
Sunday, March 29, 2020

Composition, Essay, paragraph,Aim in Life

Composition, Essay, paragraph,Aim in Life

Introduction : A brook wants to get its way to the sea, a ship targets to arrive at the port, a flower tree aims to blooming flowers and likely every man wants to go through a definite and a disciplined way. This way targets to meet his desire and thus advances to a certain goal for the sake of golden future. This goal is called aim in life. So, the target which a man wants to reach for fulfilling his suit is called his aim in life.

Difference of aims : A man from his very childhood keeps in his mind various colorful desires for a bright future. As dreams of individuals are different, the aim differs from one another. Usually aims mean going on to the perfection in the field of occupation. There are various occupations like Medical science, Engineering, Teacher ship, Military, Police etc.

Selection of aim : Many men many minds and hence different tastes for different persons. Man likes to dream and he wants to see his dream in reality. I also dream for an aim and this is Engineering. I want to be an Engineer in future.

Why I like it : I think that the modern civilization is the achievement of science and technology. Without technology’s no nation can make progress in accelerative manner. Our country is poor and still now it is to go a long way for its rapid overall development. I want to engage myself in the technological development of my country and hence I want to be an Engineer.

Preparation : I know it very tough to be an Engineer. It requires very brilliant students’ Ordinary students can never imagine to be Engineers. So, I have set up my mind that I will study with great concentration. I have to better in all the examination till H.S.C. I shall try my level best to prepare myself fit for Engineering education.

Dream of aim : Still now I am a high school going student. So, what I think is my dream and I want to materialize this in my future life. I want to get myself as a perfect Engineer and take my profession as an Engineer. As an Engineer I want to devote myself for the sake if my motherland.

My responsibilities : As an alert national, I know my responsibilities well. If I would be an Engineer, I am to perform a lot of duties and responsibilities. I want to make my successful in my career. I want to enlight my country with the technological utilization even in a remote village. I shall try my level best to be sincere and honest in my field. About seventy percent of total development activities of a country is used through Engineers and I want to make right use of it. My wish goes for the rapid infrastructure development of our country so that any development activities may be done nicely.

Conclusion : I pray to Almighty Allah to make me able with the genius to get myself able to be an Engineer. I am absolutely sincere to my aim and to my future responsibilities for the sake of patriotism.

Introduction : A brook wants to get its way to the sea, a ship targets to arrive at the port, a flower tree aims to blooming flowers and likely every man wants to go through a definite and a disciplined way. This way targets to meet his desire and thus advances to a certain goal for the sake of golden future. This goal is called aim in life. So, the target which a man wants to reach for fulfilling his suit is called his aim in life.

Difference of aims : A man from his very childhood keeps in his mind various colorful desires for a bright future. As dreams of individuals are different, the aim differs from one another. Usually aims mean going on to the perfection in the field of occupation. There are various occupations like Medical science, Engineering, Teacher ship, Military, Police etc.

Selection of aim : Many men many minds and hence different tastes for different persons. Man likes to dream and he wants to see his dream in reality. I also dream for an aim and this is Engineering. I want to be an Engineer in future.

Why I like it : I think that the modern civilization is the achievement of science and technology. Without technology’s no nation can make progress in accelerative manner. Our country is poor and still now it is to go a long way for its rapid overall development. I want to engage myself in the technological development of my country and hence I want to be an Engineer.

Preparation : I know it very tough to be an Engineer. It requires very brilliant students’ Ordinary students can never imagine to be Engineers. So, I have set up my mind that I will study with great concentration. I have to better in all the examination till H.S.C. I shall try my level best to prepare myself fit for Engineering education.

Dream of aim : Still now I am a high school going student. So, what I think is my dream and I want to materialize this in my future life. I want to get myself as a perfect Engineer and take my profession as an Engineer. As an Engineer I want to devote myself for the sake if my motherland.

My responsibilities : As an alert national, I know my responsibilities well. If I would be an Engineer, I am to perform a lot of duties and responsibilities. I want to make my successful in my career. I want to enlight my country with the technological utilization even in a remote village. I shall try my level best to be sincere and honest in my field. About seventy percent of total development activities of a country is used through Engineers and I want to make right use of it. My wish goes for the rapid infrastructure development of our country so that any development activities may be done nicely.

Conclusion : I pray to Almighty Allah to make me able with the genius to get myself able to be an Engineer. I am absolutely sincere to my aim and to my future responsibilities for the sake of patriotism.

Introduction : A brook wants to get its way to the sea, a ship targets to arrive at the port, a flower tree aims to blooming flowers and likely every man wants to go through a definite and a disciplined way. This way targets to meet his desire and thus advances to a certain goal for the sake of golden future. This goal is called aim in life. So, the target which a man wants to reach for fulfilling his suit is called his aim in life.

Difference of aims : A man from his very childhood keeps in his mind various colorful desires for a bright future. As dreams of individuals are different, the aim differs from one another. Usually aims mean going on to the perfection in the field of occupation. There are various occupations like Medical science, Engineering, Teacher ship, Military, Police etc.

Selection of aim : Many men many minds and hence different tastes for different persons. Man likes to dream and he wants to see his dream in reality. I also dream for an aim and this is Engineering. I want to be an Engineer in future.

Why I like it : I think that the modern civilization is the achievement of science and technology. Without technology’s no nation can make progress in accelerative manner. Our country is poor and still now it is to go a long way for its rapid overall development. I want to engage myself in the technological development of my country and hence I want to be an Engineer.

Preparation : I know it very tough to be an Engineer. It requires very brilliant students’ Ordinary students can never imagine to be Engineers. So, I have set up my mind that I will study with great concentration. I have to better in all the examination till H.S.C. I shall try my level best to prepare myself fit for Engineering education.

Dream of aim : Still now I am a high school going student. So, what I think is my dream and I want to materialize this in my future life. I want to get myself as a perfect Engineer and take my profession as an Engineer. As an Engineer I want to devote myself for the sake if my motherland.

My responsibilities : As an alert national, I know my responsibilities well. If I would be an Engineer, I am to perform a lot of duties and responsibilities. I want to make my successful in my career. I want to enlight my country with the technological utilization even in a remote village. I shall try my level best to be sincere and honest in my field. About seventy percent of total development activities of a country is used through Engineers and I want to make right use of it. My wish goes for the rapid infrastructure development of our country so that any development activities may be done nicely.

Conclusion : I pray to Almighty Allah to make me able with the genius to get myself able to be an Engineer. I am absolutely sincere to my aim and to my future responsibilities for the sake of patriotism.
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