
Tuesday, February 18, 2020

5 Types of People That Will Never Be Rich | How To Be Rich and Successful in Life #Best Education Page #Online Earning

5 Types of People That Will Never Be Rich | How To Be Rich and Successful in Life
What if I told you that there were five types of people that will never be rich
would you want to know if you were one of these types of people in this video I
will share with you the five types of people that will never be rich and if
you're new to the channel then hit the subscribe button below for more
life-changing content for most people becoming rich is their ultimate dream as
having a significant amount of wealth opens up numerous opportunities in life
if you're rich you can drive or whatever car you want travel to any part of the
world and you never have to take orders from a boss again
however becoming rich isn't easy which is why just a small number of people
ever accumulated enough money to live this dream lifestyle in fact to become
rich certain things are expected of us certain lifestyle and daily habits a
certain mindset in certain associations as well people who never become rich
failing their pursuit for financial freedom because they do not understand
the principles that underlie the accumulation of money hence they
constantly find themselves doing the wrong things over and over
remember our habits form and dictate the outcome of our lives Benjamin Franklin
once said your net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after
your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones this means that if you become
rich it is because of the things you do consistently if you are unsuccessful
likewise it is because of something or some things that you do repeatedly as
well Mortimer J Adler an American philosopher educator and popular author
said that habits are formed by the repetition of particular acts they are
strengthened by an increase in the number of repeated acts habits are also
weakened or broken and contrary habits are formed by the repetition of contrary
acts talking about people who will never be rich what happens to they constantly
repeat or how do we identify people who will never be successful in life now let
me share with you the five types of people who will never be rich type
number one people who are scared of failure failure is an outcome not an end
product people who do not realize this fact will always be scared of failure
and still never break out of their comfort zones to try new things
Winston Churchill once said success is not final failure is not fatal it is the
courage to continue that counts poor people see failure is an excuse not
to try new experiences even if they think that this experience may lead to a
life of financial bliss they will say that it's too risky then no one's ever
done it before or that they aren't sure if they have the skills to succeed but
in reality they are just scared of how they will feel if they fail but if you
look at the people who've amassed unimaginable wealth you will notice a
trend a lot of the world's richest people laughed in the face of failure
and pursued their ideas take Jeff Bezos for example today's world's richest man
held many high-profile positions and major tech investment companies in his
20s but always felt like he was meant for something more while holding a
senior vice president role and making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year
Jeff decided to risk failure by leaving a secure job and starting a new book
selling business which we all know today as Amazon in fact rich people see
failure as part of the process towards becoming wealthy as quoted by the alter
the Harry Potter series JK Rowling said it's impossible to live without failing
at something unless you live so cautiously then you might as well not
have lived at all in which case you fail by default because of their fear of
failure poor people constantly make excuses not to try new things or step
out of their comfort zone so if you constantly find yourself giving reasons
not to start that new project you've always wanted to do because of the fear
that you might fail now is a good time to reconsider your choices because it
could be the next step in achieving all your wildest financial goals type number
two people who complain have you ever complained about something
and magically the issue resolved itself no I didn't think so
complaining is a common behavior of those who will never be rich and the
suction has scientific evidence proving just how detrimental it can be according
to Stanford University complaining shrinks a hyper campus an area of the
brain that's critical to problem-solving and intelligent thought chances are
you're an Albert Einstein to begin with so you will need every ounce of
brainpower you have to begin building your dream rich lifestyle
unfortunately this issue only gets worse every time you complain the neurons and
your brain fire and your brain rewires itself to fire more often leading you to
becoming a routine complainer people who will never
become rich complained about nearly everything from their background to
their financial capabilities and eventually about the people around them
their lives are filled with excuses which hold them back from ever achieving
any financial success rich individuals on the other hand not only avoid
complaining but they practice gratitude for what they have in the moment and
what they are about to receive for instance Oprah Winfrey kept a journal
for 10 years never missing an entry and Tony Robbins practices a regimented
gratitude protocol every morning therefore instead of wasting hours of
your life complaining use this time instead to find ways that will make you
rich type number three people who don't continuously learn unless you win the
lottery then becoming rich will require knowledge which is why the saying the
