
Sunday, March 29, 2020

ClickBank Tutorial: How To Make Money Online With Adverts! (Free Template) #Best Education Page #Online Earning

ClickBank Tutorial: How To Make Money Online With Adverts! (Free Template)

what's going on guys in today's
Clickbank tutorial I'm going to show you
one of the best products to sell online
and I can guarantee you have never seen
a video like this on YouTube before I'm
going to take you through show you one
of the best products that that's made me
a lot of money in the past I'm going to
show you how you can make at least $200
a day doing this and the best of all
guys I'm gonna give you my landing page
for free and this is the landing page
that has that cost a lot to make a lot
of time gets put into these landing
pages and I'm gonna show that landing
use that landing page right now which is
this landing page here you're gonna get
this for completely free at the end of
this video and I'm gonna take you
through step by step how you can set up
to make money with this particular
product and I kind of wanted to prove to
people that there are actually good
products on Clickbank that you can
promote because of one of my last videos
someone said that you know hey why she a
lot of people said ah but Franklin
there's a lot of garbage products on
Clickbank and I get it there is but
there's actually a lot of good products
as well if you put in the effort to
actually have a look and see what other
people are doing you can make a lot of
money so stay to the end guys you're
gonna want to see this going to take you
through step by step how to make money
with Clickbank with paid advertising
it's gonna be a banger I'll show you
exactly how to get it done and you get
this free template as well guys this
template here like thousands of dollars
worth of work goes into creating these
you can get it for free and you can use
it right now so what I'm gonna do first
guys is all of you guys know what
Clickbank is okay it says place I have
to kind of explain this in every video
for new people to my channel it's a
place where you can find products and
you can promote those products and make
money make a commission right and any
type of niche there's all these niches
here but we're not going to go through
that because a lot of you guys probably
already know that but what I want to
show you guys is one product that is
absolutely killing it and you've
probably never heard of it before and
it's called the shock this program is a
basketball program on click funnels will
you get around about 46 dollars per sale
there's a
very lucrative offer and there's a lot
of people advertising this offer why
because there's a lot of money to be
made with this offer and my site's
actually on the front page you guys I'm
not going to tell you what one of those
so my story with this guy's is this is
actually one of the first products I
started promoting about 3 years ago now
I rank one of my one of my sites ranks
on the front page I used to do a lot of
paid advertising as well but I don't do
that much anymore because I focus more
on the organic stuff I kind of
contemplating or whether I should on
whether I should have done this video
because you know this is kind of like a
secret secret product but then I thought
you know all of these people are saying
there's all these garbage products on
Clickbank guys need a dig deep so this
is one that you can go out and promote
now I don't kind of don't mind sureness
either because you know only 99 only
like 99 99 % of people that watched
these videos never take action anyway so
you know this isn't gonna get really
that saturated so guys here's some of
the pages that people were actually
advertising right and when people go
through and click they these people get
a commission ok now what's unique about
this particular product is you can
actually go out there and you can put in
your Clickbank ID and you can actually
choose to send people directly to the
order form that's why a lot of people
are advertising in this particular niche
however if you have a product you know
there's lots of fitness products you can
do this with as well you can actually
just use this as a bridge page and you
can link people directly to the
affiliate offering anyway so what I'm
gonna do guys is take you through on how
to edit the page real quick
they're gonna take you through how to
set up some advertising on Google
Adwords so you can do this yourself
so the first thing you do guys is we use
plug funnels for this you could probably
replicate this into something else but I
use click funnels for this and you know
we've really made this crazy this is
so you've pretty much gone in at the
button and you this is called a bridge
page so you send people to this page for
the advertising or Google Adwords
because you can't use affiliate links
they click on this and they go to the
affiliate product okay
now the good thing about this
vert shock is you can do it to the
homepage the testimonial page will
direct order form I'm gonna create a
direct order form link now I haven't put
my so you'll put your clickbank ID here
now to get to this page guys you go to
clickbank you go to the marketplace you
put in the shock and then it has an
affiliate page you go to ok now I'm just
going to go up to here guys and here's
another page so this is actually just a
blog advertising it's you can do with a
blog as well I'm gonna go to this page
guys and you'll see that it's an order
form when someone purchases purchases
this product I get a commission okay and
this is one of your hottest products on
Clickbank right now so let's go in and
I'll show you how to do this and the key
to this guy's is the keywords and I'll
