
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

8 WAYS TO INVEST LIKE WARREN BUFFETT 📈 (Investment Strategy) #Best Education Page #Online Earning


how's it going today guys so today what
we're going to be talking about is some
tips on how you can invest like Warren
Buffett now Warren Buffett is one of the
most successful investors of all time
and I think right now his net worth is
over seventy billion dollars as of 2017
so the guy has quite a lot of
accomplishments under his belt and he
has a lot of good tips for people
looking to get into investing and a lot
of people when they look at investing
what they're looking for is like a
short-term capital gain you're looking
to make quick money and that's why
there's a lot of legal lure and a lot of
people who look at those penny stocks
and like really cheap stocks and what
they want to do is they want to buy
something really cheap and even if it's
a gamble they want that thing to pay off
I'm like you know ten extra 20 X scale
with it maybe twenty times their money
back and that's kind of like the exact
opposite strategy that Warren Buffett
has where he is more about buying stocks
and companies that you want to hold for
a duration of time and having that slow
but steady growth over time so it's
definitely something to consider and I
definitely do some of these things with
my own investing and in my own portfolio
and I'll mention those to you guys as I
go here but I mean I have six pointers
I'm going to have to do what half and
half as I can't fit it all on the board
so first here I got the first three
pointers on how to invest like Warren
Buffett and before I get into the video
I just wanted to mention as well as
everybody existed in my own personal
stock market trading strategy I just
wrapped up my ebook I'm working on for
the last couple of months and I will
link that up in the description if
anybody's interested in that okay so the
first step for the first tip to invest
like Warren Buffett is to invest in the
everyday essentials so Berkshire
Hathaway which is owned by Warren
Buffett has holdings in two simple
areas that run our economy a couple of
examples of these would be insurance
companies utilities energy companies
railroads retail manufacturing and
finance so like I said a couple of these
strategies that I actually do myself and
one of these is having investments in
utilities and energy I have a good
amount of invested in
a of my areas local utility company that
does all the power lines as well as the
electricity and gas for my area so I do
have investments and utilities and that
has been a pretty good dividend stock
for me so it doesn't really grow much
near a year it has a slow but steady
growth but it's actually a pretty good
dividend stock so I get a nice little
dividend from that stock there um
there's a quote 80 cents which is if you
use it all the time you might want a
slice of it so that's a good way to
think about it it's something that
you're using day in and day out and you
see everyone around you using this and
you don't see it going anywhere anytime
soon that might be something good to
invest in so Berkshire Hathaway has
holdings and Geico which falls under the
insurance category Duracell which is
under the energy category and Wells
Fargo which is under that finance
category so the second way you can
invest my Warren Buffett is to trust
your gut so Buffy no reason vests and
companies he trusts and in determining
if he trusts the company or not you look
at a number of different factors this
includes the reputation of the company
the public behavior so how the company
is acting with its public outreach how
would act some in the press and what
it's addressing the public
accountability of management as well as
how the company treats every person
involved in the process from the
executives to employees to the
communities and even the environment
which is really important because
there's a lot of companies out there not
so much now but maybe back in a time
when Warren Buffett was really investing
heavily in companies that were not very
responsible with the environment and
this was something that he considered as
a factor of whether or not he would
invest in that company early on which is
really good because in a way that made
them ahead of his time looking into that
because now if there was a company out
there that was being very bad very bad
environmental habits there'd be a lot of
negative press about that people are
more conscious about the environment now
which is good so the third step or the
third tip on how you can invest like
Warren Buffett is to ignore the news and
this is something I've heard from a lot
of different people and it's hard to
remember off the top of my head where I
this spot because I've read so many
different books on investing in the
stock market they all kind of just blend
together and I'll remember the little
different tidbits but I won't remember
who actually wrote this or who wrote the
actual things I'm trying to remember but
what they said was them you should you
shouldn't buy the news you should
instead buy the reaction to the news so
that's another point you're under ignore
the news but what more Buffett says is
that no long term good can come from
reacting to today's economic news and he
has a rule that each set is making a lot
of money in the past that rule is the
government will always act to stabilize
the economy and this is where the
opportunities lay so just for an example
you could look at the bailout of the
automotive industry that was the way
that the government stepped in and
stabilize the economy so if you are
receptive enough to pick up on things
like this there are tremendous
opportunities in the fact of the
government supporting certain companies
or doing things to stabilize the economy
and kind of return things to normal and
then what he says as well is to think
ahead of the news so you don't want to
be trading the news itself you don't
want to be following the herd you want
to be a couple steps ahead and seeing
how people are going to react to it and
maybe seeing if there's anything that's
happening that would involve the
government step again to act to
stabilize things so those are the first
three pointers on how to invest like
Warren Buffett okay so here are the
other pointers on how to invest like
Warren Buffett and I know I said in the
