
Tuesday, February 18, 2020

What You DON'T KNOW About Productivity #Best Education Page #Online Earning

What You DON'T KNOW About Productivity

There's a reason why most productivity advice fails to make any meaningful
difference in your life over the long run it's not that the hacks and tricks
and techniques don't work they do it's that we see this kind of advice as the
best possible way the pinnacle really of improving our productivity but it's not
it's based on a set of false assumptions it misses the true purpose of being
productive because it neglects how humans function at a biological and
psychological level imagine the perfect week a seven-day stretch where you
manage to do not just everything you aspire to do but all the little things
you conceive of along the way the I need to call mom and I should pick up milk on
the way home to where your plans fit into your calendar like a key into a
lock and your work assembles itself like a neat puzzle perfectly abiding by the
ever looming deadlines of the ticking clock if you're like me a human being
subject to their own chemical reward system and a host of cognitive biases
this week has never happened in your life and it never will because it's a
myth but that's exactly what endless time optimization strategies are chasing
they pretend this week exists if only we could chase it down once we'd know how
to catch it again and again that's nonsense and it's underlying assumption
is deeply flawed if you can hack yourself to do evermore you'll
eventually reach a point where you can do everything you need to in any given
week if you've ever had even a great week you know that's not how humans work
first our brains are wired to seek problems calm isn't exactly our default
state so whenever we're done fixing one thing we naturally look for the next
second we love the dopamine hit of hitting even
the tiniest go away too much to just pass up on the opportunity to complete
another one finally we tend to think that all our time is ours that life
won't interrupt and that we know not just how much we'll be able to do in
advance but also how long any given task will take none of these are true all
victims of the planning fallacy clearly the do-more until you can do everything
approach can't work and that's why gimmicks and tactics can't possibly be
the best productivity advice but what happens if we reject it if we flip the
basic assumption on its head maybe we'd find an entirely new purpose of
productivity I think we would if you assume you can never get anything done
that you have no way of knowing how much time you'll have available and that
you'll often misjudge your own abilities and the hours required along the way
going for the maximum number of tasks instantly becomes a wholly futile effort
by imagining the opposite you're forcing yourself to come up with a new
definition of what being productive even means to me it means making good enough
progress on what I care about the most amidst the chaos of life the way you do
that is by managing your expectations of time much more so than managing your
time itself once you accept that life is riddled with chance coincidence luck
you'll see productivity in a new light with a new purpose
you'll feel incentivized to build a different system one with lots of
buffers and room to fail a system that's optimized for minimum stress instead of
maximum effort you'll still have your goals your to do's your milestones but
we won't throw a tantrum every time you fail to check every one of them off your
many lists you'll have compassion for yourself more for others too you'll
learn to flow with life around life through life rather than
compartmentalizing it you'll be happier less prone to burnout and tastes more of
that elusive state of calm chasing checkmarks can never bring true
productivity happens in your mind not the outside world it happens when we
learn to sit with our pattern-seeking machines without acting on them when we
say thanks for the dopamine and choose not to chase another hit when we begin
to find true comfort in the fact that we are imperfect beings acting in an
imperfect world rather than fighting the truth than the time we have so little of
only if we build our idea of this important concept on the fundamentals of
what it means to be human can we erect a construct that lasts an understanding
that's not sprawled with flawed assumptions maybe at the end of the day
would even get more done not that that matters because that's not what
productivity is about is it

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