show you how about properly so what we
do guys is we actually use this one
account I won't use this account oh no
one uses account this is my main account
I'm gonna go you're gonna have to use an
AdWords account for this because what
we're doing is we're we're going to be
bidding for real estate on this page for
this particular keyword or I'll show you
a cool trick to do these keywords but um
we're gonna be paying for advertising
okay and we're not works guys because
there's all of these ads on this page
there's ads here so we know it works we
know people are making money with this
particular product that's on Clickbank
now we go back to the ads guys as you
know we you know we can't fit everything
in these videos so go to my Facebook
groups and stuff like that I'll you
don't got more videos in there but what
I'm going to do is quickly take you
through how to start a campaign and
stuff but the first thing you need to do
is figure out what keywords you should
target now to do that you can actually
go to you can go up to here and you can
go to tools and you can go to keyword
planner and it's going to take you to
here and I can put a vert shock but the
thing is guys this is what everybody
does and it kind of sucks because this
is what everybody does they go in here
and they advertise - vert shock and it's
like quite crowded so I'm going to show
you a little trick on what you
to do so what we want to do guys is
first of all we want to find buyer
intent keywords so let me get my notepad
up real quick we want to find buyer
intent people that want to purchase this
particular product so things like review
and stuff like that to do that you want
to go to Google and you'll just want to
put in buyer intent keywords and you
there's heaps of websites with a whole
bunch of lists right now how Google ad
works work goes as if we're going serve
ads - vert shock it's going to serve ads
to anything related to vert shock it
could be it could be someone that
searches why can't I log in to vert
shock right so your ad would be served
for something like that as well but
that's a waste of money so first of all
we wanted to buy your intent and we want
to do a partial phase match with a plus
symbol which I'll show you right now so
instead of doing vert shock guys what I
would do in Google Ads is I would go to
here and I would find buyer intent
keywords so let's take review for
example I would go plus vert vert shock
plus preview now what this does I'll
explain this better in Google Ads in a
second what this does is instead of
people that are searching just vert
shock is going to put your ad in front
of people who search vert shock plus
review plus closely related stuff so for
a vert shock review right but also
people who search the shock review
online best the shock review online okay
that way actually might not do the best
but what to say um it should do the best
vert shock review 2018 right it's going
to shop for all of these closely related
keywords and and the thing is a lot of
people are not doing this inside this
particular niche so let's jump into
Google Adwords and I'll show you what I
mean so the first tip guys is to
obviously have the page which I'm going
to give you and then you just edit the
page and you put in your affiliate link
and you can do this for any other type
of product you put in your affiliate
link in this case you would go to click
Clickbank find the affiliate page and
put in direct to order form and generate
a link and then go and edit that on your
Add to Cart and I'll actually give you
some free training as well on how to use
click funnels right because it can be a
little bit confusing
now once you've got your page guys
you're going to have a URL let me just
go back to here you're going to have a
URL who you can send traffic now ideally
you want to set it up on your own domain
but we'll just use this as an example
inside this training room okay so let's
go back to Google Ads guys and you're
going to go to all campaigns and you're
going to go to campaigns down here and
I've you know it's not hard to set up an
account guys you don't need to take this
through doing any of that you know put
click the plus symbol here and go to a
new campaign what you're going to want
to do guys is go to a search campaign
and just go create a campaign without a
goal you don't want to create the sales
leads or you could probably do a website
traffic but just to create campaign
without a goal it's so much easier and
click website visit so it's pretty much
the same thing as this anyway and just
put in your website for example I'm just
actually going to put in this here sorry
that's the wrong one I'm just going to
put in this
here but you would just put in your
domain name so it would be a good idea
to go actually set up a domain name for
this and I'm going to click continue now
he's going to name it on an invert shop
and I'm going to do just search Network
I'm not going to do a Display Network
and I'm going to do all countries and
territories however you can exclude and
add countries if you like so into
another location I can get rid of
America and I can put you know United
States and I can target or exclude if I
like ok this isn't a full Google AdWords
tutorial but you know you get the
picture now my budget I'm gonna start at
say 20 dollars per day it's usually kind
of roundabout the the you know rough
well rough estimate on what you should
start with 10 to 20 bucks now on the
bidding guys I'm going to put this on
clicks because we can track conversions
we are going to be doing affiliate
marketing we have no control of tracking
on their pages okay so this go clicks
and max cost per click to get an idea of
