
Monday, March 30, 2020

7 High Paying Jobs, No College Required (In 2020) #Best Education Page #Online Earning

7 High Paying Jobs, No College Required (In 2020)

 So, in this video today,
we are going to be talking about
what are the best possible jobs to get out there
that do not require a college education.
This is typically a video I do here once a year
on my channel, and it's usually a pretty popular one.
And the reason why I like to do this video
is because, most people out there believe you need
to get a college education
in order to get a high paying job.
And while that is true in many cases,
it's just not true in all cases.
And so, I think if you're somebody out there
who has decided that maybe college just isn't for you,
or you just don't wanna go into debt
with a college education, these are jobs
that you may want to consider.
All right, so coming in at number one on my list
is getting involved with skilled trades.
Now, this is field that has been frowned upon
for many years, but honestly guys,
there is so much money to be made
if you are interested in being a tradesman.
So, what exactly does this entail?
Well, this could be being a plumber, for example,
or a carpenter, or a mason.
And a lot of people say, "Oh, you know,
"do these guys make a lot of money?"
The truth is, if you are a union tradesman,
the amount of money you can make is unbelievable,
and these jobs often have excellent benefits
and retirement options, as well.
So, most of these skilled trades are going to be union jobs.
For example, I was actually a union utility worker
before I jumped into my career as a YouTuber here,
and we were in the IBEW,
which is the International Brotherhood
of Electrical Workers, and I was part of Local 236.
So, we were in a union,
and that gave us additional protection,
and we were paid a good amount of money
based on what we were doing.
And you do not need a college education
in order to get an apprenticeship with one of these unions.
All you're going to do is figure out
what your local unions are for electrical workers,
or plumbers, or pipe fitters, or whatever it may be,
and then you're going to look
for apprenticeship opportunities.
So, for example, let's look
at the electrical apprenticeship.
With the IBEW, that is going
to be a five-year apprenticeship,
and during those five years,
you are getting paid, and you are working,
and then you just take classes at night.
So, after five years of that apprenticeship,
you will be a journeyman electrician.
Now not only that, during those five years,
you were actually making money
while learning this trade for free.
You don't pay any money in order to learn this skill
through an apprenticeship.
Now, just how much money can you make
as a journeyman electrician, for example.
Well, according to Indeed, the average pay
for a journeyman electrician is now $27.83 per hour.
Not to mention, as I said earlier,
the benefits for these jobs are usually phenomenal,
which includes healthcare, retirement,
and all of that good stuff.
Now, the only downside, you are going to work your butt off.
These are hard jobs where you're doing manual labor,
day in and day out.
So, it's not for everyone, but if you are looking
to make good money, and not into get into debt
with a college education, this is a great area to consider.
And if you're looking to find opportunities,
what you're going to do is type in to Google,
apprenticeship opportunities in your state.
So, for me it would be New York,
or you could look for a local union
and stop in or give them a call,
and ask them what is the process
for getting an apprenticeship?
All right guys, so coming in at number two on my list
is getting a job in sales.
Most of the time, you do not need any college education
for this type of a job,
because usually being a good salesperson
is just a natural-born ability.
Now, there are some things you can do
to improve your sales ability,
but a lot of the times, guys, being a good salesperson
just comes down to your natural ability
of being an outgoing person,
being charismatic, and empathetic.
Now, most people get started in sales
by getting involved in car sales,
or even maybe phone sales
for some of the major carriers out there
like AT&T and Verizon.
And oftentimes, there's on-the-job training
where they will teach you the basics
of what you need to know, and show you how
to be a good salesperson.
And what you will find with most of these jobs,
is they are a commissioned-based sales environment.
So, what that means is, that if you're doing a good job
and you're selling a lot of the product,
you're making more money.
Now, some people thrive in a commission-based environment,
and other people just flounder,
because it's not for them,
and they're not good at being self-motivated,
but there's a lot of people out there in sales
with no college education,
making well over six figures per year.
