
Thursday, February 20, 2020

These Habits Can Change Your Life - 7 Habits Of Highly Effective And Successful People Habit 1 #Best Education Page #Online Earning - 3

These Habits Can Change Your Life - 7 Habits Of Highly Effective And Successful People Habit 1 - 3

there is this story about an old man a
grandfather actually who had eight
grandchildren and one of these
grandchildren was a young girl a fifteen
year old with fair hair and with the
most beautiful smile and he said this is
my favorite grandchild but there was a
problem she was born blind but he said
whenever I walk with her through the
woods in the city I hear more I smell
more I see more I feel more he said she
is a gem and pearl of my family he could
have easily upset wall she's blind
a burden to my family it could not
change the reality but he could change
the way he looked at that reality habit
wanted to be proactive this is all about
taking responsibility for your life you
can't keep blaming everything on your
parents or grandparents track the people
recognize that they are responsible they
don't blame genetics circumstances or
conditionings for their behavior they
know they choose their behavior reactive
people on the other hand are so often
affected by their physical environment
that they find external sources to blame
for their behavior if a person is
driving or commuting to work and there's
no traffic actually they feel good but
if there's a lot of traffic
it affects their attitude and
performances throughout the day then
they blame the government and the
traffic police all of these external
forces act as stimuli that we respond to
between the stimulus and response is
your greatest power you have the freedom
to choose your response one of the most
important things you choose is what you
say your language is a good indicator of
how you see yourself a proactive person
uses proactive language such as I can I
will I prefer a reactive person uses
reactive language such as I can't I have
to if only reactive people believe that
they are not responsible that they have
little or no choice instead of reacting
to or worrying about conditions over
which they have little or no control
practices their time and energy
things that they can control if you are
always stuck in traffic going to work or
school a proactive person would not
blame other motorists on the road or the
government for the traffic but would
simply wake up earlier to avoid the
morning traffic a reactive person would
keep complaining and making excuses as
to why he or she was late the problems
the challenges and the opportunities
that we face fall into two areas
our circle of concern and our circle of
influence for act people focuses their
time and energy on their circle of
influence they work on the things that
they can do something about such as
their health their weight and their
grades reactive people on the other hand
focuses their time and energy in the
circle of concern things over which they
have little or no control such as
terrorism traffic and D whether
pessimistic people will always focus on
all the troubles at the end and
paralyzed by fear they will never take
action but an optimistic person focuses
on all the possibilities and dreams and
driven by hope they take action habit -
beginning with the end in mind this is
all about imagining and visualizing
whatever it is that you want then solve
by working our way backwards to get
whatever it is that you want let's say
there was a guy named Joe Wright if you
want to the startup business quit is a
boring nine-to-five and become
financially free so Joe has always been
passionate about food and for so long he
had always wanted to start a restaurant
so Joe can use happy to to envision
every detail as vividly as possible of
what he wants his restaurant to become
so Joe has done his research just
clearly mapped out every detail where
the chairs and tables should be the
color of the walls the size of the
windows the chef to hire and the
so basically Joe has the clear vision of
what he wants to accomplish beginning
with the end in mind is based on the
principle that all things are created
twice there's a mental or first creation
in the physical or second creation to
all things so you begin with the end of
the mind
then layer by layer step by step you
draw a clear course beginning with the
end before you invest your percent your
first dollar
have already envisioned in your mind you
cannot at present see with your eyes the
Carpenters rule is measure twice cut
you have to make sure that the blueprint
the first creation is really what you
want that you have thought through
everything when you apply it into action
beginning with the end in mind mean its
begin each day a task or project with a
clear vision of your desired direction
and destination and then continue by
flexing your proactive muscle to make
things happen
always remember from small beginnings
come great things have a three putting
first things first things which matter
most must never be at the mercy of
things which matter at least Johan
Wolfgang von Goethe setting your
priorities straight and of
procrastinating on English models is
fundamental for productivity and a happy
life habit is about life management your
purpose your values your role in your
priorities those things you personally
find almost worth if you have always
wanted to start a project start
exercising or get better grades in
school then you must identify this gold
as fundamental and using habits you to
first envision vividly what you want to
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