
Wednesday, March 4, 2020



what's up YouTube back with another rari
rant I wanted to follow up on
yesterday's video on goal-setting
obviously you guys are probably a little
surprised on you know when I put my
goals out there I actually set to
achieve those goals and I crushed those
goals and I hope that you're doing the
same okay in today's video I want you to
ask yourself what do you think you
deserve out of life okay not what you
want but what you deserve
okay I'm asking you this question
because those who aren't clear on what
they deserve
out of life never get what they deserve
alright it's very important okay and
don't look at this as like a you know
obviously the things that you deserve
you put in the work for okay right if
you think you deserve a great
relationship with your partner right do
you actually spend time to communicate
with your partner if you think you
deserve a million dollars in your bank
account are you taking the necessary
actions every everyday to have a million
dollars in your bank account right so
there yet
there's a clear distinction between what
you deserve what you want and what you
think you deserve right and I want you
to be clear on what you deserve because
chances are if you're like me when you
first started out with entrepreneurship
or any type of journey to success or
self-development you deserve more than
you expect of yourself okay I when I
first got into this obviously a selfish
goal of mine is I wanted a Ferrari right
but I didn't think I deserved it when I
said to myself in the mirror every
morning I deserve a Ferrari
there was no conviction there right
until I started doing the necessary
things every single day to be able to
afford a car like this okay so when you
have when you come you know when you're
clear on what you deserve oh we need to
take out a pen and a paper right now
pencil a paper and just write down five
things that you think you deserve out of
life whether it's ID
deserve a healthy body I deserve a great
relationship with my partner I deserve
you know to travel three times a year
right whatever it is you think you
deserve I want you to write that down
and what are you doing every day to
deserve those I'd you know whatever it
is and whether it's an item it's a you
know a better relationship it's a
million dollars in your bank account
what are you doing every day to deserve
those things okay
and maybe your your you're deserving of
more maybe you say I deserve a hundred
grand in my savings account but really
you're putting in the work to deserve a
million dollars what are you what can
you be improving in your business or
your you know your sources of income to
get to a million dollars because
obviously you're putting in the work but
you're not doing things efficient enough
so get clear on what you deserve out of
life okay if there's one thing that I
can tell you it's you have to be selfish
with what you deserve out of life
because if you can't get the things you
deserve like happiness right wealth you
know good health if you can't get those
basic things that you that you deserve
it's a lot harder to go throughout
throughout life and and spread that
positive message right it's hard to
spread that positivity around you and
just attract those good things into your
life so get clear on what you deserve
obviously you know there's times in my
life where I felt like
for instance there was just when I first
got into entrepreneurship I didn't think
that I deserved a car like this it just
seemed far-fetched it seemed too good to
be true when I was little I you know I
had little collectors toy Ferraris but I
said to myself no I'm gonna settle with
a car that you know is affordable and
you know practical and and for me I
always knew down at the bottom of my
heart that I really wanted a a Ferrari
or I I wanted a job that you know was
generating passive income maybe I have
to sprint at first put in a lot of work
at first but then you know make
residuals after and you really have to
get clear on that because sometimes
you're not being honest with yourself so
when you say in the mirror and I
practice this I practice self
visualization I practice you know saying
things that I I want to put out into the
universe whether it be my goals what I
deserve in life what I expect from
people in my life right if I'm if I if I
deserve a good relationship right I also
have to be a good partner in my
relationship so to attract that energy
and it's so important in life they don't
teach you this stuff in school they
don't teach you this anywhere except for
you know self-development books or maybe
from top entrepreneurs that have written
you know reflected back on their lives
on what they deserved you know and and I
really believe in visualization and
attracting that energy into your life
because really you know when you're
going through the motions and you're
just trying to figure things out you
don't you don't think of these little
things like well what if I you know told
myself every single morning the five
things that I deserve most out of life
would that positively affirmed
in my brain that I'm gonna do those
actions to achieve those things maybe
it's just like you right when we're in
school and we have to do homework we
have to practice our you know when we're
from a young age we have to practice our
times tables and are in our math and
algebra well going home and doing the
homework and practicing obviously
affirms that you're getting that you're
understanding you know the subjects
right the same thing applies in
entrepreneurship and you know success
you have to practice the mindset to get
the things you want the mindset plus the
action so be clear on what you deserve
in life if you deserve a great
relationship if you deserve to drive a
beautiful supercar if you deserve to
have a million dollars in the bank if
you deserve to have a great you know
life of freedom that you can go travel
anytime you want you don't have to
answer to a boss then write those things
down and tell that to yourself in the
mirror every single day I know at first
it's gonna be like you're gonna say it
and maybe not sound like you have
conviction for it you can be like oh I I
deserve a sports car I deserve a sports
car no you deserve a sports car alright
so you gotta you gotta tell yourself
that every single day and and just keep
doing that and don't get tired of it
eventually over time your actions will
prove that you really deserve it okay
the world works out in the way it does
because obviously if you say you deserve
it but you're not putting in the work
you're not gonna get it right so again
hopefully this video helps hopefully it
provides a little bit of you know a
different aspect on life and unselfish
allah zation and figuring out what you
deserve out of life because this is the
one time in life where if you want to
help out your family you want to help
out your parents you want to you know
retire early you want to provide for
charities maybe start your own charity
or your own organization that helps
build schools and different countries
you have to get your own right you
have to get your own mindset right
because how can you help others if you
can't even help yourself right I can
believe in you all freaking day I could
say you know what I believe in you
Sallie I believe in you
Rick right I believe in you but it
doesn't matter what the hell I believe
or what I think you deserve it only
matters what you did what you think you
deserve no one else can decide that for
you no one can decide if you're gonna
make a million dollars no one could
decide if you're gonna you know find the
cure to cancer that's up to you that's
up to you and once you get out of your
comfort zone and start realizing that
everything you do in life is up to you
then you know you're gonna you're gonna
be continuously held back by that so
just make sure you're clear on clear on
that vision clear on that
what do you deserve out of life I know
it's a hard question ask yourself and
it's kind of deep right we don't were
not taught these things it's kind of
weird to like sit there and and write
down what you deserve out of life right
when I first did this I was like
what this is weird you know like this is
I feel like I'm a weirdo like I'm the
only person I'm only person doing this
type of stuff out of all my friends
right but once you get you know a custom
and acquainted with people that have
high levels of success you'll figure out
that they do the same weird - so
this weird must work right this
weird this weird must prove to be
valuable so just try it out try it out
see if it works for you and I will see
you in tomorrow's crypto video update
take care

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