cost per click you want to go back to
the keyword planner and just kind of go
just discuss the vertshock one even
though you're gonna shop for different
are different terms now don't get too
caught up and trying to beat everybody
else in terms of clicks so the the top
page bid low range people paying around
about two dollars thirty two the top
dogs are paying around about six dollars
forty one it doesn't necessarily mean
that if you pay more money you're going
to get at the top so I'll just kind of
get something up here from one of my
other videos I did in my training today
this is something that I've been working
on here and this is my this is my ad in
the blue right this is me in the blue I
my stuff's quite relevant and um and I'm
ranking I'm getting 76 percent of the
impression share and whatever its
position on the front page is two point
seven okay which is really good but
ideally you know I'm probably paying too
much for that spot because all of these
people down here are actually grouped
and they're grouped quite nice
so they've probably found a sweet spot
okay now the the cost I know this is
kind of probably a lot for a lot of
foreign to a lot of you guys but don't
worry too much about this what I would
do is I would start somewhere in the
middle so I would do my necks my necks
here and around about five dollars okay
so I would just go what's mine excellent
cost-per-click five dollars doesn't
necessarily mean you're gonna be pay
five dollars per click either it's just
going to let's say Google's like okay
Franklin's willing to pay five dollars
right but John Blom is willing to pay
four dollars but they're like Franklin's
adds bitter they're only gonna charge me
what it are the next one up from John so
maybe four dollars ten four hours five
okay that's kind of how it works but the
the two biggest factors for ranking in
the in the bidding is cost and add
relevancy just because someone's paying
more your ad might be more relevant so
your ad might get served in front of
this okay that's kind of how it works
but you know five bucks for this
particular keyword I'm thinking it's
probably pretty good we're gonna you
know come somewhere in the middle maybe
and then we'll just optimize down or up
as we go you can just increase or
decrease now down here we're not really
going to do much here it's quite simple
but down here there's nothing really we
need to play with just leave all of this
off standard guys especially if you're
new to this you don't need to mess with
any of this okay
well we're going to be mainly focusing
on as keywords and air groups so go save
and continue and now I'm just get a
drink guys I can the same dry mouth
doing this stuff now we're gonna put in
our keywords guys now
Google's automatically picked up some
keywords but you don't just want to put
these in now there's a couple of things
you can do you can see down here it says
broad match phase match and exact match
let me just show an example here vert
shock would be a broad match it's going
to just show their ads for anything
that's ready - vert shock and then phase
is as kind of like closely-related
severe shock then exact match would be
vert shock now the reason you never want
to do you never ever ever ever want to
do exact match especially for something
like this is search volume there's not a
lot of search volume for this over a
monthly period so if you're just going
to serve your ad to vert shock and
that's it you're gonna burn out the
audience pretty quickly you're not going
to spend any any ad spend right so
instead of doing and in that case you
would probably go back to here right but
what I do is do the plus because it
works extremely well it's kind of new to
Edwards that haven't really added it and
here you can go to learn more and this
should be able to give you some
information they might have added the
plus here recently yeah so here you go
they've added the plus here so you can
read about it it's got a broad match
modifier and this is what I use for
everything it works extremely well so
for example guys I'm gonna get rid of
this garbage because you don't need it
no more
I'm gonna go vert shock + review and
then I would go back to my my list of
intent buyer intent and I'll do I've got
a good one I'll do plus vert shock plus
discount anyone that searches anything
related to vert shock plus discount vert
shock discount online you're going to
show up right another one will be plus
best plus vert shock so this vert shock
discount this vert shock video right
you're going to show up for all of those
terms okay and then we'll do one more
guys I never do more than five per adds
ed group I never do more than five per
ad group because Google just doesn't
like that some gurus say go to ten but I
never do more than five now I'm going to
go back to here and we'll do something
like don't do free because you don't
want people looking for free stuff you
want buyer intent right so best review
discount I'll try and find one more but
you know we want to make this video real
quick okay vert shock pro mo
so I might go plus vert shock pro mode
so this is really good here I'm kind of
giving away the secrets here but this is
kind of good because I'm I'm going to
shop for anything related to vert shock
review the soft discount best and then
plus vert shock and things like the
shock promotion I'm not gonna if I just
put vert shock and you guys like pretty
much everyone else does I'm gonna show
up for vert shock plus all this other
garbage that I don't need to shock for
like free vert shock shock shock
training like who cares those are not
biotech keywords right that those are
not buyers looking to buy this
particular product then guys we're gonna
