I can not guarantee that
you will make money from this, or any of my other videos. I'm just showing you
different websites and methods that has the potential of making money. Any link
you see in the description or in the video is most likely an affiliate link.
Meaning that if you sign up or buy through me, i will get a commission. This
helps and supports this youtube channel, and keeps it going, thanks!
hey guys what's going on in
this video
I'm gonna show you a new
tool that I
marketing blaster it's
amazing if you are thinking
about doing
YouTube or if you've tried
doing YouTube
before but you haven't
gotten much views
or any success at all
this tool is gonna help you
out a lot
and I'm actually gonna
start using this
on a very regular basis
because I
actually need I actually
did some
keyword research myself and
managed to
rank way higher and get a
lot more
specific description tags
and the title
and I'm gonna show you that
in just a
little second so right here
we're on the
tool right here it has
tutorials inside
and we're gonna just go
into this
keyword suggestion right
here the
problem that most beginner
have is that they try
ranking for very
short keywords so for
example weight
loss or loose weight or
make money
online or some short
keyword like that
when for beginners it's
always more
crucial to rank for
longtail keywords
finding longtail keywords
that really
doesn't have that much
competition and
what happens when you try
ranking for
this long to tail keyword
is that you're
gonna do keyword stacking
so you're
gonna have a long tail
keyword a long
tail keyword long tail
keyword meta
medium medium medium and
then short
short short and what happens
is that
when you try ranking for
these long tail
keywords you will move up
the ranks and
start ranking for the
mediums and then
start ranking for the high
or short tail
keywords and what is so
great about this
tool is that it gives you
the absolute
best longtail keywords so
what I've done
here is I've typed in the
keyword how to
make money online and you
click your
main keyword right here and
right here
you see all the keywords
you see the
source and you also see the
rank so the
rank is basically the
higher it is this
is not taken from Google or
keyword tools this is
something that
video marketing Blaster has
on its
and it's their own internal
system and the higher the
number the
harder it's gonna be to
rank but not
only that you can get these
results and the YouTube
videos and this is gonna
get you a lot
of different keywords that
you can try
ranking for in YouTube and
also in
Google so what I'm gonna do
is I'm not
gonna try searching for all
of these I
don't like how to make
money in South
Africa in Malaysia I don't
really care
about that I'm gonna go
down here and
I'm gonna start from 7:00
work at home
jobs that pay and I'm gonna
go all the
way down here and then I'm
gonna click
get search results for
listed keywords
and now it's gonna start
showing me the
search results of all of
these and this
is also YouTube competition
videos and it will show us
which videos
are gonna be easier to rank
for so let's
say you're a beginner you
want to have
these search results low to
make to be
able to rank for them but
also this has
another tool that I want to
show you so
how to get started making
money from
home gives us a thousand
search results
right here I want to see if
actually some less so I'm
gonna do more
and get search results from
the selected
keywords so just like that
we found a
how to get started working
from home it
almost is exactly the same
as this other
keyword how to get started
making money
from home and that shows us
that this
keyword or these two T
keywords that are
really really similar is
something we
can make a video around so
I'm gonna
copy this thousand searches
you can also
copy this 342 and I'm just
gonna do this
and then I'm gonna do this
and copy to
clipboard and this is the
cool part
right here so I'm gonna
enter my keyword
right here how to get
started making
money online from home and
I'm gonna
click on get competition
and right now
it is taking all the data
from YouTube
it's it's gonna give you
details about
how hard or how easy it is
gonna be to
rank this video right here
and this tool
I like just so
much because for beginners
is really
hard to yeah okay we can
see that it's
gonna be hard how to get
started making
money from home it's gonna
be hard and
right here it says what you
need or
recommended views like
subscribers Facebook shares
shares and backlinks that
you should
have in order to rank this
keyword and
it's also gonna give you
traffic potential so the
monthly views
so you can actually get to
monthly views from this
search keyword
now let's try the other
keyword right
here that we saw how to get
working from home I'm going
to take that
into the niche analysis I'm
gonna try
and get competition for
this one as well
and just like that we can
see that how
to get started working from
home will be
very hard to rank in the
first position
but ranking on the first
page of YouTube
will be pretty easy and
what you need
essentially is this amount
of views
likes comments subscribers
shares Google and YouTube
Twitter shares
and backlinks and it's also
gonna give
you the recommended
backlinks sources so
you can go in here you can
go into the
comment section of this
post right here
you can post your youtube
link and this
is gonna give you more
backlink traffic
from actual real sources
that the SEO
gods the search engine
optimization gods
are gonna award you from
getting on to
these sites right here so
let's say that
we want to try ranking for
this how to
get started working from
home what I
would do is just go in here
click on
video details and this is
