
Monday, March 2, 2020

Earn PER HOUR Typing What You Hear! (Make Money Online For Beginners) #Best Education Page #Online Earning

Earn PER HOUR Typing What You Hear! (Make Money Online For Beginners)

in a moment I'm gonna show you exactly
how to get paid two thousand dollars
every single month
hey this Ryan hildreth before we get
started make sure to hit that subscribe
button down below this video so I can
update you on the latest ways to make
money online and if you stay until the
end of this video I'm going to show you
my number one way for making money
online that's generated just under 100
thousand dollars in six months alright
so we're here in my computer and I'm
going to show you three websites ranked
from paying the least to paying the most
on how you can make money literally
typing what you hear okay now this is
the first site that we're going to
review now the payouts on this site are
pretty good you can make up to $2,000
per month simply typing what you hear on
this website but you're gonna want to
stay until the middle of this video and
definitely the end because I'm gonna
show you two other websites that pay
even more so let's go ahead and review
this site now this is transcribed
okay now this is one of the top rated
best work from home sites so if you're
someone who wants to work from home
generate a couple extra thousand dollars
a month inside income this is the
perfect place to come and do this okay
so you know they're recommended by some
of the top sites right here the penny
hoarder calm dream home based work
Women's Day and you know tons of other
websites that approve of this site okay
now they pay they say they pay more than
anyone but I found a site that actually
pays more okay but they do have some of
the best rates with earnings starting at
$15 to $22 per audio hour okay so
there's a bunch of growth and learning
opportunities there requires no
experience or upfront investment so you
could do this start this for free today
you don't need any experience okay all
you have to do is transcribe things
they're gonna give you you know a video
right people pay for their videos to be
transcribed into English or many other
languages okay so if you speak other
languages great if you speak English
great all you have to do is type the
words that you hear okay and for every
minute you're gonna get paid on this
site anywhere from 50 cents to a dollar
okay so you're gonna make you know
fifteen to twenty two dollars per hour
and even more okay the top monthly
earnings on this site is two thousand
two hundred dollars okay average monthly
earnings are two hundred fifty now it's
all gonna depend how much time and
effort you put into this okay
so this is a great site to get started
with transcribing calm but there's two
more sites okay that pay even more and I
want to show you those so you can have
the best opportunity to make even more
money online from your phone your
computer okay
literally typing what you hear all right
so let's go ahead and review the second
site now this site is a site that I've
reviewed before it's a site that
actually pay for these types of services
and this is okay FIV er R
comm now as you see I typed
in transcription services okay
transcription and all these Services
came up this person right here charges
$5 okay $5 per and we can look $5 per 10
minutes okay so she's charging roughly
50 cents per minute and she has done
over one thousand two hundred eighty two
orders so she's generated well over five
thousand dollars just from this little
side gig right here typing what she
hears okay so what you can do is set up
a profile here on okay and
when you set up this profile I want you
to mimic a profile like this looks very
I don't copy word-for-word what this
person says but you can use this as a
template to create your own profile okay
so she has her own profile and
that works out like that there's lots of
other people you can check out over here
some charge more this is a great site
because you can charge what you'd like
if you think $10 per minute are you know
$10 per minute is something that you
want to do you could charge that some
people are charging 35 right if you go
down some people have different prices
and are charging more or less okay so
you can decide what you want to charge
now this is a great site great gig you
can definitely start making some money
with this and transcribe me but the best
site okay the number top number one site
for transcribing audio okay for typing
out what you hear is going to be
okay Reb comm is probably the best I've
spent thousands of dollars transcribing
my videos transcribing different things
that I've made and filmed okay using
this site now the transcriptionists can
make anywhere from 36 cents per minute
to 65 cents per minute a captioner can
make anywhere from forty five cents to
seventy five cents per minute so almost
a dollar per minute if you're working
you know throughout the clock right 60
minutes in an hour you can make sixty
dollars per hour now there's a special
way to make even more money with this
site now you do have to know a different
language if you want to make even more
all right so if you only speak one
language that's fine you can still make
good money doing this but if you know a
foreign language you can make anywhere
from a dollar fifty to three dollars per
minute okay so you do the math there if
you're doing you know charging $3 per
minute times 60 right that's pretty
decent money so this is probably the
best site to get started with okay they
create flexible work schedules so you
can create your own schedule choose from
hundreds of jobs okay jobs are coming in