Now, the one downside to this job
is that you often have to work long hours,
or you have to work weird hours.
So, for example, I was talking to a car salesman once
and he told me he was making some months,
$15, $20,000 per month, but he also told me
that he basically lives at his job,
and works 60 to 70 hours per week.
Now, if you're somebody who loves to work,
and you don't mind that type of environment,
that could be a perfect fit for you.
Or, if you're involved in some kind of retail sales,
like phone sales for example,
you may find that you're working when other people are not,
because that's when they're shopping.
So, you may find you're working nights and weekends,
rather than working your traditional nine to five type job.
So, if that's a deal breaker for you,
maybe this type of sales isn't for you.
Business-to-business type sales
may be a more consistent schedule.
But honestly guys, getting into sales
is one of the best opportunities out there
that typically does not require any college education.
All right, so number three on my list here
is another one that usually makes the list
every single year, and that is getting a job
as a correctional officer.
So, a correctional officer is in charge of the security
of prison facilities.
So, as I'm sure you can imagine,
this isn't going to be the most glamorous job out there.
It's likely going to be dangerous and confrontational.
But, if you are up for the challenge,
this is a field that does pay a good amount
that does not require a college education.
Part of your job here
is going to be preventing prison escapes,
breaking up riots, and then also,
searching inmates cells for contraband.
So, again, this is not a job I would be very good at,
most people would probably say,
"I don't wanna do this", but if you are somebody who says,
"You know what, I'm up for the challenge",
it does pay very well.
According to, the salary range
for a correctional officer
is about $40,000 to %51,000 per year.
But if you do already have a college degree,
you may start out at a higher base pay,
based on whatever college education that you have.
Now, you do have a couple of options here.
You could work for a private prison,
or if you wanna work for the public sector,
you're going to have to take the Correctional Officer Exam
to work for a public prison.
So, if you are interested in pursuing this field,
all you have to do to look for employment opportunities
is Google correctional officer exam in your state.
So, for me, it would correctional officer exam in New York,
and that will show you what the process is
for finding and taking this exam.
All right guys, so number four on the list
is going to be very similar to number three,
and that is to be a police officer.
Now, in order to become a cop or a police officer,
you don't actually have to get a college education.
The criminal justice degree could help you
get a higher paying job,
or have priority over a different candidate,
but it's not a prerequisite.
Because, instead of going to a traditional college,
you are, instead, going to go
to a state or local police academy
in order to get your certification
and your education to be a cop.
Now, according to,
the average police officer is now making
about $51,000 per year, and if you are interested
in getting a job in this field,
you are going to have to complete a police exam.
So, if you're interested in this,
what you're going to do is go into Google
and type in your state, followed by police exam,
and you can learn about the process
for taking that exam.
All right, so number five on my list here
is my old job, which as I said earlier,
was being a utility worker.
And this basically means, working for the power utility
in your area.
And, I'm gonna put this in a different category
than skilled trades, because it is totally different
in terms of the work that you are doing.
So, the entry level jobs working for a power utility are,
oftentimes, collections or being a flagger.
So, that's how I got started, was getting into collections,
which meant I went door to door,
and I collected money for the power utility.
Because most people do pay their bills on time,
but a certain percentage of people do not,
and after a time period goes by,
you have to go to the door, ask for payment,
and if they're unable to pay their bill,
you have to turn off the power or the gas to that building.
So, is this a glamorous job?
Absolutely not.
It is confrontational.
At times it may be dangerous,
but it's a way to get your foot in the door.
And the other job that often goes to the street
is a job as a flagger.
And essentially what that means
is that while the line crews or the gas crews are working
in the roads, you're gonna be in the road directing traffic
as a flagger.
So, you'll be standing on your feet five
or six hours a day directing traffic.
Again, not the most glamorous job,
but it's how you get your foot in the door
with these companies.
So, oftentimes, what they'll do,
they'll put those jobs out to the street
as temporary employment, and then once that job period ends
where they need you for, they look to hire you
as a full time employee.
