
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

$145 a Day Simple Clickbank Sales Funnel #Best Education Page #Online Earning

$145 a Day Simple Clickbank Sales Funnel

okay thank you guys so lenient on this
video in this video only to show you
guys my hundred and $45 add a simple
click the bank sales fun right so in
this video I'm gonna show you guys my
exact sales funnel which I used to
market and advertise Clickbank products
to make a hundred forty five dollars a
day or more simply by building a sales
funnel around the Clickbank product
right so this is exactly what my sales
funnel looks like for my clickbank
affiliate program right so obviously you
have to be logged into
right so I'm promoting this Clickbank
University course right so every time
someone buys this course I earn one
hundred and forty five dollars and sixty
two cents Commission right so this is
how I make one hundred forty five
dollars a day aboard simply by selling
one of these courses so all I simply do
is come over to clickbank i get my
affiliate link alright get my affiliate
link in booths i market and advertise
this course and i make a hundred forty
five dollars per sale what this is what
my sales funnel actually looks like
right about to break it down to you guys
really simple right
so when sales funnel looks like this
right so we have our ads placed on
Facebook you have ads placed on YouTube
you have ads on Google and other search
engines online
right so my ad is based around people
were searching for I'll learn you how to
make money online with affiliate based
marketing learning how to start an
online based business this Clickbank
product because I went through Clickbank
University myself I bought it I invested
inside the course and that helped me
really understand how to make money
online with clickbank and affiliate
based marketing so I vouch for the
course so all I simply do is post the
ads on Facebook or as on YouTube course
ads on Google and and other sites online
which drives the people I can ad traffic
to my capture page right now this is one
of my capture pins where it looks like
and I designed this inside of
instantaneous rate I use instapage to
build my sales process right now so this
is all I simply do someone reads my
either watches the video on Facebook
YouTube or Google they come to my
capture page which looks like this
now this capture page is a two-step
system right at two
that sales funnel what does that mean is
the person reads to headline that read
the information they click here after
they click here they have to enter in
their email in order to get my free
course right so as soon as someone
enters in their email right here right
show me someone enters in the email that
email will go into my email marketing
software in which I use Aweber so boom
someone is going to enter in the email
and then it's going to bring them to
what a conquest call that bridge page
now this is a three-step sales funnel so
a bridge page is a video of myself right
where I show them on the whiteboard how
affiliate marketing works now you don't
have to have a bridge pins inside your
Clickbank sales funnel but bridge pages
gonna put you in the position to write
so the people that come read the ad on
Facebook they don't know who you are
right so by making the bridge page you
can tell the person more information
about yourself they see your face they
hear your voice it was good to learn
more information about yourself so in
this little quick quick page four minute
video I tell them about myself and I
show them how affiliate marketing works
right so after they click the button
they're gonna click the button right
here right do they copy my system which
is going to lead them to the Clickbank
University sales page or what's called a
vesl right so someone's gonna watch this
me yourself if they buy the Clickbank
University course to me I'm going to
earn one hundred and forty five dollars
per sale so this is my $145 a daily
sales funnel on Clickbank comm right
because I simply market and advertise on
Facebook on YouTube on Google and other
search engines right because I think
it's over a hundred thousand people
every single day come online to type in
how to make money online how to make
money with Clickbank how to make money
with affiliate Basemark so all I'm doing
is putting my advertisement in front of
people that are already searching for I
send them to a capture page where just
like I said I build all these in the
instapage right I use instapage is very
very simple right
so I use instapage to make the
she paid yourself right I come over here
I can change the text up I can play
anything I want I can have pictures I
can add buttons right so I customize the
caption page based around without
marking right so say if I'm marking the
weight-loss products I might play
something like so I'm marking a
weight-loss product I might put three
simple tips losing losing weight fast
right you know I probably promoting a
weight loss product on Clickbank I was
just simply make the headline up here I
will put some some type of our free
value would be free video or free PDF
that's gonna show them something then
you add a sub headline and then you
simply add a button when the person
clicks on that button just like I showed
you guys before there's email it's going
to go into my email marketing software
so on this capture page I'm converting
at forty four percent that means out of
forty four percent that means that one
hundred people are going with the laying
on this capture page I'm converting that
forty four percent that's you that's
usually around this would be good
usually capture please conversa anywhere
the forty to fifty percent I stand on
one right so that means if I get a
hundred people to go in my capture page
and I'm converting that forty percent
that means I collect for the emails that
go to their sales page now once you
understand how many people it takes to
make one sale so say if it takes a
hundred people to go to a capture page
and order for me to make one sale I
simply determine ok how much money am i
spending to generate there's a hundred
people if it's making me a hundred and
forty five dollars per sale so this is
exactly what I do now inside my email
marketing software I would send them a
follow-up email every single day around
three to five times per week to follow
up with them through email marketing I
simply write the email use Aweber send
an email send my email blast out through
a weber
which directs them to the sales page
which is going to make me the $145 per
day every similar day or more
the power of Clickbank and a simple
online sales funnel so this is what my
sales font looks like I simply promote
and market and advertise my face would
do with Facebook Ads you to ads and
videos Google search engines and other
search engines online I direct the
traffic aka the people to the capture
page where I collect the email that I
send them to was called a bridge page
right so as soon as someone comes to
capture page I send them to the bridge
page they have to enter in the email to
get access to the free course as soon as
they enter me that email they come there
was called a bridge page bridge Peter I
tell them a little bit more about myself
and what exactly what is affiliate
marketing or what is whatever I'm
marking advertise I make a bridge page
of myself or a video I find on YouTube
then I simply send them to the sales
page now on this sales page I'm doing
the Clickbank offer which pays me one
hundred and forty five dollars per sale
and this is how I make one hundred forty
five dollars $200 $300 a day every
single day using Clickbank and the
affiliate based marketing because I
simply post ads on facebook using
facebook business pages YouTube videos
Google Adwords and other search engines
I Drive the traffic aka to the sales
funnel when the person buys on this
sales funnel I make that one hundred
forty five dollars and I collect the
email from my email marketing this so
this is my simple sales funnel for
Clickbank that makes me a hundred forty
five dollars per day every single day on
three months automation right so if you
guys are interested in learning more
about how to set up your sales funnel or
you guys can come over to instapage calm
there be a link below this video so you
can sign up for insolence and try it for
nine days if a 14-day free trial offer
and then you can buy the yearly
membership in which I did I bought the
yearly membership because it just makes
sense and this is how I use instapage
and click them to make a hundred forty
five dollars a day two hundred dollars a
day three hundred dollars a day every
single day really complete automation
because I just set up the Facebook guys
I set up the YouTube videos I said
Google Adwords and I use other search
engines to drive traffic to this sales
funnel which makes me one hundred forty
five dollars a day two hundred dollars a
day three hundred dollars a day every
single day
all amazing so thank you guys for
watching this video if you guys have any
more questions make sure you add me on
Facebook drop a comment below or shoot
me an email and check out my website
below this will show you step-by-step on
how to make more money using Click Cash
guys lay the piece