what's up YouTube this is Ryan hildreth
back with another irori rant I just
wanted to give you a tip that will help
you achieve your goals the things you
aspire to achieve in life lately I've
been going through kind of a low point
where I feel like my whole day is you
know half as productive or even more
less productive than I've you know ever
you know I was just so productive and I
don't know how I was able to maintain
that level of productivity and I'm sure
that you guys have ran into this where
you feel like you're doing 20 different
things but nothing ever gets done okay
and you know you're checking social
media you're checking you know you're
like am i doing things right am i you
know building you know the correct
business bah bah blah you're trying to
find the answer and it's not because you
don't know what to do but rather your
brain is not being productive it's it's
being pulled in so many different ways
so you know I was reading Tim Ferriss
book tools of titans and this book is
awesome I highly recommend it he
interviews like over two hundred you
know high-level entrepreneurs high-level
health coaches you know success coaches
whatever it may be anywhere anyone from
Shaun White to Tony Robbins and he kind
of just asked them like what they do
throughout the day like what does their
morning routines look like what makes
them do burly successful and
that's that's kind of a book that
inspired me to make this video was
because he had a section in there that
was I believe it was called like how to
start your day out your morning ritual
five keys to a good start in the morning
and then there was one right after that
was called like mine tricks 101 and
there was five things that Tim Ferriss
does during the morning that 80% of the
individuals he interviewed does every
morning okay
and I was like men these tips are really
I never thought that it would you know
be so crucial tip number one is to make
your bed and I didn't really I was like
I kind of heard of that before but I was
like wow that just making your bed I
guess when you wake up in the morning
and you make your bed it's something
that you at least if you didn't
accomplish anything else throughout the
day you made your bed you kept you you
know at night you come home to a clean
looking bed and it just gives you peace
of mind but the point of making your bed
in the morning and it seems very very
easy you know like an easy task that you
don't think would add that much value to
your life but it does sorry guys the
camera kept falling but again so making
your bed in the morning is something
that I implemented that's the first step
okay because once you make your bed
that's one tiny task that you
accomplished during the day so you could
bring that momentum into the next task
whether it's working on your business
going to your day job and just being
more productive overall so number one
make your bed very simple if you can't
do that it's gonna be hard to do
different tasks throughout the day
number two was meditate for 10 to 20
minutes now this might be totally new
for some of you if you've never
meditated before but I highly recommend
downloading the calm app and I will
include that in a link down below
download the column app and that's
guided meditation basically the point of
meditation is to train your brain to
focus okay so when you close your eyes
you know you whatever I what I do is I
sit in a cross-legged position on the
floor close my eyes and I focus on my
breath and every time that I hear my
thoughts right and I and I notice my
thoughts I'm thinking about a hundred
different things which happens
throughout the day as well I come back
to the breast breath and I focus on
breathing okay so it's being able to
notice your thoughts going elsewhere and
then focusing back on what's important
so the point of meditation is not to
silence your thoughts okay so if you're
thinking about a hundred things the
whole ten minutes and it's hard for you
to come back to the breath it's okay if
you can as long as you could come back
to the breath for more than five seconds
you know and practice that that's gonna
help you focus and have laser-like focus
throughout the day so number two
meditate download the calm app very easy
to do guided meditation start off doing
like five minutes and then work your way
up to you know ten to ten to twenty my
longest session I've ever done was I
believe thirty five minutes long so
number one make your bed number two
meditation number three do ten push-ups
that's gonna prime your body and get
your get you in a mental state of okay
let's go my body's awake I'm ready to
work I'm ready to work on my business
I'm ready to make some money today let's
go ten easy push-ups you know if you
can't do ten push-ups
you know without being on your knees
that's fine to do them on your knees so
that's number three number four is you
know write down or say three or five
things that you're grateful for and this
is something I'm starting to do every
morning you know whether it's you're
grateful for the fresh air that you're
breathing in you're grateful for
you know the roof over your head your
food on the table would it be specific
like if you're eating eggs be grateful
for the eggs that you're eating a nice
healthy breakfast whatever you are
grateful for say three to five things
that you are grateful for and that's
just gonna help you appreciate the
things that you do have even though
you're working for more okay you're
working to obtain more so very simple
things that I'm implementing I know it
doesn't seem like it's you know very
tactical it's not very technical but I
guarantee if you incorporate these
things into your morning routine every
single day and you make it a habit
you're gonna get much further in life
I'm already starting to feel the effects
of doing so I'm already starting to
become more focused because when I
wasn't doing these things my brain was
just all out of whack I was thinking
about ten different things while I'm
trying to you know run some Facebook ads
or make a youtube video and it would
take me three hours instead of thirty
minutes so hopefully that can help you
I've been going through the same things
as you guys so if you I totally
understand where you're coming from if
you have been having trouble being
productive so hopefully this helps you
out and check out Tim Ferriss book very
good one and I'll see you in the next
take care
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