
Thursday, March 26, 2020

Affiliate Marketing Tips For Beginners: How To Create A Job Quitting Income In 4 Steps #Best Education Page #Online Earning

Affiliate Marketing Tips For Beginners: How To Create A Job Quitting Income In 4 Steps

hey this is Josh from Joshua comm and in
this video I'm going to give you an
affiliate marketing tips for beginners
how to create a job quitting income in
four simple steps so stay tuned I
remember just like it was yesterday I
went to Google and I searched for
affiliate marketing tips for beginners
kind of like what you just did that very
search after struggling in the industry
for a little over five years led me to
realizing how real and simple
affiliate marketing really is I
understand the information overload that
people deal with when learning this
affiliate marketing game it's exactly
what caused failure in my affiliate
marketing business for years after
dealing with countless trial and error
and finally generating a multiple
six-figure income with affiliate
marketing in less than a year here are
the four steps I would follow if I were
to start over completely from scratch
step number one choose a specific niche
market one of the biggest mistakes
people make in this industry is choosing
a broad and ambiguous audience the more
specific you can get with your audience
the better your audience can identify
with their problem and the easier it's
going to be to solve I always believe
it's better to specialized than
generalize you make a lot more money
being the heart surgeon versus the
general doctor another example if people
are at the beginning of their
weight-loss journey they may do research
on Google and YouTube by simply typing
in weight loss or burn belly fat
although we can identify they want to
lose weight we don't know the specifics
they are still in the research phase
it's like going to the doctor without
telling them the symptoms you're dealing
with now let's say your audience is
typing in Atkins diet or intermittent
fasting can you see the difference here
now we are getting somewhere it's the
same reason why you came to this
specific video you are looking for
affiliate marketing tips
beginners instead of just typing in make
money online I want people that already
know what they want and what they're
searching for so take this advice you
should also be catching people at the
end of their search if you really want
to speed up the rate of success with
affiliate marketing pick a niche you are
passionate about if it happens to be in
the health wealth or love market any
market with a lot of paid then you've
got an evergreen profitable business
people say competition is bad I say it's
a great thing the more competition there
is the more money you have the potential
to make it's not about competing anyway
it's about separating yourself
completely from the competition you
don't see Lamborghini rolls-royce or
Ferrari commercials they're in their own
category and classification think like
they do and you'll make money like they
do step 2 select a product there are
hundreds of affiliate networks that you
can apply to or create a free account
app that lists thousands of different
products you can start promoting today I
got started with an affiliate network
called Clickbank Clickbank is a digital
marketplace full of publishers that
publish products so affiliates like us
can promote their products most beginner
affiliate marketers are introduced to
Clickbank because there is no tedious
application process or high barrier to
entry many affiliate networks out there
you need to apply to and prove you've
got results in the past to be able to
start promoting their offers as you make
progress in your affiliate marketing
business you can start to promote
products from Amazon Commission Junction
Rakatan ShareASale amongst many others
depending on the affiliate network
you'll need to check with your affiliate
manager to see what the highest
converting offers are for your niche
Clickbank doesn't have affiliate
managers but has a gravity system that
reveals the most popular products as
well as how well these products are
selling now here I've got a perfect
example you'll notice I've headed over
to the Clickbank marketplace and
selected the health and fitness category
and then the exercise and fitness
subcategory first thing you want to do
is sort your results by gravity the
gravity score is clickbank's way of
telling you how well a product sells a
gravity score of 100 means that there
are around 100 affiliates that have sold
the vendor's product in the last 12
weeks in this example you'll notice that
unlock your hip flexers has a gravity
score of 196
thus about 196 affiliates have sold this
product in the last 12 weeks second
you'll notice that the average sell
amount an average sell percentage this
will tell you that on average affiliates
are making $14 in 50 cents per sell it
also tells us that affiliates make 81%
Commission on average throughout the
whole entire product funnel lastly
you'll notice the initial dollar per
cell it's how much you make on the sale
of the front end product which in this
case is $14 in 27 cents or 75 percent
commissions as a side note the best
offers have both front end and backing
products to upsell people into so you
could earn more and higher commissions
it's kind of like going to McDonald's
and ordering a cheeseburger and some
french fries and then asking you if you
want to supersize it the promote button
gives you access to your affiliate link
when you share this special link across
multiple networks and someone clicks it
and bodies the Commission is tracked
back to you step number 3 become a
proven testimonial of the product I've
never believed in promoting something I
haven't bought or gone through or
experienced myself you never want to be
the guy or gal that promotes anything
and everything just to make a quick buck
there is nothing better than having
social proof that the product you
promote works there was no better way
than going through the product yourself
and creating a positive outcome with it
one of the biggest lessons I've learned
in the affiliate marketing world and
with cells in general is that people buy
from people focus on building a
relationship with your potential
customers and they will buy because they
are dealing with you not because they
are going to learn how to get six-pack
ABS price and competition mattered much
less when people are buying from someone
they know like and trust for example if
you are in fact teaching people how to
get six-pack ABS buy a six-pack ABS
product go through it implement the
teachings within it and document your
entire journey on social media I've
personally documented my affiliate
marketing business over on this YouTube
channel and you can feel free to model
this strategy for yourself step number
four leverage your success and build
your brand remember when I said people
buy from people this is where building
your brand becomes super useful what's
the first thing that comes to mind when
you think of soda coca-cola right when
people think of a product or a service
you should be at the forefront of their
mind ask yourself what do you want to be
known for do you want to be the go-to
real estate guy or gal and someone
thinks of buying a house do you want to
be the go-to insurance salesman when
people think of insurance do you want to
be the go-to muscle gaining expert when
a hardgainer is looking to gain muscle
and looking for a trainer identify what
it is and create consistent content
solving specific problems create media
such as articles videos podcasts and
emails that give value and then
eventually ask the cell
returned lastly don't get romantic with
building your brand on one single social
media platform go where the attention
goes and use all social media platforms
start with one build your income and
take at least 20% of your profits to
begin outsourcing the tasks you don't
want to do or fill you aren't good at
this is what recognizes your strengths
is key if you find that you are great
with video and hate writing have someone
transcribe your video and put it in the
form of a blog post now that's effective
if you got value from this video please
don't forget to subscribe to my channel
for future videos also hit the like
button give me a thumbs up and comment
below your experience of affiliate
marketing and any questions that you
have lastly if you want to learn how to
build a six-figure business from scratch
using and leveraging the affiliate
marketing business model click the link
in the description below and we'll see
you on the next page

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