
Friday, March 27, 2020

Affiliate Marketing For Beginners - How To Make $500 A Day Online In 4 Steps #Best Education Page #Online Earning

Affiliate Marketing For Beginners - How To Make $500 A Day Online In 4 Steps

hey guys what's going on Joshua elder
here welcome to yet another video in
this video I'm going to show you how to
make $500 a day as a complete beginner
in the affiliate marketing world so if
you're somebody that knows nothing about
how to make money online you know
nothing about funnels or autoresponders
or offers or Clickbank or anything for
that matter you've come to the right
video because I'm going to show you how
to build your online business
successfully a long term business from
complete scratch okay so make sure you
subscribe to this channel because I'm
uploading videos on a weekly and right
now a daily basis teaching you how to
build a life and business full of
freedom passion and fulfillment go ahead
and take the bell icon to be notified of
all future videos that I upload when I
upload them and go ahead and give me a
thumbs up because I'm gonna give you a
lot of value in this video and you know
what affiliate marketing changed my life
you know I went from being somebody that
was broke and hopeless and $20,000 in
debt working jewelry retail jewelry for
eight years
to traveling the world to working on my
own terms to being able to buy my dream
car and buy my first house and just have
freedom to do what I want when I want
with whomever I want so this is a
business model if you stick to this long
term if you're willing to avoid all
other distractions this will change your
life just like it changed mine but you
got to believe in the process you've got
to have blind faith and you've got to
listen to everything about to tell you
within this video so step number one you
guys step number one you want to make
sure that you pick a niche okay and
here's how you pick a niche people are
typically moving away from pain or
they're moving towards pleasure right we
want to find something that gives
somebody so much pleasure or helps them
move away from so much pain that they
have no choice to give us their money to
pay us for it and you can
and here's a difference a few different
markets that you can actually go into
they would be the health wealth love and
the relationships markets those four
markets have people that are either
moving away from pain or closer to
pleasure so pick a niche in one of those
specific markets and don't overanalyze
it just go out there do it right it
might be you might love golf people find
so much pleasure in playing golf it
might be helping somebody get their ex
girlfriend back help help them avoid
divorce it might be you know helping
somebody look thinner light look leaner
it might be helping somebody you know
release wrinkles relieve wrinkles from
their face right it could be you know a
lot of different things out there but
you've got to go out there you've got to
be willing to do the research and just
pick something and don't freaking
overanalyze it like so many people do so
after you pick a niche what you want to
do is you want to build an audience
around this niche okay
success is not in a product it's not in
a service it's not an opportunity
success is right here baby it's building
an audience right it's like what most
people do is they build a metaphorical
store in the desert and they expect
people to just come out in the middle of
the desert without knowing what their
story is and walk to their store and
start buying a bunch of stuff right
you've got to let people know about your
offer about your product or about your
service and the way that you do that
isn't just going to a bunch of people
and directly selling them your product
what you want to do is you want to build
an audience through creating content and
that's step number three you've heard
you probably heard this before content
is king okay and not just content as
king but quality content is king you
want content that will get eyeballs
right to your content first of all and
then after you create that content you
want somebody to take a specific
action so how do we get eyeballs and how
do we get this audience to this content
right here well the way that we do that
is we want to first identify okay we
want to identify the problems in our
specific niche okay and you might need
to go into forums you might need to
brainstorm a little bit yourself you
might need to ask some people within
Facebook groups you might need to email
your current list if you have a list
chances are if you're a beginner you
probably don't have a list but you want
to survey people around you you want to
find out what their problems are in the
niche that you've chosen and write down
these problems and then what you want to
do is you want to go to a search engine
like Google and you want to type in
these problems okay what will happen is
when you start typing in a search phrase
into Google have you notice that it will
finish the sentence for you that's an
indicator that that is a popular search
online not as an indicator a lot of
people are searching for that specific
topic so now that what we want to do is
we want to find out the topics that are
in demand on Google and then create
content around them and you can do this
through videos right you can do this
through articles I'm telling you guys
this isn't the easiest to write with I'm
just gonna be real with you so this is
videos this is articles / blog posts
right you can do it you can do it on
Facebook but the thing is you have to
understand does this people does your
audience people on your friends list are
they actually interested in your niche
where with Google we can identify
exactly what people are typing in and we
can catch them at the end of their
search so whereas in facebook they're
like scrolling down their newsfeed we
don't know what's on their mind we don't
know you know at that given time what
their biggest pains what their struggles
are in Google we do because there
telling us they're typing it into the
search engine and that's where we create
the content in the form of video or
articles or blog posts and put them on
our website or upload you know our
videos to YouTube just like this video
right this is a specific problem I'm
solving within the affiliate marketing
marketplace is helping beginners right
get started on the internet so now after
we create our content what we want to do
is we want to send people to what's
called a sales funnel okay and the idea
of a sales funnel is to pretty much send
people through a sales process
right that's really what it is just to
be real with you it's like when you walk
into an offline store there's a sales
process if the associate is good at
sells there's a sales process a
