hey this is Ryan hildreth and in a
moment I'm about to show you how I made
forty thousand dollars in three months
using sales funnels and I'm gonna show
you my three-step system to generating
one hundred dollars a day
two hundred dollars a day five hundred
dollars a day or thousand dollars a day
with these same methods
now I'm about to show you the exact
sales funnel that I use to generate over
forty thousand dollars in the past three
months but first I want to let you know
which software I'm using so I utilize
to build all my sales funnels now if you
have an online business and you're using
a traditional website builder then you
builder because that's the only way
you're going to be able to utilize these
exact system that I'm using to generate
thousands of dollars every single month
okay so here is my current earnings for
one of my particular sales funnel
businesses okay so as you can see I've
generated a little over 40 thousand
dollars between
Striped payments PayPal payments and
affiliate commissions which are on the
bottom okay and I'm gonna show you
exactly how I was able to do this so you
see you know 22,000 there 14,000 there
another 22 there okay and I'm gonna show
you exactly how you can do this now the
first step to generating money online
okay is to collect emails with your
business okay you must collect emails
and I'm gonna show you exactly why you
must collect emails and follow up with
these people as you can see right here
this is proof okay of this exam exact
business that I'm running online
okay selling an information product
right that's the value I'm creating I'm
adding additional value to the market by
teaching people exactly how to make
money online okay with this particular
information product and as you can see
just from emails alone I've generated
$5,000 now I'd probably generate a
little more than this because this isn't
tracking my PayPal payments but as you
can see I've generated over five
thousand dollars just by sending out
emails following up with people because
most of the time someone is not going to
buy from you your customer or potential
customer is not going to buy from you
the first day that they see your
advertisement or they see your website
right or they see your sales funnel it's
gonna take them a few days it takes
someone seven days seven days okay of
seeing your face to remember you so
usually it takes someone a little bit
longer than that to actually purchase
from you and build trust with you so I
like to send email reminding people of
the product giving additional value
teaching them free information right and
I've generated over five thousand
dollars by just collecting emails now
you're probably wondering to yourself
what how do you collect emails how do I
do this okay so I'm gonna show you a
simple opt-in page and what that looks
like all right so we're gonna go here
this is an opt-in page alright that I
have uploaded into my clickfunnels
account alright and this opt-in page
alone is doing well over a million
dollars a month okay for a product
called mentor box now if you scroll down
okay what does an opt-in page look like
well this particular opt-in page has a
video sales letter teaching people about
the product you know displaying how it's
gonna help their lives right and when
someone comes to this page with this is
gonna be your first page of your website
right and they click this join free for
three days which is free value right
there in order to join free for three
days someone's gonna click this and it's
gonna bring them down to the bottom of
the page where they have to put in their
full name and their email address okay
so in order to get three days free of
this product they have to put in their
email that's the value exchange right so
you have to offer some sort of value
something free maybe a free training or
a free you know consultation call or
whatever it may be for your product what
can you throw in there for free maybe
it's a very small physical product if
you're selling a physical product that
you you know add into the bundle right
so you must collect emails as you can
see it's so important I've generated
over five thousand dollars just from
this particular sales funnel alright in
the past three months by sending out
emails plain and simple you must follow
up okay so the next most important thing
this is step number two of the system
step number two is you need multiple
products all right if you're selling one
product you are doing I'm sorry you're
not gonna last long in the online world
because there's thousands of other
businesses that are selling multiple
products and they are generating
additional revenue for their business
now for example okay we're gonna look
here this is coca-cola alright this is a
brand one of the biggest brands out
there right and you would think oh well
they only have one product they just
have one drink right but this is how
they tailor their sales funnel okay and
with multiple upsells and down cells to
generate extra revenue alright someone
knows about coca-cola right maybe they
buy a can right coca-cola off also
offers a 24 pack of the same drink you
save additional value right like that
one can might cost you two bucks but a
whole pack of them of 24 might cost
maybe a dollar two and 20 cents per can
right so someone saves maybe they drink
coca-cola all the time they would
actually save money if they purchased
the 24 pack now maybe someone doesn't
even like the coca-cola their regular
coke right now this is just an example
for your business so it'll get you
thinking of what additional products you
can add okay you can add more of the
same product maybe for a cheaper price
or you can add a different flavor right
like coca-cola maybe someone doesn't
like the classic flavor but maybe they
