
Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Tutorial: Electrical impedance made easy - Part 2--- make money online

Tutorial: Electrical impedance made easy - Part 2--- make money online
hey everyone been here this is part 2 of
the video series on impedance but first
I wanted to show you what I've been
working on this week these work benches
even though I've been in this shop for

about a year I haven't had a a good
selection of workspaces so I spent some
time building these benches and I'm
actually really excited about this
because I've got 20 or 30 feet of linear
space now which makes working a whole
lot easier okay let's head over to the
electronics area and I'll show you what
I've got set up today at the end of the
last video we had were comparing these
two circuits here this one built with a
resistor and this one built with a
capacitor and I left off by saying well
how asking the question how is it
possible that the capacitor circuit only
draws 0.4 watts using this you know
kilowatt power meter and yet the
resistor circuit draws 2.2 watts but in
both cases the LEDs are about the same
brightness so it seems like we're kind
of getting something for nothing here
and you know the answer is that the
capacitor if built perfectly actually is
not able to dissipate power so when
current flows through a resistor it
heats up because the resistor is
restricting the current flow through
there but that's actually not what's
happening with a capacitor in a
capacitor you know there's just two
plates and once those plates becomes
charged up and there's an electric field
between them
no more currents going to flow so if the
capacitor is built with zero resistance
parts and the dielectric is perfect
there's actually no way that a capacitor
can dissipate power so you might be
thinking well I said that their
impedances for these circuits are about
the same I chose the capacitor value and
the resistor value such that when we did
the math the circuits are almost
equivalent well I only gave you half the
truth there it's true that the magnitude
of the impedances of these circuits is
about the same but there's another
component to impedance an angle and that
indicates whether the circuit is
or capacitive and and we're going to get
into inductors later but right now let's
just concentrate on capacitors so to
help you see what's going on in here
let's hook this up to an oscilloscope
what I've done here is modified our test
set up just a little bit this is an
isolation transformer so that I can
connect our circuit directly to my
oscilloscope and I won't fry the scope
or myself the trouble with connecting
things directly to the wall is that that
the voltage that comes out of the wall
is referenced to earth ground so if I
touched one side of the watt this isn't
plugged in right now by the way if I
touched one side of the line and that
happened to be the hot side of the AC
you know current coming out of the wall
and I was referenced to earth ground
because I'm standing on a concrete floor
here I could get a nasty shock and also
when measuring stuff with an
oscilloscope one side of the measuring
system has to be connected to the case
of the oscilloscope to the metal box
that the you know the scope is built in
and if you pick the wrong lead of you
can have a you know you can cause a
breaker to trip so using an isolation
capacity entrace former allows us to
connect in one side of the line directly
to the oscilloscope ground so let me
connect up this circuit here let's look
at the resistor first okay so the scope
is on and the way it's set up is that
channel 1 which is this probe here is
connected across the line so basically
one side is one side of the transformer
and the other side is the other side so
it's just going to measure the voltage
and this is a 10x scope probe so it's
going to divide the voltage here by 10
channel 2 is connected on the other side
of this 1k resistor and what this is
going to do is allow us to measure the
current that's flowing through this
circuit here so and I don't have to
connect this because I've already got a
ground reference right here it would be
the same thing as just connecting this
here so we're measuring the voltage
across this resistor which will tell us
the current and we're measuring the
voltage across the circuit which tells
us the voltage
since this is a 1k resistor if we
measure a voltage of 1 volt across here
that means that 1 milliamp of current is
flowing because this is a thousand ohms
okay I'm going to plug it in hands out
and let's take a look at the scope okay
so this is showing us the voltage and
current going through the circuit and
we're not going to worry too much about
units or making a careful measurement
here what you should be noticing is that
the waveforms are in sync with each
other so this upper one here is the
voltage and this lower one is the
current like I say don't worry about
units or something we're not going to
make a careful measurement here the
thing to notice is just that they're
they're absolutely in phase okay now I'm
going to connect up the capacitor
circuit so I'm gonna unplug it here so
now we have something completely
different the voltage waveform looks the
same addley see that has to be the same
because we're just measuring the voltage
across the circuit so that's that's
basically the same but the current
waveform is very different the current
waveform is in front of the voltage so
this is known as a leading current form
or a current waveform so as the voltage
is coming up the current is also rising
at a faster rate and this makes sense
think about what happens when you
connect a capacitor to voltage a lot of
current flows initially when that
capacitor is charging up and so this is
known as a leading current waveform so
earlier I said that I was only giving
you half the story with impedance not
