
Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Why 99% Of People Will Never Be Rich | How To Make Money Like The Rich #Best Education Page #Online Earning

Why 99% Of People Will Never Be Rich | How To Make Money Like The Rich

What if I told you that in just a few minutes you can learn how to make money
like the rich and begin building real wealth in your own life let's use the
story of Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki Dilla straight exactly how the
rich think and in turn earn their wealth you see Robert Kiyosaki grew up with two
dads his real dad and his friends dad one dad was highly educated and focuses
attention on how to build his career the other didn't even have a high school
diploma but placed his focus on learning how to make money can you guess which
dad went on to become the richest man in Hawaii now most people would guess that
without a proper education amassing significant wealth will be nearly
impossible but in fact it was Roberts friends dad otherwise known as the Rich
Dad who became exceptionally wealthy over the course of his life the first
reason that Roberts friends dad went on to make significantly more money than
his real dad was because of his mindset you see Roberts real dad the poor dad
would look down on money and say negative things like I can't afford it
or money is evil Roberts Rich Dad however would ask the
question how can I afford it one had a fixed mindset and the other had a growth
mindset Robert always had a keen interest in making money
so naturally he gravitated towards his Rich Dad this decision destroy a way
from his poor dad's limiting mindset was one of the two major reasons why Robert
went on to build a massive company and becoming a multimillionaire
you see by following his rich dad's mindset on money Robert never had to
work a job he hated or complain that his employer didn't pay him enough instead
he was able to focus on implementing the teachings that Rich Dad bestowed upon
him and this is where I will share with you the way that you can learn to make
money like the rich and begin building real wealth in your own life but first
you must understand what increases your wealth and what detracts from it let's
start with what two trucks from your wealth the first thing that detracts
from your wealth are liabilities liabilities are commitments that caused
an outflow of money I misunderstood but important example of a liability is a
house well many people think that a house is an asset
the constant interest repair and property tax costs that owning a house
incurs actually fit the definition of a liability perfectly as
is a commitment that continuously costs you money and these costs are the second
thing that detract from your wealth which are better known as expenses
expenses can be anything from your Starbucks coffee to your designer brand
shirt or even paying rent now let's dive into what increases your wealth wealth
is increased through either income or assets income is any inflow of cash
which for most people is the paycheck you receive from work however income can
also come in the form of dividend payments rental income or business
income assets on the other hand are defined as anything that provides
positive cash flow or appreciates assets include things like rental property
stocks and of course cash now what really separates the rich from the poor
is how they use their income you now know that income increases your wealth
but this is only the case if you use her income wisely let me ask you something
let's say you were given a bonus at work would your first reaction be to spend it
on a fancy vacation or buy more stock for 99 percent of people the more money
they get the more money they spend on liabilities and expenses but rich people
are different when the rich make money they instead use it to acquire assets
that will in turn make them more money for myself personally while I am far
from being rich I a locate a significant part of my income to a fund that will be
used to buy a rental property and over time after buying this property I will
begin to collect rent every month which I can use to then supplement my salary
and feed more and more money into assets that will further increase my wealth now
I know that buying stock or rental property is a lot less sexy than buying
a brand-new car but this difference in mindset and use of restraint is the key
element that separates the rich from the poor you see unless you win the lottery
or inherit your riches becoming wealthy will take time but each asset you
acquire will begin to pay you over time and soon your net worth will be more
than 99% of your peers but let me share with you the best part of leveraging the
power of assets just like the rich do as you continue to build up a base of
assets the income you earned through these assets will soon be enough to
cover your living expenses meaning that if you choose you will no longer have to
trade your time for money at your job and can tell your boss sayonara
so if you want to build your net worth and make money like the rich invest as
much of your income as you can into assets and you'll be making it rain in
no time thanks for watching if you want to go from the life you have to the life
you deserve then hit the subscribe button now

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