like the vanilla flavor or the cherry
flavor or maybe they want the zero sugar
zero calorie one because they're
watching their weight right but
coca-cola also has that additional
product alright maybe someone is giving
up coca-cola they said you know what I'm
not gonna drink coke I'm not gonna drink
any soda
well coke came out with their coffee
okay so that's an additional upsell that
someone can purchase when they buy a can
of coke right maybe they could buy a
coffee all right so this is like giving
you an idea that there's no excuse you
should have multiple products that
complement your current product because
if someone buys from you once they're
most likely
going to buy from you again if you offer
them a product and I'm going to show you
proof that this has worked for my
particular sales funnel using click
funnels okay now right here as you can
see I generated an additional ten to
fifteen thousand in profit again this
isn't showing my PayPal payments which
there's an additional you know fifteen
thousand dollars in so I'm guessing
anywhere from ten to fifteen thousand
dollars as you can see this first
product generated me fourteen thousand
from this and there's twenty two
thousand here so I have multiple upsells
down sells cross sells all types of
different additional value that I'm
offering to someone once they purchase
one product from me okay so as you can
see I generated just from strike
payments an additional eight thousand
dollars by adding additional products if
I didn't have these additional products
I would have only generated fourteen
thousand dollars with this particular
funnel okay and that affects your
business drastically when you're
creating an online business if you're
only selling one product you are missing
out on thousands potentially hundreds of
thousands of dollars in additional
revenue okay so add more value create
more products that is step number two
step number one collect emails and
follow up with people simple as that
you're gonna generate extra revenue step
number two have multiple products if you
only have one product you're doing it
wrong and you're missing out on
additional thousands of dollars again
okay and step number three okay you need
back end cashflow okay you need back end
cash flow so you must have an additional
product in the back end to offer someone
some type of subscription or monthly
recurring software or some monthly
recurring additional value maybe
additional phone calls or whatever it is
that you're offering whether it's a
service a digital product a physical
product have them you know subscribe to
something okay Amazon for for instance
is an exceptional you know example of
this they have a subscribe and save
you've probably seen it before when you
purchase a right
the other product every month like if
it's you know shampoo or a household
item a cleaner household cleaner they
always offer you hey subscribe and save
you'll get this product every single
month or every two months and you'll
save 30% off the product if you want to
save since you're gonna get this product
anyways in a month or two why don't you
you know just subscribe and save right
and that secures that customer for
Amazon they know okay this customer is
subscribed they're gonna pay me every
single month no matter what okay
and that gives you additional revenue in
the backend that can you know pay you
pay your family you know pay the
advertisements for your business you
need that subscription product where
someone is paying you a monthly retainer
every single month as well okay so you
have your first product multiple upsells
and down cells and a subscription
product in the backend okay and as you
can see from my sales funnel this
particular funnel that I'm showing you
this is one of many funnels that I have
many businesses that I have this is the
monthly recurring that I'm getting
thousands of dollars every single month
hundreds of dollars over here
okay these are two different software's
that if someone you utilizes them for
their business I'm going to get a
monthly recurring commission okay so you
must have these three things if you want
to make tons of money online with your
business and provide tons of value to
your customers you must follow up with
them okay someone's not gonna buy from
you the first time they want to hear
from you multiple times build trust with
them and I guarantee they're probably
gonna spend some money with you alright
number two you must have multiple
products if you have one product you're
doing it wrong okay missing out on
thousands of dollars number three you
must have a back end product that gives
you monthly recurring Commission or
monthly recurring revenue okay
so figure out how you can add that
additional value to your business
because this is how you know this is how
the online world is going every single
website now every single big business
has this model and I've found that
funnels has helped me build this out
within my business okay because the
traditional website builder isn't going
to allow you to have up cells down cells
a back-end monthly recurring product
right but click funnels allows me to
build all these things very easily drag
and drop
you know payment processor it's already
uploaded in there just drag and drop and
I can build out a monthly recurring
product I can build out upsells down
cells very easily so if you want to
start a 14-day free trial of click
funnels I'm gonna link that down below
and also if you want to learn more about
this particular business that I use to
generate over 40,000 in 3 months then
you could watch this video right up
above okay I'm gonna link that right up
above go watch that video and I will see
you in the next one take care
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