
Sunday, March 29, 2020

3 Steps To Getting More Online Sales With Drop Shipping #Best Education Page #Online Earning

3 Steps To Getting More Online Sales With Drop Shipping

so if you're doing drop shipping or
running a Shopify store right now I'm
going to tell you how to make your first
ten thousand dollars doing that if
you've already made first ten thousand
dollars congratulations and this video
will also help you to improve your sales
if you have not made your first ten
thousand dollars and you're struggling
stay tuned so I'm going to kind of just
tell you how to actually get to that
goal now one problem I see with a lot of
people is they have their goals are too
small hey I want to have my first
hundred my first thousand you need to
aim big because when when you sit there
and you're like hey I want to make my
first hundred or a thousand it's not a
lot of motivation there you want to make
those big numbers because you'll hear
you're on line to make those big numbers
now over the last year I've had an
awesome time helping people personally
get to thousands of dollars per day I
have multiple millionaires in my
training I have tons of people who have
had six of six figures and I just found
out that I have someone that just hit
eight figures that took a ten million
dollars in earnings so what I teach
works the strategies that I teach work
the systems that I teach work so stay
tuned and I'm gonna just talk about how
you can get to that first 10,000 dollars
and we actually for a lot of my students
that hit those numbers I send out a Wars
to them because I want to motivate them
to get to those six figures seven
figures or whatever they really want to
get to so six figures and seven figures
is massive so when I concentrate on kind
of 10 but you should be aiming Big Foot
with you drop a fight are you sorry you
drop a fight your drop shipping and
Shopify store or whatever you're using
to sell these products you need to be
aiming big now before we get into this
video guys there's just something quick
about me is the case you don't know who
I am so my name's Franklin I started
drop shipping back in 2009 started
teaching people in 2015 I was one of the
first ones on the scene and actually a
lot of people today that are successful
have said that it is because they found
a lot of my videos or my videos for the
first videos they found back in the day
when they started doing drop shipping if
you want to learn more about drop
shipping if this is complete
new to you you don't know what it is I
have a bunch of playlists inside my
youtube channel that are free to watch
I'll link some of them below you can go
and watch this stuff I've got videos
from back in 2015
I've got recent videos I've got advance
the videos and you can learn how to
start your own dropship in business by
going and watching those videos they're
completely free for you to watch the
methods still work today so let's jump
into those guys we need to plan like
kind of like clear your mind because a
lot of people really confuse themselves
with us they get overwhelmed they get
shiny object syndrome all this guy just
made two million dollars worth with his
Lamborghini really he was selling
courses and told you he made it with
e-commerce but you know you'd fall into
this trap of like man he got a
Lamborghini I'm gonna follow his methods
now I he got a Ferrari I'm gonna follow
his methods guys I have nice cars but
I'd already flaunt them too much because
I don't want you to chase that shiny
object syndrome okay it's simple this is
a three-step process to make and it's
usually around about three or four steps
to making money online in any in any
like niche likely there at affiliate
marketing or drop shipping the process
is the product that you go with whatever
product you promote that's the key thing
that's the first key thing the second
thing is the traffic sources okay and
the third thing is the execution of the
plan so kind of executions a bit extreme
but people need to execute things
properly because if they don't they they
just don't follow through and things
just don't come together and that's
really what I mean is people give up
they fail they just don't execute their
entire plan properly like if you don't
get the products lined up or the traffic
sources and stuff it just all falls
okay that's what happens and you need to
focus because if you keep following the
next guy that has a Lamborghini or a
nice house guys honestly maybe they made
two million dollars or whatever but you
know you don't know I'm ninety percent
if that could be ad cost they could be
renting the Lamborghini or paying it off
on a payment plan right a lot of these
people were actually poor but they want
to look rich so you buy their products
I could flaunt all day long I don't want
to do that now um that's the three steps
and at the end of this video guys we're
going to look at the
buon some bonus stuff on how Facebook
Ads work and just in case you guys
forget I give away a free access to my
training below every single video
details in the description and subscribe
and then you'll find out if you have one
in the next video I always like to add
that in to remind you guys to they give
away training in every single video all
right so if you really want to make this
work guys the first tip is to
concentrate on the product obviously
because gonna be selling products to
people now there's two ways that I do
this um we'll talk about those two ways
in a second but the one thing you need
to really really concentrate on is
margins I see way too many people tried
to sell a product that they get $2 $3 $5
profit on ok that's ok if you're doing
funnels and you're up selling people on
pyre products or you're going to upsell
people on the cheaper product but think
about this for a second if you sell a
product that has a to lot of profit to
our profit you have to sell a thousand