And that is how I got hired for my local power utility,
which is National Grid.
Now, I had a two-year degree in electrical construction
and maintenance, which did help me get the job,
but you don't have to have a college degree to work there.
I was able to get one of my friends a job there,
and he didn't have any college degree.
However, it did take him about one year
of applying for jobs, in order to get a job
with this company.
So, it may take a long time, but it's well worth it
if you can get in there.
Back when I got this job in 2015,
my based pay was $27.20 per hour.
And now, entry-level pay for this company
is above $30 per hour.
So, especially if it's a union utility,
you can make a lot of money with these jobs.
So, what you're gonna wanna do
is take out your electrical bill,
look at who your utility provider is,
type that into Google followed by the word careers,
and that will show you what job opportunities are available,
and I would recommend checking back every couple of weeks,
and just consistently applying for jobs
at this utility.
All right guys, so number six on my list
is getting a job as a postal worker.
And it's funny, because here I am making this video today,
and this actually showed up in my mailbox.
They're actually sending around flyers looking for people
for the postal service.
So, right on this flyer, for example,
it tells us the Rural Carrier Associate, RCA,
$18.19 per hour.
It does not require any college education.
Now, a good time to look for employment
with UPS, USPS, FedEx, is going to be
around the holiday season,
because that is when there is the most demand
on the postal systems,
so they oftentimes hire temporary employees
for the holidays.
But again, what you'll often find
is that they will take the best employees,
and oftentimes, give them the opportunity
for full time employment at the end of the season.
Now, if you wanna work for the USPS,
since this is a public sector job,
you have to complete something called the 473 Postal Exam.
And there are practice tests online
and different resources available,
but what you wanna do if you are looking for that job
is type in the 473 postal exam, followed by your state,
and that will give you more information on that.
Or if you're looking for UPS, FedEx,
you would just go on their website
and look for the career section.
UPS and FedEx may have their own exam or process,
but it's different than USPS,
because that's private sector, and not a public sector job.
All right guys, so the last one on my list here,
number seven is getting a job as a truck driver.
Now, again, is this the most glamorous job out there?
Some people would say yes, and some people would say no.
If you like being by yourself,
and you don't mind the long hours,
and traveling all of the time,
you may love the job as a truck driver.
But if you wanna settle down and have a family,
it's probably not going to be the field for you.
But because it is kind of a demanding job
with unique requirements, it does pay
a good amount of money.
So, the first step to get a job as a truck driver,
is you need your CDL, or commercial driver's license.
And before you get that, you need to get your permit.
So, what you're going to do is contact your local DMV,
and ask them what the process is
to get a commercial driver's permit.
Then, you're going to have to go to truck driver's school,
and that is where they're going to teach you
how to drive commercial vehicles, so you can get your CDL.
Now, truck driver school is going to cost
around $3,000 to $7,000 on average.
However, once you have your CDL,
you can apply for a variety of different jobs out there.
And just to circle back to number five here,
if you're looking to get a job as a utility worker,
a lot of those jobs do actually require a CDL.
So, it is a good license to have under your belt,
and it can open you up to other job opportunities out there.
So, once you have your CDL, you're gonna wanna check
with some of the big hauling companies out there,
like Swift, Schneider, and J.B. Hunt
for different job opportunities.
Now, just how much can you make as a truck driver?
Well, according to Indeed,
the average truck driver makes $1,097 per week,
which translates to just about $57,000 per year
with no college education.
All you need to have is that truck driving school
and that CDL under your belt.
So, anyways guys, that's gonna wrap up this video.
Those are seven jobs out there that are high paying
that do not require a college education.
If anybody is currently working in any of these fields,
drop me a comment down below.
Let me know what your experience is,
if you would recommend that job to other people,
or if you would not recommend it.
That kind of feedback is always very beneficial.
But, thanks so much for watchin' this video, guys.
Drop a like if you enjoyed,
and subscribe if you haven't already.
And I hope to see you in the next video.