the best but I
love this part of the
software so you
can click on here from
competitors you
can type in your keyword
right here and
you can start generating
and now it's
gonna take all the competing
videos that
it's found it's gonna find
all the best
keywords that are related
to this
keyword and it's gonna tell
you the best
title the best description
and it's
gonna tell you the best
tags and I can't
say how much time I've
wasted trying to
make a really really nice
trying to find tag
the method I've been using
is is good
but this one is just so
much better and
so much easier so right
here we just got
the results from from right
here and the
title it's gonna be how to
get started
working from home working
from home how
to get started today and
these are the
keywords that you should
have in your
title it doesn't really
give you the
best title so you have to
work something
around it to make it a
little bit more
eye-catching and also the best
part is
the description so here
it's gonna stuff
all the different keywords
that you
should have in your
description and I've
never used this on my
youtube channel
before like I've just
written a really
simple description most of
the times I
don't even have a
description but now
when we're moving into 2019
YouTube is
super super hardcore into
SEO in the
description if you're
trying to start
out from completely scratch
because most
other people don't do it
most other
youtubers don't do it most
people are
too lazy to actually write
a good
description so what you can
do in here
is it's gonna give you a
lot of keywords
so you have to make
sentences out of
them their self so how to
get started
working from home today or
in this video
I'm gonna show you how to
get started
working from home and here
it has some
weird Yahoo's on it and
this doesn't
make sense and right here a
20-18 find
out how to make money
without ever
leaving your house with
telecommuting job
opportunities and work
from home jobs 2017 how to
make money as
a stay-at-home mom need
more ideas on
how to like it just gives
you the entire
description and you have to
write this
and change it a little bit
around to
make it actually read well
and it gives
you a Vadis to suggest the
titles right
here so you can have a four
reason to
start an online business
and work from
home six ways to earn six
working from home and it
also gives you
suggested phrases that you
can use in
your description so it
gives you a lot
so you can see right here
it gives you a
lot of sentences that you
can add to
your description it also
gives you all
of these suggested tags
so this is the tag that you
should have
in a video to just rank a
lot better
okay and also when we go
into the niche
analysis you can see that
we have this
in-depth analysis and this
is gonna show
you the search results that
happens when
you actually search this
keyword and
right here this is color
coded so the
green is gonna be the best
SEO optimized
video and it can tell you
how many views
it has comments likes
Facebook shares
channel subscribers and
also it's gonna
say bad title description
tags very good
title description tags or
good title
description tags and what
you should do
is just get the best SEO
optimized and
you can get this with this software
will definitely get you a
green either
with best SEO or very good
SEO so you
don't miss out on views
just because you
have bad SEO so that's
really what this
software is all about and
I'm also gonna
tell you all the bonuses
that you're
gonna get if you pick up
this product
right here so I just put
together a
bonus page and I want to
give you guys a
lot of great bonuses that I
put together
and actually the vendor he
gave me a
coupon code that you can
save ten
dollars right now if you
use the coupon
code and the VIP but this
ten dollar
discount and the bonuses
that I'm gonna
show you down below is
gonna expire when
this timer hits zero so
it's important
that you get in before this
because I
don't want you to miss out
on these
amazing bonuses I've put
together some
amazing amazing bonuses for
you guys so
the free bonus number one
it's gonna be
this template that I put
together that
gives you two hundred video
ideas in
five minutes so this is the
that I use to get video
ideas that I
want to provide to my
audience and it
just goes really quick it's
basically a
bunch of questions that ask
you like
what do you think about
this what do you
think about this what do
you think about
this like mistakes that
people make the
top number one thing that people
do that
sucks or any like things
like that that
gives you all these insane
video ideas
really really quickly
the second free bonus and
that I'm gonna
give you is actually my
Photoshop file
so this is the Photoshop
file that I've
used for forever and you
can see that
I've structured all of it
in a very
specific way to make very
thumbnails and also like
how I do it and
what really goes behind the
scenes to
make really really fast
quick quick
thumbnails that are
and will probably get you a
lot of views
I haven't actually given
this away to
anyone and I don't even
think my premium
YouTube course members has
access to
this file I'm gonna give it
to them
after this video but you
can get it
right now and this is an
amazing bonus
right here this the third
free bonus
it's gonna be ranking
review videos it's
one of the ways that I make
a lot of
money but you have to
structure it right
to make any sales and I've
made a lot of
money just doing video
reviews and video
reviews is absolutely one
of the best
ways to get a lot of money
quick on
YouTube and this is gonna
show you the
specific structure that you
have so you
have to have a very
specific structure
in order to get the sale so
you have to
do this this this this and