of those products to make two thousand
dollars right it's insane you have to
sell five thousand to make ten thousand
dollars profit right I'm talking about
ten thousand dollars profit here not
just money so you really need to go out
there and find products with good
margins because if you don't it is going
to be a struggle this is going to be a
big big struggle for you if you do want
to sell products with a low profit
margin that is fine but put them in an
upsell somewhere inside a funnel so for
example you could sell a product for you
know what the $2 profit but then on an
upsell you can have another product
where you make $10 profit right so it
becomes $12 so all you need to do is
sell a thousand of those combined with
the upsell and you make $12,000 ok so it
really maximizes your profits we need to
use funnels and stuff like that but I
would highly recommend just leaving
funnels out of it when you're starting
and focus some products with good
margins this is really really important
when you're trying to start a Shopify
store ok because you're just gonna be
throwing it's really guys advertise is
inexpensive to win just throwing
products on Facebook now they give you
low low profit margins isn't really
gonna cut it anymore
it worked back when we were like first
doing this back 2000 and cut of like
1413 and stuff we started to make huge
profits offer though because
a lot of work involved to get those
massive profits so product strategy
number one guys is to find multiple
products that are selling well and test
them obviously but there's kind of a few
things you need to cover here what
people do at this point is I've got a
strategy that I call my aggressive
testing strategy a lot you understand
that's exactly what it is an aggressive
testing strategy so I'll often see
people go and find four or five products
and they'll go and do videos and now go
and waste all of this time and energy on
trying to promote these products and
then they've spent all this time I'm
sorry on making videos and stuff and
they go promote the products and they're
duds they don't make them any money and
then and they're like man Frank and the
sucks it's not working guys if you're
going to be doing the product number one
aggressive strategy that I teach inside
wherever you've learned from me my
course or my groups just do this okay
but this is for number one find multiple
products that are selling well and test
them but the key is to just use images
and quick ad copy to test quickly okay
this is more of a volume testing kind of
strategy so you just test his test his
test and still until one sticks now a
lot of people say oh this is just like
frying crap at a wall and hoping it
sticks kind of but not really because
this is actually the the best myth that
I've seen from all my students that are
very successful most of them use this
method that works okay
it works you don't know if you have a
winner until you actually throw that
winner at a wall and see if it sticks
okay or throw that potential order that
product and you need to be aggressive
and learn when to let go this is so so
critical people will say hey I've spent
$200 and I haven't had a sale why the
hell are you a ton of dollars you don't
have a sale when you're testing multiple
products aggressively you are wasting
money it is just crazy that people do
that you can cut that product really
really quickly because you should if you
do this method have other products that
are that are working right now or you're
testing so you can cut products really
really quickly and move on to the next
yes it sucks when you have to kill an ad
that you've spent money on but that's
the reality in the scam and your focus
on this is
your focus is to test hard and find that
winner that is your number one focus at
this point okay so this is product
strategy number one and you need to
either stick to this one or the one that
I'm going to teach you next or something
that someone else has taught you but you
need to stick to that one strategy
there's no point in finding finding five
ten twenty products making these crazy
videos and all that for them and then
you go and test them all and maybe one
sticks okay that would still happen even
if you do just images and short ad copy
to try and get sales as quick as
possible it's not going to really make a
difference product strategy number two
guys maybe you have a product that you
know will sell maybe it's already a
winner well you just want to sell one or
two products okay there's absolutely
nothing wrong with this but you need to
put in a lot more work okay you need to
put in more effort and what I see is
people will say hey Frank and you know I
know this product works I've sold it in
the past
okay don't focus on the product though
focus on the marketing you need to have
an amazing ad copy you need to have
amazing videos at this point you should
be doing amazing videos order the
product and I'll show you some examples
in a second and focus on your marketing
so with these two different strategies
guys is to really distinct differences
the product version number one where I
test quickly we are testing quickly and
we're focusing on testing multiple
products as fast as we possibly can
number two we are focusing on the
marketing because we know that this
product is probably going to be a winner
or we've seen it when in the past or you
know we only want to promote one or two
products okay and at this point your
audience becomes really important to
which we will kind of talk about and in
the next slides but guys you have like
this we have so many resources like if
you go to Aliexpress here right we have
so many resources there's products I
should say there's no excuse you
shouldn't be struggling to find products
to sell if you want to do the aggressive
testing method and this is kind of
people say I ran out of products they're
not to sell I just clicked vehicles and
