote it's in the
health niche it's
about weight loss so how
can we actually
sell this and make money
through this
Instagram influencers well
first of all
to enter your funnel so
this is to offer
the 2 week diet 2wd this is
to offer it
makes you thirty two
dollars per sale
and how you're gonna
attract this is
that first of all you need
an opt-in
page exactly like I showed
you on this
page right here where they
have this
right here way they can enter
email address it's very
simple to make
you can make this in any
landing page
builder click funnels build
raw or
whatever and what you can
have on the
page so look at the text
right here
discover the number one
secret you can
have like full science-based
that's guaranteed to melt
away all your
unwanted stubborn body fat
14 days enter your email to
get instant
access so that's what you
can say right
here and then you click get
access and you're right in
there but the
next page that you have to
create is
called a bridge page so
right here we
have a headline we have the
opt-in page
where they can write their
in name and
email and then we come to
the bridge
page and the bridge page is
since we don't have
salesmen working for
us this video right here
which is like a
two minute video very easy
to create
it's gonna sell for us
that's why it's
so powerful we don't have
to call people
to ask for a sell we don't
have to knock
on doors to get the sell we
have this
video and this funnel that
is making
sales for us all right so
what is under
here it should be a very
very quick
video of you selling the
product so
let's say you're selling
two week diet
you're saying hey I used to
be fat as
fuck like I had this huge
belly and my
my entire life I I was so
tired I was so
depressed but then I found
two week diet
and it changed my life is
incredible and
look at also look at all
these other
people that has lost so
much weight with
this so we go right in
there click the
button right below right
now to get
access to this two week
diet because
it's absolutely amazing
that's key that
could be like a tiny little
thing if you
want I can send you a
script if you send
me an email to Andy at and
EFL calm I'm
gonna send you a script
that you can
actually use like a
two-minute script
and then you have a button
right here
that goes directly to this
sales page
and the sales page we've
already looked
at this sales page right
here and if
they're not 100% convinced
into buying
after they watched your
bridge page
video they wanna watch this
video right
here and the perfect thing
is that sales
people and really good
copywriters and
sales people have written a
video script
that is converting these
people like
crazy like that's usually
the hardest
part people can sell very
bad prod
as long as they have like
this amazing
sales funnel this amazing
sales video
even though the product is
shit they can
still sell it because
they're so amazing
at selling and that is a
skill that's
been honed for years and
years and years
and years and that's why
you can't
really make a product
yourself right off
the bat you have to go with
marketing because you can't
sell you
can't do copywriting you
can't write a
video sales letter you
cannot write all
of this stuff yourself because
maybe you
don't have testimonials
maybe you
haven't gotten any people
results yet
and that's why it's so easy
to do
affiliate marketing because
you can use
other people's products and
also their
sales material that's
something that a
lot of people don't realize
that the
sales material is actually
the most
important part and
especially when it
comes to buying traffic you
have to get
that sales page down you
have to try and
test and figure out if this
sales page
is converting or not and I
know and I
know that the to weight
diet is always
split testing always
tracking always
optimizing I remember back
like a month
ago this was completely
different they
have switched around the
video they have
also bumped this up the
success stories
and all that and that's
because they're
split testing alright so
right here we
have the entire strategy as
you can see
we buy traffic from people
on Instagram
influencers on Instagram
and since this
is like a health and
fitness and a
weight loss program you
have to go and
find Instagram accounts
around weight
loss getting a better body
and so forth
and you want to find
something that's 20
to 50 K followers because
these people
are not really people that
know what
they're worth yet so you
can really get
some good prices on some good
right there and then you
want to send
them to an opt-in page and
then to a
bridge video again if you
want me to
send you a script right
here just email
me and then we send them to
a high
offer all right that is the
strategy right here now a
lot of people
might be like wow this
seems like a lot
of work this is like so
much work can I
do this so what if I said
that this all
like this part number two
and part
number three can be done
for you all
done for you you don't have
to create a
single page you don't have
to come up
with a single headline or
bridge page or
whatever this is all done
for you I bet
some of you are going to be
in that and I don't want
this to be like
a sales video however right
now I have a
product in the description
it's only
like $13 and they're gonna
set up these
entire thing for you you
can absolutely
make this happen with just
information that I showed
you in this
video like traffic funnel
offer very
very simple however what's
gonna happen
is that you're going to be
spending a
ton of money and tracking
and time and
all of that to try and get
all of this
right when in reality you
can just get
the course and it's all
done for you you
can just keep sending
traffic to that
offer and also they show
you how to make
these pages they show you
more in depth
about what you have to do
because I can
do like a 2-hour video on
this let me
show you exact size ECAL
tricks that you
have to do and so forth but
if you
really want to get into
this there is a
link in the description
that you can get
this course right now and I
recommend for people
starting out to buy
a course because when you
buy a course
you're more inclined to do
it as well
like you're more inclined
like you say
if I give you this free
method you don't
want to do anything about
it but say if
you put a thousand dollars
down you're
gonna wake up the next day
and say wow I
spent a thousand dollars
yesterday I'm
gonna do this I'm gonna
make it happen
however it's only like 13
dollars right
now the price is increasing
with every
single day after this video
so get in on
this while you still can
because this is
one of the
page traffic methods that
you can
actually leverage Instagram
to make money online so
that is going to
be today's video I hope you
enjoyed it
also my coffee is extremely
cold right
but that is going to be the
video thank
you so much for watching if
you stayed
all the way to the end give
this a like
and also click the button
in the
description to get this
course and get
more information about how
Instagram method works and
that is going
to be the video thank you
so much for
watching don't forget to
subscribe if
you're new I love you and
I'll see you
next video
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