save and continue and then we're going
to work on the ad copy so we can do an
ad now and as you can see the keywords
are in here they've got the comments
here so they've been spread out I'm
gonna go to add a new ad now guys what I
love about Google AdWords is you can be
lazy this is like the lazy marketers way
to advertise because you just go and
copy what's on the front but not copy
but replicate what's on the front page I
mean think about it these are working
for people obviously are these have been
here for a super long time they're
already optimized so interest rate copy
them but model what's working right so
I'm gonna just quickly do one up for us
inside this training here I might do I
so final URL o final URL you just put in
your URL so let me just get the URL here
okay final URL is that I'm gonna put
vert sharp and you can put like 40% off
I think they do like a 40% off discount
so I'm gonna vote shock let's see what
the discount is actually that the people
do a discount 50% soon a new person will
just do 50% 50% off today and then you
can say bonuses added right because they
give away some bonuses as well now you
can't do exclamation marks question
marks capital letters they don't like
that inside Adwords and then of course
you just add your description guys
really simple okay and you can do
desktop preview and mobile preview and
now ad you are our options you don't
need to mess with this this is just for
tracking your knocking out of track
anything anyway since it's an affiliate
offer at least you have some sort of
affiliate tracking which you can get
that's more for advanced people only
guys so that's literally how you can go
out there and start an ad with this
particular product and you can actually
do this with other products guys not
just vert shock but the reason I showed
you that shock is because it's one of
the most profitable products online and
I want to actually prove to all the
naysayers and the haters they say all
the click banks full of garbage products
no it's not
and there's actually heaps of other
products on Clickbank as well where you
can do this that have good landing pages
they convert very very well you just
have to know how to do it and with this
particular product how you do it is you
do advertising with Google ads every
product has their own specific way of
traffic that converts really well so for
example some products might convert well
with organic search traffic some
products might convert well with
Facebook traffic some products might
convert well SolarEdge some products
might convert well like this one with
Google Ads or YouTube right YouTube in
this particular that look at this they
have a video snap pack before any of the
websites so and in this particular
product the number one way to promote is
probably going to be Google Adwords the
second way to promote is probably going
to be YouTube and then the third would
be the usual organic blogs down here
that you that usually are ranking of
search engine optimization like a lot of
stuffs changing video was absolutely
massive now so guys down below we're
gonna be doing the the usual video
competition in a sick and we're gonna be
doing this in a second but if you go
below guys you're going to get access to
this funnel ok this is completely free
and I'm telling you right now it's gonna
save you so much time you get this for
free you can do whatever you want with
it you can change us and when I got this
made guys I paid over like
100 bucks to get this matter maybe
nearly $2,000 to get this made you're
getting a page that's worth only nearly
$2,000 it was made from scratch
everything you can in it you can do
whatever you like my website might get
in here somewhere you just change it out
but you get this to use this as long as
you have a clickfunnels account you'll
need to get a clickfunnels account to
get this I'm just going to give this
away to everybody because we spent a lot
of time testing and tweaking this
particular funnel so you can get that
down below excuse me
in the description or the pend comment
now guys if you as you know I always
give away access to my to my one of my
courses from the last video so the
winners from the last video will be in
the pend comment below I use a youtube
comment generator if you want to win and
the next one you need to subscribe to
this channel drop a like and drop a
comment and you'll automatically go in
the draw to win access to one of my
courses either my affiliate course my
e-commerce course or if you already are
in my courses you're going to refund for
those courses if you get chosen in the
next video alright guys so make sure you
subscribe drop a like if we get to like
I reckon we'll get to 500 likes on this
one easy in the next week we get to 500
likes I will announce a sickness we'll
have two winners inside the next video
description pend comment you can go and
get this funnel for free guys I've never
shared this online before this nature
I've kept secret on my channel I've kept
this secret for last three years I've
never shared it with anybody I can't
believe I'm actually giving this funnel
away this page away it's just because I
don't use it anymore guys as much I
don't know I don't do much unpaid
advertising inside this niche it's not
because it doesn't work it clearly works
I just focused more on videos and my
blog because it's free traffic so I
focused more on that and that works
extremely well for me inside this
particular niche plus I got heaps of
other projects I'm working on okay guys
so get this below and I'll see you in
the next video and remember to join all
my facebook groups and all that sort of
good stuff for more tutorials like this