
Saturday, March 28, 2020

10 Signs You Were Born To Be Rich #Best Education Page #Online Earning

10 Signs You Were Born To Be Rich

ten signs you were born to be rich have you ever met someone that seemed to be
destined to live a life of wealth and prosperity unless you were born into a
wealthy family or have a huge inheritance with your name on it then
chances are you will have to work to become rich but with that being said
there are definitely those who have the traits of the rich within them and by
knowing the signs you were destined to become wealthy you can leverage them to
expedite your money-making journey so before we get into the ten signs you
were born to be rich remember this very important quote being born poor is not
your fault but dying poor is now here are the ten signs you were born to be
rich sign number one you're naturally lucky I can almost say with complete
certainty that over the course of your life you have met people with the golden
touch everything in their life turns to gold
as if they possess a supernatural power any business venture they start becomes
a success but in the hands of someone else would be a complete failure these
same people get access to opportunities without even trying
for example the random person they make conversation with that the coffee shop
ends up connecting them with their dream job or investing in their new startup
somehow these lucky people are always at the right place at the right time does
this sound like you if you are not this person there is no need to feel bad
everything in life can be tweaked what do I mean by this you might ask well
most successful people create their own luck by expecting to be lucky they put
themselves in situations where luck is bound to find them you see the truth is
that while luck appears to be an uncontrollable element
in life the reality is that you create your own luck through hard work and
preparation think of the example of your lucky friend who meets his ideal
business contact at a coffee shop maybe he knew that this coffee shop was where
many savvy business leaders gathered and by putting in years of work into his
startup made it into an investment worth taking on for some willing investors in
short lucky individuals prepare for success and when the day finally comes
that they meet the opportunity they were waiting for they are ready to seize it
sign number two you don't believe in quitting you know what it feels like to
fail right you know how tempting it can be to give up the challenging task you
are struggling with to pursue the next best thing many motivational speakers
preach to their audiences that you shouldn't give up and that you should
stick with the journey at hand and all while most of this advice seems
superfluous these speakers are right people who see their tasks through until
the end are the real winners in life because persevering is one of the most
difficult things to do on earth let me try to paint a picture for you imagine
having an idea about an app let's say you're in your second year of college
you have heard stories of big entrepreneurs who have dropped out of
school to focus on their big ideas and you follow suit and drop out as well to
focus all of your attention on building an app that will change the world when
you tell your parents about leaving school they threaten to cut you off and
disown you but because building a successful app is your dream you go on
with it not minding what will happen they eventually cut you off but you
don't care you start out with your friend working day and night to make
this app a possibility after six months you roll out the app to investors and
nobody is interested in your idea now you're a bit frustrated you work and
work trying to pitch your idea to more and more people so you can get funding
still nobody wants to be a part of it finally your partner quits and goes back
to school to further his studies you are left alone with no money no business
partner and no parental support you are left with a very tough decision do you
quit the pursuit of your dream and go back to school or keep trying until it
works out this is not an easy situation to be in because everybody you ask will
tell you to just go back to school like your friend but this is the moment where
winners are made a week a month or five years later you could get that lucky
break and suddenly be the founder of a major mobile application like Instagram
or Twitter sign number three you have vision you can gauge someone's potential
for success by understanding their vision the bigger the vision the bigger
the goals and when those goals are financial goals it means becoming richer
than you ever expected sadly many people put aside dreaming big because of fear
fear that their dream is too big or that they don't have what it takes to become
what they dreamed of becoming the funny thing about life is that the people who
have the courage to dream big are usually the ones who achieve the most
success look at Henry Ford for example Henry Ford was a visionary of his time
and was famously quoted as saying if I had asked people what they wanted they
would have said faster horses Ford had a bigger vision for transportation than
most which allowed him to create the first line of motor vehicles that was
easily accessible to the then middle-class citizen it all started with
a dream without thinking of it he wouldn't have
created Ford Motors if you do not have vision or truly believe that it is
possible to achieve the goals you've set for yourself then you will never be rich
people that become wealthy use their vision to dictate their actions and by
executing these actions every single day they are able to see that vision come to
life in all the rewards that it provides them sign number four you have a high
risk tolerance I'm sure you've heard the saying no risk no reward and many of the
world's greatest entrepreneurs took risks to achieve the success they
desired however these were not careless risks but risks that were calculated in
nature when it comes to business and investment you have to take risks daily
unfortunately the fear of risks paralyzes many people and keeps them in
the same financial position for their whole lives these are the people who
find the safest job possible and keep all of their money in a savings account
too timid to try to increase their income by starting a business or putting
their money into the stock market in fact in most cases avoiding risk is the
riskiest move of all because nothing in life comes without risk relying on job
security might mean that you don't improve your skills and end up being
