
Thursday, March 26, 2020

Affiliate Marketing For Beginners 2018 #Best Education Page #Online Earning

Affiliate Marketing For Beginners 2018

hey what's going on this is Josh from
Josh elder calm and in this video I want
to teach you how to make money with
affiliate marketing and if you're a
beginner congratulations you come to the
right place because I'm going to show
you step-by-step how to actually start
building an affiliate marketing business
from scratch so first of all what is
affiliate marketing affiliate marketing
is simply selling somebody else's
product and then earning a commission
off of it
one of the greatest things about it is
you don't have to worry about product
fulfillment you don't have to worry
about shipping you don't have to worry
about being the salesperson you don't
have to worry about creating sells pages
and creating the actual product you can
just simply take a coated affiliate link
send it to somebody out there on the
internet via Facebook or YouTube or
through Google search engine on a
certain blog that you have and you can
earn a commission when they click that
affiliate link and they go and they buy
now there's so many different places
where you can actually join affiliate
programs there's
there's Walmart comm there's Commission
Junction comm and those are all
affiliate market places that sell
physical products now if you want to
sell digital products one of the great
things about digital products is you can
sell very high ticket items and earn a
high ticket commissions off of them
because there's very little to no
overhead right they can simply go to a
sales page they can purchase a digital
product for example on how to lose
weight or maybe it's a p90x they can
download it to their computer and then
you can earn an instant Commission off
of that so it's very easy to apply for
these different programs you can even go
to and type in a weight loss
affiliate programs right internet
marketing affiliate programs muscle
building affiliate programs relationship
advice affiliate programs cooking and
recipe affiliate programs so there's so
many resources out there on Google that
will show you what type of affiliate
programs you can actually get
and promotes now I've been able to build
a multiple six-figure business with 100%
affiliate marketing and leveraging free
traffic strategies so I want you to
imagine this for a minute right when you
go to a convenience store and you walk
in you go to the counter
maybe you're purchasing gas maybe you're
purchasing a soda you purchase that soda
and then you simply walk out maybe you
go in a grocery store you look around
and maybe you don't buy something maybe
you just walk out maybe it's a a
department store and the same thing
happens the same thing on the internet
you've got people coming from Facebook
and YouTube and you know they're
clicking the links in the description
for example on YouTube or they're
clicking your links on Facebook maybe
through a private chat or on a post and
they're going to a website where they
have the opportunity to enter their
information and possibly purchase a
product right so that would be called
traffic traffic simply is people or
eyeballs going to a webpage and that's
what you want to focus on you want to
get eyeballs to a webpage and then you
want to sell people on whatever
affiliate program that is or let the
systems do the selling right a lot of
these programs these days like I said
you don't need sales materials they will
have everything done for you all you got
to do is take the website and promote it
out there into the marketplace to people
and get as many eyeballs as possible to
that offer now what you want to do is
you want to promote something that
you're truly really passionate about
right I'd recommend that if you are into
maybe you have a weight loss story maybe
you have a success story of making money
maybe you've been successful in real
estate or you've been successful in arts
and crafts whatever it may be you can
actually create a following around that
specific trade by giving out daily value
and then promoting affiliate products
from like a Clickbank comm from a
commission junction comm and
or the other affiliate marketplaces that
you may find on Google just by a simple
search right so
after you find an affiliate program what
you want to do is you want to purchase
the actual program go through it get an
idea of what it's about
make sure it's a quality product you
know just like Oprah Winfrey when she
joined Weight Watchers she went through
the program she got a result and now
she's showing her results to other
people right you can do the same thing
with an affiliate product is you can
purchase it right for example if you're
looking to lose more weight go purchase
a a program that teaches people how to
lose weight go through it implement it
get results get a testimonial it's gonna
be that more believable and then go out
there and you know show other people how
it's transformed your life thus building
a brand and then selling them actually
without selling on the specific product
so the idea here is to build a brand
build a following focus less on the
product that you're selling and focus on
the story that you're creating people
will buy from you because of you not
because a particular product yeah
products are great certain you know
technicalities of products what the
product does right is great to know for
people but at the end of the day science
has proven right and just marketing
