
Friday, February 21, 2020

How To Become a LION (Animated) Best Education Page #Online Earning

How To Become a LION (Animated)

- [Narrator] Every many on earth wants to become a lion.
We want to be the hero, we want to slay the dragon,
we want to marry the princess and save the world.
Becoming a lion does not happen overnight, though.
In fact, some of us men never become a lion.
Some men stay in the camel state until the day they die.
As a man and you procrastinate, that's actually the
lion growing within you.
I'll tell you what I mean in just a moment.
But basically when you feel this procrastination,
you are moving into a new phase in your life where you
will say, "No, I won't."
But right now it's kind of a passive aggressive
no I won't because you can't really say to your boss
or teacher, "I won't do my homework, I won't go to class,
"I won't sit still and be quiet."
Because you are still a camel.
This camel concept comes from someone named
Fredrick Niche, where he describes the spiritual
evolution of the man.
The stage in your life where you are physically,
emotionally, and spiritually immature is your camel stage.
What is a camel?
A camel is a beast of burden.
From the day you are born your family, teachers,
friends will start laying burdens upon your back.
Like you're supposed to make your bed, you're supposed
to go to school, you're supposed to get a stable job,
you're supposed, supposed, supposed, supposed to.
And you bow down and accept these burdens.
The moment when you first start to question things
is your first step towards maturity.
It's when you first start questioning all the burdens that
have been laid upon you.
A common time to start questioning these things is when
you first start entering the desert, AKA when you first
enter the real world.
So this will be right after high school,
maybe right after college, or when you get your first job.
It's when you first enter the real world which I
will refer to as the desert.
So the camel stands up and starts wandering around
the desert and he meets a dragon named thou-shout.
And every single scale on the dragon has something
you were supposed to do.
It is your responsibility as a maturing individual
to slay that dragon.
Because you can either slay it or lay down as a beast
of burden and allow all the shouts to control you.
The dragon will control your life for eternity and
this is how most men live.
You have to slay that dragon.
The procrastination is the anxiety of all the shouts
that are being laid upon you.
It's the voice in you that wants you to say no.
By slaying the dragon you will become a lion and
the name of that dragon is I will and no.
The no represents all the people telling you
what you're supposed to do.
You destroy the dragon by saying, "No, no, no."
Once you slay the dragon with the no you begin
your new journey as I Will.
And most men never become men of I Will.
Once you become the lion, you are completely (mumbles).
You use pure will to get what you want.
The will is your heartbeat, it's your breathing,
it's literally your chest expanding and contracting,
it's your soul.
As an animal of I will you go out into the real world
and you do whatever you want to do.
You choose the type of woman you want,
you choose the type of lifestyle you want,
you choose the type of job you want,
you choose everything.
The lion does not bow down to anything,
he will starve before he bows down to another animal.
"Kill me or I'll starve."
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