more you learn the more you earn exists unfortunately the completion of high
school or college spells the end of learning for the majority of people this
is because most people go to school with the sole goal of getting a degree that
will get them a job and not because of their love of learning then after the
initial excitement of receiving a paycheck every two weeks wears off they
must dull the pain of their mundane job by watching countless hours and Netflix
every night just to get by and how pervasive is this issue a 2016 Gallup
poll found that 71% of millennial workers are either not engaged or
actively disengaged at work meaning that there are a whole lot of workers
counting down the minutes until quitting time each and every day alternatively
there are people who will never be rich because they are too lazy to learn they
don't see the need to discover new things or research or subject instead
they only accept whatever information others provide they want to know more
and do more they enjoy spending their time getting entertained by other
people's findings rather than doing their own but as Jim Rohn said your
level of success will seldom exceed your level of personal development the truth
is without continuous learning you can't leverage the thousands of ideas or
concepts that exist that can make you rich for instance if you never knew the
internet existed there will be no way you can make money selling shirts online
or running a successful blog the rich on the other hand understand the value of
learning and continue to learn even after mousing significant wealth take
the example of Dan Locke this Canadian entrepreneur and multi-millionaire
invest more than five thousand dollars a year into his
education in the form of courses coaching and many other learning
opportunities because he knows that this investment will come back to him tenfold
type number for people that don't hold themselves accountable poor people or
people who will never become rich are people who never learned to take
responsibility for their actions they are always blaming someone or something
else for the consequences of their actions
these people were probably those kids that wouldn't study for a test and blame
the teacher when they received a failing grade these same people are those who
try to start a business and when they can't seem to make any sales they will
blame the economy or the government for their failure when they never even made
an effort to market their product or sharpen their sales skills the harsh
reality of life is that if you want something you have to be ready to go and
get it yourself don't blame someone else your life circumstances the government
or any other external factor for why you aren't achieving the financial success
you desire understand that you are in charge and it is all up to you so if the
outcome of your choices don't turn out favorably accept it as your mistake
learn and move on from it don't be like the unsuccessful ones who find faults in
everything else but themselves we are humans and we're full of imperfections
hence mistakes are bound to happen but owning these mistakes is what's
important type number five people that quit too easily to be focused in her
working is one thing to persevere however is an entirely different thing
perseverance is persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in
achieving success it is what keeps you going when you don't get the expected
result you imagine you it at a particular period in time the value
persistence is perfectly exemplified by the dip in the book the dip written by
Seth Godin he explains it whenever you take on a new project there is a period
of stagnant growth which is where most people quit Gordon says at the beginning
when you first start something it's fun over the next few days and weeks the
rapid learning you experience keeps you going
whatever your new thing is it's easy to stay engaged in it and then the dip
happens the dip is a long slog between starting and mastery a long song that's
actually a shortcut because it gets you where you want to go faster than any
other path and as you probably guessed people who will never be
come rich lock the persistence and patience it takes to see something
through until the end and that something can grant them the financial rewards a
desire someone who exemplifies the trait of persistence is author Tim Ferriss
writer the ultra popular book the 4-hour workweek Tim was rejected 25 times soon
cementing his book for publication but with consistent effort he got the book
published and is now worth about a hundred million dollars and I can also
attest to the power of surviving to death back when I was studying for my
CPA designation I continuously asked myself whether all this hard work would
pay off and luckily I stuck with this journey which has now granted me an
endless amount of career opportunities and a very respectable salary
sadly persistence is not a trait that those who will never be rich possess
they are masters of giving up and giving up his permanent failure if you do not
understand that persistence will lead to scarcity whether that's becoming a
best-selling author or a CPA being able to carry on when others can will make
you rare and like a diamond things that are rare are worth much much more in
conclusion if you want to be rich then you need to get rid of these five habits
and if you currently possess any or all of them don't worry because each one of
them can be unlearned to be rich you must accept failure as part of the
process avoid complaining focus on learning as
much as you can take responsibility for your actions
and finally persevere until all your wildest financial dreams have been
realized thanks for watching if you want to go from the life you have to the life
you deserve then hit the subscribe button now

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