only is there a a magnitude associated
with impedance but there's also an angle
and the angle indicates the offset
between the current and voltage
waveforms and also tells you whether the
current is behind or ahead of the
voltage waveform so let's draw this out
a little bit it helps to graph it in a
purely resistive circuit we can draw
this with just an arrow on the x-axis
which indicate
a purely resistive circuit and the angle
here at zero degrees in a circuit that
has capacitance we can draw the arrow
coming down at an angle here and the
more capacitance our circuit has
relative to the amount of resistance in
our circuit the more that arrow is going
to point down into the vertical axis so
what these axes actually represent are
real numbers and imaginary numbers now
I'm definitely not going to get into the
heavy-duty math here because I honestly
don't think it helps your understanding
of how to use this in practical circuits
but if you're interested in that you
know let me know maybe I'll make a video
or you can read about it on your own the
reason that you know why not why not
just call this X&Y; what's the deal with
it why choose imaginary numbers the
answer is that it just makes the math
come out easier so when you get into
phaser analysis and all kinds of other
things when you multiply an imaginary
number by another imaginary number you
end up with a negative number and that's
important for the math but anyway it's
it's you can just think of this as
resistance on this axis and reactance on
this axis so when you have a capacitor
and when you have a lot of capacitance
that that arrow is going to be turning
down into the into the vertical axis
more and if you have more resistance
it's going to be closer to the x-axis
what happens if you're over in these two
quadrants what if you're negative on the
real axis that's very unusual that's
negative resistance and you know
typically it doesn't exist but in
certain weird cases it can exist that's
if you're interested in that lookup
negative resistance that's a whole other
topic there for 99 point something nine
percent of stuff in the world you'll
just be in these two quadrants with real
resistance and reactance so let me show
you how this this chart relates to our
calculation of total impedance for our
circuit here so I said if we wanted to
calculate the total impedance for this
circuit we could use this equation here
and we're going to make the nasty
assumption that our LEDs behave like a
resistor which I know
not good but it's a small part of the
circuit and it won't make much of a
difference and I said that you know you
geometry guys would realize that this is
how to calculate the hypotenuse of a
triangle which is exactly what's going
on here so on the real axis we have
resistance and in our case it's 1,000
plus 110 110 is what we're going to
estimate those LEDs to be and a thousand
is the actual resistance from from our
little resistor here that's the 1k
resistor so on the real axis we can you
know say that this length here is
represented by a thousand plus 110 and
this this part which is the imaginary
part is represented by the reactance of
our capacitor which we determined to be
5 point 6 K from the from our earlier
equation 1 over 2 pi FC but currently
here we are the equation for reactance
so we can put that one here 5,600 and
then you can see that the total you know
the sum of these not sorry not the sum
the combination of these is the length
of the hypotenuse here which gives us
the total impedance so let me show you
how this impedance chart relates to
power factor in volt amps and watts and
all that stuff it's actually a very
similar looking chart instead of real
numbers and imaginary numbers
we've got watts which is real power and
volt amps which is reactive power on the
y-axis here so let's let's look at a
couple examples let's say you plugged
just a hundred watt light bulb into your
outlet at home there the light bulb
essentially is purely resistive it has
no reactance to it it's just a plain
resistor pretty much so we would plot
that on this graph by just going
straight across on the real power axis
watts and we plot out 100 watts no
problem just one one line on the graph
but if we plugged in our circuit like
this which has a reactance to it because
of that capacitor we have to plot this
angle here just like we did on this
graph so we come in like this and our
vector here has magnitude in both axes
it has watts and volt amps the Watts the
real power is a measure of how much
power is actually being dissipated in
our circuit full tamps just measure how
much electrical energy is being pushed
back and forth between the power company
and your device so if you take your a
capacitor and just plug a capacitor
straight into the wall every time the 60
Hertz cycle changes the capacitor dumps
its energy back into the power lines so
what's happening is there's a transfer
of power from the power company the
generator wherever it is to the power
substation into that capacitor the
capacitor doesn't lose any energy
because there's nothing in there that
can dissipate if it's perfect and then
the power just goes back to the power
company on the next cycle so in theory
nothing is lost and you could think of
it as you know imaginary power because
it's actually not being consumed it's
just being pushed back and forth so in a
perfect world that would be great no
problem just pushing power back and
forth is is free it doesn't you know
we're not losing anything but in the
real world you know wires have
resistance to them and so the power
company would be very unhappy if all
loads were had high imaginary power draw
because they would be losing power and
all of that pushing back and forth so
the power company would prefer power to
be delivered in watts only and so this
is where power factor comes in so the
