
Thursday, March 26, 2020

Exactly How I Make Over $20,000 Per Month Online (With Income Report) #Best Education Page #Online Earning

Exactly How I Make Over $20,000 Per Month Online (With Income Report)

hey how's it going this is Josh elder
from Josh elder calm and in this video
I'm going to show you how I've been able
to make a consistent twenty thousand
dollars per month over the course the
past nine months I'm actually going to
break it down for you in detail exactly
how I did this not just in this video
but in future videos in this video I'm
going to give you kind of an overview
and then in later videos I'm gonna break
down in detail step-by-step exactly the
actions I took what I did daily the
routine that I had to kind of get to
where I'm at today so make sure you stay
tuned in this video what I want to cover
is really my story that led me up into
the until this point now when I was 18
years old I was kind of trying to find
my way I was obviously making the
decision of whether to go to college or
whether to start my own business because
I was introduced to network marketing
and the ability to you know build a big
strong downline and make residual income
and just enjoy life and freedom and work
roughly a couple hours a day well when I
tried network marketing back in 2006 it
didn't really work out the way that I
had planned you know they made me think
that all I to do was get a few people in
and those people had to get a few people
in and then those people had to get a
few people in a hundred levels down and
I'd be sipping pina coladas out of
coconuts on the beach in the Caribbean
well it didn't exactly work out like
that I actually failed in my first
entrepreneurial venture back in 2006 but
I was still hungry
I started just understanding that
there's actually a better way to build a
life there's better way to make it
income although I didn't see that happen
for me I was seeing so many case studies
of other people having massive success
it instilled a belief in me that it was
actually possible for me so that's when
I got online I started doing some
research I decided to go to college
because I didn't know what I wanted to
do at that point so in the meantime I
figured worst-case scenario if this
online thing doesn't work out or this
network marketing thing doesn't work out
then I can you know obviously
fall back on school and I'll fall back
on a business degree so I was going to
college I was jumping online I was doing
a lot of research and if any of you know
there's a fire hose of information out
there there's so many different people
protein promoting different products and
different ways to to build a business
online and make money and so I just
started buying stuff right I jumped in
head first bought my first product I
think it was right around a six hundred
dollar product and then you know the
next couple weeks went by and that
product was left on the hard drive
didn't really go through much of it
because I was buying into a lot of the
marketing hey if you buy my stuff if you
buy into my program you're gonna make
money overnight and so you know I was
buying a lot of these marketing messages
you know one would say hey make money in
a week and I'd like that sounds cool and
then another one would say hey make
money in a day and then another one and
say make money in the next two hours and
so I was looking for this quick fix and
I did that for so long because that's
what the marketing told me and so I was
very gullible to believe that I saw ice
just started buying a bunch of different
products and that continued for years
and years and years I would get sick and
tired of my job which when I was 21
years old actually made the decision
finally to drop out of college get a job
at a jewelry store and build this online
business part-time and use the money
that I made from this jewelry gig to
fund my internet business well I
actually started getting promotions at
my job and one promotion led to another
which led to more hours which led to
less time of me actually focusing on my
dream so I found myself in the cycle of
getting upset with maybe a bad day that
I had at my job maybe we didn't hit
cells numbers or maybe my co-workers
were giving me grief were frustrating me
and I would come back home I jump on the
computer and I'd start learning how to
market online and I was like a hamster
on a wheel where I would start
implementing some things and then things
would go well and my my my day job and I
would focus less on my business and so I
really had one
in and one foot out when it came to you
know this dream of being an entrepreneur
well what I found myself doing was I
kept coming across these products on how
to rank websites at the top of Google's
search engine which is basically called
SEO search engine optimization and you'd
basically create websites around these
little keyword phrases and then rank for
those keyword phrases at the top of
Google so for example if you know I had
a website that was how to lose ten
pounds in two weeks to net of course
it's not around anymore because this was
roughly you know two or three years ago
but what I would do is I would create a
website around that specific key phrase
right I'd use a tool called the Google
Keyword planner you probably heard me
talk about this before it would actually
tell me the demand of the keyword that I
was looking to rank for so what a lot of
people have a tendency to do is they
won't ask the market what it wants they
will just think what the market wants
based off of their own beliefs and their
own values so that's one lesson that I
learned is give the market what it wants
don't try and give the market what you
think it wants and so I would use these
Google this you Google Keyword tool and
it would tell me exactly how many times
somebody would be typing in any given
phrase into Google at any given time
whether it was how to lose belly fat how
to lose 10 pounds in two weeks how to
gain more muscle how to build more
confidence how to have more freedom how