every single minute and get paid weekly
via PayPal okay so money is coming to
your bank account right money like this
coming to your bank account every single
day okay every single week every single
month is
long as you are accepting jobs now this
is a decent way to start making income
okay this is a decent way to start
making income but there's a big problem
with these types of jobs okay there's a
very big problem with these types of
jobs and the reason the problem is
you're trading your time for dollars
okay just like a nine-to-five right you
might get tired of it you have to trade
all your time for these dollars so if
there's ever a time where you get sick
or you don't feel like doing something
like this right your income stops
alright so if you want to make money
while you sleep if you want to make
money around the clock then you have to
develop passive income and I'm going to
show you a passive income source that's
generated me just under $100,000 in six
months okay and I'm gonna let you plug
into this business right in the first
link down below this video okay so let
me just show you some of the results
from this business okay and the reason I
like this business because it generates
money while I sleep okay thirty-eight
thousand dollars here so almost forty
thousand here right thirty thousand here
that's you know well over seventy
thousand right here another almost
thirty thousand dollars so as you can
see generated just under 100 thousand
dollars in six months this is projected
to do a quarter million in one year okay
and I'm gonna let you plug into this
business in the first link in the
description this business RT is proven
and works okay it converts at almost a
five percent conversion rate so let's
just round up and say that out of every
100 people you send to this business
five are going to purchase okay and each
purchase is about sixty dollars worth
about sixty dollars okay and each click
is worth almost $2 just four people
clicking you're gonna earn you know I'm
earning a dollar eighty two cents
alright and I show you in the training
exactly how to get free traffic free 100
people every single day clicking so that
four to five people purchase I show you
that down
below this video in the description that
first link I'm going to show you how to
do that okay so maybe you're like me
okay maybe this is you maybe you're in a
similar position this was me when I was
working a nine-to-five job okay the job
that was paying the minimum wage I was
making $10 an hour to not even flip
burgers but to wash dishes and hadn't
hand out milkshakes okay and I knew that
if I was gonna trade my time four
dollars for the rest of my life I would
never be financially free I would never
be able to do the amazing things that I
wanted okay and maybe you can relate to
that maybe you have a boss breathing
over your shoulder maybe you have to
call out sick just to take a vacation or
you have to ask for time off right or
maybe you just want to make extra income
to replace your current income so that
you can do whatever you'd like with your
time right this is me after building
this business okay building businesses
online that generate passive income I
have multiple businesses online this is
just one of many okay and I'm able to
drive my dream car as you see I have you
know a quarter-million dollar vehicle my
wife and I we take you know drives on
the weekend to nice places and we do
amazing things okay now maybe you're not
someone who likes all the fancy stuff
you don't even want fancy stuff you just
want to be able to have more time with
family and travel okay this is my wife
and I we traveled the world okay we once
say that the nicest hotels this was a
hotel in Hawaii okay with an infinity
pool right by the beach and we didn't
have to worry about working because we
had passive income paying for this trip
we were earning while we were sitting by
the pool I looked at my phone and I was
making literally $1,000 a day sitting by
the pool okay because I generated
passive income streams that's why all
the the transcription jobs I just showed
you those are great to get started but
they're not great to retire from okay
you can't replace a nine-to-five income
you can't you know have passive income
if you're trading your time for money
okay so again if you want amazing things
maybe you want to just travel maybe you
just want freedom from the nine-to-five
you don't want a boss breathing over
you just want nice things maybe you like
cars maybe you like you know fancy
watches or whatever right it's your
choice if you're making the money if
you're making the passive income you can
do whatever you'd like with it okay no
one is telling you you can but you do
have to start now if you don't build a
passive income stream if you don't click
the first link in the description then
you're gonna continue to watch videos
you know showing you how to make five
extra dollars 15 extra dollars per hour
when you could be making a thousand
dollars per hour okay it's very possible
I was making minimum and I didn't think
that it was possible to make a thousand
dollars in a day or ten thousand dollars
in a day and once it happened that's
when my mind shifted okay so I want you
to have these same shifts these paradigm
shifts as me and I want you to be able
to experience the good life so again if
you enjoyed this video give it a thumbs
up and go ahead and click over to this
video because I'm gonna show you a skill
set that you can get paid thousands of
dollars for okay using just running ads
for businesses okay so go ahead and
click that video and I'll see you in the
next one
take care

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