laid off when your skills become obsolete alternatively leaving your
money in a savings account that you think will keep your money safe ends up
causing your money to erode over time due to inflation in short a surefire
sign you were born to be rich is your ability to rationalize the risks you
were taking and use these risks to achieve even better returns sign five
you have a thirst for knowledge when you are willing to learn new things
the levels of success you can achieve are infinite you know how they say
knowledge is power the reason is because with the right information you can make
decisions that will direct your life in any direction you so choose and this
concept has proven to be true time and time again take the example of Elon Musk
after becoming an internet billionaire he decided that he wanted to pursue his
dream of revolutionising the aerospace industry with little knowledge or
experience and just a thirst for understanding he began studying text
book after text book and years later is now sending rockets into space even
Warren Buffett the Oracle of Omaha himself used to read anywhere from 600
to a thousand pages a day after having already hit millionaire status and today
at a net worth of almost 90 billion he still spends 80% of his day reading and
strategizing as these examples prove everybody that has become somebody in
today's world has done so because they leverage their thirst for knowledge and
used what they learn to get where they wanted to go sign number six you have
sharp focus in today's world you need deep knowledge and expertise to become a
success to get water from a well you don't have to dig wide but instead dig
deep as is exemplified in the book the one thing by Gary Keller if you can have
laser focus in one area you will reap the benefits that that activity has to
offer sadly many people lack this focus and
are continually drawn to the new opportunities that exists all around
them in fact this issue is so chronic that it's been coined shiny object
syndrome which is the tendency for somebody to chase something new be it a
new business idea tool or goal rather than to stay focused on what they're
doing this problem is especially common in our information age as using the
Internet as an example there are many ways to make money online
everything promises a particular amount of money daily weekly and monthly
however when people don't immediately achieve the results they see other
people realizing they lose motivation and seek out a new opportunity that they
hope will make them rich the right thing to do is find something that you love to
do and comes to you easily then find a way to make money from it become an
expert in that area by learning all you need to know and stick to it
once you are able to find your purpose and stick to it you will then become
number soms stoppable you understand the value of your network the people you
associate with have a huge influence on your outcome in life in fact when it
comes to the types of people you will meet in life there are two types there
are people you will share your ambitions with and they will laugh in your face
and tell you how unrealistic your goals are and whether we want to admit it or
not remarks like these can deeply affect our self-esteem and make us question our
worth on the other hand there are people who are interested in your growth and
are eager and ready to hear your ideas they support your goals with their
knowledge and energy and can act as a morale boost whenever you need it you
would always be willing to run ideas by them which would in turn lead to greater
benefits to you in short positive associations play a major role in the
level of success you achieve and if you have been born with the innate
understanding of the value of your network
and chances are you are going to become rich in the near future sign number
eight you can sell your thoughts and ideas one of the most important skills
in business is sales and when this skill is honed it can make you incredibly rich
for some the ability to sell anything whether it's a product a service an idea
or a movement comes naturally unfortunately the ability to convey the
value of something is not second nature to everyone think of the developer who
has created the most powerful mobile application in the world yet can't sell
the idea to a single investor or the artist that is too scared to show their
work to others because of a fear of being mocked or criticized even in a
career setting not speaking up when you have great ideas could be the difference
between getting promoted or working your whole career in the same position the
reality is that those who can put out their content thoughts and ideas are the
ones who create opportunities to get lucky and more importantly get rich
sign number nine you have an inclination to give give and it shall be given unto
you that is one of the most powerful laws on earth people who give out freely
will definitely become rich it's just how the world works think about this for
a minute how come people who save grow poorer and people who spend their money
on a cause always find a way to have more money to give out it's simple the
law of karma favours their pocket do good and you receive good this law of
karma works in the opposite way as well the less you give the less you have
while you can't give away everything you have giving sensibly is important as it
allows you to support others dreams and goals and remain grateful for the
blessings you've received during your own quest for financial success sign
number 10 you have a willingness to try new things people that try new things
are people who have vision these people are regarded as crazy to the general
public but being different is not generally a bad thing in fact as Mark
Twain famously said whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority it
is time to pause and reflect and when you try things that others aren't
willing to you often find that these actions lead to above-average results
think about all the great innovators they all had one thing in common they
were crazy enough to try new things away from the norm and tune out all the
critics on their path to success think of the Wright brothers who were willing
to test the potential for flight and through their efforts pioneered the
aviation industry which today allows millions of passengers to travel almost
seamlessly in summation the previously mentioned
signs are clear and if you possess any of them then you are on your way to
financial success now all you have to do is put in the work