beginning I believe I said I had six
pointers I don't know where I got that
number from I actually have eight so
here are the remaining ones this your
main slide here becomes the first tree
already so the next tip on how to invest
like Warren Buffett is to study a
company's return on assets and what this
means is you want to find out how much
money the company makes with the assets
that it owns and what you're looking for
is it consistent 20% return on
investment each year in his opinion this
meant that the company was responsible
with the purchasing of assets and they
were making smart investments themselves
so that was a sign for
this is a company he wanted to invest in
he also said examined trend lines and he
gave an example of this as well of a
company breaking a trend line he said
for example let's say you saw a company
that was making a 10% we're trying to
return on investment with his assets
suddenly making a 20% return on
investment with assets he said those are
the kind of things you want to look for
you want to look for deviations from the
trend lines that study these things so
you can identify when maybe a company is
making more money on its assets that it
was in the past couple of years that's
something you want to look for number
five would be to observe from the
sidelines he suggests building a watch
list of companies and then studying or
watching the stock price over time he
also suggests studying how well the
company makes money and this ties into
studying a company's return on assets he
says that you should look for a company
consistently making money where the
stock may be out of whack so if you were
looking and you found a company that was
consistently making money but the stock
price wasn't reflecting them that might
be an opportunity he says the next thing
we kind of touched on this in the
beginning more buffett is all about long
term investment t not it not about
investing in height or investing in
something that's going to give you or
two or three times return on your
investment in the short period time he's
more about buying things that are more
stable the everyday essential than
holding on to these things for a great
duration of time because that's where
the that's what the potential really
lays is where you buy and you hold the
stock so Warren Buffett recommends that
when you buy a stock you're considering
it to be an investment of a five-year
minimum so that's about how long you
should be expecting to hold on to that
company so he's not really supporting or
he doesn't really do himself any
short-term investing so that's one way
that you know you see here some people
that do short-term trading
others are more long-term I kind of do a
blend of both but he is all about the
long term investing um and then his
seventh tip here that I had was to buy
index funds so he basically said because
all this stuff all these previous steps
it takes a lot of
you have to be very patient and you have
to really know where to look
and you have to do a lot of digging in
order to come across these um gold mines
that he's talking about here when you're
looking for certain things in a company
so they don't just jump out at you you
kind of have to go digging and you have
to really care about the UM the
fundamentals of the company so he says
if you're an investor who doesn't have
the time to do all that if you don't
have the time to be doing all these
previous steps II suggest buying index
funds because that gets you some
exposure to the whole industry and
you're not necessarily having all your
eggs in one basket where one company may
do poorly with the industry as a whole
does well this gets you basically a
piece of the action of that indexer
industry while staying diversified so he
suggests by index funds if you don't
have the time to do all this other stuff
here and at number eight is to get back
on warren buffett it's like one of the
most charitable people that i've ever
really come across I mean some people
may have donated more than him
collectively but I wrote it in the
description I don't remember off the top
of my head but I believe it was 25
billion that's how much warren buffett
has given to charities in his lifetime
and I believe his will is structured
such that he's giving away like 99% of
his wealth to charity when he passes
away so he is like the epitome of this
giving back so that's why he actually
includes that as part of his investment
strategy is when you're following these
strategies or whatever strategy to
follow and when you're starting to make
money you need to continue to get back
to others who maybe don't have much as
you have so I was really glad that the
couple of resources I read they all kind
of mentioned this as part of its
strategy so I wanted to bring that up as
well because you really is a very
charitable person and it's something to
admire but that's pretty much on the
investment strategy of Warren Buffett
and if you follow these steps you can
invest more like Warren Buffett and I'm
going to do more of these kind of like I
guess you could call this like a profile
so looking at people who've made a lot
of money in the stock market and kind of
outlining their strategy
so I have a couple on top of my head of
people that I want to study and maybe do
a video like this but if you guys have
any recommendations on it really can be
anybody who you want me to study how
they made money some of their tips some
ways you can invest or be more like them
I think it would be really cool because
I feel like everybody has lessons to
teach and you can learn something
different from every single person so if
there's anybody you want me to do a
profile of please drop it in the
comments below and I'll try to include
that in a future video but like I said
in the beginning if you guys are
interested in my individual stock market
trading strategy I just wrapped up by
eBook about a month and a half ago and
I've had a couple of people actually
already reading it and they're already
trading and a couple people already even
messaged me say that they're already
making a profit with my strategy so
that's really cool that's pretty much
all I got for this video I hope this
information was helpful to you if it was
please drop a like and if you want to be
notified of future uploads please
subscribe but thank you guys for
watching this video

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