hypotenuse is known as a parent power
and the vertical axis or the vertical
component of it is known as reactive
power and the power factor
is the ratio of real power P divided by
the apparent power so having a high
power factor just means that this angle
is very slight and that most of the load
is resistive having a low power factor
means that this angle is large and it
could be you know in the negative in the
lower quadrant here or it could be up
here too so all this time I haven't
really been talking about inductors I've
been concentrating on capacitors but
inductors we perform a similar function
they limit alternating current flow but
sort of in like a the opposite way so
capacitors are down here in the lower
quadrant and the current as we saw in
the oscilloscope leads the voltage
inductors are basically exactly the
opposite the current lags the voltage
but you can treat them in the circuit
almost the same way I mean you can use
them to limit current we could have
built our little circuit here with
instead of a capacitor here we could
have put an inductor there
okay so I've connected up the circuit
I've taken that isolation transformer
back out so we're powering the circuit
directly from the the watt meter here
and it's drawing the 0.3 or 0.4 Watts
that we saw last time if I switch this
into power factor the power factor is
only 0.15 about according to this so
let's see if that agrees with our
calculation okay so here we go so we
knew that power factor was the real
power divided by the apparent power so
what we can say since the voltage is
constant in a circuit what we can do is
just compare the the real and reactive
components of the impedance so what we
can say is our estimated power factor
should be something like 1110 which is
the real component divided by the
apparent oh sorry but yeah the apparent
the total power here including the
reactive parts which we calculated over
here to be 5 points
m'kay so 5700 so that comes out to be
point one nine so you know pretty close
we measured 0.15 calculated point one
nine we're definitely in the right
ballpark here let's take a look at the
resistive circuit now so we're measuring
power factor again and as you can see
the reading is fluctuating a bit in
theory this should be one I said with a
purely resistive circuit the power
factor should be one and the current and
the voltage will be in phase together
now the reason that this is probably not
showing one on the meter is because this
resistor that we're using this five
point six k resistor is probably a wire
wound resistor and that wire winding in
there causes it to have inductance and
thus reactance and then every time you
have reactance of some sort the power
factor is not going to be one so
unfortunately I don't have a LCR meter
where I can actually measure the
inductance of that part but that would
be interesting to find out it looks like
our reading is you know about 0.9 on
average another problem that we're
having is that this circuit draws so
little current that this meter is really
straining to to come up with a reading
and the way it gets this reading is
basically by doing what we did with the
scope it measures the voltage and
current waveforms and figures out how
much of a difference in phase there is
and whether the current is leading or
lagging so it doesn't it doesn't tell us
you know whether it's leading or lagging
it just gives us the the angle basically
and we have to know from our circuit
whether it's capacitive or inductive
from a consumer standpoint you actually
don't really care about power factor all
that much because your your watt meter
on the side of your house that measures
how much electricity you have to pay for
only measures watts so it would be a
little bit strange for a power company
to charge you for imaginary power right
because that power is just going back
and forth between the power company
and your house you're not actually using
that power it's actually the power
company themselves that care about
getting the power factors high because
as I said you you lose power in the
power lines so that's actually a loss on
the power company's side not on the
consumers side it won't show up on your
bill so if a residence is you know
there's really not much going on I mean
basically the power company encourages
electronics manufacturers to build
things with high power factor but
there's not you know they don't come out
to your house and measure your power
factor however they do do that for large
industrial places if you set up a
factory I think the power company
routinely comes out to measure the
factory's overall power factor and if
it's too low the power company will
insist that you install devices to
increase the power factor and in a in a
factory setting almost all the loads are
like big electric motors which are
inductors and the way that you can
increase the power factor of a motor is
to put a capacitor across it so as I was
saying if if a capacitor is below the
horizontal axis and an inductor is above
what we can do is actually add a
capacitor and inductor to make this to
bring this arrow back down to level
which which would make the power factor
high or as close to one as possible so
the most common type of thing you'll see
for power factor correction is a
capacitor strapped on to the side of a
motor and that's very often just to
counteract the inductance of the motor
windings and increase the overall power
factor all right well I hope that was
helpful I think this pretty much does it
on impedance no actually I take that
I think I'll do another one on pins and
talk about coaxial cables and impedance
matching and that sort of thing let me
know if you guys have any specific
questions or anything and I'll try to
address in there all right see you later

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