to make money right there was different
variations of all these different
keywords that people would type in and
then this keyword tool would tell me
exactly how many times a month somebody
would type in any given phrase into
Google and so what I would do is I would
build these little pieces of virtual
real estate around these key phrases
like how to build muscle how to gain 10
pounds of muscle in two weeks how to
lose ten pounds of fat in two weeks how
to make money online right these
different keyword phrases I would create
websites around these specific phrases
ranked in the top of a
Duggal and the way that I would monetize
them or make money from them was through
the Adsense program and so what would
happen was when I would rank my website
the top I place a little pixel little
code on my website and that would tell
Google that I was advertising through
their network and they'd place an ad on
my website so every time somebody would
click that ad I'd actually make money
from it and Google would pay me
obviously money and then the advertiser
would be paying Google and then Google
would also get a cut of that money so I
started having some success right I was
making like 10 bucks a week with one
website and I'm like I just have a
hundred of these websites I'd be able to
quit my job and so I went to work at it
so April 2012 I actually had about 80
websites ranking in Google search engine
and I lost my rankings completely
overnight and I woke up went to the
jewelry store checked my earnings on my
mobile phone and I noticed that I had no
income coming in and that told me there
was something wrong started trying to
search for my my websites in Google and
I've literally lost all my rankings so
it was back to the drawing board I still
didn't quit right that's what I really
got serious about my business and said
hey this thing works I can make money
online I'm just got to be willing to put
in the work so I asked myself again
there's got to be an easier way to do
this and that's when I came across
YouTube and the concept of YouTube
marketing so I took everything that I
knew from SEO and ranking websites I
applied that to ranking videos and I
started creating videos around specific
keyword terms and I would separate all
these videos into different channels too
as well so if you're looking at this
channel at the time of the creation this
video I don't have a whole lot of
subscribers I have right around probably
1,100 or so subscribers but the way that
I built my channel up was I wouldn't
just have one channel I had many
different channels that targeted one
specific key
phrase and then I would optimize my
video for that keyword phrase and I
would rank it at the top of YouTube
using on-page and off-page SEO which is
basically what you know you may say in
the video what's in the title of the
video what's in the channel name of the
video what's in the description of the
video and what's in the tags of the
video so I would optimize my video on my
channel based around one specific
keyword and I would rank my videos
fairly quickly for different keyword
terms on different subjects so that's
basically what led me up to this point
today is literally for the past two and
a half years I've been creating videos
around different subjects spending about
20 to 30 minutes a day shooting videos
just like these I'm structuring them
around specific terms that people are
typing in and then monetizing those
videos through affiliate marketing and
actually putting links in the
description of my videos not from Google
Adsense not from sponsorships not from
my own product but from selling other
people's products and that's exactly
what I'm gonna break down to you in
upcoming videos I'm gonna show you
exactly what you need to do how to
structure your videos what you need to
say in your videos how to monetize your
videos the programs the products that
you sell to be able to earn the income
that I'm earning and because of this
I've been able to obviously purchase a
brand new BMW 650 2016 it's a six-figure
car been able to have that paid for by
the the company that I'm affiliated with
and by hitting a specific monthly
commission for three months in a row so
as you can see here the screenshot I
have been hitting consistently over the
past nine months I've been making twenty
thousand dollars per month and almost as
much as forty thousand dollars in one
single month just leveraging the power
of YouTube and using SEO principles and
working roughly 20 to 30 minutes a day
and I'm excited to lay out this formula
you guys I want to show you guys this is
possible so if you didn't understand any
of what I said in this video if you're
computer illiterate if you don't you
know know how to turn your computer on
if you don't know how to write an email
I'm actually going to break down for you
how normal everyday average people have
been able to plug into the same process
and create financial abundance and
prosperity in their lives just by
implementing this formula part-time so
it's something I'm really excited to
show you I'm excited to reveal this to
you wanted to give you this little
teaser video to get you excited to show
you that this is real to show you that
I'm really doing it and that it's not
about fluff and filler and selling a
lifestyle but showing you a specific
formula that you can follow and you can
implement in your life in a business if
you have a business that you're
promoting already if you're an
entrepreneur if you're a normal everyday
person blue collar white collar I'm
going to show you how you can use this
formula to create massive success in
your business and in your life so if you
want a little bit more info there will
be a link below in the description but
most importantly if you've got some
value from this video please like it
comment subscribe share it with somebody
that can get some value from it and I
look forward to seeing you in the next
where I'm going to break down this
process for you in more detail

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