
Tuesday, February 18, 2020

How To Be More Productive Fast (Proven) #Best Education Page #Online Earning

How To Be More Productive Fast (Proven)

Do you ever wonder how some people can get so much done each and every day
while you struggle to cross things off of your own to-do list it seems like
some people are so productive that time seems to stand still for them on the
other hand I felt like time you used to speed up whenever I needed to get work
done leaving me frustrated and disappointed
luckily over time I was able to pick up some very effective habits that have
allowed me to get my work done in record time freeing me up to do the things that
mean that most to me like working out and spending time with family and
friends therefore in this video I'm going to share with you five effective
methods to increase your productivity that have worked for me personally so
you too can unlock more time in your own life and make sure to watch until the
end as the last method is my personal favorite number one avoid Facebook
you've done it before and so of I you open a Facebook with the intention of
just peeking at your notifications but somehow you end up wasting 30 minutes
stuck in your ex-girlfriends boyfriend's sister I'll be the first to admit that
Facebook is a slippery slope when it comes to social media usage and there's
actually academic literature to back this up one study showed that 23% of
workers cited Facebook as the destination to waste time this issue
only compounds when you have access to it through not only your computer but
your phone as well so is the best practice fight the urge to open facebook
when trying to be productive or use site blocking programs if your willpower is
not enough on its own number two ditch the smartphone the
average smartphone user checks his or her device 221 times a day and the fact
that your phone is detracting from your productivity is probably not news to you
but even with this knowledge we'll find ourselves falling victim to this
destruction day in and day out one powerful trick I used to avoid this
issue altogether is to put my phone in another room in my house while working
this way I'm not tempted to check my notifications and can work with out
breaking focus leveraging some good old deep work so if you're serious about
getting shit done place your smartphone as far away as possible when getting to
work number three single task when it comes to your workflow more is not
always better and this is true when it comes to the misconception that
multitasking is more efficient than doing one thing at a time research shows
multitasking not only reduces your work efficiency but it also degrades the
quality of your work instead employ the artist single tasking which if you're
unfamiliar is the practice of focusing on tasks and activities without
distraction so when you have to get something done just focus on the task at
hand for the best results but remember that your brain can only concentrate for
so long therefore employing breaks every ninety to a hundred and twenty minutes
is key number four change your scenery no matter how focused of a worker you
are we all knee breaks from time to time and one of the best ways to take a break
is to get outside research shows that a 30 minute lunchtime walk can help people
cope with stress and boost their enthusiasm as well but maybe the weather
sucks or you're too lazy to go outside lucky for you even looking out the
window into nature can have beneficial effects and funny enough even looking at
a computerized image of nature can help increase your focus therefore if you
want to keep your productivity from slipping changing your scenery is a
great way to re-energize yourself for more concentrated work number five
know yourself all these tips I've previously mentioned worked great for me
but you and I are not the same person as part of your productivity journey take
account of what productivity tricks work best for you maybe you get more done in
the morning than at night or maybe you need breaks every 20 minutes versus
every hour the more you experiment with these habits and rituals the more your
productivity will rise until you turn into a fully fledged productivity
machine thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video please comment share
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