scientific sales process that they will
send you through it's the same thing
online we will set up a series of little
web pages like this okay and we will put
them within our articles of our blog
post we will put them in the description
of our videos right and the first page
is just a little opt-in page or some
people will call it a squeeze page it
has a little headline right here and
then as a place where you can opt-in
right here and there's a little button
down here right when people click this
button right here they're actually sent
to what's called an autoresponder okay
let's say that this is our autoresponder
right here and our autoresponder service
actually logs all the emails that this
capture page right here is gathering
okay the squeeze page right here and
what it allows us to do is it allows us
to follow up with our prospects that
come to this page right what most people
are doing is sending people to a website
that has a bunch of links and doesn't
have one clear intention right and a lot
of times people are paying for these
visitors to these websites and there's
just links everywhere right and then the
people click off of those websites and
they just paid you know hundreds of
in fees to drive traffic to a website
that somebody just clicks off of so what
we want to do is we want to capture
their information right here and then
what we want to do is we want to send
them to what's called a thank-you page
okay this is the thank-you page right
here and a thank-you page is very simple
thank you for signing up here's what you
requested here's a little bit about
myself and here's a little bit more
information on how I can help you
achieve end result whatever that end
result is and then what you'll do is
you'll put a button at the bottom of
this page and here's a thank-you page
you might have a video a little headline
and then the button right here and if
they want more information on how to
solve a specific problem right within
the niche then they can click this
button and they'll be sent to what's
called a sales page I know we've got
different colors going on here now but a
sales page and a sales page just very
simple there's just a video right here
and a button right here and the whole
purpose is to get somebody to buy right
whatever this product is that's being
advertised okay and let me just let you
guys know this little button right here
is called an affiliate link right
different affiliate networks out there
will give you this affiliate link okay
that's coded that's custom coded to you
so you're the only person on the
internet that has access to the
affiliate link alright so you can go to
places like Clickbank calm and I'll
leave a link in the description which
actually shows you how to create your
own affiliate link for any product that
you select on Clickbank and it's a long
link right it can also be shortened but
you're the only one on the internet that
has that link so every time somebody
clicks that link and they buy you get
money you make money you earn a
commission right and you may earn
anywhere between 2% all the way up to
80% depending on if you're selling
physical products or digital products
so this is this is the offer in other
words this is what we're sending people
to is we're sending people
to an offer okay we want to get them to
buy something and it may not be on the
first try okay this pretty much this
whole entire thing is the offer this is
this is your business right here okay
this is what's gonna create the $500 a
day income that you're looking for so
what you'll do is you'll start creating
content you'll start getting people
through this sales funnel and people
will start buying and then all you need
to continue to do is create more content
right it's very very simple you'll get
to a point where you're making a hundred
dollars a day okay and then you then you
create more content and you'll get two
hundred and fifty dollars a day more
content $200 a day and you'll just
replicate that process and it will
snowball and that's why you've seen over
the course of my my youtube channel
you've seen my income make drastic
changes make leaps and bounds not just
on the front end but on the back end
right of my whole entire business so and
that's due to the consistency of going
out there and creating content okay and
then what you want to do is you want to
make sure that you're following up with
people right we've talked about this
autoresponder that these emails were
being sent to well now you'll have a
list of email subscribers you can then
email right and you could you know send
them other offers or you can educate
them more about this this offer that you
sent them to initially just in case they
didn't buy find out why they didn't buy
and overcome their fears overcome any
obstacles any skepticisms and that's
what these emails allow you to do okay
that's the purpose these emails because
it actually takes about seven times
seven exposures actually to a sales page
before somebody actually makes a buying
decision okay so that's why the fortune
is in the follow-up so the money is in
this list and also the relationship that
you build with this list and how you
train this list to purchase your
products and services because it's going
to give them value and it's going to
change their life so with that said I
hope you got some value out of these
four steps to building an affiliate
marketing business from complete scratch
for beginners and if you want to learn
how to actually create all this stuff
right create the sales funnels going
more depth about how to pick your niche
build an audience if you want all the
details - you know this presentation on
how to implement each and every step go
ahead and click the link in the
description it's going to be my top
recommended system this is the most
comprehensive detailed affiliate
marketing course out there online that
will show you in detail how to complete
these four steps and create a $500 a day
income from complete scratch so I hope
you got some clarity got some value from
this video if you did give me a thumbs
up like this video and don't forget to
comment below what niche guys what niche
have you decided to go into and how are
you gonna build your content are you
gonna build your content on Google I
just gave you guys one example you can
build content on Instagram on Facebook
it's just understanding how to find that
audience and how to create content that
that audience resonates with and then
how to take that audience through that
content and funnel people through a
sales funnel and get them to buy it in a
very strategic way okay and we show you
how to do that check the link below and
I'll see you in future videos take care
and have a great day

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