you have to
do it in the right order
for anyone to
buy and for anyone to
actually purchase
the product that you're
reviewing so
it's very important and the
fourth bonus
that I'm gonna give you is
the viral
video script so basically
I've analyzed
all my most popular videos
the ones that
just got insane amount of
views and then
I figured out like what did
I do in the
beginning that stood out
and that
actually got them hooked
and wanted to
stay to the end what did I
do after the
beginning that was they
wanted got them
to stay and wanted to move
forward what
do I do in the like the
base part of the
video to get them engaged
and keep
watching the video because
if you don't
know watch time is the
number one thing
you need to have in your
YouTube videos
without watch time you're
not gonna get
any views it's the most
important metric
besides your thumbnail and
title so
title thumbnail and the
watch time is
the most important metrics
that you need
to have to rank on YouTube
and these all bonuses are
gonna give you
all of that so right here
you can see
all of these bonuses are
gonna be gone
within the timer right here
and also
this coupon code so what
you have to do
right now is go in the
description down
below and you'll get taken
to this page
right here you can read a
little bit
more about the bonuses and
all you have
to do is click here to
secure your copy
and your bonuses and it's
gonna take you
to the sales page right
here and you can
watch the sales video of
video marketing
blaster if you want and
right here
there's gonna be a button
to buy now and
it's only like 37 dollars
and this is
something you're gonna use
for probably
a long long time I'm gonna
keep using
this tool because I missed
out on so
many opportunities when it
comes to SEO
and it's only one time and
right now you
can just click here by now
and on the
next page you can see that
the amount is
37 dollars if you go here
and click in
the coupon code and eVIP
click on apply
you're gonna see that
you're gonna get
this tool for twenty seven
dollars and I
also want to talk to you
about the
upgrades that they have so
when you buy
the tool 27 you're only
gonna get the
dashboard keywords and
video details if
you want to upgrade you can
upgrade to
the video marketing blaster
Pro there's
gonna cost forty seven
dollars and this
will enable the niche
analysis that will
take you to this ranking
report it also
gives you the in-depth
analysis of all
these videos right here and
it's also
gonna give you a rank
tracker so I
haven't been testing this
out yet but
basically all you do is give
them your
video and your keywords
that you want to
rank for and they tell you
how well your
ranking for all these
keywords so I want
to try using this as well
because I want
to rank for some very
competing keywords
and I'm gonna definitely
use this in the
future but you can get that
when you
purchase this 47 dollar
package the
upgrade number two is the
live event
blaster $47 create schedule
and stream
hundreds of live events
with the push of
two buttons
use this myself but if
you're a live
event guy you can try this
number three is gonna be
video spin
blaster and this is the
fastest and
easiest to use video
creation software
so this creates amazing
videos for you
like literally if you have
problems with
editing videos or making
videos or
anything like that
video spin blaster is gonna
be something
for you and upgrade number
four is gonna
be the video marketing
blaster local
pack which is gonna give
you twenty
title description and tag
specifically created to
rank for over 20
local niches so say that
you're a
plumber or say that you're
a carpenter
or hypnotist what you can
do with this
is trying to rank for
keywords in your
local area so if you're a
plumber you
can do emergency plumber
services LA or
need plumber fast LA or
something like
that that will give you
just twenty
titles and descriptions
that you can
rank really quickly for
that is gonna be
in your local area so if
this interests
you you can get this right
now for forty
seven dollars and I would
say that I
would get the video marketing
Pro just because of this
and niche
analysis that you can see
all of the
analysis right here and
also the ranking
report it's gonna help you
pick the best
keywords whoa and it's just
gonna be a
lot easier for you if you
if you wonder
should I do this video
should I not do
this video or this keyword
and it's
gonna be a lot easier for
you and the
other video spin blaster if
you have
problems with creating
videos yourself
or editing videos yourself
try this
software out right now live
blaster I don't really know
and the
local Pak it's not really
for me but
it's for some people so
that is my video
marketing blaster review
when you click
in the link in the
description you'll be
taken to this page right
here just to
remember that you save $10
right now if
you buy within the timer
also you're
gonna get all of these
special free
bonuses included like my
video ideas the
thumbnail Photoshop file
the video
review template and also
the viral video
script that is going to
help you structure the
video in the
perfect way to get as much
watch time as
possible so all you have to
do right now
click the description down
below click
on here to secure your copy
and your
enter your details right
here and I
really hope you start using
this tool
this tool is gonna change a
lot for me
because I'm trying to rank
for a lot of
different keywords and I
try and I'm
trying to get a lot more
search traffic
than I was before so this
one is gonna
help me a lot and it might
work for you
too so that's gonna be the
video thank
you so much for watching
and I'll see
you in the next video
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