
Wednesday, March 4, 2020



what's up YouTube there's a Ryan
hildreth we just took a little drive
over to Tanner's house Tanner J Fox if
you don't know who he is check out his
youtube channel but he just picked up
his new car traded in his two other cars
I believe so we're gonna go check it out
pretty stoked because he's got the white
and black but I'm not gonna tell you
what the car is yet you're just gonna
have to wait and see
harro hey congrats on the new car buddy
things ready yep like new keep digging
upgrade not exact same one no exactly
alright let's check it out guys the big
reveal oh my gosh that is sweet man at
the big SB sticker Commodus oh wow
okay so it must be stickers coming in
it's gonna look like that
well bigger than that nice you feel
cooler alright oh the doors go up
exactly all the beaches that is
beautiful oh my god
guys this is like sitting on wood yes
it's like sitting on a wood plank Wow
pretty cool yeah can't play a phone
bluetooth so I have to have this and
then to charge my phone is that above
1000 or 100 it is that's what I have in
my car so Wow high quality yeah 2016 at
least I don't feel alone that the fire
extinguisher is that the aluminum
glorious it gets too hot and you just in
look at all this story she like my glove
box right here and then do you like my
center console storage right here Wow
pretty good that's awesome
I and the seats only move forward and
backwards they don't till cool car bro
by the doors go up so it's worth
it's so much brother my gym it's full
all the power is like 50 - like 150
and like once you get past 5,000 rpm
sensor on the power
better up in the higher travel it like
holes like step on wow guys pretty
amazing drive definitely rougher than
the Huracan but there's a lot to be said
about it because it's a lot faster zero
to 60 so pretty cool experience check it
alright we're back home so I hope you
enjoyed that little preview of Tanner's
car amazing car an amazing goal for him
to reach you know I remember just the
year ago he was driving a Corvette zo6
and and that was his dream car at the
time and you know it really inspired me
to you know learn new things learn how
to build a business you know Tanner
started off by learning hard hard skills
right and that's how he is able to
afford an Aventador SV which is not a
cheap car I believe they're you know
over $600,000 brand-new and you know in
order to be able to have the choice to
buy a car like that right it's not it
it's not a cheap hobby but if you enjoy
cars or you enjoy you know traveling or
whatever it is that usually cost a bit
of money to have the choice to be able
to do that at any time like buy a car
like that
it takes you know real skills you have
to learn how to build real skills and
that's kind of what I want to talk about
right now and kind of end this video
with because I feel like a lot of people
that watch lately that have subscribed
to my channel you know are in it for the
fast money or in it for the lottery
tickets right like cryptocurrency just
betting on any random cryptocurrency
and just hoping for the best and that's
not the way to build long-term wealth
okay you know in if you're if you don't
like hearing that
then you know that's perfectly fine you
can unsubscribe from the channel I'm
here to really motivate and provide
value and show you guys exactly how to
build an online business okay because if
it weren't for you know affiliate
marketing and that's that's personally
how I was able to get the Ferrari 458 it
was affiliate marketing and being able
to run Facebook Ads Google Adwords and
being able to build those hard skills I
would not have the freedom to buy a car
like that I would not have the fun the
funds to buy a car like that so you know
going forward I definitely want to
provide some more value videos some of
my older content just showing you
exactly how to build an online business
cryptocurrency is a great investment
vehicle okay
we've never seen these kinds of returns
and I enjoy you know putting a
proportion of the profits that I make
from my businesses my online businesses
affiliate marketing social media
marketing and and putting that into
cryptocurrencies to even grow it further
okay but the biggest investment the best
investment I would say is in yourself in
your own knowledge and skill sets I've
invested thousands of dollars into
courses different courses teaching me
everything that I know today okay in
same with Tanner he's invested in
thousands of dollars in Amazon courses
before he even got started and he
invested in many products that failed
before he actually saw some success so
that's kind of the message I want to
give today is you know invest in
yourself invest in your skill sets okay
do not in
you know cryptocurrency or even a stock
or or someone's business that you are
solely relying on for income because
that's not the way to do it okay
cryptocurrencies for me is not a steady
stream of income it's very volatile
right and I'm reliant on the market to
deliver those gains whereas running
advertisements to a product not even my
own product to an affiliate it's an
affiliate marketing campaign I can pick
any product I want right I can pick this
hat right here and run ads to this hats
sell it and get a portion of the
Commission's okay that's a skill set
sales and marketing is a skill set that
will never go away as long as their
products out there there's people that
are consuming things spending money on
whatever it is you know this Joby you
know stand for this camera right the
rode mic for this camera people are
spending money on that kind of stuff if
you can deliver some value and and sell
those types of things through affiliate
marketing links right affiliate links
you can gain a hefty Commission and
that's a skill set that I will always
continue to develop because as long as I
could sell something online I know that
I will have funds to you know buy a nice
car to travel the world with my fiance
to you know whatever it may be invest
back into the business invest back into
my ads which I you know rather invest
into my advertisement because I know
that my advertisements are gonna get me
at least a 5x - 20 xro I consistently
time after time whereas cryptocurrencies
or stocks or options aren't always going
to give me those consistent returns
sometimes I lose money sometimes I gain
money and that's kind of what I want to
tell you today is you know know the
difference between an investment vehicle
and a business a hard asset a hard skill
that you can develop and and multiply
your wealth over time okay as long as
there's products out there you can help
sell them gain a commission and you will
be able to do that for the rest of your
life okay that's
something that doesn't go away there's
no bear markets you know in that type of
in that type of thing as long as you
could sell something and you know how to
sell efficiently you will never be broke
okay so hopefully hopefully you gain
something from this video hopefully this
video inspires you to if you're into
cars to get a car like that yourself you
know having a Ferrari is is a great you
know it's it's a great if you're into
cars it's just a fun thing to have
obviously it's a lot of money definitely
not cheap but if you have the funds you
know it's definitely worth it so
whatever you're into if you want to
travel the world you want to retire your
parents you want to you know buy house
cash or whatever it may be I I you know
hopefully I can inspire you to get there
so I will be posting more content about
affiliate marketing Facebook ads and
that kind of stuff so hopefully
hopefully you enjoy that if not you know
sorry about that but I will be posting
more content like that obviously I'm
going to keep the crypto content as well
but definitely some more affiliate
marketing content so hopefully you
enjoyed this video and I will see you in
the next one
take care

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