
Friday, March 27, 2020

ClickFunnels Affiliate Program - How I Make Money ($10,000) Without Promoting Clickfunnels Directly #Best Education Page #Online Earning

ClickFunnels Affiliate Program - How I Make Money ($10,000) Without Promoting Clickfunnels Directly

hey guys what's going on Joshua elder
here with yet another video for you
today we're gonna be talking about the
clickfunnels affiliate program so if you
don't know about click falls we'll be
going over that in this video today I'm
also going to show you how I've been
promoting click funnels without actually
promoting click funnels so to speak and
I'm going to outline that for you too as
well so if you're somebody that's here
brand new welcome to the channel for the
first time I'm uploading videos right
now on a daily basis teaching you how to
build a life in business full of freedom
passion and fulfillment so whether
you're brand new or you're back to the
channel make sure that you give me a
thumbs up you like this video and you do
not forget to subscribe and go ahead and
take the bell icon to be notified of all
future videos that I upload when I
upload them so to show you guys just
some quick proof of my affiliate
earnings from indirectly promoting click
funnels you guys can see that right now
about twelve hundred and forty eight
dollars and fifteen cents are pending
I've been to paid a total of nine
thousand one hundred and seventy nine
dollars and forty four cents and here
are my lifetime earnings ten thousand
four hundred twenty seven eleven fifty
nine cents from not even promoting click
funnels directly and you can see that
this is this account right here this
affiliate count has grown drastically
just in the past month I believe last
time I did a video on click funnels I
talked a little bit about click funnels
but not as in-depth as this video I was
right around I think like 18 or so
customers between 15 and 18 I'm like
jumped up to 29 as you can see here so
my average monthly recurring revenue is
right around eleven hundred dollars okay
from 29 members and I've got a large
percentage of people that are sticking
to the trial this is just for the past 7
days by the way all this day here so
I've got two new trials that have
committed to trialing you know trying
out click funnels 4:14 3 days and then
I've got 5 people that are still
continuing the trial but you know the
numbers are looking solid so you guys
are probably one
you know number one what is clickfunnels
and how can you start making money with
their affiliate program well I've been a
paying client of clickfunnels man for
the past three years I think and this
tool is incredible because this is what
you need I mean if you're gonna build an
any type of business on the internet
right you need a sales process without a
sales process you know your business is
broken it's kind of like having a
convenience store without the actual
store unless you're a very successful
you know ecommerce store so I mean
imagine that you're you've got an
offline business and you're trying to
sell goods but you don't have a store to
you know store those goods in that's
going to pose a problem right so
clickfunnels is the answer when it comes
to creating websites and creating sales
processes right you need to sort of
handhold people and guide them through a
step-by-step process that will take them
from point A to being introduced to your
product to point B to actually buying
your product you know while building a
relationship you know with the client at
the same time right so these are just
essential tools that you need they're
like picks shovels axes you know you
need to mine gold on the internet you
need Auto responders funnel building
software's like click funnels website
building software's
and you need other tools and so you know
click funnels again been using it for
the past three almost four years and you
know I've created tons and tons of
funnels my business runs on click
funnels you'll notice in all the
descriptions of my videos I send people
to a website right and that website is
powered by click funnels without that
website you wouldn't be seeing you know
commissions like this right on a Sunday
$200 and last Thursday last Wednesday
you know between 1,400 to 1,600 dollars
I mean that was just incredible all do
you know to click funnels so you know if
you're going to promote something number
one you've got to be a customer
and you've got to have a success story
with it if you're going to promote
clickfunnels I would highly recommend
that you own the product that you use
the product and that you know the
product incredibly well so with that
said when you're promoting anything on
the Internet you should never promote it
directly you should never go out there
and say hey you guys want to learn how
to build websites and build funnels and
improve your sales process you need
click funnels you don't teach people
that what you would do is teach them how
to gain more revenue in their business
right how to you know maybe systematize
everything and then click funnels is
sort of the demonstration that you would
show as you're teaching this other stuff
as it's just like a small part of the
puzzle right so if I was teaching you
guys marketing I was like okay here's
what a successful marketing business
looks like and I would write out what
traffic looks like and what a capture
page and a bridge page and thank-you
page look like and an autoresponder
right I would first explain that to you
so you understand what the process looks
like and why you need these specific
tools without promoting them you know
directly so after our to complete my
presentation I basically tell them hey
if you want to check out these tools
I'll link them up in the description
below right and more likely than not
people will go and they'll click the
description and the links in the
description they'll check out the tools
and they're more likely to buy those
tools so let me take this a step further
what if you have somebody else that
systematized a process that sold not
just click funnels for you but sold
other tools as well so you're not just
making money off this one income stream
but you're making money from multiple
directions promoting stuff that people
already need to build their online
business and that's when I came across
the four percent and I've talked about
this in my other videos and you can feel
free to check out you know the four
percent review that I have in the
description below but essentially the
four percent is about helping
entrepreneurs become independent build
their own online business or even grow
their business
your current affiliate marketer network
marker coach consultant your author you
have any type of business that you want
to build Pizza Parlor offline
brick-and-mortar store you know this
this program is going to show you how to
do that right and there's also is
symbiotic income streams that are
plugged into the ecosystem as people go
through a series of videos and as they
complete each video Vick is educating
them right the Creator the program is
educating them on everything they need
to know about an online business and
through that education he's building
goodwill people are understanding like
he's not just telling people to go and
buy something but he's explaining why
they need it right and then leaving it
up to them whether they see the value in
it and whether they should purchase or
not and that's what sells should really
be about so essentially in a nutshell
the four percent has one single program
that leads into other programs and that
program is known as the challenge right
and the challenge has different levels
right that you need to complete they
