
Wednesday, March 4, 2020

2018 Marketing Opportunity Most People Will FAIL To Realize #Best Education Page #Online Earning

2018 Marketing Opportunity Most People Will FAIL To Realize

what's up YouTube this Ryan hildreth and
this is the first GTR rant that I've
been doing the car is so much quieter
definitely gonna have to throw an
exhaust on this but we're gonna jump
right into it on the topic of the days
influencer marketing and the reason why
I'm talking about this is because I was
talking with one of my good buddies he's
a super affiliate making you know 30 to
50 grand a month just from affiliate
marketing and for one of his campaigns
he hired an influencer to review the
product on her channel and she had like
two hundred thousand subscribers he did
you know thousands of in sales from that
and thousands in sales but he only paid
a hundred and fifty dollars a hundred
and fifty dollars for this post okay so
pretty crazy how under priced influencer
marketing is and I didn't think it would
remain this under priced I thought you
know maybe 2018 is going to be the year
that you know influencers start
demanding more or you know companies
start paying them more because of their
value but they haven't so now there's a
big disparity in influencers there's
some influencers that have millions
millions of followers but you know maybe
are only making 3 to 5 grand a month if
that from their following from marketing
products right and then there's you know
influencers that are new to the space
that have maybe a much smaller following
like I do I would say you know my
youtube channel is a decent 100 thousand
subscribers was definitely a model
for me but you know 20,000 on Instagram
you know I don't really use Twitter much
but you know I would say my following
and my email lists are smaller but I'm
able to make you know just from my
personal brand from influence or
marketing you know well over 20 to 30
grand a month from that so there's a you
know definitely an under priced sector
that you know I encourage you if you
want to get into influencer marketing
you have a strong message you have a you
know a message that you want to tell
people you want to share your experience
your journey with others and inspire
others to do the same thing as you and
grow your following then you know right
now is the best time to get into that
right now is the best time to be an
influencer if you if I'm not gonna say
if you have what it takes because I
didn't think I had what it took but I
believed in myself and that's the one
thing so if you believe that you can do
that then you know definitely join the
group down below I'm gonna link that
that's my free mentorship give away
group but it's also you know an
influencer or evolution group that I've
started and I'm gonna be picking one
person every month after the five people
that I mentor for free I'm gonna choose
one person every month to mentor for
free but you know tons of content and
there I've been live-streaming almost
every day getting people active engaged
in influencer marketing and helping them
grow their personal brands so this space
is grossly underpriced and I believe
it's gonna remain that way maybe for the
next couple years until big brands you
know you see these smaller influencers
creating their own products or even
pairing up with you know smaller brands
to make a big brand because they have
following big brands are utilizing kind
of you know the movie stars and the
actresses and actors but I think that
the generation has definitely changed
right we have like Jake Paul Logan Paul
being the you know hit movie stars right
but on YouTube right they're not really
Hollywood I think Logan Paul actually is
now you know Hollywood because he's done
a couple movies or something like that
but you know they started out on YouTube
and their following is so strong their
their message and impact is so strong
that they're able generate millions
millions a month
okay so again influencer marketing is
grossly underpriced it's you know the
what sparked the conversation was you
know we're talking about affiliate
marketing and utilizing influencers to
promote products and they're only
charging a hundred bucks a hundred bucks
to 300 bucks and they have hundreds of
thousands of followers if not millions
so with that being said this is the best
opportunity the best time to get into
influencer marketing you know if you
need help with that definitely join the
group ask questions there's a lot of
active members in that group sharing
ideas sharing perspectives sharing each
other's growth and it's just such an
awesome time to do that and hopefully my
journey if you've watched me since day
one I you know I started documenting my
journey back in I would say January 1st
of 2017 so it's only been not even a
month a year and a half and you know
I've grown to a hundred thousand
subscribers I generated over a million
in sales last year and
you know hopefully my journey can
inspire you to do the same whether it's
an you know just for me it's just fun
you know it's fun to be able to do what
I love spread my message inspire others
and get paid doing it right I get paid
for my passion and if that's something
that you want to do whether it's
generating an extra hundred you know two
five hundred a month from something that
you absolutely love right maybe you have
a nine-to-five that's just very
stressful you don't really enjoy it it's
not your passion but you do it to pay
the bills maybe you start working on
this side project maybe you love dogs
cars maybe you there's a certain hobby
that you do that you want to just kind
of document your journey and share that
with others build a community and
provide a product or service around that
build some value right if you love dogs
for example people sell dog collars okay
there's you know multi-million billion
dollar businesses that just sell dog
collars and if you can get a share of
that because your content is great and
maybe you design your own that's
something that you can do with influence
or marketing and that's how you know
small business small little tiny
businesses grow big right the scale from
there they build the community so
hopefully you enjoyed this video
hopefully I inspired you to get started
to just take action I think the biggest
thing holding people back is having the
belief in themselves that it is possible
it is okay you do have value to provide
even if you think you don't okay
because it's all in your head it's all
in your head at the end of the day no
one's judging you it's you judging you
you judging yourself so just get out of
your head what I told the group is to do
video message one random stranger on
Instagram say hey I love your whatever
complement one of their pictures that
you like and then tell them about your
Instagram page and say hey check out my
content if you enjoy it
feel free to DM me or message me and we
can talk some more so hopefully I
inspired you to do so and I will see you
take care

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