science has proven that people buy from
people most people are gonna join Weight
Watchers because Oprah Winfrey join
Weight Watchers and they've been
watching Oprah for years and years and
years they resonate with her thus
joining her right so you definitely want
to become a testimonial of the product
purchase the product you go through the
product right get an idea of what the
products about implemented and then give
a testimonial now one of the things that
I love about affiliate marketing is the
fact that you can earn up to you know 70
80 and even hundred percent Commission's
on some programs right and one of the
great things about it is you can
actually create more money with less
work now this is going to be depend on
the resources that you have at your
disposal right if you've only got a
hundred bucks
to start your online business maybe you
purchase $100 product you go through it
you implement it you get results with it
you show other people and then you're
able to earn 50% Commission's off of
those those that product right so
different products will give you a
different percentage of commission so
Amazon products typically start you
right between two or three percent
commission you can make as much as five
percent commission once you start doing
more volume you know Commission Junction
it ranges it's also going
to range but you can earn up to 70
percent Commission's so don't just go
for a product where you get a high
percentage of Commission's on go for a
product that you resonate with first and
then you can start to work out the math
later so let's say I'm selling a hundred
dollar product and I earn a 50%
Commission off of that product so I earn
$50 now my goal is to make $3,000 a
month right I believe I'm gonna have to
sell right around twenty to thirty of
those products that gets right around
thirty products the top of my head if
I'm incorrect let me know in the
comments below
that I'm gonna have to sell to be able
to hit that three thousand dollar income
right so I did that for so long and I
struggled you know I made a couple
hundred dollars a month and I made it to
about a five hundred dollars a month
then I eventually made it right around a
thousand a two thousand dollars a month
but I was really working hard to get to
that point and then I learned about an
ascension model which is basically not
just selling one product but selling a
suite of products that are sold one by
one each after each so when you're
introduced to one product at a hundred
you're then introduced to a 500 hour
product and then a thousand dollar then
maybe a two thousand dollar and then a
ten thousand dollar product so I
realized that I could actually make more
money with less effort if I had an
ascension type business model attached
to my business right it's just like
going to McDonald's and when you order
you order number five and then they ask
if you want to supersize it for a $0.50
it's like going to the movie theater and
getting a medium popcorn they ask
if you want to upgrade that to a large
for 90 cents right the same concept here
do you bring people in the front door
let the systems do the selling because
you don't have to worry about doing the
selling or creating the material let
them guide everybody step by step to
each of these products they're gonna
have the opportunity to buy these
products and be sold on these products
and you're gonna earn a commission off
of it that's how I've been able to have
if you go back in my my youtube channel
maybe I'll have some results here I've
been able to have $2,000 days $4,000
days even $10,000 days inside my
business with affiliate marketing
because of an ascension type business
model all I got to do is bring people in
the front door and let the funnel sell
all the different products within this
specific type of business model so this
is the best and easiest way to make
money the only problem is is it requires
a little bit larger investment right
because to sell high ticket products you
got to be willing to invest into higher
ticket products so what I say to most
people is you can start with lower end
products prove the process to work for
yourself and then once you get something
down as far as finding out what works
for you a product that works for you a
program a niche and a traffic source
whether it be Facebook YouTube Instagram
snapchat once you master that then you
can begin to move to an ascension type
business model so I hope you enjoyed
this video for affiliate marketing for
beginners if you got some value from
this video please like comment below let
me know maybe your struggles you're
having with affiliate marketing or any
questions that maybe I didn't answer I
would love to answer them for you in the
comments below I reply to all my
comments unless they're negative of
course I'd recommend that you ignore
those as well there's always going to be
haters out there right so with that said
I want you to don't forget to subscribe
to this channel like comment share and
most importantly if you're looking to
get started in making money with
affiliate marketing there's
be a link in the description go ahead
and click that link right there it's
gonna be the first link in the
description click that link send you a
page where you can learn a little bit
more about affiliate marketing and we
will talk to you soon this is Josh from
Josh elder calm let's go make money with
some affiliate marketing

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