L Express and there's all of the stuff I
don't know
think about the snitch but these like 70
bucks $71 this here I remember was
selling well what do we got all sorts of
stuff but what you don't want to sell
guys okay what what you want to stay
away from is like a sponge for night no
one wants to buy a sponge from you from
Facebook or something like a screw or I
don't know tire caps pressure caps like
you like you can sell these Ticats for
what a dollar five bucks maybe and and
it's you're gonna have to sell a lot
like that those are complete those are
completely pointless that don't even
bother trying to sell those products
right you want to try and sell stuff
that kind of speaks to the person maybe
is really kind of new specific but
there's weird stuff and like just stuff
that really speaks to the person and you
know kitchen stuff is really popular but
there's no excuse not to be able to find
products because we have so many
products here like thousands upon
thousands upon thousands of products
that we can go through to go and
advertise and do drop shipping again
it's just a matter of testing them
finding what one works what one doesn't
work the ones that work then work on
upscaling and marketing for those
particular products okay I think we've
good jump I think we've been on the
product section long enough in this
video but just remember number one is
focusing on testing the product itself
you're focusing on the product getting
those sales number two if you if you if
you're not going to go out and tear some
heaps of products you don't want to
that's fine you're focusing on the
marketing side of things that is your
main focus okay this is gonna get you
ten thousand dollars whichever one you
pick but you need to understand both of
these have their own specific way of
making you money if that's how you want
to put it now I what I did is when I
found a product guys that was winning so
I would do i do aggressive testing and
then when I find a product I go to the
marketing I do videos order the product
these are like one of my these are my
most to successful parks so I started
selling these back in 2015 the top one
we might have a six hundred thousand
dollars selling there I don't mind
sharing this now because I've been
sharing it for a long time and I haven't
sold this for a while and the torch made
over $200,000
I just got these off L Express I fiddled
with the charger in my hand the bottom
I threw the torch on the ground shined
it around at night time ran it over and
then we focus solely on marketing at
this point okay so you have to go and
put effort into your marketing when you
want to scale your images and your short
err copy and not going to cut it at this
point okay so scaling involves really
hardcore marketing like this is a
business guys to transfer our products
to people okay but if you want to get
straight to the marketing straightaway
that's fine but you need to do marketing
properly good videos okay but for the
phase one you don't need to really worry
about that okay this is just an example
what I was doing I still do this now but
not on these two products but what I was
doing with these two products back in
the day okay
now the next thing guys is traffic now
traffic is clearly one of the key
aspects to this but you need to do one
thing when you're starting especially
focus on one traffic source and if you
don't have any money we're not a lot of
money and you have some time I highly
recommend doing search traffic search
engine optimization so ranking and
Google for free organic traffic it's
actually still quite easy to find our
keywords that are very very profitable
that you can rank for in Google in the
e-commerce space because a lot of people
don't optimize for these specific
keywords and you can really rank high
and a lot of the stuff if you optimize
properly because there's not a lot of
content on the pages so if you put lots
of content on you can outrank a lot of
people now you can focus on Facebook Ads
Google Ads or search engine traffic
that's where I highly recommend you
focus on either one of those and make
sure you implement email marketing
because email marketing is another
source of traffic it is recurring
customers so you can send out an email
and you have a special or sale or
something about that and giving away
coupons now the best thing about paid
traffic guys or traffic in general is
its 2018 we can get really really really
really specific to what we want to
advertise to guys okay so the tip is to
really stick to one specific thing but
you know we've got audience insights
here on Facebook where you can put in
literally any interest you want and it's
going to spit up information for you
Google ads which are really loving right
now I can go into here and I can put a
keyword in something like best
flashlight and this is going to spit out
multiple keywords and give me search
volume give me bid amounts tell me if
the competition is high or loyalty is
quite high in this one but you can go
and put your ad whether it be I'm
shopping ads or just a normal Google ad
you can go and put your product in front
of the specific buyers okay in fact I
actually have a video all about Google
Ads making turna dollars per day with
Shopify I will leave a link for that in
the description taking you through
everything about that but what you need
to understand is the traffic is out
there you can get the traffic you can
get specifically targeted traffic and
usually a few failing it Shopify traffic
can be a big part of the problem but
it's not the traffic itself it's about
the kind of traffic you're getting the
like what target is it you may be
advertising the wrong age the wrong
gender the complete wrong keywords or
maybe your your advertising to a
complete wrong interest that's not
interested in your product either way
I'm sorry traffic is a major source to
your advertising add to your track sorry