basically have a basic level and
intermediate level and advanced level
the $10,000 challenge the hundred
thousand dollar challenge in the million
dollar challenge so in the ten thousand
dollar challenge it's sort of the basics
and the foundation that you need to
create your first $10,000 a month online
and to be able to create a consistent
$10,000 a month thereafter now it's no
guarantee of income because you know
it's going to be up to your willingness
to go through and complete all the
videos we're talking like there are
30-plus videos in the challenge and each
success pill metaphorically speaking is
a video that will tell you you know for
example here's what you need to start
your business and they'll go through the
essential tools that you need here's the
mentality that you need you know to to
get involved in an online business
here's the mindset principles you need
to know about so he covers everything
from mindset to the tech
stuff to the how-to stuff and what's
difficult you know when it comes to most
programs is they'll only teach you just
a small segment of what you need to know
to build an online business right
because coaching a newbie if you're
somebody that's new or struggling it's
difficult it's difficult and most people
don't want to spend the time or energy
to be honest with you to go out there
and create a revolutionary product like
this that will teach you everything with
all the gaps filled so you can go into
it knowing hey after video one here all
the steps that I need to complete based
off of video one and then you'll move on
to video two and so it'll show you how
to go from zero all the way to $10,000
it's ten thousand dollars a month
through these bite-size training videos
and here's an example of one of them
here session seven and it's very simple
and straightforward directions and goals
strangest secret right you'll learn a
little bit more about what this actually
means when you go through it but you can
see there's an overview video and
they're step-by-step videos with action
plans to complete and then here on
number three this says must-have tools
for successful campaign and then here is
where my affiliate link is embedded for
click funnels okay which is right here
number three so what's really cool about
this is Vic will introduce these tools
to your customers on your behalf without
you having to sell them directly
whatsoever so as people go through the
challenge and you know they pay their
monthly subscription to be a part of the
challenge you're gonna get paid from
Clickbank you're also going to get paid
you know from click funnels and you're
gonna get paid on the other symbiotic
income streams here like get response
and click magic right so just see the
power in especially a lot of you guys
maybe have dealt with making some money
and then losing all your income then
making some money and losing your income
some of you guys have not made a dime
online before but here's a lesson you
need to learn you need to have multiple
streams of income that allow you
to make more money by doing what you're
already doing essentially what you're
doing is you're right you're driving
traffic on the front end but then when
you have a back-end system that's
effective you don't have to work harder
to make more income because you have the
system that is doing all the heavy
lifting for you the system is
introducing different tools different
programs on your behalf without you
having to be there without you having to
talk to somebody on the phone or on
skype or even on messenger and so I love
that Vic really handholds people
throughout this whole entire process of
building an online business with you
know with without a stone left unturned
everything is covered and I've been in
this industry for 10 plus years now
struggle for five because I did not have
access to a program like this so this is
truly you know revolutionary again you
have the action steps right here and
tells you everything that you need to do
so you know this video obviously was
about clickfunnels but this is how I'm
making money with click funnels is
plugging into a system that sells click
funnels indirectly on my behalf through
highly high-quality educational material
right so with that said if you guys want
to get access to the 4% and the
challenge you can click the link below
in the description you can also check
out click funnels below if you want to
take a 14-day trial and you want to
become a affiliate and become a part of
their affiliate program and by the way
just to show you how to do that real
quick you'll go to click funnels
dashboard once you get access to your
account you'll go over here in the top
right hand corner you'll click on
affiliates and it'll take you to this
page once you have a click funnels
account because you need a click funnels
account to become an affiliate ok so
again I'll leave that link in the
description below you can get access to
a free 14-day trial and then once you're
here you'll click affiliate tools get my
links alright and that's where your lead
to this page to where you can grab your
affiliate links so for example there's
one right here there's one right here
just different funnels that sell the
same product you know which is
clickfunnels there's one right here
and this is the one that I I'm pretty
sure that I use here just the free
14-day trial does incredibly well and
you'll notice most people stick so 100%
of people in the past week have not only
done the trial but they ended up paying
the monthly fee and it ranges anywhere
between I think ninety seven dollars all
the way up to three or four ninety seven
I paid two ninety seven because I build
a lot of funnels so it really depends on
how many funnels you plan on building
but at some point down the road whether
you avoid it today or tomorrow or four
months you're gonna have to you know
come in contact with the fact that
you're going to need click funnels
you're going to need a funnel building
software so they're the best in the
market they're the funnel software that
is my number one recommendation super
easy to use drag and drop
point-and-click rows column and columns
it's easy Russell Brunson shows you how
to when you first log in how to create a
funnel from complete scratch so if you
got value from this video please give me
a thumbs up you know like this video
comment below subscribe to this channel
and all in all you know it's up to you
whether you want to come on the ride
with me and join with what I'm doing I'm
just showing you guys day by day what
I'm doing in my life but again it's
entirely up to you guys I want you guys
to know that I appreciate you no matter
what whether you just want to digest the
information applied to your own business
or whether you want to join me I'm here
to serve so with that said Josh oh
they're signing off comment below if you
plan on getting access to click funnels
just comment yes I'm getting asked us to
click funnels below if you are getting
access and you know will create funnels
together I'll give you guys access if
you do get access to click funnels and
you email me at my email below I'll put
it in the description I will give you
access to my highest converting funnels
that I use and that's just sort of an
unannounced bonus that I just came up
with off the top of my head but I'll
give you access to all the funnels that
I've used to building multiple
six-figure business yearly business
online so that's a bonus for you know
knocks us to clickfunnels and trying it
out and I hope you appreciate that so
with that said Josh other signing off
and we'll see in the next video
take care

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