so your Shopify store but you need to
narrow down one specific source I see
too many people trying different traffic
sources okay you do that once you want
to scale a winning product you don't do
that when you're testing especially when
you haven't even made $10,000 yet okay
so tip number one if you are new to this
and you don't have a lot of money but
you have a lot of free time you know
because this does take a while go on
Google how to rank websites in Google
okay number two if you are sick of
Facebook ads from banning your account
and stuff like that go to Google Ads
very very profitable you can get your
trap your product in front of very
specific search terms or obviously the
cream of the crop is Facebook Ads for a
lot of e-commerce people or people
selling e-commerce products so you want
to jump into that possibly so there's
really no tips on traffic here because
you know
what traffic sources Iraq but my tip is
focus on one okay just focus on one then
you can branch out later to retargeting
and stuff like they're on different
platforms but I would actually recommend
one thing I do recommend when he's
starting um ads is go and get the pixels
from Facebook and Google and put them
both on your site because they say
you're going to do Facebook ads and you
find a winner right you if you have a
Google Ad pixel on your website as well
you can go back and retarget other and
you want to start to scale up you can go
and retarget those people and sell in
different products or the same product
or something like that right so you can
go and read target people on what's the
same people from Facebook but they might
be on YouTube or they're not beyond the
Google Display Network and you can go
and advertise products to them okay so
traffic is really really key but the
right traffic source is even more
important okay you can't just go throw
ads and a random platform go okay I hope
this one works you've got to really
narrow down your audience and find the
right audience and Facebook and Google
give you the right tools to go and do
that now I'm going to talk about the
execution in the plan this is something
that every body fails it okay this is
what everybody does they go out and
spend fire I don't know 50 bucks
I've had this like guys I get messages
all day and this is usually the the main
problem 50 bucks
that's really weird I haven't made a
weird zero I've made zero sales Franklin
what do I do
you've only made you've only spent 50
bucks what do you expect like it depends
your price might be high there's so many
reasons why you might not be getting
sell but this is the thing people poorly
execute everything beforehand before all
of that they don't they don't use you
know they just go and do crappy images
or they go and spend all of this time
doing videos like I said for specific
products and it fails right that's a
poor execution you haven't executed it
you haven't had a plan in place you
haven't made this work properly so what
I highly recommend you do to execute
this all is have a plan in place okay go
and figure out what method
want to do do you want to do some
aggressive testing or do you want to do
some subtle testing where you just test
one or two specific products that you
know might win or could win or something
like that okay that's your first step
second you want to go and get your
traffic source okay which is obviously
Facebook Google Ads
or your YouTube traffic is good what
YouTube actually does has this new
thinking that I'll talk about in another
Google search traffic right have a plan
execute it and then you start to see
results too many people come into this
game without a plan and it really gives
me a headache but the main thing here is
if you are coming to me or any of your
other gurus that you follow or whatever
and you say hey I've spent fifty bucks a
hundred bucks I've got another sale
what's going on nothing's going on you
need to just go back and fix things or
test more products that's really all
there is a lot of people say Facebook is
garbage no it's not Facebook traffic is
excellent but you need to actually go
and make sure you have everything lined
up and you stick to one strategy and you
don't just keep messing around and you
don't have a plan in place okay this is
the third tip that I'm going to be
giving you to make your first your first
ten thousand dollars if you don't have a
plan in place you don't execute it
properly trust me you're not gonna get
to that ten thousand properly fast or
even at all so you need to have a plan
in place that could include funnels to
see this to see that just have a plan
execute it and then you'll start to see
results now guys this videos getting
super long so we are going to move on to
the Facebook bonus that I had now a lot
of people still don't understand how
Facebook Ads work I'm going to explain
to you right now in a few minutes how
they work and hopefully you understand
it a lot better so we'll talk about two
main problems with Facebook ads that
people face okay number one is people
have a problem do they face where one
day they might pay say five dollars per
purchase and the next day it might be
fifteen dollars per purchase and it goes
back down to two dollars per purchase
and then maybe it goes to five dollars
basically it's really inconsistent per
day right well this is normal guys so
it's normal then it gets better as
Facebook optimizes but what I do is I
look at seven days okay I don't look day
to day if you go to Facebook as well
after seven days it starts to give you
data that's telling us that it takes
Facebook around about seven days to
start optimizing and collecting data
Facebook was also said that they need a
hundred of whatever conversions you're
trying to get to start to optimize so if
you're not a per week so if you're not
getting one hundred purchases per week
do Add to Cart optimization okay because
you can probably get over 100 Add to
Cart and Facebook start to optimize and
your cost will start to be more
consistent and less of a headache for
you but what people don't also don't
understand is Facebook goes out there
and it finds a pocket of whatever you're
trying to optimize for okay so they say
you have an audience of twenty million
or five million or whatever and you have
a pie it with a pie graph here let's say
out of that twenty million Facebook
let's say so we'll do a bit of graph
here okay so they will just say this is
day one two and three all right this is
day 1 n 2 this is 3 and then we'll say
this is 4 okay Facebook is not going to
go and show your ad to all of that 20
million people because that 20 million
people might not be the right audience
for your product Facebook is smart
enough to figure that stuff out so let's
say you say to Facebook I'm gonna
optimize for Add to Cart okay
on day 1 and 2 of my blog okay we've
found this pocket of buyer this pocket
of people who who we think are gonna
possibly Add to Cart so they're gonna
show your ads to these people and you
might give some sales on day one or two
and you might pay around about five
dollars per CPP right cost per purchase
now on day three Facebook might be like
okay here's a pocket of people who are
Add to Cart we think we add to cart' but
the cost goes up to maybe $20 per
purchase this is normal Facebook is
trying to figure out okay it's I'm going
to try to figure now this is what people
had grinds my gears people were like all
about you know Facebook this face
is trying to figure out what the to do
with your ads okay plain and simple
and then day four then what okay here's
some here's some more here's some more
stuff we're gonna give you know $2 CPC
what happens is Facebook start to
optimize things for you and they're
gonna pick a pocket of people whether it
be buyers or Add to Cart that they think
is going to give you the best result
so eventually Facebook is not Facebook
might never if they ever show your ads
that 20 million people it's going to
show your ad to the pocket that it
thinks is the best optimize for you and
the best for you okay
people always like I've made millions of
dollars online and I advertise we have
none some people say I Frank and I
sometimes I don't see your ads because
you're probably not in the pocket that
Facebook thinks is right for my products
or anything
I spend hundreds and thousands of
dollars on ads millions a year but you
like it's crazy right
you might never see my ad I know people
who have made millions of dollars from
their webinars and I've never seen their
ad right because I'm not in their pocket
I'm not in the audience that Facebook
thinks is right for that product okay so
you need to remember that that's number
one so when you get inconsistent days
it's normal Facebook's trying to figure
out for you okay simple now the
next thing we need to focus on which I
get all the time is Franklin I spent $10
and I didn't get a sale think about this
for a second
let's say you're selling a product for
$30 okay of course you're not going to
give a sale right that means that if
you've got a sale if you spent $10 and
you've got a sale and let's say your
profit margin was 20 bucks let $10
profit you've just doubled your money
you've basically have got a 100% return
on our way that doesn't happen okay
realistically you're probably going to
spend $100 to get a sale okay profit
margins are really low of drop shipping
if you spend $1,000 you might only make
back 200 to 400 which is quite pretty
reasonable right that's why people
understand people say hey
I just spent 10 bucks I didn't make a
sell of course you're not gonna make a
sale okay that's not how Facebook works
Facebook is expensive Facebook is going
out to find those pocket of buyers then
as time goes on and starts to optimize
then it becomes cheaper over time and
starts to come more stable okay you need
to realize that where you have a strap
straight out flat out fail at Facebook
Ads never gonna succeed trust me okay I
know I spent I spent so much money on
Facebook ads and Google Ads it's crazy I
know I'm a pro I've been doing this for
years and years and years so you just
need to understand that you need to
spend money to start to see results okay
if you were getting sales every $10 on a
product will you make 20 bucks you would
be the most profitable ecommerce store
on the planet today okay you would be
but that's not how it works we don't
debt that's like a crazy return on
investment right there if you have a
product you're selling for 30 bucks you
you minor you know you expect zero to
one sale doing $100 especially when
you're starting cuz it's trying to
optimize okay I know okay I'm losing
money Franklin I'm losing money but you
are not gonna get a lot of sales at the
start with Facebook trying to optimize
things now you might get a good sales
right you might get five sales in there
hundred dollars which is good that's a
winning product upscale that to the moon
but I just want you to know that if
you'd come into Facebook ads and you
think that okay I have a twenty million
audience Facebook sort of shot all those
people it's not and second don't commit
to this Facebook game or or Ed's game at
all thinking okay I can spend ten bucks
to make a sale again let's finish in
Bucks and make lots of money doesn't
work all right guys that's it for this
video I hope you enjoyed those three
tips or three basically I'm how
everything works in my eyes my eyes
products traffic the right traffic and a
plan to execute and then for that little
bit of a bonus in here make sure you
understand Facebook Ads properly because
if you don't you are gonna fail on line
never hit that subscribe button so you
could know if you won win in the next
video I'm gonna hit that like button
okay because the more you like the more
houses videos and I'll see you guys in

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